

Leaves are turning

Weather is getting cold

Its been a year

That you have left us


There isn't a day

Where we haven’t missed you

We think about you every day

Since the day you left


The day you left us

Was a day we wouldn't forget

We knew you were hurting

So we had to say goodbye


I know we will meet one day

The day we stand in front of those gates

We hope one day

You will meet us there


When you left us

We were hurt

But we realized

That you were happier


You are missed every day

But you are now happy

Then that means

We can be as well


When you left us

On that cold day

Last year

We were angry


We blamed you

Since we were hurt

But then realized

That the one hurting was you


Now you can

Have that rest

Until the day

We met again


Sleep well

Sweet boy

For you aren’t

Hurting anymore


You are loved


You are missed

I miss you


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