Mirror Mirror

Once the shift is over and the bar is closed again, I'm joining the others as we clean the bar. It was very crowded and we had more customers today than we usual have, but we made it anyways. Most vampires came over because of the whole doppelganger stuff and it starts to annoy me, because my life has completely changed now. I'm startled when Junsu taps on my shoulder, but I understand immediately what he wants... he wants to talk to me. I was expecting this, since Chanyong already wanted to talk to me. I'm sure that at least Chanyong will be there too. I follow Junsu to the bathroom and as I expected, Chanyong is there too. I stand against the door to prevent anyone else coming in and I take a deep breath as I look at the two men across from me. I have promised that I would tell them what was going on, so there is no way of denying it.

''We wanna know what just happened, Taekwoon. To us, it was like as if a whole war broke loose or something.'' Junsu breaks the ice and Chanyong nods in response. I look at both men to see a worried look on their faces.

''I don't want to return to the palace. Once I do, the king cuts my ties with you guys. I'm no longer allowed to see you guys or to work with you. The king and the queen want me to get married with someone else but Hakyeon. To them, it's needed for me to raise to the throne. I've told them already that I am not given the time to get used to their lifestyle and that I am not ready to say goodbye to you guys.'' I explain and the two men immediately widen their eyes. I look down to the floor, as if I feel embarassed to share this with them. But they experience this up close and know by now where I go through.

In the mean time, Hakyeon knocks on the door to ask if I can open the door. But before I can respond, Junsu fires back at him that he can wait and that we're in a deep conversation. Chanyong takes a step and places a hand on my shoulder, while a faint smile appears on his face.

''We won't stop caring about you, because you're amazing to work with. But we hate to see you go through this and we don't want to see you unhappy. It breaks my heart to see you struggling in this situation, but you need to make the decisions that you are comfortable with. No one wants an arranged marriage, so it's time for you to break the usual routines of your family and start to create new paths. When the truth is out and you can show everyone here that you are different from your father, everyone will start to appreciate and like you. The fact that you are a true prince isn't something we can't change, you need to carry that responsibility by yourself.'' Chanyong tells me and I look up at him with a faint smile. I'm not ready to say goodbye yet to this bar and to these bartenders in particular.

''I agree with Chanyong. You have to make those decisions for yourself and you need to let your voice be heard. If you can show the vampires that you are different, the vampires are willing to accept you. I don't know how it'll be with the current crown prince, but I'm sure that he will accept your changes aswell.'' Junsu adds and I sigh, knowing that I can't tell them about Leo just yet. It needs to remain a secret that Leo is a robot and that his emotions aren't real, so that he can't accept me at all. That's not what a robot is taught to do.

''Taekwoon, we need to go! Your family is waiting for you and so am I!'' Hakyeon yells from the other side of the door and Junsu grabs my arm, while whispering that I need to escape through the ceiling where my boss created an escape route. I know where Junsu is pointing at, because I'll end up in the basement. It sounds crazy, but my boss had created this escape route in case something is going wrong. Even though he created these routes through the entire building, but why in the bathroom too? Junsu pushes me away from the door, as he stands with his back against the door to keep it closed. Chanyong helps me to escape and closes the grid. As I start to crawl slowly, I hear Hakyeon burst through the door and starts to demand where I'm at. 

I slowly make my way towards the direction which brings me to the basement. I don't want to return to the palace, because the king and the queen are setting the date for an arranged marriage and my relationship with Hakyeon is over. I also thought I was given the time to get used to the new lifestyle, but it now seems like a trap to me. Hopefully that's not the case, but we'll see how this ends. However, I feel like something is wrong. I feel like the king has set up his soldiers everywhere around this place, maybe even in the basement. As I make my way to the basement, I can see nothing there when I look through the grid. Oh well, let's hope nothing is there. But right when I fall to the floor through the grid, multiple soldiers are here and they pick me up from the floor as if I'm a piece of trash.

''Now you're coming with us. There is no way back anymore.'' one of the soldiers says and they drag me with them as we leave the basement. I try to break free from the grip of these soldiers, but nothing seems to work. I start to scream in fear and I start to panic, as the king and the queen are waiting for me with a bright smile. Hongbin and Leo are with them too, but they don't seem to realise what's going on.

''Alright, we're complete. We're leaving. Take my son with you and prevent that he is going to escape!'' the king orders and an in-sync ''Yes!'' is coming from the soldiers, before the family leaves and the soldiers leave while holding me in their grip. I still try to break free, as I'm screaming and hysterically saying that they need to let me go.

''Taekwoon, no!'' Hakyeon screams and rushes towards me, trying to break me free from the soldiers. But instead, the soldiers push him away and he hits the floor quite hard. I look over my shoulder and I continue to scream in panic. I'm not ready to say goodbye just yet and I also don't want to break up with Hakyeon, because it'll leave us both devastated. I really don't want this, I wish I was never born in this life. The soldiers take me to the carriage and they push me in as the first person. I get up as soon as I have made a painful hit to the floor and I take a seat, looking outside. I wish everything was over, I wish this wasn't real.

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It's so nice to see someone that is still writing for the beloved VIXX, you're contributing to keeping the fandom alive so I hope your inspiration keeps flowing xx