
The Road to Seulgi


"Yahh, kang!" 

Seulgi turned around to find her friend holding a video camera recording her. A smile lit up her face immadiately. "What is this for? Why are you recording it" seulgi shyly asked while trying to avoid the camera.

"aah~ just say something will you!" Her friend insisted more. Seulgi sighed lightly and look into the camera unsure. She walked nearer and put both her hands around the lense and quietly whispered, "I'm...gonna be a singer one day" she laughed out loud and ran away from her friends to avoid the teases.


It was lunch break, and the school's cafe was crowded with students coming in and out. Luckily for Seulgi, she had kimbap her father bought that morning. As usual, she sat with her close friends: the recorder, and another girl with a cute bowl cut hair.

"Yahh kang, i thought you already had forgotten that dream of yours. A singer? Just forget it, it won't be easy." Her friend never intended to downgrade seulgi or anything, she was just genuinely concern about seulgi's desicion.

"I've heard so many trainees quit halfway because they couldn't stand the life they had to adapt to become an idol. In the end, they regretted the years they poured their hard work in, yet get nothing achieved. And realised they should have focus more on getting into college. You should too kang, i heard you still haven't got any calls after your audition?"

She looked up to seulgi to find confirmation. The silent nod from Seulgi made her continue.

"See, becoming an idol is like reaching for a star seulgi ya~ you wont be able to reach it unless you have money to buy a rocket." Seulgi laughed dryly at her friend's statement. But she knows they weren't all wrong either. She just hate to admit it that she should stop hoping.

"I know, I already plan not to continue..." Seulgi looked up to her friends looking grateful. "Gumawo, your concern, i understand and i really appriciate it." Seulgi smiled. Somehow both her friends could only bitterness in her smile.


"Our princess~ still not asleep yet?" Seulgi's dad peek over through her door. He came in and pull out a chair next to seulgi who was still finishing her last sentence for the essay that need to be submit the next day.

" I cant, I have to finish this or the teacher will punish us with chores again." Seulgi said without looking up to her dad.

"Seulgi ya, my daughter.." her father started with a softer tone. Realising the sudden change of her father's voice had stopped her moving hand, she looked up. "Appa wae? Is there something wrong?" She turned her whole body facing her dad, giving him her fullest attention.

Her father was still figuring the right words to say and his nervousness was clearly shown. "You see, hmm.. perhaps do you still remember the open audition you joined last summer?" Her eyes started to roll up and to the side,a smile curved on her round face remembering every thrills she got when standing on the stage for the first time.

"How can i forgot about it! The whole song i was only looking at you and oppa because i was so nervous to look elsewhere." She laughed while remembering it.

But then her smile disappeared and her head hung low. "But appa... i think i should thrown away that dream now. No matter how much love I had for singing, i'm not sure if this is the right path for me. There's too much risk in taking it."

A bitter laugh came across after that. "'s not like i can continue doing it anyway. We haven't receive any calls haven't we?"

Her dad paused, probably still figuring the precise words to explain whatever it is. "Actually about see, this morning when i was running away from helping your mother with her kimchi, I stopped by a convinience store to get you some pringles.. since i know how stressed you are with studies lately. " his fingers rubbing against the little moustache he had, recalling his memories.

"Then I thought i should buy something for your mom to ease know..after what i did. Th-"

"Appa! If you're going to continue it this way i might not be able to sleep tonight." Seulgi laughed and roll her eyes like how she always did. "Just get to the point will you?"

"Oh yeah, i literally forgot what was the point just now." He laughed hard. "Anyway.. we did receive a call, just this morning. But im not sure whats the name it mm entertainment or is it?" He hummed while remembering what combination of 'm' sounds similar to what he heard ont he phone call.

"csm?... or is it am?"

Seulgi's eyes widen."Appa!!" She turned her face to her father , looking disbelief. "Is it...SM entertainment!?"





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