Chapter 3

Blind Voices

Taehyung and Yoongi worked hard on their respective work over the next few weeks while hanging out in each others' studios from time to time. J-hope– who Taehyung had started calling Hoseok or Hobi– had started to hang out with Taehyung more each week as well.

Soon, Taehyung's second comeback was just three weeks away. He was just as nervous as he had been for his first one. He had told Hoseok and Yoongi that he would be filming the music video for the album and where the shooting would be.

He wasn't sure if either would come but he was hoping. Having someone there would help his nerves and he knew it. He had just put on a long black coat when a voice rang out. 

"Ooo! A spooky looking coat! Is this a Halloween themed album? I thought it was love related." A laugh followed the words. Taehyung grinned as he spun around. His eyes focusing on the two figures in the doorway.

"Hobi-hyung! You came!" He turned to Yoongi and grinned. "Yoongi-hyung! Did Hobi-hyung drag you here?" Taehyung let out a laugh as a small smirk graced Yoongi's face, and Hoseok scoffed.

"Obviously I was dragged here. Do you think I would come to your music video shoot on my own?" The small teasing smile on Yoongi's face being the only indicator of his joke. Taehyung let out a loud laugh in response and hugged him.

Throughout the filming process, Hoseok would shout between takes causing Taehyung to laugh. Yoongi would make small comments after Hoseok would shout.

Taehyung never realized it was Hoseok's way of telling Yoongi what it was he couldn't see. Yoongi often hated going to other's shoots, but it seemed different at Taehyung's. Yoongi enjoyed the sound of his voice even though it was the track playing for him to lipsync with.

It was probably why he was able to actually enjoy himself so much. Taehyung and Hoseok being there... He was comfortable. It had only been a little over a month and a half, but Taehyung had already found a way into his closed-off life.

He couldn't remember the last time he was this comfortable around a film set for a music video. Even on his own sets, it could get unnerving at times.

Taehyung finished up his last take. Afterward, he looked at the footage with Hoseok and Yoongi beside him. Hoseok praised Taehyung for doing so well. Yoongi just smiled and nodded in agreement.

Taehyung grinned and said, "I'm gonna go change, and then we should go get some food to celebrate!"

Hoseok's smile fell a bit. "Uh... I can't actually. I sorta promised my–uh, friend–" Yoongi snorted at the word. "Jimin, that I would have dinner with him tonight."

"Oh." Taehyung's face fell for a moment before returning to a smile. "Well then, have fun, I guess!"

Hoseok caught the change in Taehyung's attitude though. "Yoongi can go though!" Yoongi's attention snapped to Hoseok. 

Taehyung's eyes widened a bit at Hoseok's words. "Really?" He looked to Yoongi to see if it was true. Yoongi hesitated but nodded none the less.

"Yeah. I'm free."

Taehyung grinned. "Then just let me go change real quick!" Taehyung disappeared into the dressing room before the others could respond. Once the door shut, Yoongi smacked Hoseok's arm. 

"What the hell, Hoseok?!"

Hoseok rubbed his arm. "Oh come on, Hyung! You know you wanted to go!"

"Not really. You know how I feel about going out to places 'cause of my vision! Plus he doesn't know, and I'm not sure I'm ready to tell him yet!" Yoongi kept his voice down, not wanting Taehyung to hear the conversation.

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "You know Taehyung is gonna probably have a hand on you at all times practically. He likes physical contact... Especially with you."

"What? What is that supposed to mean?" Yoongi reeled back at the last words Hoseok had spoken. 

Hoseok scoffed. "You mean to tell me that you can't tell how much that kid adores you? I think he would honestly give you anything you asked for in a heartbeat."

Yoongi would never admit it, but he was hoping Hoseok's words were true. He couldn't help but feel like Taehyung was someone who could be special in his life. Not sure exactly how special, but definitely special. "That's... I..."

Before Yoongi could formulate a proper response, Taehyung came out of his dressing room. As he slipped on his jacket, he addressed Yoongi. "So, Yoongi-hyung, where do you wanna eat?"

Yoongi cleared his throat. "Anywhere is fine, Tae."

Taehyung smiled and pulled out his phone. "I have a friend who owns a restaurant. It's really nice and has great food. I'm sure you'll love it."

As Taehyung typed something on his phone,  Hoseok began to speak. "Well, since you two seem to be set, I'm gonna head out." Hoseok turned to leave but stopped himself. "Oh and uh, Yoongi is gonna need a ride to the restaurant and home. Later!"

With those parting words, he quickly took his leave.

Taehyung looked at Yoongi questioningly but decided not to ask when he saw Yoongi's frown. "So. Uh. You ready to go?"

Yoongi took a deep breath and smiled. "Yeah. I'm ready. Let's go." Taehyung grinned and threw an arm around Yoongi's shoulder before leading the way out to his car.

Hoseok had been right about Taehyung. Whenever they were walking, Taehyung had an arm around Yoongi's shoulder. And when they had got to the restaurant, Taehyung had guided Yoongi to their table with a hand on his back.

When it was time to order, Yoongi asked for Taehyung's suggestion. Taehyung's suggestion was what he chose.

Throughout the dinner, Taehyung chatted happily with Yoongi about both of their work. Yoongi was smiling a lot, and it seemed to keep Taehyung's boxy smile alive as well.

They had a brilliant time. Even Yoongi couldn't deny just how much he enjoyed the dinner with Taehyung. When it was time to go, Taehyung lead Yoongi to the car and took him home. Yoongi hadn't hesitated to give Taehyung his address either. 

When they parted ways for the night, it was with smiles and thoughts of how well the night was. Taehyung was thinking of how the night couldn't have been more dream-like, while Yoongi couldn't help but think only one thing would have made the night better: having his vision unimpaired to see just how beautiful Taehyung was to go with his beautiful and kind soul during a night he thoroughly enjoyed...

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