This is no apartness

it started with nudes (don't let it end)

"We should go on a date again." A man with deep voice and brown hair said. He was fairly handsome. His face was covered with a white mouth mask while his body was covered with a big brown coat.

"Don't feel like it now. I'm busy." A woman responded. She had long dark brown hair, wore a mouth mask, black sunglasses and was in all black. Being a lot smaller  in size than the man.

They were outside a park for a walk early in the morning, making sure to be alone.

The man grimaced. "You obviously are. I am too but, you know, we should squeeze in a little time for us."

"Mhm, yeah, sure..." The woman mumbled, uninterested. Her attention was on her phone.

"Whom are you texting?" The man tried to take a peek on the messages but the woman quickly pulled it away from him to see.

She didn't respond, so he kept digging. "Joohyun?"

The woman shook her head.

"Then who?" He looked at her suspiciously.

"A friend." She walked in front of him. He walked quickly after her to be side to side.

"You smile like that for a friend?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah. What about it?" She asked sassily. "You are just jealous because you have no friends."

He put his fist against his chest as a sign of being hurt. "Do you have to be so cruel, Jennie Ah?"

"Do you have to be so nosy, oppa?" She countered.

He put his arm around her shoulder. "Of course I have to! I'm your boyfriend!"

"Whatever." She swatted his arm away in a quick motion like she was removing the stress and anxiety that was built up inside of her.

"So about the date..." He started and kept going.




Randomly texting Jennie became a habit for Jisoo. When (for her standards) something exciting happened she told Jennie right away. When nothing special happened she told Jennie anyway. Those were the highlights of her boring days. Sharing them with Jennie, that is.

She reported her everything and nothing because only then she felt complete.


MC Chu [07:10]

I just saw a double rainbow


Jennie 👅🔥 [7:30]



MC Chu [08:10]

I just ate a sandwich


Jennie 👅🔥 [08:40]

Just one?

Eat more!


MC Chu [13:10]

I was just run over by a tricycle


Jennie 👅🔥 [13:10]


I'll kill that tricycle

Give me the address


MC Chu [15:32]

I'm currently writing poems

About you|




Jennie 👅🔥 [16:29]

You need to tell me when you're done

I want to hear them!


MC Chu [21:50]

I miss hearing your voice


Jennie 👅🔥 [21:55]

Call me 🙂


Jisoo's lips formed a heart shaped smile. She wasted no time and clicked on the call button. Jennie was quick to take the call. She could hear the younger girl breathe on the other end of the call before she heard her tiny voice.



Jisoo slumped herself on her bed as she pressed her phone hard against her ear in an attempt to hear Jennie even more clearly. She could hear Jennie rustling too, she was probably doing the same.

Jisoo could practically feel the smug look on Jennie's face from the way she breathed before she spoke her next words. "Now you heard my voice."

"I did." Jisoo smiled.

"Got enough yet?" Jennie asked teasingly.

"Don't be silly." Jisoo chuckled lightly. "I could listen to you breathing the whole night."

"The whole night it is then." Jennie declared without a trace of silliness in her voice.

Jisoo's eyebrows rose. "Are you sure? You aren't going to fall asleep?" She sounded doubtful.

"I might, but not without you."

Jisoo grinned. "I'm sure you are going to snore in minutes."

"Forget it. I won't. First you need to read me a poem you wrote."

"I don't know..." Jisoo was reluctant. They were about Jennie, after all. Even if she didn't know.

"Please, Chu. Just one. " Jennie begged and her voice turned a pitch higher. "Pleaseeee~"

Jisoo sighed. She couldn't bring herself to say no to Jennie. Especially not when she sounded this cute. "Fine... But only the shortest!"

"Yay!" Jennie squealed in victory.

Jisoo cleared and picked up her notebook from her nightstand. She carries that notebook and a pen around everywhere. Whenever she has a thought that urgently needs to be written down she does just that. She searched for the right page, fingers brushing against the paper. She was just hoping Jennie won't notice it's about her.



Nothing ever reached me like you

It's indescribable too

How your voice soothes my dying feeling

How your gaze pierces my very being

Without grasping you

I feel your warmth

Like light and moth

I seek your warmth

There is empty space

Because we are apart

But only in distance

Never in heart



'That's no ', Jisoo scribbled underneath the poem. She almost read that bit too but could still stop herself from doing so. Good job Jisoo.

Jennie didn't respond, making Jisoo's cheeks become bright red. Maybe she noticed and maybe she didn't like it. Silence was never a good response in Jisoo's dictionary.

"Jisoo?" Jennie's voice finally broke the awkward silence.

"Y–Yeah?" Jisoo asked nervously. She felt the sweat in her palms as she closed the notebook and lied it aside.

"I feel the same." The honesty and vulnerability in Jennie's voice was evident.

Jisoo blinked. "You do?"

Of course Jennie would be able to tell it's about her. She could read Jisoo like an open book from the very beginning. A big part of Jisoo knew she would be able to but a tiny part hoped she wouldn't. It's the response that surprised her really, this is not the response she expected, at all. For Jennie to feel the same way. To feel the same weird closeness wihtout being close. What more if they were actually close? Not only their hearts but their bodies. Jisoo's heart flushed at the mere imagination.

"I do. I never felt this close to someone," Jenne giggled. "That's so ironic."

She wanted them to stay the way they are but she knew Jisoo wouldn't be satisfied with that.

"You mean that...?" Jisoo wanted to make sure.

Jennie hummed.

"Then..." Jisoo said hopefully.

Jennie got the message and tried to explain her why they can't.

"I have few friends. There are not many people I can trust. There is barely anyone who listens to me. The ones who listen to me are busy, I can't talk with them all the time. The ones who listen to me solely to get on my good side are forgotten right away. You never seem too busy to talk with me and surely don't do it for the wrong reasons because you don't really know me. You know me the way I want you to know me."

Jisoo tilted her head in confusion. "And what way is that?"

"As the one I am underneath everything." It might sound confusing but it was the only way Jennie could explain it, without explaining it.

Jisoo didn't quite get it. She didn't know what Jennie meant but she knew what Jennie felt. She always knows what Jennie feels. "So you are scared?"

Jennie took a second to respond nervously. "I'm not scared...! I'm just afraid."

"So you are scared." Jisoo stated knowingly. "Don't be."

Jennie sighed. "How can I not be? You don't understand Jisoo... If we meet it's going to change everything. I can't lose you."

Jisoo frowned. "You are not going to. I promise it won't change a thing."

She smirked and Jennie could feel it. "Except physical touch." Jennie plastered a weak smile on her face. She definitely wouldn't be against that.

"Promise...?" Jennie asked in such a small voice it made Jisoo wonder what she was hiding from her. If Jennie didn't want to tell her, she won't ask.

"Promise." She said with sincerity nevertheless.

"I'm not ready though." Jennie reminded her.

"I know." 

"Is that still okay?" She asked carefully.

"It is." She reassured her.

Soon Jisoo heard Jennie yawn. She giggled, imagining a baby cat on the other end of the line. "Told you so."

"I'm not snoring yet." Jennie stated proudly.

"It's okay sleepy head. It was long enough, you may sleep now. Can't have you skip your beauty sleep."

"You are right." Jennie snorted. "If I wake up looking like a potato tomorrow morning, then I know whom to blame."

The sound of Jisoo's laugh lingered on Jennie's ears and she could feel it physically ease her nerves. All her emotions left her body, combined themselves and led to the thumping organ in her chest. It left her with a burning feeling in her heart and an emptied head with but one thought: Jisoo.

"Goodnight Jendeuk."

Jennie sighed contently. "Goodnight Jichu."

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1126 streak #1
Oh congrats on being featured authy
570 streak #2
Oh featured!
2076 streak #3
Congrats on the feature!
reveluv316 811 streak #4
cant wait to start reading
idkwhattoputheree #5
Chapter 27: love this!
reveluv316 811 streak #6
congrats on the feature
2076 streak #7
Congrats on the feature!
1109 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
theoriginalhigh19 #9
Chapter 21: this is literally comedy gold with the right amount of uwu and awesomeness too. IM HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE READING THIS LMAO
mikaiori #10
I'll reread this in the future. I love it, thanks authornim! 🤍