Starting over

Like day and night
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Yongsun entered the bedroom very carefully and laid beside the soldier, who was still sleeping.

As she took a closer look, the model noticed there were tears hanging on the blonde's eyelashes.

It broke her heart to know the younger woman had been crying when she fell asleep.

The model gently wiped them out and placed a soft kiss on Moonbyul's forehead, barely making any noise.

However, the older woman was taken by surprise when she was thrown on her back in bed and Moonbyul landed over her,  choking her neck.

The bodyguard acted by instinct, half awake half asleep and Yongsun's eyes popped out.

When the blonde finally understood what she was doing, she sighed and got off the other woman with a mix of tiredness and worry on her face.

__ Yongsun should never lay beside someone who has worked in zone wars when the person is asleep...__ The soldier's voice sounded huskier than usual.

__ I am sorry if I scared you, Byul-ah. I didnt mean to wake you up.__ The dark-haired woman whispered.

__ It was not your fault. Usually, I would have heard you coming inside but I was having a dream. __ The girl coughed.

Yongsun poured some water from the bedside table and gave her.

__ I hope it was a good dream.

Moonbyul half smiled with a melancholic expression:

__ Not so good. It was about a puppy I had when I was 5. Yesterday I helped Hyejin ssi at her clinic and maybe some events triggered my memory.

__ I see...Byul-ah, would it be ok if we talked? __ Yongsun hesitated before asking. 

Moonbyul sat properly in bed and responded:

__ Sure. Go ahead, Yongsun ssi.

The model held the soldier's hand and squeezed softly before speaking:

__ I am so sorry about the way I spoke to you that night. It's not an excuse but...I was more than tipsy...

The soldier sighed and responded:

__ It's okay. After all, you were not lying. We are not a couple. I had no right to feel bothered by you with someone else.

__ There is no one else though. Joohyun and I made a bet and whoever lost it, would have to do something silly with the other. As we have zero interest in one another,  a kiss was merely a joke. By the way, I may have no right eighter...but I hate that you have a boyfriend!__ Yongsun spoke passionately.

__ Why???__ The bodyguard was surprised.

__ Because he can touch you and I want to be the only one to have this privilege! __ The model exclaimed.

Moonbyul averted the older girl's eyes and answered:

__ Not that he had any privilege but we....are not a couple anymore.

__ Why not?

__ Because...I couldn't stand living a lie. I dont love him and it was disturbing being touched without feeling anything. I wish I did though. I wish I felt fire when he penetrated me and ed me.__ Moonbyul grunted.

Yongsun pressed the blonde's shoulder and her forehead against the model"s:

__ You let him you again, didnt you?

__ Yes!__ The soldier whispered.

__ Why? You said you didnt feel a thing. __Yongsun was extremely jealous.

__ I wanted to erase the feeling of your hands and mouth on my skin. I wanted to forget how I feel about you!__ Moonbyul growled.

__ You didnt succeed, did you? You can still feel my hand on your body! Am I right?__ The dark-haired woman was breathing very near the soldier's mouth.

__ How can you be so sure?__ Moonbyul grabbed the model by her waist and sat her on her thighs.

__ Because I can't erase your scent from my nose, your taste from my mouth, your warmth from my skin! Gosh, I want you so much! I need you, Byul-ah! I swear I didnt cheat on you! I know I hurt you...Please, let me mend what I broke! Or even build it from scratch.__The brunette was glaring into the bodyguard's eyes and her voice was full of emotion.

__ I don't know, Yongsun ssi....

__ At least drop the formalities, Byul-ah...

__ Alright, Yongsun-ah.

__ You could be my.....girlfriend. Then you would have the official right to slap whomever you thought was crossing any line.__ Yongsun smirked.

__ Hmmm. I could or do you want me to be your girlfriend?__ The soldier lifted her eyebrow.

__ Ermmm...Isn't it the same?__ The model stuttered.

__ Nope! Not at all. Let's be clear.

__ Okay! Do you wanna date me? Would you like to be my girlfriend, like....for real? I would kiss you in front of your team too. I can't stand having you for a limited time!__ Yongsun held her chin to make Byul look at her.

__ I don't know if I like this public kissing but it's debatable. And...

__ Yes, babe?

__ You hurt me, Yongsun-ah. I understand all you said but it doesn't change how I felt. I won't give you another chance if you screw up.__ T

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Thank you all for giving love to this story. It was an amazing journey for me. I love these characters as my babies.


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Ichig02101 14 streak #1
Chapter 30: Rereading it☺️
Loving it so much🥰
SeeLee101 #2
Chapter 30: I really enjoyed reading this one.
Chapter 30: Beautiful story as always author-nim
Moonandsun48 #4
Chapter 30: This story is my favorite so far! Congrats authornim!
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1396688/1'>What was that?</a></span>
Here again, i love this story (。♡‿♡。)
RubiaAO #6
Chapter 30: The end was soooo cute<3
Chapter 30: Im ashamed of myself, I read this in one go even when I don't read anything with the 'drama' tag because it crush my heart and hell it did with some. You have become the number one ff writer for me. I have fun, tears and learning about myself and other things with your stories that after finishing reading I keep on thinking about myself, I have said it before but I will say it again everytime I feel it. Thanks for writing this beautiful story (:
MaiFtw #9
Chapter 30: Wow that was a roller coaster, might be my favorite out of all your works!! ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 30: Im supposed to be studying right but i said screw it when i accidently pressed on this now i have finished reading this and I dont regret it screw my test this was such a good read great job author-nim ~