Borrowing Is Stealing, Hyunjin

If The Glove Fits... Or Doesn't
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“Hyunjin- you can’t do things like this.”


“Things like what?”


“‘Borrowing’ from the lost and found is called stealing.”


“Calm down.  I’m gonna give them back.”


“Yeah right.”


“Get off my back will you, Chaewon? I’m trying not to have my fingers freeze off in practice.  It’s hella windy today.”


Chaewon had to dodge the various hats, scarfs, books, and jewelry that flew past her as Hyunjin dug deeper into the box.


“How the hell aren’t there any gloves in here,” Hyunjin’s voice was muffled in the box but you could hear the frustration, “don’t people lose those more than any other thing?”


Chaewon shook her head, “Maybe everyone knew there was a thief among us and decided to be extra careful about their stuff.”


Hyunjin’s head popped out of the box, her hair messy from her head being in an awkward position for so long.  Chaewon crossed her arms.


“Gloves can be precious you know.”


“Then why would they lose them?”


“I still think this is wrong-”


“Then why don’t you report me?” Hyunjin huffed a strand of hair out of her face, giving Chaewon an aggressive glare before digging through the box some more.


“Fine.  Maybe I will-”




Hyunjin sprung upwards, her hair whipping behind her as she raised up a pair of maroon leather gloves.


Chaewon rolled her eyes but nevertheless took a closer look as Hyunjin walked closer.


The gloves weren’t brand new but they were beautiful: a dark maroon color was broken up by the soft leather texture.  The seams were sewn with a hot pink thread that surprisingly worked with the deeper colors of the glove.


Chaewon and Hyunjin stared at them for a bit before speaking.


“Those look expensive, Hyun.”


“It’s okay, it’s not like I’m gonna take them for good.”


“Look for some other ones-”


“Hell no, Chae.  I’ve been digging through that smelly box for like ten minutes. I’m not going back.”






“Oh - the bell.  Gotta go to practice- see ya, Chae!!”


Before Chaewon could finish what she was gonna say, the tall girl was already all the way across the hall, sprinting to the locker rooms.


“Why do I have such a bad feeling about this…” Chaewon sighed as she grabbed her bag and walked to the library.




“Yah- Hyunjin.  Why are you so late?”


Hyunjin’s chest heaved as she put her hands on her knees to rest.


“Sorry, Jinsoul unnie, I was trying to find some gloves. I forgot mine at home.”


Hyunjin dug out the freshly “borrowed” gloves from her pocket, showing them to the tall blonde captain.


Jinsoul smirked, “Okay, fine.  But put them on already, we’re waiting for you on the field.”


“I’ll be right there.”  Hyunjin said, getting her change of clothes out of her locker.


When Jinsoul left the room, Hyunjin quickly got into her practice outfit and put on her cleats.


As she left she took out the gloves, sliding them on her hand as she walked out the door-






Hyunjin looked down and almost screamed in horror.


Her big hand completely busted through the tiny glove, leaving nothing intact but the part covering the wrist.


“Oh - how could I not check if they fit or not first?” Hyunjin ruffled her hair, “Chaewon’s gonna kill me...”



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Chapter 1: Awwee still waiting for the updates
Chapter 1: It would be great if Heejin turnos out that It's anothrr loser too. But whenever she is It would be great. Good chapter!!!
JustAFan134 #3
Chapter 1: I can't wait for the next chapter. you know at first I thought 2jin was my top ship of Loona now they're a close second with hyewon on the rise?
Btannisa #4
Chapter 1: I always love Gowon in this 'character', cant wait for Hyewon and 2jin moments~
Chapter 1: chaewon makes me laugh
and I'm feeling heejin is the kind of spoiled girl that will make poor hyunjin's life hell
i always enjoy gowon and hyunjin dynamics so i'm happy about this one. now im excited for more hyewon and 2jin content :D
nonadno #7
Chapter 1: I love this already