first win! 080419 (uh-oh promotion)

여걸 || heroine || keeping up with heroine

inkigayo 080419

‹ it's a drama just for us ›

The girls waved to their fans in the audience as they stood by the MCs, it was a shock they were even in the top 3, in their opinion. NCT Dream stood behind them, Jisung and Haeun chatted as other idols got onto the stage, waiting to start the closing ment. Sammy adjusted Ming Ming's beret, Jinae chatted with Jaein, Jibyul was answering fans questions as they shouted them. Everyone got in their places, the girls straightened up and listend as Mingyu and SHin Eunsoo read through their cards. As they got to announcing the points Jaein and Sammy both looked at the screen as the others avoided looking, Jinae held Jaein and Ming Ming's hands while Haeun and Jibyul huddled together closer to Sammy. 


"Heroine! Congratualtions!" The two MCs announced handing a mic to Jaein along with trophy which Sammy took as Jaein was still wrapping her head around that they won. Haeun and Jinae had began crying, the youngest being hugged by Jibyul whom was also tearing up, Ming Ming was still in shock, pinching herself to see if she was dreaming. Jinae hiding behind Jaein as she spoke.

"Uh, thank you to our friends, Big Hit staff, Manager Moon, Manager Kwang, DJ Mellow , om. Seulha-nim, Seulji-nim, Jonghyun-num, Hyunwoo-nim. THank you to our families, for continous support and love. Our former The Rise members, for their support, thank you. An even bigger thank you to our fans, for loving us and our music. Thank you!" Jaein said, quickly jumping from English to Korean, seeing how the MCs were running out of time. 

After the MCs finished their closing speechs, 'Uh-Oh' began playing, the girls bowed to other singers as they exited the stage, NCT Dream congratulated them quickly, heading off stage, ITZY returned the bow and gave them a thumbs up. The girls were a mess, as they huddled together in the center of the stage, the MR playing overhead. They spun around for a moment, when they stopped, they were all busy wipping their faces from their tears. 




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the kcon chapter will be released soon, I just have been busy with work!


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Chapter 71: To see someone on aff dedicated to updating their stories, is surprisingly pleasing. I feel like others don’t even bother to comment anymore but thank you for always taking the time to even update this and especially putting THIS much effort in the last chapter.
Chapter 71: To see someone on aff dedicated to updating their stories, is surprisingly pleasing. I feel like others don’t even bother to comment anymore but thank you for always taking the time to even update this and especially putting THIS much effort in the last chapter.
Chapter 65: For the fact that you’re even trying to keep this going after so long, I appreciate you. Two jobs is hard to juggle, take care of yourself, eat and sleep well.
Chapter 62: Oh my god, Jinae’s birthday is around the corner and Sunhwan just needs to give it up and love Jinae! LOL but seriously this was awesome and thanks for showering my baby with love!
Take your time, work is stressful enough. Trust me.
Chapter 55: Happy birthday to pretty gal Ming Ming! ❤️❤️
Chapter 55: Happy birthday to pretty gal Ming Ming! ❤️❤️
14 streak #8
Chapter 36: OMG YES ITS UH OH