Chapter T-H-R-E-E

Hey Stupid!
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The morning greets me a bit awkwardly But it doesn’t look that bad Could you begin our strange love If you want me Let’s make every morning always sweet together   When our hearts touch What are you thinking about I’ve fallen for you uh uh I’ve fallen for you yeah When our hearts touch What are you thinking about I’ve fallen for you uh uh I’ve fallen for you yeah   If you want to hold me, tell me If you want to entermy door, smile at me Palm to palm, to the point of my heart bursting Eyes locked, hands locked





"What are you doing here?" Joohyun frown when Seungwan face greeted her through the front door of her apartment that Saturday night. This past few weeks after that encounter in the school rooftop, something shifted between their friendship. And mind you, it's not what you think it is. The fact that up until now there is still no progress with their plan to get the girl of her dream, Seungwan seems to be behaving rather suspicious nowadays. First, she's been overly sweet to the point that she even offered to pick Joohyun up from school to her house and vice versa. Second, the intense staring. There are times that they were sitting side by side doing their group study wherein she would catch the other girl's hard stare at the side of her head. She even asked her once if she have something on her face but the other girl will only give her a shake of a head and a small smile before she turn her attention back to her book. And the last one, she always happens to be on the same vicinity wherever Joohyun go. Coincidence? She had convince herself with that reasoning at first. However, when it happens more than twice. She started to become suspicious. You want proof? Just take this encounter as your receipt. Should she feel happy about this? Not at all. The reason? Because this is not the Seungwan she knew. And it made her think. What could be the possible reason for her to act like this? At least, to give her a hint because this is giving her a sudden headache. "I will say this and will never get tired of saying this. She is definitely jealous, unnie" She remember Joy tried to reasoned out one time when she told the two satan about Seungwan's suspicious behavior. She will be lying when she says it didn't warm her heart and makes her inside melt because it surely did. Just by the mere thought of Seungwan being jealous makes her felt giddy. However, she can't just assume things right, especially if there is no proof at all. "How can you be so sure, Joy unnie? I mean, how can you be so sure that she's acting like this because she's jealous of Seulgi and Joohyun unnie's relationship and not because she's just being protective of Joohyun unnie knowing that she's dating the notorious campus casanova?" She couldn't argue with that, right? I mean when it comes to logical reasoning, Yeri might really have a point. "You know what, I don't understand you. Why are you always contradicting my opinion? Do you really want to help your sister or no?" Joy pointed an accuse finger at her friend, which the youngest only countered with her infamous eye roll. "I'm here to help. You are just being dramatic" "I'm a what?" When the two started with their usual bantering, Joohyun choose to zone them out. However, the thought of Seungwan and her sister's word never left her mind throughout that day. The rational part of her wanted to believe with what Yeri said, but there is still a small part at the back of her mind who wish for it to be the opposite. Atleast that would give her hope. "It's Saturday, Joohyun" "And?" Seungwan grin, "It's our movie date, remember?" she say in her most cheerful voice before she practically invited herself inside, giving Joohyun no chance to stop her. The brunette could only sigh helplessly as she close the door and trail behind the excited girl. "Uhm, what is she doing here?" A gasp coming from no other than Seungwan prompted Joohyun to lift her gaze towards the direction of the living room. The other girl has a surprise look on her face, head turning back and forth from Joohyun to the person sitting on the sofa looking up to her with those charming and innocent mono-lids eyes of her. Joohyun breath out before she walk passed by her shock friend towards the sofa, casually taking the empty spot next to the confuse Seulgi. "We're having a movie date before you literally barge into my apartment," It was actually a lie. Because the real reason why Kang Seulgi is in her apartment because they were going to practice their fake relationship. It was actually a suggestion from the two satan, despite Joohyun's argument that she wasn't in a mood to do anything because obviously, Saturday night means lounging around and doing nothing. Joohyun couldn't help the deep frown from showing on her face when she remembers it and now, Seungwan has to come into the scene. Great, talking about some ME time. Everyone just freely barging in my place. "What?" Seungwan ask in disbelief but Joohyun also notice how her jaws tightens, as if she's surpressing her emotions from bursting out. "Is there something wrong, babe?" Seulgi's curious voice snap them out of their temporary stupor. "Yes!" the blonde muttered and Joohyun
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Chapter 5: Waiting for the update
Whaatttt the actual f***k
jn2_2n #3
Chapter 5: Yeah, although I understand why Yeri would say what she said it’s difficult to agree with her.
How is seungwan suppose to just not feel bad about asking Joohyun to break up with seulgi? Joohyun literally said she loves seul so that makes it harder.
Instead she’s being a good friend and backing off.

It’s frustrating that Joohyun can’t tell seungwan and seungwan can’t tell Joohyun.
I wish Yeri hadn’t said what she said because it might just make things harder for them.
1704 streak #4
Chapter 5: What Seungwan suppose to think, Joohyun? Fake dating and ignoring her in last chapter. Ofc Seungwan can't just "hey, break up with her and Date me" right? Well, they both really stupid.
I really want to pull my hair because of this absurd
Chapter 3: why the chapter four is at the 3 in my device, it made me confuse as heck lol
damn, I don't see the way they will end up together. so frustrated.
ShinHye24 1340 streak #6
Chapter 5: OMG i cant with them so dumb
hangryeats #7
Chapter 5: But you said you love your girlfriend who would be brazen enough to just ask you to breakup with them?
misguidedangel1989 #8
Chapter 3: they are both trying to move on from each other... they didn't date and broke up...because both of the are coward (Joohyun even used someone to make Seungwan jealous) they ended hurting each other... feels like Seungwannie will go to canada and confess her feelings in the letter...hehhehe
Chapter 5: The way both of them is stupid😍😍😍😍😍😍
And the title itself fits the character's personalities✨✨
WluvsBaetokki #10
Chapter 5: YAH! THE HELL... I can't with you two my god