It's easy to see...

I'll love u, even if I become a STAR



Haruna’s POV



That’s right. Keito used to get scared by the lamest haunted houses. When Keiko, who can sense spirits, told us ghost stories, he’d break down in tears.

More than anything else…. he was terrified of GHOSTS.




-Keito’s house-



“C’mon” I yelled at the scared Keito who is under his blankets “How long are you gonna stay like that?”



“But I’m scared!”



I snapped with anger



“What’s with you?” I asked, “Your lost love has returned from the dead for you!” I continued, “You should be overcome with emotion! The good kind!”



“EEK!” is all I can hear from him



I sighed



“Forgive me, Haruna!”






“I’m sorry I wouldn’t go to horror movies with you!” He said, “I’m sorry I changed channels in the middle of your favourite scary shows” He continued, “And all those times I freaked out at haunted houses and stuff…I’m sorry!”



“What the heck are you talking about?!” is all I can say.



“Aren’t you here to haunt me because you’re ticked off at me?”



Haunt YOU?!! WTF?



“THAT’S RIGHT” I face-palmed myself but decided to scare him “I’m here to HAUNT you! And Scare the out of YOU!” I said while scaring him to death






AS if, You dope!!



“I came back to see you!” I confirmed





-At school-



“Just what does that idiot think I’m here for?” I asked Keiko



“A grudge?” She answered



“NO WAY!” I shot back “If I hated him, why would I go out with him for a year? Huh?”



“That’s a good point” Keiko answered “But can you apparate somewhere more PRIVATE?” She insisted, “People will think I’m talking to myself”



“It’s not my fault you and Keito are the only ones who can see me!” I said freaking out. >.<






One year ago … since I had no chance meeting any guys at my all-girl high school, my best friend’s (Keiko) boyfriend’s (Yuto) friend, Keito and I were set up.



It was love at first sight for both of us. Then, we started going out right away.





Date #1


-Exit at a horror booth-


“You pulled your back out screaming?” I told him “How does that even happen?”



Random Night



He called me






“I can’t sleep, I just keep thinking about the story of Keiko’s” He begged “Can you talk to me until I doze off?”



“HUH?!”  I shouted, but did it anyway



Date #2





“…If you hate carrots, you can build up a tolerance by slicing them up and grating them into things” He informed



I face-palmed “Yeah… But you can’t grate ghosts, you know”







“There’s just nothing I can do about it” I said taking a sip on my juice



“Don’t worry!” He said as he tapped me “I’ll be great in every other way… Please don’t DUMP me!”



I was shocked but I smiled at him.



End of Flashback*


It’s easy to see…why I thought he was cute.




-In class-



“Woo!” I growled as I went under his table and grabbed him by the hands while he’s writing. Only showing half of my face.



“GyaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAH!!!”  He screamed







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kaze27 #1 was so touching :))
I felt like crying :'(
no__im_asian #2
Yoshida_Sayuri #3
Please update more! I wanna see Yukari being rejected!!
kaze27 #4
Grrrr!! I officially hate yukari!!>:(
sakura14cherryable #5
arigato minna !!
ne, i was thinking of a twist . any suggestions?
i haven't finished it haha. *nervous*
no__im_asian #6
Dis Yukari chick needs to back up.
His girlfriend Just died and she's already putting the moves on him! It's like she was just waiting for it.
Great story, update soon^ ^
no__im_asian #8
sakura14cherryable #9
ahahahah.. do u find it funny?? i can't really tell *sigh*
please read it until the end..
no__im_asian #10