2 Impressions

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream




Chaewon made a quick escape to the second floor, Chaeyeon made a hearty chuckle and said “Ah, that girl, really.”


This startled Eunbi, she look at Chaeyeon in the eyes – confused and questioning what she meant. In the process she seems to get captivated by the younger’s eyesmile.


“Cute.” she said to herself.   


Her impression of Chaewon just now is not the best. It seems that girl has air of superiority in her, the way she stands and caries herself; looking like a princess in the mint green dress she is wearing. Eunbi thought that Chaewon might be overflowing with wons and yes that rhymed in her head.


“Don’t mind her, she is just reserved, it takes time for her to warm up.” Chaeyeon chimed in.  Even with such assurance Eunbi can’t help but be worried.


Chaeyeon then continue to walk till she reaches a room that sits right across the front door.


“This is the managers – I mean your room and the one beside is the office.” Chaeyeon said while motioning to the room that is just under the stairs.    


“Here is the key for both rooms. All the other thing you need are inside the office. Grandma Landlady asked me to put them together for you.” She added as she handed the keys to Eunbi, smiling brightly. 


Eunbi could not think of anything to say in return, so she just holds the younger girls hand and from the bottom of her heart she said “Thank you.”


“Thank you for taking care of my grandmother while she is here and thank you for helping me today.” she continued.


“No, no problem.” Chaeyeon replied stuttering a bit while scratching her nape, flustered.


“Oh, I almost forgot to give this to you.” She pulled out a small notebook and handed it to Eunbi.


“Those are notes about us here; it’s mostly about food though. I made it myself.” The younger continued and Eunbi find it cute how shy she seems right now. It’s amusing how the girl switches from being cool and cute.


“Would I be able to meet all of you, later? I want to know the others as well. ” Eunbi asked Chaeyeon, as the younger nodded in confirmation.


“It’s about time they know about the new arrangements. I have not told them about it yet.” Chaeyeon muttered more to herself than to Eunbi.


“Why have not you told them? Is this something my grandmother asked?” Eunbi Inquired.


“No ... no, no, It’s more because of Hye-”




Chaeyeon was about to say the reason when suddenly a loud noise from above was heard and it seems that there are people running around.


“YENA UNNIE!!!” A loud shout followed, it seems it was from a very energetic yet slightly pissed off teenage girl and then another loud thud, the sound of someone falling to the floor hard.


“What was that!?”  Eunbi asked. She is confused what the commotion is all about.


“They are at it again.” Chaeyeon muttered as her eyes narrows.


“HYUNGGG!!!” Another girl from above was heard.


“Oh my cats!!!” Chaeyeon half shouted – half cursed, panic was visible in her face. Then she immediately runs to the dining table grabbed a small box of what looks like a pastry or bread.  

Chaeyeon then hurriedly run upstairs, Eunbi followed her immediately. Whatever the commotion was its enough for the younger to panic and drop whatever she was doing.  


Eunbi right now is full of questions, what are her questions? Well for one why is there a “Hyung” there when she was informed this was an all girls, women’s only apartment? Why are they running around? Also for all that is holy why did Chaeyeon in panic need to pick a box of pastry before running upstairs, what was that for!?


As Chaeyeon landed to the second floor she assessed the situation. There we see Chaewon standing in front of her room, somewhat worried and scared. Not far from there, just in front of the next unit a girl wearing only sports bra and gym shorts lying face down with her arm outstretched.  While a seemingly younger but taller girl in a basketball jersey and short’s is sitting tangled on her legs. Looking down at them in front of her door is a girl wearing a white hoodie and blue jeans with her hands clasp. Her face looks angelic but visibly annoyed with the signature crisis eyes staring the other two down. Right now she looks like she is in between the verge of crying or shouting.    


 “Chaewon, catch this!” Chaeyeon hollered as she threw the box to princess in mint-green dress direction.


Chaewon caught it and then threw it to the girl standing in front of her door.


“Hyung, look this is your favourite cake donut from that pastry shop.”


“Chaewon - ah, how many times did I told you, don’t throw food.” The girl replied, it started of harsh but subsequently mellowed in delivery. 


She smiled and it’s as if angels descended from heaven and decided to sing right there and then. She opened the box and took the donut, excitedly and looks like a child receiving a new toy.


All of this was witnessed by Eunbi whose questions just keep increasing, are this all the things her grandmother needs to handle.  


“Hyewon – unnie, are you happy?” Chaewon asked the girl who is right now devouring the specialty donut. The girl just nodded in affirmation, her gratefulness is shown in her eyes.


Eunbi gotta admit her impression of princess in mint-green dress, Chaewon, changes a bit. It seems that these two are quite a good friend.


Eunbi then glance at Chaeyeon who seem relieved that things got resolved. It’s a mystery why everyone is in panic to calm the girl in white hoodie. That girl she swears looks like an angel and does not seem capable of harming a fly, atleast right now. 


“Hyung , can I have some. ” The kid in basketball jersey whined as she lay down at the floor trying to look the cutest she can with her dimples. Hyewon, the girl in white hoodie – gestured nope cutely, while the kid attempted to look like the cutest puppy in the world.  Hyewon then tore a small piece and feed it to her.


“Hyung, stop spoiling Yujin. What about me?”  The girl in black sports bra said, pouting as she tries to sit more comfortably.


“Yena unnie – atleast wear some T-shirt. ” Chaeyeon said as she walks towards them cutting their conversation. Eunbi is following just right behind her – seemingly daydreaming or more like questioning a lot of things, like if it’s the right decision to take over managing this apartment.  


Eunbi’s thought is distracted as soft hand touches her face. Right now she is staring at some beautiful brown orbs of an angelic being. The girl then suddenly hugs her and in aegyo voice that made Eunbi’s heart flutter said “Unnie, welcome here.”


 “This is not normal, this girl is not normal.” Eunbi thought while basking at the warm embrace of the other. She admits she does need a hug right now.  She enjoyed the moment of comfort the hug provided then she looks around and swears – princess in mint-green dress is glaring at her.


“Sigh, this is something else. Kwon Eunbi what the hell did you get yourself into?”  She asked herself.


Then suddenly another voice was heard.


“What is happening here?”


They turned to the direction of the voice and there another beautiful being descended.


“Yujin.” She said firmly.


“Minjoo unnie…” The young girl in basketball jersey said apologetically while she stands slowly like a guilty puppy at the moment. 


With all this happening, Eunbi internally want to facepalm. Really what did she get herself into?   



Sketches for CH 02

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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1758 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??