The Kiss (Almost...)

Teasing An Imaginary Line

Hey, everyone! This was actually my first official story on AF, which I started a year ago, but never got around to writing more for :S Now that I actually know how to post chapters here, I'm re-uploading the first chapter I wrote along with a new chapter I finally finished for this Minyul drabble collection. Enjoy!


At first, Yuri wasn’t sure that she’d heard the host correctly.


She’d still been busy laughing at Taeyeon and Sooyoung’s insurance sketch when SHINee had arrived spontaneously on the scene. Usually, it was just the members of Girls Generation who featured on ‘The Horror Movie Factory’. But every now and then, the producers of the show brought other SM Entertainment bands in on the act to spice things up.


She silently wondered what gag the hosts had in store for her and her band mates for the episode.


Yuri’s eyes had reflexively wandered over towards Min-Ho when he’d first stepped onto the stage, but then her attention had been diverted once again.


Then the hosts had suggested they play a new game on that episode of ‘The Horror Movie Factory’, this time featuring her and Min-Ho.


They wanted Yuri and Min-Ho to kiss in front of the live studio audience.


This wasn’t anything like her sketch with Yoo Sae Yoon, when she had to pretend to be pursuing him when he already had a girlfriend. He’d barely stayed in character as the plot line became more and more ridiculous thanks to Kim Shin-Young’s appearance as the less-than-attractive love interest Yuri had to compete with.


This was very different just because it was Min-ho.


They were friends, always had been from the first day they’d met at ‘The Company’, the nickname for the building where Girls Generation, SHINee and the rest of the acts under SM Entertainment rehearsed every single day.


She’d always liked him, especially when he had spontaneously bought her a bottle of Red Bull after a tough day of rehearsal for no apparent reason, just because he could.


They’d just clicked somehow, in that effortless way that two people occasionally did when there was no definitive reason to put a label on a close working relationship.


He’d seen her at her best and at her worst, inside and outside of the job.


Yuri couldn’t pretend with Min-Ho, not with a million eyes trained on her all at once.


The chanting grew even louder all around her, thrumming like bees in her ears. Someone pushed her from behind and she was suddenly in front of Min-ho. He looked just as mortified as her at all the unwanted attention. His eyes wandered down to her lips, straight out of a scene from a Hollywood romantic comedy while their hands remained entwined. Yuri was inextricably drawn to his mouth as well, an embarrassed chuckle escaping her lips while she tried not to make direct eye-contact.


But then he began smiling serenely at her and that made it all worthwhile somehow.


Their hands were suddenly on each other. Yuri absent-mindedly patted his biceps through his shirt to steady her nerves while he in turn maintained a firm grip on her lithe hips.


This was Min-ho after all, not a complete stranger.


They could get through one little kiss without her whole world falling apart.


How bad could it be?


They were both smiling instinctively at this point while the crowd roared jubilantly at the thought of seeing two of their favourite K-Pop idols locking lips on stage. For a moment, Yuri forgot what they were supposed to be doing when Min-ho grinned down at her in a way that was positively unfair.


Didn’t he know his smile literally made hearts melts when he entered a room?


This was it, the moment of truth.


Yuri pursed her full lips together and leant forward.


Min-ho’s dark eyes crinkled with intensity while he did the same.


They were inches apart now.


All that was left to do was close the distance…


In order to escape the sounds of the crowd and her band mates as well as the look on Min-ho’s face, Yuri leant forward and buried her face in the crook of his neck. She could feel his throbbing pulse against her forehead, her hands resting comfortably against his chest.


Even more surprising than not actually kissing him was the fact that Min-ho just held her for those few magical seconds while the audience lapped it up completely, shrieking and clapping with delight. His lips were brushing against her blonde hair, his hands gripping her shoulder and the back of her neck with sudden gravity.


A part felt of Yuri intensely disappointed that she hadn’t caved and just kissed him to get it over with. But the other part felt supremely safe in his arms while he held her close. She wasn’t thinking about the crowd at all, perfectly content to stay in this position till the end of the show.


Then the laughter and humorous audio clips started up again, the voices of the crowd reaching a screeching level. And Min-ho had switched his position to that of a one-armed hug across Yuri’s shoulder, a safe proximity. He was grinning from ear to ear, but the laughter leaving his lips felt very dense and hollow.


Yuri too was smiling and laughing along with her band-mates, feeling equally lethargic and vulnerable.


“Aren’t these two good sports? Maybe next time, they’ll commit to the moment.” Jo Hye-Ryun, the other female host, quipped amongst raucous laughter from everyone on stage and the audience.


Everything returned to normal when Onew clapped Min-ho affectionately on the back and Hyo and Tiffany began milling around Yuri, talking animatedly all the while. As usual, Tiffany was practically crying from laughing too hard at the sketches they all had to do during the episode. And Hyo was giggling at Min-ho’s expense, laughing about how uncomfortable he had looked throughout.


Yuri barely took a word of it in until Seohyun rested a tiny hand on her shoulder and roused her from her reverie.


“You ok?” she asked gently of her friend in Korean.


“Uh-huh…” Yuri answered, still very much in a daze about the entire ordeal.


“For a moment there, I thought you were really going to kiss him,” Seohyun murmured confidentially.


“So did I,” Yuri whispered without thinking.


Seohyun left Yuri to her own devices and struck up a conversation with Key, who stood just behind her. But she was smiling secretively to herself in-between, her eyes flitting between Min-ho and Yuri’s stiff postures as they stood as far apart as possible from each other. 


Ok, so I said I'd use real events and real Minyul moments for my story. But I tweaked this 'almost kiss scene' and incorporated it into SNSD's short stiny on 'Horror Movie Factory'. So don't be too alarmed if the events don't always make sense. I'm not really big on quote-on-quote 'accuracy' in my stories :P Thanks for reading, cheerio!

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Chapter 2: MinYul~~~ kyaaa! so cute! how i wish these interactions were for real. hahaha~
Chapter 2: Meow
This is interesting
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Sorry For Taking Up The Space here..

Btw, great job with your fics =]]