1- Peach Jam

Chaennie Collection

A Chaennie love- hate relationship... because why not? hehehe




“Hold the elevator please.”


As soon as Park Roseanne steps inside the elevator with Jennie Kim, a collective gasp rang inside and that cramped elevator turned into a rectangular warzone.


Everyone started to slowly inching out of the way, feeling caged in between the two lionesses. A bloodbath will soon occur between President Bae’s right hand and left hand (it alternates on who wins over the President that day).


Until now, no one in Irene Fashion House could figure out how two of the most beautiful and talented women in the company could be this terrifying.


“You have your presentation today?”


It was Jennie Kim who spoke first, nicknamed Boss in all 28 floors of the company and rightfully so. A fashion icon at such a young age, someone who breathes in life to fabric and designs. International fashion brands clamor for the young talent. But instead, she chose to bring her talents home.


Everybody knew that she’s heir to the Irene Fashion Line.


Until, Park Roseanne comes along.




The girl from Melbourne is a breath of fresh air, all smiles and squishy cheeks and a terrifying love for the color pink. But she brought a kind of style that no one anticipated from the house of Irene. She added a touch of sassiness and girliness to what used to be sophisticated and classy.


And when, Jennie pointed out that Park Roseanne is turning their luxury brand into Forever 21, that’s when the war between the two erupted.


“Well… good luck.”


Everyone breathes a sigh of relief as Jennie Kim with her usual sharp tongue seems civil this morning.


But they were being naïve when they think Jennie wouldn’t strike, because if they know her at all, they would figure out that she goes straight for the kill.


“Because you would need it.”


Everyone gasped in unison, watching as Jennie Kim just went straight for the jugular. But Jennie Kim and Park Rose aren’t called rivals if they weren’t equals. That thought has always been the one thing that drives Jennie Kim mad. She and Rose have two very contrasting styles yet everyone considers them to be on the same level. Every chance she gets, she makes sure to let people know that she was ahead of Rose despite of what everyone thinks.


But Rose already knew how Jennie Kim operates. She had heard horror stories about the nightmares Jennie causes her rivals and from the get go, Jennie proved all of them true. Jennie Kim is talented and ambitious and is willing to slit someone’s throat to get ahead.


But for somebody who is such a sweetheart, Rose is much tougher than anybody thought. She worked too damn hard and sacrificed way too much to get caught up in some petty girl fights.


And if Jennie Kim wants a fight, then bring it on.


“Thank you, Ms. Kim. All I had to do is remember the things you mess up on your presentation last week and I’m good to go.”




Save by the elevator bell.


Everyone swooshed out around them, ready to escape the tension except Jennie and Rose who was both still glued to their spots. Tensions running high as both women refuses to be the first one to look away.


“I hope you ed up.” Jennie hissed her warning under her breath, loud enough for Rose to hear.


Rose’s lips slowly curved into a devious half smirk, considering it a win to hear Jennie sink this low.


“You already set the bar high on that one.”




If there is one thing that Jennie does give Rose credit for, it’s that she got legs for days. No… days is an understatement- she got legs that goes on forever. But that’s it, that’s the only redeeming quality that Ms. Park has. Those tone calves that goes all the way up to those long luscious legs, and those thighs don’t even get her started on those thighs.


But wait how come feels a little dry?


“Here you go.” The dark haired beauty sitting next to her, shoves a water bottle to her chest.


“What is this for?” Jennie asked her bestfriend and most of the time worse enemy. Jisoo is the definition of a frenemy.


“Quench that thirst, girl.”


“What are you even talking about-?”


Jennie quickly dismissed Jisoo’s assumption with a hissed before gulping down every drop of the water.


“Thirsty, Ms. Kim?”


Jennie looks away from the bottle and found all eyes are on her on that boardroom. Her boss who is the definition of terrifyingly beautiful, The Irene Bae is questioning her with a raised brow. And if there is only one thing that strikes fear in Jennie, it’s her boss.


“N-no, Ms. Bae.”




Everyone turns back again to the Aphrodite in pink hair presenting on the board.


All Pink how ing cute, Jennie could only scoff mentally.


House of Irene isn’t supposed to be cute. Irene is about dressing up power women, stylish and ruthless that could edge out any male counterparts. Not cute and perky that looks like you’re heading to the prom.


Okay, she does admit that Park Rose’s design makes it feminine but at the same time powerful, but she’s never going to admit that, not out loud anyways.




If there are one place the two acts civil with it was in front of President Bae Irene. In front of their boss, they look like BFF’s that goes to sleepovers on the weekends and do each other’s hair and nails. But President Bae isn’t in the top 10 most powerful women in Asia because she’s naïve. She knows how ruthless her two protégés can get with each other, and call her whatever you like but she uses that tension to spark ideas out of the brilliant women.


After Park Rose’s presentation, she didn’t waste any second longer to call the two into her office. Every second counts and every second lost can cost her millions.


“I have to say that I’m very impressed with both your presentations this week.”


“Thank you, Ms. Bae.”


“Both styles are different but have their own unique touch to it. I’m looking forward to see where the future of the company with both of you on the team.”


This was the closest thing Irene could say to a compliment and both girls are all grins, if they were pups they’ll be wagging their tails nonstop.


“I was wondering what both your schedules would be for this Friday night?”


Rose and Jennie exchanged quick looks and if you blink you missed out that crackle of rivalry in their gaze.


“I’m Free!”


“I’m Free!”


The two yelled out in unison, their boss didn’t even look unphased she knows these girls would missed their own funeral for her.


“Good. I need a babysitter.”


“Wait? What now?”


This wasn’t what they expected it to be.


“It’s me and my wife’s five year anniversary and I would love to take my wife out for dinner.”


“That’s so sweet of you, Ms. Bae. I’m actually very good with kids. I was planning to be a Kindergarten teacher before I decided to be a fashion designer, if Ms. Kim happens to be busy I would gladly do it for you.”


“I’m good with kids too.” Jennie intersected.


That got both Ms. Bae and Rose raising their brow in surprise. Jennie was equally surprised with their reaction, she loves dogs, aren’t those the same thing as kids?


“Okay. Well that’s all set, I’ll see you both at Friday night at 7 pm.”


“Yes ma’am.”


“Thank you, girls.”




“So, you’re good with kids, huh?”


Jennie stilled her expression as she sees Rose’s expression turned dark before those luscious lips curve into a devilish smirk.


“I don’t know what kind of test Ms. Bae is trying to pull Jennie, but I’m warning you.”


“Warning me? You? Girl with a pink hair, warning me? Let’s hear it.”


Jennie instantly regretted taunting the other girl as soon as she felt Rose hot breath on the tip of ears, setting both her skin and her soul on fire.


“If you try to sabotage this, you better start liking Chinatown…” Rose leaned in even closer that Jennie got scared that Rose could hear how hard her heart is thumping. “-because that’s the only place you could afford Chanel.”


Jennie pulls away, trying to contain her shock expression from the threat.


“I’m excited to work with you, Ms. Kim.” Rose leans back, that dark look easing away to that cheery Rose expression that she is known for. “See you on Friday.”




“She’s evil. I’m telling you, she’s evil, unnie.” Jennie starts pacing around her office, Jisoo won’t be surprise if the floor caved in. “Underneath those squishy cheeks, and gor- brown eyes and those lo- okay legs and slim- ummm- waist. She’s evil.”


“Look, Jen, honestly, if you look pass all of this .”


“?” Jennie’s head spun so fast, she felt she’s about to get a whiplash. “Where on Earth are you getting that?”


“You were just describing her earlier, like you are ready to swipe right in tinder.”


“She’s beauti- she has okay looks that I will admit, but am I attracted to her? Hell to the ing no.”


“It’s 2019!” Jisoo exclaims in frustration, pulling her hair out in the process. “We women should be raising ourselves together, not bringing us down.”


“She’s bringing me down too.”


“I bet you want to go down on her too.”


“Ye-“ But Jennie caught the truth before it slipped off her lips. “No… that’s gross…heck no.”


“Excuse your aside, I just want to say… Rose deserves the position as much as you do. The girl works harder than you give her credit for. You saw her designs, who would have thought anyone can make pink look powerful?”


Jennie retorts with a scoff and a massive eyeroll. “It was alright.”


“Your opinion doesn’t matter, only unnie’s and from the look of it today, she’s very impressed.”


“Where are you trying to get at?”


“If there is something that could test anybody’s humanity, it’s my niece. So, this is more than just a babysitting job, Jen. My sister is up to something.”


“Why aren’t you babysitting her anyway?”


“I can’t be around her without adult supervision.” Jisoo spoke it too confidently that Jennie almost took her seriously.


“You’re older than me!”


“Age wise, but mentally I’ll always be a kid at heart.”


“Wait… is it because you almost burned down their home?”


“It’s not like it was on purpose!” Jisoo for once in her life looks flustered. “She wanted to make our lava from our volcano experiment smell good, who knows perfume was flammable?”


“She’s a kid, how bad could it get?”


Jisoo could only reply to her bestfriend with a smirk. She could warn Jennie but where’s the fun in that?




She’s late…


Jennie scoffs as she is perched perfectly inside her swanky black Porsche while parked outside her boss’s palace.


Jennie- 1, Rose- 0.


Okay, it’s still 5:50 but that’s like late in their boss’s book. 6:00 meant 5:45 in Bae Irene’s standards. 5:45 also doesn’t mean flailing around to get things ready for 6:00. It means that you’re good and ready to go by 5:45.


5:52 ticks around and Jennie sees a honda civic parked right in front of her, before the most beautiful girl in this ing world steps down from the back seat. She meant her colleague, Rose steps down from the back seat, thanking the driver with a genuine smile like they’re BFF’s or something. It’s so Roseanne Park to be so kind to strangers.


It’s the first time that Jennie sees Rose dressed up so casually, in some Adidas joggers and cute crop top showing off that flat abs when she do as much as stretch. She looks hot, she looks alright.


“You’re late.”


“I still have a few minutes left.”


“Yeah sure…” Jennie stepped to the side, letting Rose pressed on the doorbell. The pink haired designer rolled those pretty eyes before-


The door swings open, revealing their boss in all her glory.


“I have been waiting for you two.”

Before the two young designers could say anything, their boss already cut through the chase.


“Yeri, come down here.”






Both Rose and Jennie steps back in shock as a cute little girl popped out from behind Irene not a nanosecond later. Ok, now Jennie is sure that Jisoo is lying. Jennie is not into kids but even she had to admit that this pigtailed cutie is as cute as , no way she’s as demonic as Jisoo says with those sparkling round eyes and squishy cheeks, with her little tiara and princess gown. 


“Oh, President she’s so cute!”


Rose coos at the little girl. Of course. It’s so Roseanne Park.


“Hi, I’m Rose, what’s your name, pretty girl?”


“I’m not pretty, I’m beautiful.”


Rose bites her lower lip, trying not to cuss out Jennie who she could hear snorting at the back.


“Yes, oh I’m sorry, beautiful.”


“My name is Yeri. How about you? What’s your name?”


“Ummm… I’m Jennie.”


“Yeri could be quite a handful but just tell me if she’s misbehaving and I’ll-“


“Oh no, no, no, President. We are going to have a wonderful time, right, Yeri?”


“Yup.” The baby answered, making her P pop.


“Okay, now be good, my angel,” Wendy kneels to be the eye level of her daughter. “Remember if you’re good, mommy has a surprise for you.”


“Oh!” The little girl’s eyes doe eyes glow even wider. “A pony?!”


“Ummm no.”


The little girl’s smile dimmed at having to lose her pony. “Forget it then.”


“Well, it’s just as fun as a pony.”


“A unicorn?”


“A toy unicorn?”


The smile dimmed once again.


“Okay, Yeri, me and your mommy Wendy are leaving, be good, you understand me?”


“Yes mommy!”


They wave their goodbyes, but as soon as the front door closed shut…



“Yah Rose.”


Jennie and Rose’s eyes widens at the deep voice calling out for her. They slowly turned around and jumps back in surprise to see the little angel face was all gone now and she’s frowning like the real dictator that she is.


“Wait… did you just call me Rose?”


The four year old raised a brow, as if Rose just asked her the most stupid question.


“That is your name, right?”




“What is your Korean name?”


“M- my Korean name?”


This day is getting weirder and weirder.


“You’re Korean, right?”


“Y-yes… It’s ummm… Chaeyoung.”


Chaeyoung… even Jennie is learning new things about her rival today.


“Well, then Go get me my chocolate milk, Chaeng?”




Rose didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at being bullied around by a four year old, “W-what’s the magic word?”




“Okay, okay, okay… I got it.”




“Oh, don’t worry, President, I’m wonderful with Kids.” Jennie mocked Rose’s sweet sickening tone as she watches Rose scurries around the kitchen, pouring the chocolate milk inside the pink pony sippy cup.


“I said I’m wonderful with kids, not…not… not… like her.”


Rose probably meant psychotic demons but was too nice to say it out loud.


“Aren’t you aware? Kids are psychos, Rose or should I say Chaeng, They have no sense of sympathy.”


Rose snapped back to face her rival, “After working with you for two years, trust me, I know how to deal with psychos.”


“Chaeyoung! My show is starting! Where is my chocomilk?!”






“Here you go,”


Rose hands the sippy cup over to the little girl, laid out on the couch like a freaking mermaid. After one sip, the little girl pulled away her bottle with a pop and eyes Rose with such disdain.


“What is this?”


“Chocolate milk?”


“It doesn’t have ice.” Yeri corrects her.




“Yes. Did you stir it or shake it?”


“I ummm… I shake it?”


“See? That’s why!” Yeri points at the chocolate residue at the bottom. “The choco is still there.”


“You know what, kid?” Jennie grabs the sippy cup away. “I got you.”


“Thank you, Jennifer.”


“My name is Jennie.”


Yeri just stares back at her.


“I will call you Jennifer.”


“You know I’m bestfriends with your Auntie Jisoo.”


Yeri pops off her sippy cup, giving Jennie a look of both sympathy before grunting.


“I feel bad for you.”




“It’s time for a race!”


Rose's cheeks bubbled up and Jennie could swear that she actually looks excited at the prospect of running one.


“Okay, I’m ready.”


“No, no, no, no… Rose.” Yeri waves her little finger at her. “A pony race!”


Jennie and Rose turned to each other, both having a surprised look on both their faces.


“You have ponies?”


“Yup.” Those huge brown eyes turned devilish as she turns to Jennie. “You’re my pretty pony, Jennifer.”


From the side, she could see Rose trying to stomach her laughter.


“Maybe, you should pick Rose as your pony.”


The laughter that Rose had turned into a look of intensity that Jennie is just excited for.




“Yeah. I mean look at those strong legs, I bet they could go very, very fast.”


Rose looks back at Jennie like she’s ready to kick her in the face, Jennie just retorted back with a sickle smile.


“Hmmm… you’re right! Down my pretty pony, Rosieposie!”






“Okay, okay, okay…”




This day is getting more and more entertaining than Jennie would have thought, watching Rose crawl around on all fours with Yeri on her back around the mansion. She should have video it but she didn’t… as much as other people might disagree she has a heart too.


Now Rose is just curled up on the couch, nursing her wounded pride with a drink.


But if the two thought that this day is over, it barely even started…


“Okay… who wants to look beaaaauuuuutttttttiiiiiffffffuuuullll?”




The two turned over to the little girl and gulped as they caught those huge eyes trying to look innocent.


“I volunteer Jennifer!”


“That’s not what the word volunteer mean…” Jennie corrected the four year old.


“I’m going to put facial mask on you.”








Jennie’s eyes narrowed into dangerous slits as she sees Rose with that triumphant smirk plastered all over that pretty face.


“Okay, let me see… I have different colors here, which one would you like?”


“Aren’t those playdos?”


Jennie was already too terrified to ask, as she pointed out at the different colored containers.


“Duh! It’s pretend Jennifer. Of course, were not going to use real face mask. Now, what color would you like?”


This is it, she’s going to quit. There is no shame in that. She pays 300 dollars every two weeks to her dermatologist and look what is happening to her now? Getting a facial using playdough?


“Oh, I like this one! It smells like strawberry and it got glitters on it.”


“Oh my God.”


Yeri grabs a glob of playdough from the yellow container and smothered a thick paste on Jennie’s cheek.


“Oh, it’s not sticking…” The four year old frowns as she watch the playdo fell on the floor. “Maybe I should put some glue so-“


“NO!” Jennie screams in horror.


“Yeri-“ Rose who was having such a grand time at seeing Jennie squirm, finally decided to intervene. “Look, how about we make our own facial mask?”


“Hmmmm?” The little monster looked quite interested at the offer. As much as this was making Rose’s day seeing Jennie getting tortured by a four year old, she had a heart.




“Yes. Here, we could look at different videos in youtube and you can pick which one you want us to make.”


Yeri narrows her eyes before nodding.




Jennie stares at Rose who now has that triumphant smirk on her face.


“I’ll get you lunch on Monday.” Jennie hissed unwillingly in Rose’s ear.






“I’m not talking to you.”


But Jennie won’t be denied as she yanks Rose into the corner while Yeri is distracted over something other than turning their life into hell.


What Jennie wasn’t expecting was how tight the corner was, and how close Rose was too her that she if she just leans in for a couple of centimeters, she could taste those sweet, red-


“What is it, Jen?”


Oh …


Jennie shook her head, hoping it could distract her from her thoughts.


“I ummm… I’m willing to call a truce.”




“We have to work together. I don’t care if she’s four or that she’s the cutest in the world, but we can’t let her win.”


Rose crosses her arms and those brown eyes are still haze with distrust. It’s not like she can blame her, she and Rose doesn’t really have the smoothest working relationship over the past year.


“Okay, what’s your plan?”


“I’m going to show her the trailer of Halloween.”


“What? No! She’s still a kid, you’ll traumatize her.”


“She traumatized me.” Jennie hissed. “American Horror Story, then?”


“God! Do you have any idea that is not going to scar her for life?”


“I know, I could add a little sleeping pill to her chocolate milk.”


Rose doesn’t seem to agree with her plan.




“What? You have any brilliant ideas?”


“I’m thinking…”


“Yeri, do you want to watch a movie?”


“What?” Chaeyoung hissed warningly.


“I want to play Mario Kart!”


“Mario Kart?”


Jennie scoffs and for once is thankful for having Jisoo as a bestfriend because if anybody taught her the ways of Mario Kart it was her.


“Relax, Rose. I got this.”




Jennie could have won it with her eyes closed, watching as she finished first and Yeri crossed… who cares? She lost. The little demon lost.


“You cheated.”


Rose and Jennie were paralyzed at the husky deep tone talking from behind them, they turned around in unison and jumped back in horror to see the scathing look in the four year old’s face.






Jennie thinks it’s time for her to teach Yeri some valuable life lesson by saying.


“No, you just so deal with it.”


“What the he- heck, Jen…” Rose hissed before pulling Jennie to the side. “Let her win, she’s four.”


“No, no, no Rose. That’s not how life goes. It’s better for her to deal with failure now.”


“You’re a cheater! Cheater!!!! CHEATER! CHEATER! CHEEEAAAATTTEEERRRR!!!!”


“Yeri, Yeri… it’s okay.” Rose, always the pacifier tries to coo the four year old who looks like a few seconds from burning down the house. “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s just a game.”


“She cheated!!!!”


Jennie puts her finger in her ears and decided to play fire against fire.


“I can’t hear you…” She said in a mocking tone, like the grown up that she is.


“Oh my God.”


They could see Yeri hyperventilating or more of gathering all the air in her lungs so she could burst out and yell.




Rose didn’t want it to get this far, but desperate times calls for desperate measures.


“Jen, please, please, please.” She pleaded. “I will do anything that you want just play with her again.”


“Oh… anything?” Jennie’s lips curved into a devious half smirk that even got Rose swallowing a huge gulp. Rose might as well surrender.








“Ha! I knew it!” Yeri stood up proudly in her pink couch as she watched Princess Peach crosses the finish line before Jennie’s Bowser. “I win.”


“Yehey…” Jennie says sarcastically.


“Hello, We’re home!”


Jennie and Rose both let out a sigh of relief before looking up in the sky and thanking the Lord for surviving this horrific night.




“So, how was our little angel?”


Rose and Jennie look at each other, both trying to still their expressions to something less than an are-you-ing-kidding-me look, before reminding themselves mentally that Lucifer was once an angel too.


“She was fantastic.”


“She was the sweetest girl in the world.”


“She is so cute.”




“A little Angel.”


Wendy steps back completely impressed, before giving her wife an I-told-you-so look. But Irene didn’t buy it for one second.


“Wow, baby, you are right, Rose and Jennie did a good job.”


“Maybe I should hire you both again to watch her.”


“NO!” Jennie screams before her eyes just widens. “No way… we are going to say no to that.”


“Yes, definitely just let us know.”


“Of course. Thank you, girls. I’ll see you both in the office on Monday.”


“Yes ma’am.”




Jennie and Rose walks out of hell- the mansion practically dragging themselves towards the sidewalk. Her car door opens with a melodic click and even if she’s ready to go from 0-100 and zoom out of there, she knows she can’t leave Rose just standing there by herself.


“You’re not leaving yet?”


“I’m waiting for my Uber.”






“You’re not leaving yet?” Rose returned the question as she sees Jennie still parked in front of her.


“I could but what if a serial killer just sees you and fancies you, who is going to protect you?”


“I’m supposed you?”




Rose let out a scoff, and Jennie has no idea if she’s just tired but it’s the iest sound she heard.


“What are you going to do, Jen? Kill them with your sarcasm?”


“And wit.”


Rose scoffs again, but this time it sounds more like a sweet giggle than a mockery. “I’m okay, Jennie. I promise.”


“Nope. I don’t think so.”


“Jennie, this is a rich neighborhood, a serial killer wouldn’t dare.”


“What if your uber driver is one?”



“I hate you.”


“You know what? Chaeng, as a thank you for not letting Yeri mess with my moneyshot right here.” Jennie points to her face. “I’ll drive you home.”


“Oh?” Rose’s brow quirked at the offer. “You will?”


“I’ll be your Uber driver.”


“Nope. I’m already thinking of all the amazing, very, very, very expensive meals I’m getting for lunch on Monday.”


“Oh Rose,” Jennie’s lips curls into a devious snarl that only she could pull off as ridiculously y. “If you wanted to go out with me, you could just ask. I might say yes. Might.”


Rose gives her the biggest eyeroll in the world that only made Jennie smile.


“Your uber is going to get one star.”


“Let’s go, I’m driving you home.”


“Good night, Jennie.”


Jennie never thought that Rose will be this stubborn, it’s too bad that she’s just as stubborn too.


“No, look. You said you’ll do anything, remember?”


“I don’t remember.”


“Then, let me remind you, you said you’ll do anything if I let her win in Mario Kart, and I did. So c’mon let me drive you home. Look, I promise I’ll still get you that very, very, very expensive meal on Monday.”


Rose stood there quietly, contemplating inside that pretty head of hers.






I hope you guys enjoy the story! And Yes... I still love them...


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These upcoming two weeks I’ll be having a staycation and planning to write more Chaennie, I do write mostly fluff though, if I do some angst still it’s gonna be a happy ending. So, so, if you guys have any prompts or requests please put it in the comments or pm me. Thank you!


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Chapter 1: sequel pleaaase. give us a real 'angel'yeri (╥_╥)
sequel of Peach Jam please authornim..
Chapter 5: amazing oneshots and drabbles...
want some more authornim... 🙏🙏
blackpinkforever #4
Chapter 3: Hoescars hahaha
Ren003 #5
Chapter 5: i love your chaennie fics....please write more :)
Chapter 4: I love your chaennie fics so much aaaa thank you for writing them!
bolehpinjem #7
Chapter 5: Chaeyoung is so greasy I can't take it. Lol.

But this take of the recent situation with YG really sober me up, while they might not be "fired" they could be out of job in Korea. Praying for the best outcome for our girls.
cutey111 147 streak #8
Chapter 5: I don't know how and what to feel, but for sure if it wasn't chaennie fluff, I have thrown hands by now! God the reality is so u for for them and they are very vocal about it...
Chapter 3: Lmao i cant with jisoo and her kfc
1730 streak #10
Chapter 5: This is so sweet omg my chaennie heart