Hooker with the heart of gold

Siwon feels like a ert when he walked in a gay brothel. He is gay what is still a problem in South Korea. Siwon doesn’t have a boyfriend and wants to find someone to love but he isn’t lucky. And this brought him here.


Siwon looked around the club. It is quite dark, above bar counter are hanging lights but most of the club is hidden in shadows. Siwon walked to the bar and sat down on one of the leather chairs. He ordered a glass of whiskey and slowly sips his drink. Behind him is wide stage with stripper pole and one almost boy is dancing there. Men are sitting at tables around the stage and watch the stripper. In back of the club are stairs which lead upstairs. 


Upstairs are private rooms for men who buy one of the hookers. Siwon wants to go upstairs but feels unsure. He is looking around the club and spotted a young man who is dressed like a geisha. He is wearing a black kimono with embroiled red flying crane. He really caught Siwon’s attention. 

The man is petite and few Japanese in suits are sitting around him. They are touching his thighs and shoulders until he got up and walked to the bar where is sitting Siwon.


“More beers, Donghae.”

The barman nodded and quickly prepared the drinks. Siwon is watching the man who slightly bowed to him and then went back to the table. Siwon is sure that if he is going to pay for then it has to be with this man. 


“Do you know when is he free?”

Siwon asked the barman who pointed at a man who has tattoos all over his muscular arms. 

“You have to ask Kangin.”


Siwon nodded and goes to the said man.


“When is he going to be free?”


Siwon pointed to the table with Japanese and Kangin smirked.


“It depends on how much are you willing to pay.”


Siwon put few thousands dollars on the table and the man leaded him upstairs in one of the bedrooms.


“Do you have any special wishes?”


Siwon shakes his head and the man left. Siwon took off his jacket and sat down on the wide bed. The bedroom looks quite normal, no heart shaped bed. There is a black carpet on floor, bed made from dark wood and few cabinets. Siwon is curious so he opened one of them .... and quickly closed it again. Inside are many toys like s, handcuffs and other things. In next cabinet is hidden a small refrigerator. Siwon takes a bottle of water and the door behind him opened. Kangin roughly pushed the young man inside.


“You have one hour.”


The door closed again and Siwon starts to shake.

“Hi. I am Siwon and you?”

He feels bad for paying for and wants to at least know his name.


“Yesung, sir.”


Siwon nodded and sat down on the bed. Yesung starts to take off his kimono when Siwon stopped him.

“Wait! I am not sure about this ...”


Siwon wants to run away because he feels sick.


“You paid for me so you cant send me back.”




Yesung sat down next to him and ran his hand over Siwon’s thigh.


“Boss will think that i was bad.”

Yesung’s hand goes higher and cupped Siwon’s crotch. Then his small hand unbuckled his belt and undone the zipper on his pants.

“Don’t worry, i am really good at this.”

Siwon gasped when Yesung got on his knees between his legs and his pretty mouth swallowed his . Yesung is giving him a and Siwon tries to stop his moans but he simply cant. It feels so amazing and he unconsciously put his hand on back of Yesung’s head and pushes him deeper. Yesung soon brought him to ion and Siwon came right on his face. 

Siwon is red in shame and quickly pressed few banknotes in his palm. Then he ran out of the room and left puzzled Yesung behind him.


Yesung is surprised that the handsome man ran away. He paid for whole hour and left after 15 minutes. He takes a napkin and wiped off the drying .

Yesung clutches the cash which Siwon gave him and walked out of the bedroom. Kangin is already waiting on the hallway and grabbed Yesung’s hand. He forcibly opened his fist and took most of the money.


“But ...”


Yesung hasn't finished his sentence and Kangin slapped him across face.


“Shut up! The Japanese are waiting for you.”


Yesung fixed the kimono and goes back to the Japanese. They are quite drunk and let him sit in middle of them. Soon they start to touch him and groping his body. Yesung tries to not pay attention to obscenities which are they whispering in his ears and focus on Donghae who is preparing drinks. Luckily after few more minutes of the Japanese business men vomited on floor and Kangin kicked them out. Yesung goes to change in his normal clothes and everyone got their pay. Yesung opened his envelope and counted how many he got today. It is less than last week but Yesung isn't going to ask Kangin why did he get less.

300$ every week, sometimes less and rarely a bit more. Yesung walked home and then remembered that he has to pay rent. It is early in the morning but his landlord is always awake and watching TV. He is filthy old man whose wife is always bossing around the house. In the house are thirty one room flats and it has two floors. On every floor is a bathroom and a toilet. In front of the house is pavement where kids from the house play.


Yesung knocked on door of the landlord and after while his ugly wife opened the door.


“It is 150$ for this week.”

Yesung gasped and she smirked.

“Pay or live in your brothel. Having a in our house is a shame.”


Yesung hang his head low and gave her the money. Then he goes in his flat and locked the door behind him. His flat is only one room with one window. It is almost empty because he has nothing. There are two paper boxes with his clothes and a matress with one pillow and blanket. Yesung sat down on his bed and takes a photo of his family.


“I miss you Jongjin.”


He ran tip of his finger over Jongjin, his baby brother. Yesung silently put the photo aside again and put one hundred bill on it. He will send the money in the evening before going back in the club. He looked on the fifty dollars which left. He is going to need thirty dollars for fresh flowers to put them on his parents grave which means that he twenty dollars for food for rest of the week.


Yesung slowly got up and opened the door. The hallway is empty so he walked out of his flat and heads to a bathroom.


On every floor is a bathroom but Yesung cant use them. He has a bucket so he always washes in his room. Suddenly a woman with a small girl walked out of their flat and the woman quickly dragged her child away from Yesung. He feels tears in his eyes but doesn’t let them fall. He goes back with bucket full of warm water and then starts to wash his body and hair. He was thinking about finding a different flat but no one wants a in their house. He can choose between living on streets and living here. 

Yesung sleeps for few hours before it is time to go back in work. He put the money for his brother in an envelope and stopped at post office. He wants to buy something for himself, some new clothes or a cinema ticket but he knows that Jongjin needs his money more.

He remembers last words which his baby brother told him when he was leaving him.


“Just send me money if you don't want me to end like you.”


It hurts Yesung’s heart. His brother’s eyes told him that he is less than a cockroach for him but Yesung cant bring himself to hating his brother.


Tonight the club is fuller than usually. Many men are watching the dancing strippers and Yesung is sitting next to a businessman. This man is quite drunk. He wanted to have with Yesung but then started to drink and now babbles about his wife and kids and about their divorce. Soon he passed out and Yesung is free but not for a long time.


A very well known costumer is here. Mister Shim is over fifty years old, he has grey hair and always wears an expensive suit. Whenever he comes here he spends thousands of dollars. After few of the most expensive drinks he pays for a company and goes upstairs. The problem is that he is very aggressive. Leeteuk as the owner of this club could ban him from entering but why when he spends so much money. Kangin always makes the price huge but Shim still pays and the money erase fact that Shim beats his .


It is always like Russian roulette. Today the bullet named Shim hit Yesung. He caught few sorrowful looks from his co workers and Heechul. Heechul is very unique and almost untouchable because he is Leeteuk’s favorite. You can pay for his company at your table but no or kissing. Few men ended with broken nose because they got too close with him.


Yesung slowly goes upstairs and walked in a bedroom where is already waiting Shim for him. Yesung is trembling and Shim slowly took off and folded his jacket.

“I missed you.”

Shim said and his lips. Yes, Yesung is his favourite. He has no muscles and his white skin is so tempting. Yesung still looks like a young boy and not like an adult man. 


“Hug me.”


Shim is standing only in briefs in front Yesung who slowly walked to him. He wrapped his lanky arms around Shim’s chest and feels big hands off this man on back of his head.


“I missed my favorite .”

His fat hand painfully gripped Yesung’s and he on Yesung’s shoulder. Soon his turned into bitting. Yesung whimpered in pain and Shim slapped him across face. Yesung fell down and pressed his palm on his sore cheek. 


Shim gripped his hair and pulled him on his feet. Then he threw him on bed and got on him. Shim put a on his hard and ed inside Yesung’s . Yesung yelped in pain and got on his knees and hands. Shim is kneeling behind him and s him while Yesung prays for quick end. Shim is close to and punched Yesung in rib cage. Yesung feels terrible pain spreading inside his chest and starts to cry.


“You don’t like this?”


Shim tossed him on his back and starts to slap him across face.


“You don’t like this?!”


Shim is yelling and Yesung’s cheeks are now bruised and swollen. Finally Shim stopped and let go of Yesung. Then he took a shower and got dressed. Shim is ready to leave and stands above Yesung who is trying to breath without feeling pain in his chest. Shim tossed handful of banknotes on floor and left. Yesung slowly got up and put on his pants. 


Then Yesung got on his knees and started to collect the money before Kangin comes. Suddenly the door behind him opened and he hears a gasp. Yesung quickly shoved the money in his pocket and took his shirt. His hands are terribly shaking and he cant close the buttons so Heechul stepped closer to him.


“We should treat this.”


He gently takes Yesung’s hand in his and leaded him in bathroom. There he pulled out a first aid kit and gently dabbed a disinfection over the bitting marks. Yesung’s cheeks are bruised and his ribs hurt terribly but he doesn’t have enough money for going in a hospital.


Yesung walks down in and Donghae handed him some ice. Yesung carefully pushed the ice on his cheeks and feels that it doesn’t hurt so much. Donghae poured a glass of cold water for him and Yesung is slowly drinking. He sees angry Heechul storming out of Leeteuk’s office where he was probably trying to convince him to never letting Shim inside again. Yesung knows that it is useless because Shim is rich and he will only give more money to Leeteuk.

Yesung is shallowly breathing because his ribs hurt and spent rest of the night by sitting at tables with few guests. Then he can finally leave and decided to take a bus because he is exhausted. He has no food at home but doesn’t find strength to go in supermarket. 

Yesung limped in his tiny flat and collapsed on mattress to forget about his pain.


Siwon wants to see Yesung again so he drives in the club. He walked inside and looked around but Yesung isn't here. The barman smiled at him and asked him if he is looking for Yesung. Siwon hesitantly nodded and the barman is staring on him.


“Why do you want him?”


Siwon shrugged because he cant describe it. He feels bad and good in the same time. Bad for paying for Yesung’s body but good because being with Yesung was somehow special.

The barman writes something on piece of paper and hands it to him. Siwon is staring on the address.


“You seems nice so why don't you pay him a visit?”

Siwon got up and goes back in his car. He needs to buy something for Yesung. He drives in mall but it is late and most of the shops are closed. Siwon headed into shop with gift baskets. He bought a basket with some fruit and sweets and drives on the address. The building looks ugly but Siwon goes to find the number of Yesung’s flat. After a while he is standing in front of the door and knocked on the hard wood.


Yesung opened his eyes because of someone who is knocking on door of his flat. It is probably his landlord so Yesung doesn’t bother to get up.


“I have already paid my rent! I don’t have more money!”

The knocking doesn’t stop and Yesung groaned. He got up and winced in pain. He slowly opened the door and gasped.

“Siwon ssi, what are you doing here?”


Before he can answer a fat guy walked out of one flat.


“Hey , don’t dare to make a brothel in my house!”


Yesung bowed his head in shame and Siwon angrily turned to the fat guy.

“Was someone speaking with you?! Get lost and leave him alone.”


Siwon smiled at Yesung and handed him the basket. Then he frowned because he sees the bruises on Yesung’s cheeks.


“What happened to you?”


Yesung invited him inside and takes an orange from the basket.


“My costumer got angry with me.”


Siwon feels angry that someone beat up his Yesung. His Yesung. 


“Are you okay?”


Siwon Yesung’s bony shoulder and Yesung smiled. This feels nice. Siwon’s hand is big but soft and so warm.

“I am okay now.”


Siwon immediately blushed and looked around the room. He is shocked that Yesung owns almost nothing. Yesung sat down on his bed and hissed in pain.

Siwon immediately kneeled down in front of him and takes his small hands in his. Now he can hear that Yesung has difficulties with breathing and he frowned.


“Lets go, you need to see a doctor.”


Yesung shakes his head because he doesn’t have many for a hospital but Siwon doesn’t care. He is simply going to pay for it and nothing can change it.

Siwon takes Yesung in a hospital where they found out that one of his ribs is broken and one is cracked. Yesung is taken into a room where a doctor is going to treat him and he told him to take off his shirt. Yesung doesn’t want to because there are still traces after Shim. In the end he has to take off his shirt and shows his back where are many bite marks. The doctor doesn’t comment it but raised his eyebrows and looked at Siwon. 


The doctor treated his ribs and they can leave. Siwon drives to his apartment and leaded Yesung inside. 


Yesung is amazed by the big nice flat and hesitantly sat down on chair in kitchen. Siwon is making tea for them and doesn’t know how to ask one important question.

“Why are you working as ..... hm ,you know as ....”


Yesung plays with his fingers and looks on his shoes.


“When my parents died they sent us to our aunt who was an old witch. I and my brother worked on her farm and she hated us so we ran away.

I finished only my middle school so i am only good for working as a .”


Siwon frowned and prepared two cups.


“Where is your brother?”

Yesung pointed at himself. His baby brother left because Yesung is dirty.


“He is studying in Busan and i am trying to help him with money.”


Yesung doesn’t say that he wishes that his brother would visit him.


“Why did he leave?”


Siwon put a mug with warm tea in front of Yesung and sat down.


“I played in one movie.”


Siwon is staring at him and Yesung continues.


“Jongjin got really sick one winter. He had appendicitis and needed a surgery. It was too expensive so Leeteuk told me about his movies. It was called patrol and after some years Jongjin found out.”

They are sitting in silence and then Siwon leaded Yesung in his bedroom to take a nap. Siwon knows that this is bad but he needs to see it. He found the movie and gasped. 

There are five men dressed in police uniforms and Yesung in middle of them. His eyes are avoiding the camera and shields his body with his small hands.


Siwon doesnt think that Yesung is enjoying it. He is crying hard and they slapped him across face. He is tied to a bed and they are ing his while the boy screams under them. The movie is almost two hours long and Siwon skipped most of it. On end of the movie Yesung is lying on floor curled into a small ball and cries. Siwon is staring on the screen and almost vomits.

“I knew that you would watch it.”

Siwon yelled and turned around where is standing Yesung.


“It hurted so much. I thought that i wont be able to walk ever again.”


Yesung bowed to him and then put on his worn out coat. 


“Thank you for your help but i need to work.”


Siwon wants to drive him there but Yesung only bowed to him again.

“No, you have helped me enough.”


Leeteuk doesn’t care that Yesung is hurt. He has to work and act like nothing is wrong but he is silently suffering. Fortunately his ribs don’t hurt so much as before because it has been two weeks since Shim’s attack.


Yesung is sitting at a table with one business man who is trying to him right there. Luckily tonight the club is going to close sooner because tonight is night with their special show. 

One night every month is a night of different kinks. Last month everyone Leeteuk’s was dressed like a girl, then they had a night of . Simply it is a creepy show for the richest costumers. Today they are going to have a pet show.

Yesung is dressed like a puppy, three other are dressed like puppies and one is a ponny.


Yesung hates this but he is going to get whole 1 000 dollars only for this one night. 


He is wearing a collar around his neck and to the collar is connected a leash. The erts who came to watch this show are applauding when Leeteuk leaded them in the club. Someone slapped Yesung’s and others are commenting how much they would like to his mouth. Yesung hang his head down but Leeteuk is pulling harshly on his leash until he lifted his face toward the audience. Yesung feels so ashamed but tries to think about the money. Ryeowook is sitting on his heels next to Yesung and he seems uncomfortable too. Who would like be on their places? The men who are sitting in front of them and eating them with their eyes. Their rough hands which are going to grip and squeeze their flesh. Yesung knows that this is going to be a long night. 

Siwon was sad and angry but tonight he decided to go in that club. He arrived and wants to go inside when Kangin stopped him.

“Tonight it is only for invited.”

Kangin tried to stop Siwon from entering but it is useless. Siwon pushed himself inside and gasped. Yesung and few other are sitting on the stage with collars around their necks. Siwon is staring on him and suddenly Yesung spotted him too. Kangin’s heavy hand landed on his shoulder and he dragged shocked Siwon outside.

“Get lost before you get your in problems.”

He went inside again and the black metal door closed behind him. Siwon is standing there for a while and then woke up from his shock. How could Yesung do such a thing?



Siwon hasnt been in the club for three weeks now and Yesung waits for him every night. Moreover tonight is extra lonely night. 


Yesung has birthday and changed into more revealing working outfit when Heechul came to him while singing Happy birthday song.

“Make a wish Ye.”

Heechul shows him plate with a muffin with candle.


Few tears escaped from his eyes and he has only one wish which isn’t going to be fulfilled. He wants to see his little brother but knows that he would only embarrass him. 


Yesung silently thanks to Heechul and then gives him half of the muffin. Then Heechul has to dance and Yesung has his first costumer.


He is giving him a and the man is painfuly gripping back of his head. Yesung is choking around his thick and remembers Siwon who was much gently. And now he probably hates him too, as everyone. He doesn’t know why he got so attached to Siwon. It was only his costumer but he was so kind. Siwon took him in hospital and showed him that he cares about him. And now he is gone too. He is grossed by him like everyone. 


Then Yesung sat down in the club and waits for another man who will buy him. After a while he spotted Shim and sees him saying something to Kangin. Their eyes turned to him and Yesung knows what is coming. He slowly got up and looked at Donghae who squeezed his hand. Yesung goes upstairs where is waiting Shim and the man locked the door.


“Come and sit in my lap.”


Yesung moves hesitantly and sat down. He can feel Shim’s hard and the man his neck. Shim is almost slobbering because he loves to play with this little doll. Meanwhile Yesung is trying to not gag.


Think about Jongjin. He can study only if you sell your body.


He is repeating this in his head and feels Shim’s hands moving under his shirt. His rough fingers are tugging on Yesung’s s until he moaned in pain. Shim laid Yesung on bed and takes pair of handcuffs from a cabinet and tied Yesung’s hands behind his back.


“You were very naughty. I saw that young man who came to see you. Are you cheating on me?”

Shim takes a whip and hit Yesung’s .


“Are you?!”


Shim is whipping him while Yesung screams no. It hurts really bad and he tries to get up.


“Stop! You cant do this!”


Shim got angry and jumped on Yesung.


“I can do whatever i want!”


He wrapped his fat fingers around his neck and starts to choke him.


“I believed you and you are cheating on me!”


Shim is still holding one hand under his neck and pulled out a Swiss knife from his pocket.


“But no one is going to touch you after this.”


Yesung wants to scream but Shim sat on his stomach and pressed one palm over his mouth. Shim ripped his shirt open and pressed tip of the knife to his chest. He is slowly cutting his last name and Yesung is desperately trying to get free. He cant because his hands are tied and Shim is too heavy. Blood is pouring from his chest and his vision is going black. Shim finished cutting Yesung and slapped him across face. He is hitting him and blood it flowing from Yesung’s nose and mouth.


“You cheated on me!”


Heechul heard everything and ran to get Kangin but the er doesn’t want to go with him. Heechul is desperate and runs in Leeteuk’s office. He is hysterically screaming that Yesung needs help and at first Leeteuk slapped him across face to silent him but then the boss hears the noises too. He immediately told to Kangin to kicked out the door and they all froze on threshold.


Yesung doesn’t look alive and he lies in pool of his blood. Shim is above him with the knife still in his hand and now tries to escape but Kangin punched him in face so strongly that Shim lost his consciousness. Heechul is crying while pressing a towel on Yesung’s chest and Leeteuk goes to call an ambulance. It is different when Shim only beat his or when he tries to kill them.


In the club is panic and most of the costumers leave until two paramedics ran upstairs where is Yesung. They quickly loaded him in the ambulance and drive in a hospital. The wounds on Yesung’s chest are deep and bleed a lot. Also his left wrist is sprained because of his fight in the handcuffs and he is also badly beaten up in face. Doctors treated him but Yesung is in coma and there is nothing what they can do for him. Police officers came too but then left after taking pictures of Yesung’s injuries. Shim was arrested for attempted murder and now sits in jail while another cases of his assaults are being discovered. 


Siwon was sulking but now really has to see Yesung. He simply cant get rid of thoughts about him. He is in his office and still thinks about what is Yesung doing or if he eats well. 


Siwon feels stupid that he was angry at Yesung. It isn’t his fault that he is doing this job. His parents died when he was young and he had the responsibility of taking care of his brother. Siwon has to be reasonable. Yesung wouldn't do this if he had some different choice.

Tonight Siwon drives to the club but it is closed. Siwon is standing there and has no idea what to do. Should he drive to Yesung’s house? Luckily Heechul saw him from window because he is in bedroom above the club. Leeteuk is sleeping after and Heechul sneaked downstairs to open the door.


“Siwon, Yesung is in hospital.”


Siwon quickly goes back in his car and drives to said hospital. He cant visit Yesung now because visiting hours are over. Siwon left with heavy heart but comes back next morning. He asked a nurse for Kim Yesung and she found number of his room.


Siwon entered the room and sees ten beds, five on left side and five on right. Yesung’s bed is in dark corner where the sunlight cant reach and the curtains around his bed are closed. Like if they tried to hide his presence. 

Siwon opened the curtains and sat down on a chair next to Yesung’s bed. He gently takes his delicate hand and his short fingers.

“I was so mad at you and now feel like the stupidest dumb in whole universe.”

Siwon is whispering so other patients cant hear him and then cries a bit. If he was with Yesung then it wouldn’t have happened. Siwon is sitting next to him for few hours and then go to find his doctor. It doesn’t look good with Yesung. They were able to fix the wounds on his chest but there are going to be scars. He is badly beaten in face and the doctors aren’t sure if he is strong enough to wake up. Siwon gently kissed Yesung’s forehead and then left his room. Now he has to find Jongjin.


It isn’t hard to find Jongjin’s address and then he drives to Busan where is Jongjin living. Siwon found an apartment complex and then number of Jongjin’s flat. He sharply knocked on the door. Nothing happens for few seconds and then the young man opened the door. Siwon is amazed. They look so similar! 


“Who are you?”


Jongjin is ready to close the door because he doesn’t know this man but Siwon stopped him.


“Your brother is sick, you have to visit him. Now.”


Jongjin is visibly paler and tries to close the door.


“I don't have any brother!”


Siwon angrily kicked the door open and grabbed him under neck.


“Listen. Yesung suffered for you and now I only want you to visit him!”


Jongjin cried out in fear and Siwon let go of him.


“You see Yesung as dirty but you are the real dirt.”


Siwon left and Jongjin cries. He was thinking about why he hasn’t received money from Yesung but fact that he may be sick or injured never came on his mind. Meanwhile Siwon drives back in Seoul and heads to a mall to buy few things for Yesung. His insurance is good enough and he got a better room for Yesung. He had to lie and said that Yesung is his partner but what!? Siwon can only hope that Yesung will want him.


Jongjin arrived in Seoul and his old memories are coming back. He has only few memories about his parents and now when he thinks about the word parents he can imagine only Yesung. Jongjin remembers how he was yelling on his crying brother after his friends showed him the movie. How many cruel things he said to Yesung. He found the hospital and walked inside. He is standing in front of door of Yesung’s room and suddenly cant find his courage. Jongjin lost his voice. 


After few minutes he opened the door and silently walked inside. The door is dark and only a lamp is . Jongjin takes few steps to a bed where is lying his brother. Yesung looks really pale and somehow smaller than he remembers. Few tubes are leading in his arms and an oxygen mask is strapped over his nose and mouth. Jongjin carefully takes small hand of his hyung and stands there shocked. His hyung has to be seriously injured because the bandages covering is chest are soaked in blood a bit. 


Yesung slowly opened his eyes and sees Jongjin standing next to him. He remembers what Shim did to him so he knows that he is probably in a hospital. Suddenly he feels like he can do this, that he can fight.


“Jongjin …. you look like dad.”


Yesung is weakly whispering so Jongjin leaned closer.


“I am happy to see you. It is only a dream but it is beautiful to see you after such long years.”


Jongjin feels tears in his eyes.


“Can you forgive me Jongjin?”


Yesung is crying and looks in eyes of his baby brother.


“I don’t have anything to forgive you hyung. You are the best brother.”


Jongjin squeezed his little hand and smiles a bit.


“But the movie …. you were sick and it was so expensive. I had to do that.”


Yesung closed his eyes because of the ugly memories while Jongjin chokes on his sobs. His hyung let himself to be only for him. Jongjin his hair and they cry more. They lost so many years because of him and Jongin hates himself for that. 


“Your boyfriend Siwon almost kicked me in to make me come here.”


Yesung’s eyes widened in surprised. Boyfriend?! But if Siwons said that then he wont argue. He likes Siwon because he doesn’t see him as a toy but he takes him as a human being. 


Yesung is still very weak and he fell asleep after few more minutes so Jongjin silently left but he might come back. In the morning Siwon came before work to be with Yesung for a while. Yesung is awake and the doctor said that he looks much more better today. Siwon takes a damp washcloth and starts to wash Yesung’s stomach and arms.


“I had special dream last night. Jongjin came to see me.”


Siwon doesn’t comment it but smiled. That little brat is lucky, otherwise Siwon would drag him here.


“He said that you called yourself my boyfriend.”


Siwon blushed and wants to choke Jongjin again.


“Maybe. People say that there is a bit of future in our dreams.”


Yesung smiled at him and then looked out of window. He still cant move too much but Siwon promised him that he will come sooner today and will take him outside. Siwon helped him to eat breakfast and left so Yesung fell asleep. He is lonely and always cheers up when Siwon comes. He is a man who always fulfill his promises so he is back really early and helped Yesung to sit in a wheelchair. He wrapped him in blanket and pushed a beanie on his head. Then he wheeled him outside where is a small park. Siwon is sitting on bench next to Yesung’s wheelchair and suddenly a thin hand sneaked out from under the blanket. Yesung wrapped his hand around Siwon’s fingers and they stay still until Siwon started to Yesung’s tiny fingers. 


It is truth. What you see in your dreams can come true in future.

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Chapter 1: OMG This was soooo sad and beautiful at the same time!! TT ^ TT
I love reading about Yesung being abused and brutally by a lot of men and then ... survive the trauma and reach happiness like the brave man he is ... he is so freaking perfect in this story (and irl) ... so strong and y TT ^ TT Sometimes I can't believe such a perfect human being exists in this world TT ^ TT
cloudykuro #2
Chapter 1: I want more!
Now you has become my new fave author!
392 streak #3
Chapter 1: I c.r.i.e.d at my office while reading this, great T___T
Chapter 1: Awwww... This is such a roller coaster for my weak heart. I'm glad jongjin want to visit yeye. Siwon as such a pure soul and yeye were just another innocent victim.
Oh Gosh... I can't read this now. I'm in workplace XD. I can't wait XV
LongBanana #6
Oh wow, Siwon falls in love with the hooker.. hmm I'll waiting for you :)))