Chapter Two

because of you

Jongin didn't assume the role of being a CEO since Yifan deserve to be in that position not him. Sehun offered Jongin the COO but Jongin declined as he decided that being one of the board member is fine. Less work for him and the fact that he still needs to go back to New York to see his company. It was an entertainment company that recruits young artist and grew them to be one of the greatest. Taemin had been good but the other still needed him. Yifan gave him an office and to his surprise it was across Sehun’s. He wanted to argue but Yifan told him that it was the only free office suited for him. Sehun told Yifan that can have office with Baekhyun and Chanyeol three floors down but Yifan told him that as a COO he stays.


After a week the news spread out that Jongin and Sehun won't be together and most people got dismayed. Chanyeol kept on giving Jongin a glare every time they saw each other. Baekhyun one time slapped Jongin because Baekhyun was one of the people who helped Jongin to get Sehun to love him. Having found out about the incident Sehun pleaded to both of his best friends to stop what they were doing.


Jongin’s family took it hard the most because they already accepted Sehun to be their  family. Jongin’s mother cried and didn't talk to Jongin until now. His father? Well he didn't say anything but he was disappointed. Yifan was mad of course and even their little sister Kira who grew attached with Sehun and even planned out the wedding.


Sehun being an orphan was the only one who didn't reacted badly. He calmly accepted it and decided to focus more to work. To the point that Junmyeon had to drag Sehun out of the building. The older male had found out that Sehun didn't come home for days and just slept on his office. Junmyeon saw this before, it was days after Seijun died. It was his way of coping up but it was destructive. They never saw Sehun cried not one little tear and it worried Yifan and Junmyeon. When Yifan told Jongin about it, Jongin just shrugged at least Sehun accepted the fact that there will be no them together anymore.




Sehun was sitting at his couch folders scattered everywhere. He was trying to make a report and statistics about the company’s assets.  He has a presentation tomorrow morning and he didn't want to disappoint Yifan. He wasn't even sure why he was still a COO when this whole company belongs to Wu Kim family and he wasn't a family anymore. He had been thinking of resigning but then he can't because this company is the only thing he has connected with his brother. His brother has twenty percent shares in the company and he can't bear to walk away.


Sehun bit his lower lip as he remembered the talk he have with Jongin.


Sehun smiled as he saw Jongin walked in. He didn't wait for Jongin to speak up as he went to him and hugged him. “Jongin i missed you” he whispered burying his face to Jongin’s neck. He had expected for the other male to hold him tight the way he used to but Jongin pushed him back.


Jongin looked at him and there Sehun knew that Jongin changed. Jongin usually look at him with a smiling eyes but now they are dead and cold


“babe?” He asked as he felt himself shaking


“ dont call me that” Jongin said as he looked away “Its over. We are done” he said


Sehun shook his head “no jongin stop! You promised me.. baby you promised me!” He exclaimed reachingfor Jongin’s hand and held it. That promise that only kept Sehun going because he knew one day he will be happy with Jongin but now all of that crumbled down.


“ I cant be with the person i dont love Sehun” he said


And with that Sehun’s tears fell and he was shaking his head not believing it. They have dreams, they have plans together and Jongin was just throwing it all away.


“Just like that? In a snap you dont love me anymore?” Sehun asked.


Jongin sighed “ I never loved you from the start” he said.


Sehun nodded as he cried harder. “I dont know what happened but i will not gonna argue with you. If that is what you want so be it” he said as he walked towards the door and opened it “ Leave” he said simply.


Jongin looked at Sehun and nodded “dont worry about my family. I will talk to them” he said then left.


Sehun closed the door and he dropped on the floor as he cried his hand gripping the ring on his neck which he made as his pendant. It was a simple ring but it means too much to him.


Jongin gave it to him before he left.


That was the last time Sehun cried.


“Sehun?” Chanyeol snapped his fingers in Sehun’s face. It has been a few minutes but Sehun just stared at the space


Sehun looked at Chanyeol’s worried face “what?” He asked as he went back to the papers.


“Baekkie wants to know if you wanna eat. He made us dumplings and noodles” Chanyeol said.


Sehun shook his head “ Im not hungry Channie go ahead and have time with Baekhyun i will be fine” he reassured his friend.


Chanyeol sighed as he took the files away from Sehun. Just like Jongin, He was also best friends with Seijun and he promised that he would take care of Sehun. Growing up Chanyeol has feelings for Sehun but Sehun saw Jongin first. He had accepted that because he knew Jongin will make Sehun happy. It is why Chanyeol hated Jongin now.


The taller man went to sit beside Sehun and said “ you didnt cry over him Sehunnie. It wasnt normal please if you want to hurt someone then hurt me.. scream at me just dont keep it in” he said.


Sehun sighed as he leaned into Chanyeol “ What did i do? Why did he left me?” He asked as he buried his face to Chanyeol’s chest and there his shoulder started to shake. It was a quiet sob but as it went it turns into more harder sobs.


Chanyeol just hold Sehun tighter kissing the top of his head as he cant help but to cry too.


Baekhyun was outside by the door he cant help but to cry listening to his bestfriend’s heartbreak.


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2448 streak #1
Chapter 4: Jongin why are you doing this I'm so curious as to whyyyyy... and then Kyungsoo even shows up and says that he's Jongin's fiancée??? wow, that fricking hurt

anyway, I actually scanned thru this coz of the KrisHo tag hihihi so I just want to say that I love how level headed Jun is being during this entire ordeal, sadly, the others can't be the same but I understand since they only want to protect Sehun... I mean, if I were in here, I'd be Team Sehun too! no doubt abt that... but yes, Jun will probably be a huge help to Jongin, seeing how he's the only one not judging him and is not angry at him when even Yifan, his brother, already is
Chapter 4: Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ToT I’m crying!!!! Whyyy Kai?!?!? I know you love him!!! I know you’re doing whatever you’re doing to protect him!!! But why hurt him so much ToT cmon Kai ToT
Chapter 2: Omo... The first chapter itself is angst ToT and I'm crying buckets here!!!

I wonder why Jongin ignores Sehun to keep him safe. Because Jonginnie!!! Youre hurting Sehunnie!!!!! Whyyyyyyy.

ToT im still crying btw.

I feel so sad and bad for both of them!!!!!
This is so interesting!!!! I can't wait to start reading it!!!