Life ahead

Like day and night
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Moonbyul had saved 22 children from the enemy side. She didnt care about nationality or religion. Children would always be children.

Some terrorists intended to explode those kids just to take the chance to kill some of the agents of the special forces and away.

6 hours later, the blonde had practically zero water, ammunition, or any kind of resources. She knew her chances were pretty low.

The wound in her leg wasn't bleeding anymore, but the one on her back was starting to be numb and that was never a good sign.

The blonde walked around the children with difficulty and spoke in their native language. She told them to stick together and save up water.

The screams of the kids echoed in the desert when the small woman collapsed on the floor, unconscious.

Hard to say if it was luck or coincidence but not long after, a patrol arrived and rescued all of them.

Moonbyul was treated by an American doctor who was part of the special forces she was into and he paid extra attention to her back wound but she was not in a very bad condition.

Due to exhaustion and the loss of blood, the soldier slept for almost 24 hours.

When she finally woke up, the American was still beside her.

__ Hey, sleeping beauty. Aren't you getting too lazy lately?

The blonde smiled but her face immediately changed when she tried to sit:

__ Ooouch! You tell me that when you move your baby from your tent, Smith!

__ Hey, my job is not that easy. I'm the one who made sure you kept more cool scars in your collection to impress the boys.__ The man joked.

Moonbyul raised her eyebrow and replied:

__ The ones who did me this favor are dead. Wanna join them?  Besides, I'm not interested in impressing boys.

__ My bad. A woman like you gotta like men, am I right?

The soldier laughed loud and almost choked. After a while, she responded:

__ You couldn't be more wrong. I like women.

__ Really? But I've heard you had a boyfriend in the army...__ The doctor commented without any sign of judgment on his face.

__ That's right. The past tense "had" is because I understood I like girls. __ Moonbyul smirked.

__ And do you have someone waiting for you?

The blonde held her necklace and responded with a faint smile: 

__ No, I don't. It's better this way though.

__ Why? 

__ In our job, the chances of not going back home are very big. I prefer not to make people suffer waiting for me.

__ But life is too short, Moon. We should love and have the best of it while we're alive.__ The doctor declared.

__ I have had a bad share of things in life. So I see things a little bit differently. I respect your view though, doc.

The man glanced at the blonde and spoke:

__ While I was treating you, I notice you have a sun on your necklace instead of a moon or a star. I found it very unusual.

Moonbyul touched the necklace again, with tenderness and commented:

__ It was a gift from someone special. It will be on my body until the day I die.

__ It sounds like love to me.__ The guy smirked.

The soldier coughed and changed the subject:

__ I'm in pain. Is there anything I can take without harming our resources? I know there must be people in worse conditions than me.

__ Moon gotta start thinking a bit more about yourself.__ The doctor shook his head while grabbing some medicine.

__ x __

Hyejin was standing in front of Mrs Jung with a very anxious expression and the woman laughed at the girl's face:

__ Hyejin-ah,  there is no need to be all nervous and formal around me.

__ I'm sorry, Mrs. Jung. It's just...I have something important to ask you and my stomach doesn't stop spinning.__ The brunette explained.

The w

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Thank you all for giving love to this story. It was an amazing journey for me. I love these characters as my babies.


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Ichig02101 #1
Chapter 30: Rereading it☺️
Loving it so much🥰
SeeLee101 #2
Chapter 30: I really enjoyed reading this one.
Chapter 30: Beautiful story as always author-nim
Moonandsun48 #4
Chapter 30: This story is my favorite so far! Congrats authornim!
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1396688/1'>What was that?</a></span>
Here again, i love this story (。♡‿♡。)
RubiaAO #6
Chapter 30: The end was soooo cute<3
Chapter 30: Im ashamed of myself, I read this in one go even when I don't read anything with the 'drama' tag because it crush my heart and hell it did with some. You have become the number one ff writer for me. I have fun, tears and learning about myself and other things with your stories that after finishing reading I keep on thinking about myself, I have said it before but I will say it again everytime I feel it. Thanks for writing this beautiful story (:
MaiFtw #9
Chapter 30: Wow that was a roller coaster, might be my favorite out of all your works!! ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 30: Im supposed to be studying right but i said screw it when i accidently pressed on this now i have finished reading this and I dont regret it screw my test this was such a good read great job author-nim ~