The Day I Met You

Never knew what love was until the day I saw you


I woke up hearing the chirping birds and the sunlight peeking beautifully at the curtains of my room. Not wanting to move, I layed at my bed enjoying the peaceful moment starting the day just fine. I heard knocks from my door and I already knew who it is. "Hyejin-ah you need to start preparing for the first day of your middle school or else you'll be late" my mother said with a bright smile, I nodded fixing my bed and walked through the bathroom to take a shower. 


I ate breakfast and chatted with my mom who was excited about my first day of school. The time was 6 am in the morning and I bid a little goodbye to my mother and went to the bus stop waiting for the bus. Silently listening to a song while staring at the window looking at the people walking the streets waiting for my stop to arrived. It was an ordinary day for me except the fact that I will be arriving at my school and probably make friends with my classmates.

Searching for my room was easy, the professor told us to sit on a chair we like so I sat on the back of the class and put on earphones in my ears. Minutes passed and the professor introduce herself first and then told us to introduce ourselves in front of the class. "Hi I'm Ahn Hyejin you can call me hwasa. My birthday is on July 23 and I hope we could all be friends" I introduced myself and sat on my chair obviously bored. I got interested when a cute girl introduced herself in front of class. She combed her hair back and smiled noticing her cute dimples making me stare at her in awe. "Hi! It was nice meeting all of you. My name is Jung Wheein you can call me Wheein. My birthday is on April 17 and I hope you guys will treat me well!". Her name was Jung Wheein maybe it wasn't an ordinary day after all.


Class dismissed. I saw the cute girl in front of the lockers. We are the only ones there and I had an idea that would make her notice me. I sang a song loud enough for her to hear me. I caught her gaze and we stared at each other while I'm still singing and walked pass her and I looked back at her while she has a confused look on her face which I found adorable. I'm sure she won't forget me after that.

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