chapter 03

Here We Go Again


After their lectures end for the day, Momo decided to find the two high school girls from earlier this morning. With Nayeon as the driver, the three of them along with Sana spent hours driving around the gas station and the nearest high school just to look for the girls. It might come to a question that despite already being too tired like when they should be laying on their beds or taking warmth bath- that’s what Sana originally planned to, why on Earth are these three girls willing to take their time and energy to find the girls?

The thing about these three girls is that they are openly gay. They always get what they want including girls. To them, it’s like a competition; whoever get the girl is a winner, thus gain more respect. It sounded stupid, yes- but that’s just how their circles work, they’ve been living with big titles that it turns into a daily habit. However though, their competition never get too feisty because their friendship always wins over anything. Needless to say, the three of them are the most flirtatious girls in college which can be dangerous for those who doesn’t want to fall in love with them. But who wouldn’t fall for them? The three of them are gorgeous and moreover seductive, you bet anyone can fall for them. They even got nicknames around the college; they are called the Succubus. Pretty offensive, but somehow the name suited their flirtatious abilities. Now it make sense why they would go all out to search for the cute high school girls.


Many hours passed by, it was already getting dark. Dahyun’s soccer practice finishes quite late today. The sun has already set, the moon is slowly taking over the sky. When Dahyun and Chaeyoung were about to leave their school, they got stopped by a white car in front of the gate entrance. Confusion look on their face when the car did not move from the spot to give them ways. Perhaps they need to cycle around the car since the car isn’t moving, that was on their minds but not until when a tall girl suddenly came out of the car. Her hair is dark and long, she has a fringe front hair.  


“Hello girls.” She smiled at them. “Good evening.” She move closer towards the high school girls.


“H-hi.” Dahyun stuttered. Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows at Dahyun. Why is she stuttering for? She thought in her head.


“Oh, I know you. You’re the one staring at us from the store this morning.” Chaeyoung stated. Chaeyoung is definitely bolder than Dahyun, that’s for sure.


Momo was taken aback that her eyes widened, “I-well… yeah, that’s right.” She giggled shyly while rubbing the back of her neck.


She’s kinda cute, Dahyun blushed at her own thought.


“Thought so.” Chaeyoung responded. “So what brought you here?” She asked.


Man, she sure got a big courage for someone with a small body, Momo thought inside her head. She find it both charming and annoying at the same time.


Before Momo could say anything weird, another girl got out from the back seat of the car. This time, it was Sana. She is about the same height as Momo when she stand next to her.


“Hey, aren’t you girls from the store this morning?” Sana asked enthusiastically. Dahyun was astonished by the blondie’s gleaming face that she suddenly become very unresponsive.


Chaeyoung nodded, “Yeah we are.” She answered while looking briefly at her frozen friend beside her.


“Great! Then you guys aren’t really strangers.” Sana beamed again.


“You see, me and my friends are having trouble to find a restaurant to eat. So I was wondering if you guys have any recommendation like pizza place or something.” Sana explained. As expected, she is really good at being spontaneous. This is just her first step to start her flirting skills. Chaeyoung suddenly become quiet as she is getting more suspicious at the coincidence.


Dahyun felt the need to answer the blondie’s question, so she unfrozen herself and gulped hard. “Well, we’re actually about to grab ice cream and there is a place just next to it that offer pizza.”


Bingo, Sana sneered secretly.


“Awesome! Can you show us the place?” Sana asked with a sparkly eyes.


“S-sure.” Dahyun answered. She glance at Chaeyoung who is giving her a look. Maybe Chaeyoung is just being paranoid around the college girls, she personally think they look cunning. But knowing how kind-hearted Dahyun is, she knew it’s Dahyun’s nature to help people so she leave her negative thoughts aside.


“Cool. Then why don’t you girls lock your bike somewhere and join us in the car? It is dark after all, don’t you think it’s much safer to use car?” Sana made a point.


“We’re fine with our bicycles. We’re used to it.” Chaeyoung replied.


“But Chaeng, she’s right. It’s not safe at night.” Dahyun is obviously convinced by Sana.


“Yeah, it’s not good for the bike.” Momo butted in.


“Exactly! And we’re all girls, we’re just taking care of each other.” Sana said again with a smile. Momo nodded beside her. Even she is surprised by how convincing Sana could be.


“Alright. If you say so.” Chaeyoung finally agreed. They have decided to take their bikes with them in the back trunk.


When the two high school girls get inside the car, Nayeon already knew what was going on based on the conversation that Sana took from a phone-call a while ago. So everything went naturally like it was already planned ahead. How intelligent yet cunning of Sana to have those ideas.


“Um,” Dahyun blushed as she sit in the middle between Sana and Chaeyoung. “Can I sit by the end instead? I probably still smell after sweating.”


“Nonsense, you smell fine.” Sana reassured her. She was telling the truth. Despite being sweaty after the practice, Dahyun didn’t smell bad at all especially now that she have changed to a new shirt- a white shirt with an Iron Man on it.


Nayeon started driving, unblocking the school gate and took the big road. Everyone went silent for a moment until the driver start asking questions, leading the conversation with Dahyun who is answering to her.


“So what year are you girls in?” This is Nayeon’s first question. It is a crucial question because the younger they are, the least they can flirt with them unless if they want to be in jail which is a no without a doubt.


“We’re a sophomore.” Dahyun answered.


“So you’re like 17 years old?” Sana asked out of curiosity.


Dahyun nodded beside her. “But I’ve already turned 18.”


“I see.” Sana smiled in satisfaction.


“What about you girls?” Chaeyoung asked this time.


“We’re a second year college.” Momo answered her question.


“And that makes you…” Chaeyoung wanted to know their age as well.


“22 years old.” Sana replied on behalf of Momo, who is most likely to take years to answer a simple maths.


After the introduction and small talks, they had stopped conversing and Dahyun started directing the ways to the said destination. It didn’t take them long to arrived. The restaurant is not too crowded so it is easy for Nayeon to get a parking nearby. Next to the restaurant is the Laburi’s Ice Cream, the place Dahyun and Chaeyoung wanted to go to.


“I think you girls should join us for dinner as a gratitude.” Nayeon said when the two high schoolers were busy taking out their bikes from the trunk.


“Yeah, I was thinking the same too.” Sana agreed. Momo only nodded as a respond.


“Oh, it’s fine. You guys help us to come here too so it’s a win-win situation for us.” Chaeyoung told, giving them her smile of appreciation. Oh she can smile after all, Momo sneered at her own thought as she think that the short-haired girl is adorable when she smiled. Maybe it was after the car conversation that Chaeyoung finally find them less suspicious- and less annoying.


“Come on. Your friend just finished her soccer practice. She must’ve been really hungry. Just ice cream won’t be enough.” Sana is being persuasive again.


“Yeah totally. You need to eat something else before dessert, that’s how you eat properly.” Momo added.


Dahyun and Chaeyoung looked at each other before smiling to them. “Alright.” They both said in sync.


Therefore, they all had their dinner together- free dinner in fact because it’s Nayeon’s treat. They enjoyed each other’s company just as much as they enjoy every slice of the pizza. Their conversation got bigger and flow into different topics, they had fun talking and sharing their stories that it seems like they had gotten closer in just a day.

Dahyun personally like talking to Sana because of their matched sense of humour. They even joked about the store incident, the part where Dahyun was staring at Sana from a distant. In Dahyun’s defense, she told her she was just staring into space and unconsciously staring at her- but God knows the truth. Sana could be very outgoing at times that it often made Dahyun blushed by her bold pick up lines, but Dahyun think she’s funny that way. Poor Dahyun, she has no idea that she is being flirt with.

Nayeon is slowly taking interest in getting to know Dahyun too. Dahyun is really good with keeping the conversation flow, so she find her rather entertaining by her sociable skills.


“I think you’re really amazing. You are smart and athletic, basically you have both the brain and the strength.” Nayeon complimented. This made Dahyun’s cheek turned red.


“Thanks.” She smiled shyly.


“When is your tournament? I want to come to watch.” Nayeon said. She really is trying so hard to capture the girl’s heart.


“You do? Wow, that’s so cool of you.” Dahyun said enthusiastically.


“Yeah, I’m actually a fan of soccer.” Nayeon told.


At this rate, Sana is glaring at them with an annoyed look on her face. She shook her head and snickered at the scene. Dahyun is sitting between them when she noticed Sana suddenly become quiet.


“Are you okay?” She asked her.


“Yeah. I just need to go to the restroom for a bit.” Sana answered.


“Oh, d-do you want me to accompany you?” Dahyun offered. Wait, she’s not a kid. She doesn’t need to be accompanied, Dahyun thought inside of her head. “I mean, only if you want me to. It’s not that you need to or-”


“Yes Dahyun.” Sana took the offer.


“Oh, okay.” Dahyun excused herself from the others and leave the table with Sana.


Dahyun followed Sana to the girl’s restroom. No one beside them is in there. When they were fronting the mirror, Dahyun realized that she look like a kid beside the older girl. Her Iron Man shirt is only making her feel worse about herself, she sighed in disappointment.

Then she secretly glance at Sana who is wearing a blue blouse with white cropped jeans. She look so beautiful, elegant and adult-like that it mesmerized the younger girl. Sana is applying her lip tint, pressing her lips together after putting some colour on her luscious lips. Dahyun didn’t realise that she was staring at Sana’s lip for too long because she did not hear her calling her name at the first time.


“Yes?” She finally said while widening her eyes.


“I said, that’s a cute shirt you have.” Sana giggled. At first, Dahyun thought the girl was just trying to make fun of her, but then her smile she gave her is genuine like she meant what she said.


“Oh, thanks. But it’s quite childish though.” Dahyun chuckled in embarrassment.


“No it isn’t.” Sana put her lip tint back inside her purse and turn her head to Dahyun. “You look cute, Dahyun.”


Sana’s compliment made the younger girl to become speechless. It made her cheek slowly burned to red while her lip quivered as it doesn’t know how to respond to it verbally. What is this odd feeling I have in my chest? Dahyun thought as she can feel heart is wavering.


“T-thanks.” The only word Dahyun can think of at that moment. It’s not that she is not used to being compliment- heck, she is always showered with praises in her school. However, it feels different when the older girl did. Maybe it’s the way she said it, the tone and expression she used is a bit alluring.


“So anyway, what do you think of Nayeon?” Sana suddenly throw a question after complimenting. She is currently fixing her fake lashes in the mirror.


Despite the hasty question, Dahyun is able to answer it easily. “I think she is really kind and friendly. She talks a lot, but everything she said seems to make sense.”


“I see.” The older girl simpered.


Sana turned her face to Dahyun again. Only this time, she started approaching the latter. Slowly yet tempting, she slid her hand on the sink to move closer to Dahyun. She stopped when their distance is only an inch away from each other’s nose. Close, Dahyun think Sana is being too close to her that she begin to lose her composure.


“Then what do you think of me?” Sana asked with a smirk- a mischievous one. Great, now I can’t move or think. Dahyun froze once again, now her lips is completely ice sealed and her mind is shut.


Dahyun found herself lost in Sana’s starry eyes; hazel brown and sparkly, Dahyun noticed. With her seductive grin, Sana made the younger girl’s heart to beat faster than the regular rhythm. is too close that Dahyun can smell the cherry flavour from her lip tint. Of course Dahyun is weirded out by the other girl’s action. She can feel her legs are trembling despite being stationary. This is where Dahyun begin to questioned herself especially her own uality.

Dahyun is quite reserved around older girls. In other words, she is shy around them. At first she thought it was just because of the age different, then she begin to realize that she only acted that way specifically to older female. That’s when she knew that she might have develop feelings for them because of how they made her feel nervous yet excited just being around them. Back in the middle school, she had her first crush on a senior high school girl named Myoui Mina. But during that time, she thought she only admire her. Then she begin to like few other girls and that’s when she decided herself to be a biual as she still like boys at the same time. She even had a boyfriend once, but it only last for a month during her last year in middle school.

It’s difficult for Dahyun to be a closet biual because she doesn’t know if she wanted to like girls or to like boys. What’s worse is that, she have no one to share this problem with. Not even her childhood best friend, Chaeyoung. She doesn’t know about this secret because Dahyun have been keeping it away from her. It’s not that Dahyun doesn’t trust her, it’s just that she isn’t sure of herself too; it’s something that she need to figure out first. Part of her is also scared that Chaeyoung might view her differently if she told her about her uality. So she think it’s better to keep it that way.

So obviously, Dahyun can’t tell her best friend about this situation she’s currently in- this restless situation where Sana is making her feel anxious.


“I-I think you are friendly too.” Dahyun stammered, shutting her eyes off as if she could magically disappear right in front of Sana.


Sana smile-smirked before her lower lip. Her eyes is focused on Dahyun’s mouth. Dahyun peeked quickly and eventually open her eyes again to observe Sana’s red cherry lip.


“You know, I’m not the type to only get friendly.” Sana told while gently grabbing Dahyun from her waist, closing the gap between their body.


Dahyun start sweating again, gulping the big lump on . Her face is still red and her eyes are shaking. The strong tension between them made her mind going wild and her heart unsettled. Right now, Dahyun really wish she could turn invisible. She had know idea how to respond to this sudden physical contact, but she knew she had to do something.


She bit her lip, still indecisive with her thoughts.


I can’t believe what I’m about to do.


She grasp fist on both of her hands.


Just do it!

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wow look at all these dust! it's been sooooo long, phew. but guess what? CHAPTER 10 IS UPDATED!! thank you for the wait!! I owe you guys big apologies for not updating for the couple of months TwT ❤️


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Chapter 11: still waiting for you to come back (ಡ᎔ಡ)
Mineminer92 #2
Chapter 11: These rascals! Playing with their own hearts 😅💞 Can’t wait to see what will happen close to the party and how Nayeon and Sana’s talk will turn out!
Wolfdemongod8 #3
Chapter 11: Just found this and I'm loving it please update soon
Chapter 11: Niceeee!! Can't wait to you're next update... i hopefully you will update soon Author-nim. ?
Chapter 11: Dun dun duuuuunnn.... :)))
Chapter 9: I can see why most people get attracted to the "bad boy/girl" type. They make you do things you're not supposed to do, they take you out of your comfort zone and it is wonderfully exhilarating. Don't play too rough though Sana-chan. You already got our little Dubu wrapped. :D
Dannahlyn #7
Chapter 11: ❤️
Asianfanficreader1 #8
Chapter 11: D:
15 streak #9
Chapter 10: Cute
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Chapter 10: awwwww soft