weird-glitter (joyri)

red book (one shot collection)



Yeri and Joy lived together in an apartment a year after they became girlfriends. Yeri was cleaning the living room when she found a lot of sparkly dust covering almost all surface. Yeri and Joy wasn't into arts or crafts, so seeing this... weird dust made her wonder. Yeri had no idea how the dusts had gotten into the apartment. None of their makeups spilled out or whatever, so it's absurd to see such amount of sparkly dusts.


Yeri took a closer look at the kitchen counter which already covered in glitter again. Yeri accidentally inhaled some of the glitters, let out a sneeze loudly. 


"Bless you!" A sweet voice said. Yeri smiled. She's back home. Yeri walked to the living room when she saw Joy. Yeri walked over to her and gave her a small peck. 


"Do you know how this weird glitter thing got all over the counter?" Yeri showed a cloth which she had used to wipe clean the counter. Joy seemed a little thrown off at first. 

"N-no.... how did it get in?" Joy voices cracked a bit. 

"Exactly, babe." Yeri shrugged her shoulders. She turned around to walk back into the kitchen to continue cleaning as she lost the ground underneath her feet. The younger were ready for the drop, though she had no idea why she tripped when she walked carefully. But it never came. Instead, she found herself..... floating in the air? 

She turned her head and saw how close she were getting to the ceiling. 

She must have gone mad. 


"I'm flying?? Why the hell would I fly??" Yeri started flailing around as Joy cupped her face in the older hands. 

"Did you inhale any of that glitter?"

"Yeah, by accident and I sneezed-- wait! You're flying too?? What the hell happened? Are we going to be like this forever??" Yeri shrieked, totally terrified by the fact she won't be standing on hard ground after this. 


Joy rolled her eyes, giggled as she pulled Yeri back to the ground. She made the younger sit on the couch with heavy books on her lap. 

"Why can I fly? I have superpowers now?"

"No, you silly. You're actually not flying, you just inhaled some of the fairy dust. "

"Fairy....... dust?" Joy nodded. 


"I guess there's no use keeping this up from you. Babe, I'm actually a.... fairy."


Joy nodded, and Yeri scratched the back of her neck. 

"So.... you have wings? And all of that?"


She seemed a little worried when Yeri leaned back, looking at her with big eyes. 

"You're a goddamn fairy and I inhaled some of your fairy dust. And I can float."

"The effects will wear off soon," Joy reassured and the younger smiled. 

"I always knew you're special, you're like a fairy to me but.... this.. whoa."

"Aren't you going to go run away and screaming?" Joy bit her lip, truly worried if the younger scared of her. 

"Are you kidding me? Why should I run? It's amazing! Does this means unicorns and mermaids exists? And those creepu creatures like vampires and werewolves too?"

Joy nodded. "Almost everything you've heard of is true and exist. There's a vampire living in this apartment complex too."

"Let me guess. The weird guy who always has dark circles, greasy hair and look like he hasn't ate for few weeks?"



"So... what else a fairy dust can do?"

"You are going to start snorting it out, don't you?"

Yeri laughed, "Well, it depends on what other effects it has."









joy as a fairy dust cuz she's my fairy 

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i think I've wrote too much fluff..... time for angsty


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Riscark #1
Chapter 19: I love how Joohyun was speechless after the confessions, but still answer in movement 🥺
Welcome back authornim, it's up to you, whether it was 20 or 100th chapter, I'd still gonna read it after all hehe
Chapter 4: Can we have more joyrene pls
-WenRene15- #3
Chapter 19: WenRene fluff 😁💙💗
Chapter 19: Wenrene are always cute
Chapter 18: Seulgi is such a ball of sunshine and she wears that personality very well. Other people would've come across as too much or grating but Seulgi didn't. She's the warm and comforting kind of sunshine.
Chapter 15: This is so cute. Can we get more wenrene?
Chapter 16: I really like all your Wenrene stories
Riscark #8
Chapter 17: Sheesh, Seulgi's got game, messy one but she got game
Chapter 4: why did Irene say all those things to Joy if she still loved her? people are sometimes confusing