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Heart's Diary
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04 Page Four  

Joo Mi wrapped her brown scarf tighter around her and took a seat on one of the shady the benches inside the city park. Her small smile appeared again under her scarf as she saw her mom shyly posed for Ki Hyun’s camera. It was another fine day in autumn and her mom decided to bring Ki Hyun for a stroll through her favourite garden, Giardini Pubblici Indro Montanelli.

It had been four days since Ki Hyun stayed at Seo’s resident and that meant it had been four days too Joo Mi befriended him. It was still early for her to say that she knew him. In fact, she barely learnt anything about him except for his name and the fact that he was a Korean guy who had been studying abroad for years and on a solo trip. However, she couldn’t deny that her heart was tinkled in pink when she had him around her. She almost felt as if her smile never leaved her face even for a minute these days.

“What are you doing? Stop it!” She said to Ki Hyun while hiding her face behind her hands as he ambled over to her with his camera.

He let out a small giggle, still trying to capture a few pictures of her. “Why? You’re beautiful.”

Her heart skipped a beat upon that and yet she just ignored it. “I said stop it! Or you’ll sleep outside tonight.”

He laughed again. “Well, I don’t think that your mom will let you do that, especially to her beloved guest.”

She clucked her tongue and sent him an annoyed glare when he plastered a triumph smirk on his face. She scooted a little as he settled down beside her to enjoy the picturesque sight too. “So, you’re going back tomorrow?” She asked.

He remained a silence for a moment before an unconscious sigh slipped out between his lips. “I guess so.”

“Are you having fun here?”

His eyes squinted when he had his broad grin again. “Of course! I’m really relishing myself. Every minute I spent here has been a really great memories for me. But meeting you and your mom is the best.”

“Nice to know that I’ve been a great tourist guide.” She beamed. “Anyway, is there anything else that you want to get before going back?”

He pursed his lips and frowned slightly as he pondered for it. “I think I have one more thing.”

“What is it? Tell me and we’ll go find it tonight.”

“It’s not something that you can find in shops.”

Her brows knitted together at the centre upon that. “Huh? What do you mean?” She asked but continued again when she suddenly had an idea. “Is it my mom’s cooking food? Kimchi-jjigae?” He burst into a chortle at her guess and her lips spontaneously formed a pout as she realised that she was wrong. “Then, what is it?”

“It would be really nice if I can bring back your mom’s cooking food. But I have something else in my mind.” He paused, having a second thought about whether he should ask for it or not. Then, he decided just to go for it. “Actually… I’ve been wondering if it would be okay for me to have your email.”

Joo Mi looked up at him in the eyes but remained silence. There was nearly no expression on her face that Ki Hyun could try to assume and it made him felt nervous. He let out a fake chuckle and looked away when she eventually broke their gaze. “You know what, just forget it. I-”

“So quick to give up, mister?”

He stopped talking and stole a glance at her, finally noticing the tiny smile that was hidden under her scarf.

“So, where should I write? Hmm, on this leave?”

He emitted a joyous yet shy giggle when she all of a sudden reached for a dry leave that had been stuck onto his scarf for no one knew how long.




The aroma of sweet hot chocolate lingered around the tips of her lips as she took a sip of it. The café was bustling with incoming customers though it barely bothered her. She was enjoying her leisure time alone at the corner of the tea shop. Her eyes focused on the phone screen while her fingers were busy running on it. Her lips spontaneously curved into a warm smile when she received a notification of a new email from Ki Hyun.

Two month had passed since Ki Hyun went back to his university but it seemed they had become closer and closer over the time despite of the long distance between them. They had been sending emails to each other for the past days, at least twice a week. However, it had become more a bit seldom these days since Ki Hyun was busy with his assignments meanwhile Joo Mi got a new runaway project for the upcoming winter.

Joo Mi was scrolling down through the email when her phone suddenly rang, signalling an incoming call from her house. She picked it up with a broad smile on her face. “Hello, omma! I’m at the downtown’s café right now. Do you want me to get something-” But then, she abruptly became speechless and her smile vanished at the very next moment. Her face turned ashen. Her fingers begun to tremble, causing her to loss a grip in her hand. Her phone would fall hard onto the floor if Hyung Won didn’t arrive there in time and caught for it.

“Woah! It surprises me!” He exclaimed in shock as he held up her phone.


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i was searching for monsta x fanfiction, and here you are giving me one to read haha, anyways a good start :)
2036 streak #2
Chapter 4: Ooh he's married? Wow! Here I was thinking he would be a love rival. Guess that could still happen. But anyway, now that I have caught up with all the updates, I can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2036 streak #3
Chapter 3: Ooh and that's how Kihyun came into picture. But I have a question. If Kihyun looked really tall to her, how tall is she? Or was it just an illusion she had in the darkness? Hehehe... Will be back to read the rest ^^
2036 streak #4
Chapter 2: Ah I thought her father might be a entertainment celebrity but it didn't strike me that (keeping out spoilers. Lol) could be his profession. No wonder he was scared of the media. And the ending... Wonder how she's going to get out of it. Will be back again to read the rest ^^
2036 streak #5
Chapter 1: Hi there ^^ I just came across your story and so read the first chapter. That was a nice start. And the end got me curious of what's happening. Wonder who her father is. And I'll be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 3: Kihyunnnn T.T