Chapter 2

The Light That Shines

* After their 5th hour class they went outside to eat their lunch as always Iris went to her group of friends ( Tahtiana, Ashley, and Rosabelle )*


Iris- Hey guys

Tahtiana- Hey Iris!

Ashley- Hi Iris

Rosabelle- Oh hello

Iris- If only school can be over already, you know?!

Tahtiana/Ashley- I know right!!

Iris- I'm tired I can't right now

Rosabelle- Same

Iris- So tahtiana are you still interesred in jimin??

Tahtiana- Kind of

Iris- Even though he is not interested in girls??

Tahtiana- Whatever, now I have a crush on this yoongi kid

All- Awwww

Kai- Iris lunch is over let's go to class

Iris- Okay

JImin- Wait I need to go to the restroom!!

Kai- OKay, go quickly

( 10 minutes later )


Kai- Why is jimin taking so long we missed some of our 6th hour, Iris stay out here I'll go see if jimin is okay

Iris- Okay, Big brother


* Kai went to the restroom looking for jimin he doesn't see him in the restroom*

* Where has he gone to, I bet he went to see his boyfriend!!*

Kai- I'll go back outside, I don't want Iris to worry


* Then out of nowhere a black dark figure grabbed kai and puts something on his mouth for him to faint*


Iris- Now Kai is taking forever

Ashley- Iris why weren't you in 6th hour 

Iris- My brothers are taking forever in the restroom

Ashley- How long have they been in there for?

Iris- An hour!

Ashley- We should ask a male teacher to check I'll go and find one

Iris- Okay, Thank you


* Iris waited right in front of the boys restroom, waiting for her brothers to come out*


Ashley- I found Mr. Jones

Mr. Jones- Okay girls I'll see what the boys are up to

Ashley/ Iris- Thanks





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Thanks !!! >3<
Ooh!! The cover is so pRETTY!!
lol yeah it is XD
That eyeball is amazing!!
Yay!!! You put it on here!!!!