Be Alright

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Joohyun slumped back onto the bed with Seulgi following down on top of her, skins sticking with excessive sweat and liquid. Both exhaled slowly, filling their lungs with much needed air as they felt themselves relax.


“Why?”, Seulgi looked down at the closed eyes, "Why do you still want me after what I did?"


"You know why...", Joohyun replied after a moment of silence and slowly opened her eyes to meet Seulgi's gaze, "I love you"


Joohyun weakly lifted her hand and caressed Seulgi's face, making the woman above her sigh in her touch. Seulgi stared at Joohyun's face that seemed to be glowing even though the light from the rising sun was scarce and still covered by the curtains.


Slowly, Seulgi leaned down and let her lips linger on Joohyun's forehead, still afraid to say the same words back. She moved to kiss her again in which Joohyun responded with the same feeling and passion. It wasn't very long for the kiss to turn intense.


Seulgi pushed Joohyun down the mattress deeper and used her tongue to pry open the shorter woman's soft lips and entered inside. She couldn't get enough. Their passionate kiss turned wilder as tongues played around each other's mouths. With a gentle bite on Joohyun's lower lip and a soft moan from her, she broke the kiss and stared at Joohyun's beautiful, beautiful face.


"I know you're afraid", Joohyun suddenly spoke, keeping her hand on Seulgi's cheek, "I know you don't want the both of us to get hurt, and I won't hurt you. I won't leave you. Didn't I already prove that when we started dating?", she brushed the strands of hair that was covering Seulgi's face and caressed her cheeks, "We'll have fights, miscommunications. We'll have our own share of problems like how we did for the five years we're together, as friends and as lovers...but we'll work it out. Together. Not like this...", Joohyun's voice trembled at the end as she brushed her thumb on Seulgi's skin.


"I'm so sorry unnie, I really am", Seulgi swept her thumb on the dried tear stains on Joohyun's face and cupped her cheek, "I just wanted you to be happy"


"I was happy... with you", Joohyun softly said as she brushed Seulgi's long fringe back and massaged her scalp.


"I'm sorry", it was the only thing Seulgi could say.


"You should be", Joohyun retorted as she closed her eyes, exhaustion catching up with her.


Seulgi smiled apologetically and brushed her thumb over Joohyun's cheek and lightly swept it over Joohyun's closed eyelids. I don't ever want to see you cry like that again... I'm really sorry unnie, she thought as the image of a bawling Joohyun came in her head.


She was about to retract and let the woman rest when she felt warmth over her wrist. Joohyun grabbed her arm and stopped her from leaving the bed.


"Wait", Joohyun muttered as she stared directly at Seulgi's eyes.


Seulgi froze from the eyes staring at her, "…Do you need something?", Joohyun kept staring at her and she didn't know what else to do but to look back. Her eyes really are mesmerizing, she thought. "...You have all my attention. Say whatever you want to say...and do whatever you want to do". She was expecting hits or a slap even, and she wouldn't dodge or care if it hurts too much. It's as if she was under a spell. But if it's from Joohyun, she wouldn't mind at all.


Joohyun released her arm, sat up, and surprised Seulgi by throwing herself to her with arms wrapped around Seulgi's neck making the latter feel her skin. There's a more important and urgent need for Joohyun than revenge and that is to satisfy her longing. She had never even thought of revenge. She just needed to touch Seulgi and feel her more, to know that she is finally there with her again.


Seulgi exhaled and closed her eyes as she let the warmth embracing her spread throughout her system. She buried her face in Joohyun's hair, "I'm really really sorry", she whispered to her ear.


Joohyun held on tighter, willing herself to not let any tears fall from her closed eyes. She missed this so much. She missed Seulgi's scent, the feeling of Seulgi's arms around her, Seulgi's gentle voice when she whispers in her ear… basically, everything about Seulgi. She missed Seulgi so bad.


Joohyun took her time feeling the sun-kissed body with hers before she moved back a bit and cupped Seulgi's face. She traced every curve of Seulgi's face from her side fringe, to her forehead, to her nose bridge, to her cheeks and jawline going back to her nose, then to her lips and stopped to her chin and whispered, "This isn’t just a dream, right?"


Seulgi shook her head and leaned forward, planting a long, sweet kiss on Joohyun's forehead before closing the painful gap between them. She shuddered when their lips touched and pulled Joohyun closer to her as she tightened her arms around the woman's slim waist, not minding the sheets between them.


She kissed Joohyun with more passion than ever. She just wanted to get rid of every thought in her mind and every fear and worry left in her heart after all that’s happened on the bed and the talk between them minutes ago. I won't be scared anymore...for you, unnie. That was her last thought as Joohyun pulled her down with her.




Seulgi woke up with the sunlight illuminating the whole room and an urge to go to the toilet. Her body felt heavy though when she tried to get up, causing her to groan a little, and stretched her limbs but found out she couldn't stretch it further and the sudden chill on her skin made her realize that she wasn't wearing anything at all.


"What? Why—... oh... right", she muttered to herself as the memories of last night—till morning—slowly returned. Joohyun's sudden aggressiveness surprised her but she thought that maybe it was because of the wine.


Things turned too complicated between them and she figured that Joohyun just wanted to savor the moment for as much as she could, maybe to even release stress and adrenaline, but she was glad she gave in. She always gave in when it comes to Joohyun anyway. She couldn't decline her even if she tried, in fact it killed her when she did the biggest mistake she had ever done—to leave Joohyun. It killed her inside she almost went and killed herself literally if not only for her friends who stopped and guarded her. Thank God they stopped me...I got to live and feel this again. I got to be with you, she thought as she stared at the beauty sleeping on her bed.


Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Joohyun mumble in her sleep. The woman was holding her arm tightly as if afraid she'd leave and disappear again and it broke her heart to see that. 


Joohyun mumbled again and tightened her grip to her arm, restlessly moving her body as if searching for Seulgi's own and so Seulgi brought her free arm to Joohyun's waist to guide her while also scooting closer.


Seulgi felt tired not only from the 'physical work' she had gone through with the woman in her arms but from her restless mind, thinking about everything she had done to her as well as what could possibly happen in the future. If she would do just one wrong move, it felt like everything would be gone in her grasp and it scared her.


Another grunt escaped Joohyun so Seulgi massaged the waist of the woman she would want to call hers again.


"Unnie", she whispered softly and brushed Joohyun's hair away from her face, letting her see the deeply furrowed brows and the frown on the elder’s face. "Hyun", she gently ran her fingers along Joohyun's forehead, trying to brush the creases off, "...relax"


Joohyun huffed as she started to relax. Her eyes slowly fluttered open as she turned to find the face of the voice that kept calling her, "Seulgi?"


"Ssshhhh...if you're still tired, go back to sleep", Seulgi leaned forward and kissed Joohyun's forehead, "I need to pee. Just sleep unnie, okay?"


"No... stay here...", Joohyun mumbled softly, obviously sleepy just from her tone and her eyes that slowly closed once more and unknowingly went back to sleep, her grip loosened.


But I need to pee. Seulgi thought and smiled as she watched Joohyun in her sleep. Her finger traced the sleeping woman's eyebrows, nose, cheeks, jawline, chin, and lasted on her lips, recalling the same moves Joohyun did to her when they had—at least she’d like to think—the talk they needed.


She smiled as she lifted her hand away and fixed the blanket for Joohyun to not feel too cold nor too hot before dashing to the bathroom with her hands trying to cover the parts that needed to be covered.


She went back to bed after washing her hands and lied down next to Joohyun who was now facing the other way, hugging her pillow. She scooted closer and spooned her tiny unnie, falling asleep after she glanced over the clock beside the bed and managed to pull a part of the blanket over her body.


The warmth of Joohyun made her so comfortable and sleepy she couldn't care less even if it was already half past ten.




Seulgi woke up again from the ringing noise coming all the way from the sink and had no choice but to move out of the bed to turn the continuous noise off. She picked the hanged underwear, shirt, and shorts on the laundry bar beside the sink and dressed up after aggressively sliding the X icon. It's already 3:18pm. Seulgi sighed.


She tied her hair with the ponytail on the sink, brushed her teeth and washed.


She just wiped her face dry when she heard shuffles and turned to see a very sleepy and disheveled Joohyun wearing her yesterday's cardigan, a little loosely...but buttoned at least, dragging her feet towards her and washed her face with half of her weight being supported by Seulgi since the woman leaned to her.


Seulgi waited until the half-asleep woman was done and watched Joohyun practically doze back to sleep after she turned the tap off so she moved the woman to face her then brought the towel to her small face.


Joohyun just followed along, still too sleepy to even open her eyes and the disturbing pain in her head wasn't really helping at all. She let Seulgi do her thing as the woman wiped her face and arms dry and put a toothbrush on her hand.


At the touch of the material against her palm, she finally opened her eyes and frowned. Where did this toothbrush come from? She thought as she stared at the unfamiliar object on her hand.


"Brush your teeth first unnie, we didn't get to do that last night", Seulgi said as she hung the towel on the bar under the sink, "I'll see what I have in the pantry for...uhm.... brunch, and for that hangover"


"I didn't drink that much", Joohyun retorted, eyelids half closed while putting toothpaste on the brush.


"Okay. For your 'minor headache' then", Seulgi said as she quoted on air with her fingers. She was about to move when Joohyun grabbed her arm.




Joohyun didn't answer since she was busy brushing her teeth but her hand didn't let go, instead, it slid down to Seulgi's hand.




Joohyun shook her head and swung their hands and Seulgi took it as a 'let me finish' so she stayed put till the older rinsed, gargled, and wiped. Joohyun's eyes automatically went back to Seulgi and just leaned on the sink, playing with Seulgi's fingers.


"You don't want brunch?"


"I want. I'm hungry. Starving even"


"Me too", Seulgi replied and waited for her hand to be released so she could get started but it still remained captive after minutes, "So uhm...", she started playing with the fingers as well, "...why won't you let go of my hand?"


"Because we have unfinished business", Joohyun moved away from the sink and dragged Seulgi with her, "Brunch could wait for the least 15 minutes or so"


Joohyun pulled Seulgi all the way to the couch and sat causing the taller to fall abruptly, "First of all", she slapped Seulgi's back as hard as she can with her 'morning strength' and the annoying headache and Seulgi quickly grabbed what she can to stop herself from falling off the couch.


"I wish I could slap you for real"


Seulgi straightened up and went back to sit as she slowly said, "Then slap me. I deserve it anyway"


Joohyun huffed and willed herself to calm down, "It won't solve anything no matter how much I want to do it so never mind" and I don't want to hurt that face I love so much.


Seulgi just stayed seated with her head hung low, just waiting for Joohyun to speak. The only thing she'd do is to listen and reply when necessary.


"Look, I'm just gonna let you do what you want from now on. There's no use anyway since you're too stubborn", Joohyun paused and breathed softly, "I just want to say that I'm thankful...that I'm grateful that you love me so much that you're willing to go this far. But please, put yourself in my shoes"


Joohyun held Seulgi's hand and intertwined their fingers together. "I know you're afraid that I'd just lose it and walk out on you, I know that. You've told me that many times before and I'll still tell you that it's not going to happen", she held Seulgi's hand in between her two tinier hands and stared at it, "I swear, I won't hurt you. I won't leave you", like they did, she thought, "I understand your reason. I know you mean well but I just wish you'd listen to what I say", Joohyun said and scooted closer.


Seulgi grabbed and squeezed one of Joohyun's tiny, tiny hands, "I'm sorry unnie... I thought it would be better for you if I go"


"Wrong. That will never be better... that's the worst and I don't want that", Joohyun slowly leaned her head on Seulgi's shoulder, making the woman to tense for a few seconds before relaxing. Joohyun sighed, "I get that. I know you just want what's best for me...but the best for me is you, Kang Seulgi. I know you don't want to hurt me, and I also don't want to hurt you Seulgi-yah... Leaving you is never an option. Never"


Seulgi moved her head sideways, glancing at Joohyun. She couldn't see the woman's whole face but she noticed the tired lines and slightly dark bags under her eyes. She felt terrible for putting Joohyun through all this.


"And please don't listen to whatever appa says to you, or whatever anyone says... please"


Seulgi's eyes widened in surprise but she didn't speak.


"You're not taking anything away from me, not my chances, not my freedom. I am the only one responsible for those and it's my choice to keep you with me in my life, ignore everything else they're saying"


This time, Joohyun moved closer to Seulgi's neck. "You're not robbing me of anything nor changing the way I am, Seul... in fact, you're actually adding in my life", she placed her other hand on Seulgi's thigh and closed her eyes, "I regret nothing, Seulgi-yah. In fact, I'm very happy and thankful that I met you… and that you became a part of me"


Seulgi tried so hard not to cry after hearing Joohyun's words. She's grateful, touched, blessed. She had never felt so much love from anyone before. She felt relieved but still felt guilty to the woman that kept showering her with so much love despite the pain she had caused her.


"Thankyou Joohyun unnie... I'm so sorry"


"You need to trust me more. You have to believe in me... in us. Should it become unbearable to me, I would absolutely tell you. And then we'll find a solution... together"


Seulgi nodded and Joohyun took it as a sign that it was okay now. She released Seulgi's hand and s her arms

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I'm back and at it again woot~ so, some of the "status:hiatus" stories of mine are now being written and (im really sorry) and i'd be posting updates and snippets so you can check my profile and maybe follow me as well to keep posted hehehe


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future_mrs_liu #1
Chapter 6: Wow. The last story is so touching and heartwarming. Nice one author! Fighting!
Chapter 6: the woman by the counter Hyunjoo? Considering that the cafe strongly reminded  Joohyun of her Mom that she stopped and had both her and Seulgi go inside in addition to the fact that her grandmother apparently goes there, she could very well be Hyunjoo. The details of the cafe could've been a nod or tribute to Jihyun. I'm really glad that there is one less person against Joohyun's relationship with Seulgi. It's also gratifying to know that the person is her grandmother, the mother of her homophobic father of all people, who apparently approves and supports their love without any judgement or disbelief. Her grandma even thought nothing of Jihyun loving another woman instead of her son and was actually sympathetic to the situation Jihyun and Hyunjoo found themselves in.

I loved how tight and strong Joohyun and Seulgi are. Not one hint of backing down or giving up. Kudos to them for having their priorities straight and the willingness to fight for their love. Other things and concerns are trivial when it comes to their love for each other. The time spent away and without each other was enough to tell them how lonely and painful life would be for them without the other. Now that they are back together again, they aren't taking chances and risk that scenario becoming a reality ever again. They are taking steps together to nip things in the bud and ensure that it would only be them they would spend their lifetime with.
Chapter 6: When the first time i read this story i keep thinking the story is so familiar and already reading it but with yoonyul version but i'm not sure yet, and when i see your other story it turn out i'm right i already read the yoonyul version, it's really been a long time for the yoonyul version and i can't believe i still remember it hehe. Btw i love this seulrene version too and so happy to see you love seulrene too after yoonyul cuz i'm like you, i love yoonyul and seulrene :)
Hoyan33 #4
Chapter 6: ??? im so soft
Chapter 6: Aww this is amazing. Thank you :)
akrr1997 #6
Chapter 6: This is incredible! Thank you for updating :)
2190 streak #7
Chapter 1: I feel bad for Joohyun....
Chapter 6: This story is just too beautiful... even after everything, Irene loves more than she detests. It seems to be impossible for her to hold a grudge for long (she'd even forgiven Seunghyun). Thank you for writing this.
seulrene_daze #9
Chapter 6: "how old are you again?"

damn seulgi you go gurl!!!!

i'm excited that you are back, dear author!!
Asawanimarie #10
Chapter 6: Love the update!!!