The Weirdo and The Preacher Boy – Part 1

Leetuek Mama's House

The first day that Siwon arrived at the house, Yesung was doing weird things.


He was sitting at the kitchen table, with a large pallet of paints and a handful of pictures and was trying to paint all of them at once with the same colour but of course because he kept leaning over each picture, he kept on smudging the paints and getting them all up his arms. Leeteuk had given up on trying to tell him that it was not a way to hurry up doing his homework in the slightest but after the third time he had given up and just hoped that Yesung would eventually pay attention or at least agree to a bath later on that night.


The new boy, Siwon, had been staring in terror towards the other boy when the social worker tried to introduce him and he shivered as he held his book closer to his chest. The social worker sighed and gently tried to push the young boy forward, “This is Leeteuk, Siwon, he’ll be your new foster parent from now one. This is…”


“Yesung,” Leeteuk smiled, looking a little on the embarrassed side about the boy’s behaviour but he also knew that the eight year old wasn’t going to respond to him when there was a social worker around. It was some kind of attachment issue that Yesung had where he thought that a social worker turning up meant that he was going to be moved once again and Yesung liked it here with Leeteuk so was being stubborn and not talking to any social workers because he didn’t want to shout at them to not take him away. “He’s a little…creative and not overly fond of social workers but don’t worry. I’m sure that he’ll make friends with Siwon in next to no time.”


Siwon turned his gaze curiously to Leeteuk before looking back at the boy at the table and feeling as though he would never be enough for the other because he couldn’t even be bothered to look up at him. The adults continued to talk for a little while, Siwon tuning them out as he was guided to sit at a seat at the table because he knew that the social worker would be passing on information about him to Leeteuk and even though the pair had met it was customary. Though Siwon tried not to pay too much attention to his new foster father as of now or try to indulge in the surroundings too much because he feared that this house would just go like all the others. People took him in, thinking that they could give him everything that he needed but quickly got frustrated and annoyed with him because of his peculiar habits.


It really wasn’t his fault he had them, it had been the way he had been brought up in the cult where he had to obey commands and do certain things at certain times and whilst he was better than he had been, there were some things that he could not shake off in the slightest. Like the book he carried around with him, he despised it completely, knowing now that the words were false and designed to make him hate the world around him but it was his only connection to his parents despite the fact that they were murdered in front of his eyes. Some days he just wanted to throw the book away, bury it or else throw it back in the sea but he was convinced that it would just come back to him to haunt him forever.


“What’s that?” a voice suddenly asked, a paintbrush pointing towards the book and Siwon blinked in pure surprise.


The boy who had been fixated on his painting was now looking directly at him with curious eyes and despite the serious expression on his face was completely paint splattered. Siwon blinked and looked down at the book before hugging it a little closer to his chest. “A book,” he said softly, almost wanting to look around for the adults because he did not quite know what to do in this situation.


The boy rolled his eyes, “I can see that, dummy, but what is it a book for?”


“For?” Siwon asked, looking completely bewildered.


“Yeah, what’s it for?” Yesung continued, flicking the paintbrush towards Siwon again, “Most people don’t carry big old books around like that.”


“Yesung, stop being rude,” Leeteuk came in just at the right moment to glare at the boy, “and what have I told you about pointing?”


Yesung huffed, “It’s not my finger, it’s a brush.”


“You’re still pointing young man and it’s rude to go asking such things when you’re just meeting someone,” Leeteuk said before kneeling down next to Siwon with a smile on his face, “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to Yesung. He can just be a little sharp at times when there’s new people about.”


“I am not,” Yesung said, pouting and putting his hand down on the paintings before letting out a sound of, “Ewww.”


Leeteuk rolled his eyes and turned to look at the boy he very much considered to be his son, “I did try to tell you that you were making a mess but would you listen to me? Not in the slightest.” He suddenly stood up and walked around the table, immediately grabbing Yesung under his armpits and hoisting him up with a show of strength that really surprised Siwon. It clearly surprised Yesung too because he tried to fail around but found that he couldn’t do so and just let out a series of splutters.


“Oh no, you’re not getting out of a bath tonight Mister. Especially after you’re covered in wet paint. Come on Siwon, you can follow me up to your new room whilst I lock this mess monster in the bathroom, and you Yesung are going to behave yourself because you’re now a big brother and have to set an example to Siwon.”


Those words made Yesung stop still once again, as he had been previously wriggling in the hold and he turned to look towards Siwon with a curious expression before he tilted his head back to look at Leeteuk. “Really? I’m his big brother?”


“Yup,” Leeteuk smiled brightly, “You’re older than Siwon so that makes you his hyung.”


“Cool!” Yesung said, wriggling to be put down but only so he could run directly towards Siwon and throw a hug around the startled youngster who had been following the pair quietly. “I’ll be your best hyung ever! I’ll make sure that no one ever bullies you or anything! Cause no one hurts my dongseng and gets away with it.”


“Thank you Yesung, now I need to give both of you a bath,” Leeteuk said, a sigh on his lips as he ran a hand over his tired eyes, “Honestly, you just like making more work for me every single day of the week.”


“It’ll be okay Leeteuk-Mama!” Yesung said, catching hold of Siwon’s hand, “I’ll help you to wash Siwon and even share my Kumamon soap with him too! Cause I’m a good big brother, right Siwonnie?”


Siwon just stared in total shock towards Yesung, unable to understand how in less than five minutes he had gone from being pointed at to being hugged and then being dragged to share a bath. Leeteuk smiled softly, “Yesung, you go and have a bath by yourself whilst I get Siwon settled in. Just make sure to leave the door unlocked and don’t eat any soap this time.”


Yesung pouted but nodded and rushed off towards the bathroom, already pulling off his paint splattered top and dropping it on the floor. Leeteuk sighed moving to automatically pick up the clothing that the boy was dropping and throwing it straight into the dirty basket, “Yesung! What have I told you about dirty laundry!”


“That I’m to put it in the basket but I’m going to be a big boy and have a bath all by myself!” Yesung called back which had Leeteuk wanting to smack his head off a wall but instead he was distracted by the sounds of tears and turned to see that Siwon was the cause.


Without saying a word, Leeteuk scooped the little six year old into his arms and gently carried him to his room. It was fairly small and compact but still held bunk beds, a wardrobe, a desk and a brand new toybox. There was also a gift sitting on the bed, all wrapped up in bright paper and topped off with a bow. Gently Leeteuk set himself down on the lowest bunk and hugged Siwon gently to his body. “There, it’s going to be all right,” Leeteuk said softly, placing a kiss on top of the boy’s head, “I know it’s a bit overwhelming and that Yesung is a little bit of a handful but he does mean well and once he’s calmed down he will really be a great big brother to you.”


Siwon hiccupped, “I’ve…I’ve never…. never…had…”


“I know sweetie, but don’t worry about it. Just go with the flow with Yesung,” Leeteuk said softly, “He’s a little…well…how best to describe him?”


“He’s a weirdo,” Siwon whispered, “That’s what all…those priests said about other children…they were weirdo’s who did not follow our ways.”


Leeteuk paused for a fraction of a second, “I think they were wrong calling all children that but actually…yeah, Yesung is a little weird but it’s a good weird as I’m sure you’ll come to learn. But don’t worry about it, he won’t mind being called weirdo by you.”


“Really?” Siwon asked.


“Yeah, I’ve called him worse and he loves me for it and my friend Heechul calls him things he really shouldn’t and he never complains about it but like I said, don’t worry about it,” Leeteuk smiled before reaching for the present on the bed, “Right now though, I just want to make sure that you’re happy and this is for you.”


Siwon stared at the present a little in wonder, unable to quite sort anything out because of the book in his arms and after a minute he set the book down on a conveniently placed bedside table. He picked up the present from the bed and started to open it with a little help from Leeteuk and stared in surprise. A teddy bear, fairly large with light brown fur was staring back at him and for a moment Siwon had no idea what to do with it in the slightest. He lightly prodded at it with his fingers and then looked up at Leeteuk who helped him to wrap his arms around the bear and whispered that it would keep him safe at night.


From the doorway, Yesung watched with a smile on his face because he was now more determined than ever to help Siwon out. He was going to be the best hyung on the planet and make sure that they were the best of friends as well. Though there suddenly came a splashing sound and he let out a yelp, “Mama! The water’s overflowing in the bath!”


Leeteuk was quick to run and sort everything out, before cleaning up the bathroom, giving Yesung a bath, followed by Siwon and then helped to tuck both of them into bed and put the night light on. He left the door open just enough so that it was easy to hear when Yesung climbed down into the lower bunk and softly pushed himself under the other boys’ sheets in order to cuddle him to sleep. “It’s scary being in a new place, I know I’ve been there but don’t worry, Hyung is here to protect you and make sure that you have the best sleep ever!”


Leeteuk felt his heart melting and sneaked quietly into his room to get his phone to capture a few pictures of the adorable pair as they snuggled together once they were fast asleep. He smiled down towards his two boys, “I’m so proud of the pair of you.” Gently he gave them each a good night’s kiss and slipped out, making sure to keep the night light on just in case either boy needed it.

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So new story started and I do hope you enjoy the general madness that will come from this fic.
Though boy I had to learn where everything was once again lol


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Chapter 2: Why after 2 chaps, you abandon this? This is good you know
Chapter 1: Woah, a foster mother to 5 kids and 1 is a baby omo omo
Chapter 2: Omo my heart...
Chapter 2: Omoo!!! This is so cute! Poor leeteuk had to deal with the kids but this is so precious! I'm rooting for you author ~~~~~