Fireside: Not Again

Lyrics I wrote about about you
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Base Guitar~ California Beaches Malibu Fire Not again, Don’t happen here The wind that blows, The scenes we share, Not again, Don’t happen here. You make my skin, Heat like the sun, Not again, I won’t fall for one, You make my breath, Run out of air, Not again, I won’t fall for you. Drums and bass guitar~ V:On the trail by the sea shells, Near the ocean sailing ships and , Love on the beach, Their public devotion, But for me, This silly thing is Not happening, Only once never twice, I am done with it all. Not again Bass Guitar~ In my vision, In my screens, Not again, Not in my blood, The touch you give, The love you once share, Not again, Not in my mind. In my scenes, In my dreams Not again, Not in my blood, The skin on skin. The lust we shared, Not again, Not in my heart. Drums and Bass Guitar~ V2: Sitting on a boat, Look beyond the scenes, Wondering what’s beyond, Every little thing, Right here, Right now, Right at this moment, Foot steps made for 2 But for me, No hand in hand, No sun shining, On the sand. Bass Guitar~ Once you were in my mind, You were in my head, All I thought was nothing, Except you, But now your not in my blood, Your not in my heart, Your not in my California wind Your in my mind.
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