18 Twist and Turns

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


Twist and Turns

Life is never straight forward.


Indeed that was what Hitomi learned. All she wanted is to go from A to B but life has been throwing her curveball after curveball ever since she arrived in Korea. Could she been cursed, she does not know. All she wants right now is for life to stop surprising her too much, for better or for worst.  Her strawberry of a heart can only take so much before that annoying little evil of a spirit inside her get annoyed.


For their amusement the fates made her stand here in a rather awkward situation. Watching a pretty girl rummage over the convenient store freezer trying to choose on what icecream flavor she will take. It was just not any other girl, it’s the girl who was hurt by her action and machination. This is probably the fates payback for her getting in their way and playing cupid on her own.


It is not like she does not want to be with her – just not alone with her - not yet. Well infact she is the one who invited her to hangout today, together with a puppy and supposedly Nako. The puppy is out in different part of the store and she failed to convince Nako to come play with them.


That brings her here, watching the beautiful girl with her perfect skin picking up popsicles. 


Porcelain skin, nice hair, perfectly crafted face, beautiful eyes.




Stop. You freaking little monster – not now – this one is not for you.  That is what she wants to say to that little thing inside of her.   


Is she the only one like this in the world?  She does not know either.


By any definition she is not a bad person, she is very kind and giving. Outside of bread she mostly thinks about other people’s happiness, she even let go the person she love, once, even if it is hard.


It was rather painful to remember and painful to think that it almost happened the second time and she is not going to let that happen the third time. No. No. No. Not. Not anymore. Please for cat’s sake no more.


That brings her here, asking the fates and cursing her luck – hoping that what this dumb thing she caught herself doing is just a matter of admiration and appreciation. Anyone can appreciate beauty when they see one after all and that is all there is to it, nothing more, nothing less.


“Hitomi, what flavor do you want?” Ask the girl in front of her, smiling brightly and what beautiful smile she have. It is some of the best smiles she has seen, a smile from a goddess who had descended down to Earth.  


By goddess on Earth, Hitomi almost forgot she is on Earth. She stared to her, not really, just there staring blankly, unblinking and adding to the awkwardness of the situation.


“Hitomi?” The girl in front of her asks again, very concerned because of her reaction.


“Ah…ahm…” Words seem to be failing Hitomi, blaming it to a combination of guilt and awkwardness. If words fail – body language will do – as advice by a wise duck and so that is what Hitomi did. She gave up speaking and instead resorted to pointing, pointing to the one that is pink and labeled strawberry.  


In this instance the duck is wrong though, her actions seem to worsen the situation she was in all together.


“um... so..sorry if- you. You probably don’t want to be with me here.” The other girl muttered, she looked down to the floor and her eyes looks like tears are going to drop at any moment.


This is not and never is Hitomi’s intention. It is not her fault that the girl in front of her looks like a goddess, an angel, an ephemeral being walking on earth. Ok well it is her fault that she became a bit to competitive and let part of that little freaking evil thing control sides of her this past few days but believe her the last thing she wanted is for this girl to once again shed tears due to her actions.


“No…no. It’s not – I would, ah…”


Why are words failing her today? Is it the language barrier? No she is getting better at that. Is it because despite what she wants to believe – she probably really don’t want to be alone in this corner with – the one and only Kim Minjoo.


By all measure they acted fine and pretended to be ok with each other for the good portion of this week, or atleast her side tried to. It’s weird. It’s not what you think it is.


“Hitomi, do you ha-“


Right at this moment, Hitomi wants to shout. Not that word, please don’t say it. She does not and never hated Kim Minjoo. It just … she feels rather guilty, really guilty. She is in fact a big part of this person’s heart break.  Being around her – alone - reminds her of what she did.


How the hell did she manage to hurt an angel? Maybe she really is no different than that eensy weensy monster inside of her.


Someone please save Honda Hitomi.  Where are the people she invited to avoid this thing to happen?  Ah – where is that puppy when you need her? Where is Nako, who promise to be with her here in Korea? Where is her luck? Down the gutter, maybe?


“I’m sorry… I’m.” The angel is definitely feeling down – thinking the charade she chooses to believe is all really just charades, a lie.  She put the ice cream back and turn around to leave. Believing she is giving Hitomi the space she need and ask for.


Hitomi is confuse she could not even figure where on earth she could be. Not in the corner of a convenient store or on earth but somewhere where her sanity keeps getting questioned and that was its cue.  Snap.


“KIM MINJOO YAH!!!”There it is - that snarky savage little thing - screwing everything - again.


Hitomi is doomed. She stared at those beautiful brown eyes that have tears welling up from them. If only Hitomi could kill the little thing that is hysterically laughing at her misfortune, or atleast suppress it better, this would not happen.


Maybe she should, she shoves it back and tried to hold on to Minjoo’s sleeve to pull her back and face her.


She tried to say in the best way she can “I don’t … I don’t hate you. Don’t say that. Don’t misunderstand. I don’t hate you. Sorry. I’m sorry.”  


Now she is the one who wants to cry, maybe that is all she needed to do, say sorry so that guilt could not eat her up. She is the one who convince this person to come with her today hoping the other will feel better after all those things that happened. Maybe all she wanted really is for things to get better – between them. For them to stop pretending they are ok and stop playing charades. For them to start again and be on good terms for real.


She is not the devil, Hitomi is not the devil, she is human with hearts made of strawberries but Kim Minjoo is an angel, an angel who deserves nothing but the best.   


She really did not meant to hurt her, she did not know at that time that Minjoo is in love with Chaewon. The way she played the game was really for her to minimize her own pain. To say that she did not fall for the same trap the second time around and that she took the narrative in her own hand. But someone is on those trap and that someone is the person- erase that- the angel in front of her.


Luck mocks her, the fates are laughing at them, and the little monster is cackling in that barely locked cell deep in Hitomi’s heart. Silence eats the air if only someone could save both of them in these dreadful pangs of misunderstanding.


“Hii-chan Unnie!!!” A loud excited voice boomed to their direction. Out of the shelf a bob cut haired girl pop-up with dimples visible on her face, holding two bags of potato chips.


“It’s your treat right?” She asks.


If Hitomi could hug that girl right now, she would. Well technically she could but instead she chooses to acknowledge the girl with a slight eyebrow raise and a little nod.


The weird atmosphere between the two girls did not escape the puppy’s attention.


“eh—what is happening?” She asks them as two set of eyes looks at her direction curiously.

“I thought you want some ice cream.” She said as she walks to the corner where they are and open the freezer to get herself some.


“Ah I want the strawberry one.” Hitomi muttered, she walks closer to the puppy but she loops her right arm around Minjoo’s waist, sandwiching the girl in between her and Yujin in the process.


“Minjoo, you pick this one earlier right?” She asks the girl beside her who is having information overload on what is happening.


“Minjoo-yah?” Hitomi ask with an innocent but all knowing smirk.


“Yeah…it’s that one.” Minjoo meekly replied.


There are so many things going on for Minjoo to process, so much reversal happening in a span of minutes. She could not understand Hitomi at all, to be fair Hitomi could not understand herself aswell.


There is this feeling floating inside her. She feels she is being totally under the shorter girl’s control. She does not really want to think of anything ill about the said girl.


How can she? Hitomi is the first person to comfort her after her failed confession, she share the same fate as her. It just happens that they kind of like the same person and they have a small competition between them for which gift that girl will like. They already both lost at that point so that is all in vain to nurse their broken hearts.  


She does not mind at all about Hitomi’s involvement in rolling in a plan to help their unnies get back on good terms and clear their misunderstanding. She does not mind that due to all of this she became an unsuspecting casualty. They both are at that point.  


She is happy being invited by her to hang-out today. It’s one reason she is feeling down by their rather awkward interaction. She wants to talk to her more, to know her a bit more. So she really can’t understand how as the days go by and the weekend approaches Hitomi distances herself from her, she is somewhat hurt to say the least.


And then now she is in this situation, being sort of half hug by the shorter girl who half buried her head in her shoulder while she talks to the girl behind her.


“Me too.” The puppy behind her cooed, she is somewhat jealous that Hitomi get to hug her favorite unnie, so she put her arm around Minjoo too.


“Minjoo-Unnie.”  She said gently after poking Minjoo’s cheeks with her free hand.


Now Minjoo does not know if she is getting prank by these two but she definitely is getting prank. She looks to both girls with a semi-questioning, semi-pleading look. The other two cackled at her reaction. Hitomi then picks up a popsicle from Yujin’s hand and lightly tap Minjoo’s cheeks with it.


“Are we good now?” She smiled innocently but with subtle hints of mischievousness.


Minjoo shyly smiled back enough to lift some of the clouds around them.


As for Hitomi? Well, she does not exactly know what she is doing or how. Ok she is lying a bit. She knows but these are action that she did know only after the fact. There are times she really wants to say bye bye to that thing, you know that cute little monster inside of her, but sometimes that cute little thing does good, mischievously good thing. It’s a love-hate mostly hate relationship she has with that part of herself.


For now after ruining everything earlier, then sort of fixing it, she decided to give up chaining it at this moment. There is no use. It has full control of her action now. On ordinary days, she would never imagine sliding to someone’s side and interlocking her fingers with them all the while sporting a cutesy grin. Doing this today she feel a lot better, maybe letting herself be more spontaneous than calculating will be better. It does not mean she is not feeling all shy when she recognize what she did, she is, the slight heat spreading on her cheeks is an evidence of that.  She just can’t back down anymore though and that is her punishment.


Thanks that Yujin is around or she will be dying of embarrassment and be digging her own grave if not for the girl’s action being just right on time. Yujin just happen to let out a chuckle just when Hitomi is starting to get awkward thinking of escape route so she can let go of Minjoo’s hands without causing further damage to what she thinks is their rather fragile relationship. 


“Hehehe..We are team pink.” Yujin happily observed.


It took a while for the other two to notice what she meant. On the other hand Yujin have noticed it since they left the apartment but keep mum about it just for hilarity. By it, it is the fact that all of them are wearing pink colored tops. A pinkish peach colored short sleeve hoodie for Hitomi, a rose pink blouse for Minjoo and a pastel pink T-shirt for Yujin.


“We coordinated well.” Yujin continued, brushing an imaginary beard the way Yena does when she explains. The other two did look at each other shirt and yes they all are wearing varying shade of pink.


Hitomi unknowingly manage to let go of Minjoo’s hand, something she wanted to do since she became aware of what she did. She went on to hold her shirt, baffled at the fact that she did not notice that they are all wearing pink.


Eh- well no use, she said to herself. Except for the one fact that the way she held her shirt and lifted it her tummy made an appearance. It’s because she is wearing one of those cropped hoodie. It is not too cropped though so unless she lifts both her arms high her tums won’t peek out. Also it’s not like she has to worry about it peeking out and that is why Yujin is questioning herself if she saw it correctly that Hitomi have perfect set of abs.


They went on to pay for their snacks and left the convenient store to take a bus ride to the meeting place.  


They are going to an amusement park today for free, courtesy of Hitomi’s very rich friend who happens to also be their dear Kwangbae unnie’s friend too. It’s quite complicated string of event but that’s how the world worked for them.


Currently they are at a storefront not far from the amusement park. They were greeted by a black SUV with an ominous presence. Climbing down from it is a man in black suit followed by a woman wearing light pink blouse with a bow wearing shades walking to them sassily just like how Hitomi remembers her. It was as if it a came straight out of some drama.


The woman pulled down her shades slightly, not completely taking it off. She raises her eyebrow and made a quick turnaround back to the car she arrives with.


“Miru-san, pink?” Ask the girl behind her wearing a simple short sleeve white hoodie with blue strings and camera around her neck and is drinking some sort of jelly.


Hitomi, Minjoo and Yujin curiosly look at the two teenagers following Miru. Aside from the girl in white hoodie, there is another cute shorter girl beside her. She has her hair in ponytail and has cheeks that can compete against that of Hitomi’s. She is wearing an oversized light blue T-shirt front tuck into white shorts. It is cuteness overload – Minjoo and Hitomi melted upon seeing those girls. Yujin on the other hand is trying to rack up her brain on where she saw those two – they are very familiar to her.  


“Onee-san is it really ok?” She meekly asks the intimidating presence that is Shiroma Miru. Her question is more like asking if it’s ok for them to go with the rest of the group to hang out. Concerned that they won’t fit in considering how the group agreed to wear pink and that Miru just happen to see them along the way and decided to invite them to join in. 


“It’s fine.” Miru replied to the younger girl, pinching her cheeks. She tilted her head – resulting for everyone except Yujin to melt.


Miru then switch her attention to the other three. “Ah either way, why did you all decided to wear pink?”


Hitomi smirk and return the question to her. “Why are you wearing pink too?”


“uhm… Coincidence.” Miru answered. It resulted to a lighthearted laugh from Hitomi “That’s your answer.”


“You are really cheeky.” Miru jokingly scoffed.


This is no different in the way they talk in their little chatroom. Despite the awkwardness of their first interaction the two found a nice medium to talk to freely – not minding the way they speak. It’s a place where Hitomi and her savage side sassily roam and where Miru can vent some of her own concern.   


Miru might have only meet her once but their interaction online had made them closer, it’s a wee bit more than two weeks since then, they kind of click.  She let herself off and did the one thing she wanted to do and that is to squeeze Hitomi’s cheeks “So who are these? And where is the cute little fairy? ” She asks.   


“Oh vey are Wuchin and Winjwoo. Nwako cwant woin us.” Hitomi tried to say.


“Minjoo? That Minjoo? ” Miru tried to confirm if it’s that one person they talk about in their chatroom.


Hitomi nods to confirm that it is indeed that Minjoo that Miru is seeing for the first time. Now it’s Hitomi’s turn to ask, she pointed to the two other girls behind Miru who she recognizes are Japanese just like herself.


“Oh they are Kang-cha.. Hyewon’s –“ Miru was about to introduce the two when Yujin suddenly cut her off in an AHA moment.


“I know you!!! – Finally!!!” 


Everyone look at Yujin’s direction. The girl is sporting a bright smile, dimples showing and has this finally figured it out look on her face. That took her so long though.


“You are the one that draws a lot, yahh… ah- Chiba … uhmm … Chiba Erii!” She said, trying her best to make sure she has said the right name.


Erii grinned at her attempt, disappointed that it took Yujin so long to recognize that her classmate was in front of her, while Erii already recognized Yujin as soon as she got out of the car. She just did not try to introduce herself because as soon as she stand there Yujin has this – I think I know you but I can’t remember you look and Erii bet on how long it will take, just for her amusement.


Well it sort of hilarious and sad, it’s the difference between the popular kid and that one kid who stays at back of the classroom in the corner being completely unknown. Still Erii hope she would recognize her not with them being classmates for more than a year.


It does not bother her that much though since nothing much can get to Chiba Erii, she just found it amusing. She decided to tease this girl who is the leader of their class a bit. She faked crying complete with highly animated tears wiping action.


“I thought I’m too irrelevant for her to recognize.”  She commented to Minami in a fake sad offended tone. At this point she is speaking Korean as she is pretty much well versed with the language now.


“No..no.no. Erii-chan you’re not.” Minami quickly reassured her. She has no clue that Erii is just playing around.


Erii continued her teasing by further complaining to Minami. “We have been classmate for a year now, she could not even tell my name.”  


This time it is very convincing. Everyone then looks at Yujin in varying degree of horrified, questioning and accusing. “It .. its not like that. But you don’t interact much in class though.” Yujin defended herself.


She tried to switch the subject by pointing out to the other girl “You. Sato Minami, right?”


“Look she could remember your name and you guys are not even classmates, but she hardly remembers mine.” Erii whine to Minami. “Erii is the ghost of the class afterall.” She continued in a rather exaggerated tone.  


Making Yujin is feel guilty. It’s true she have been in the same class as this girl since sophomore year when the said girl transferred. It’s true she is the leader of their class and it’s true that she almost forgot she is her classmate. Yujin is a good kid and she does not like this feeling of hurting someone and so start a series of conflicting reactions inside of her.


This amuses Erii very much and she could hardly contain her laughter, she cackled at Yujin’s reaction.  Honestly she does not mind Yujin not recognizing her at all. She really rarely interacts with anyone in her class and most of the time bolts of to Minami and Yuka’s class next door. She is not that surprise people forgot she is in that class at all it’s more like she is part of the class next door to be honest.


Yujin is still dumbfounded and upset at herself. Erii told her it’s all fine and she was just playing around. Everyone in their school knows the responsible class president, basketball team captain Yujin is such a good compose student whose only problem is Math. So Erii just want to rattle her a bit.


On the other hand Minami is not very fond of Erii’s prank so she asks her to apologize to Yujin. The three being all the same age and schoolmates made it easier for them to get along. Yujin unconsciously started turning on some of her more composed side and turning down her hyper puppy side, a change that did not escape Minjoo and Hitomi’s attention.


The short interaction between the schoolmates has lifted up the mood and broke the ice for the two groups.  After a few more chuckles and short banters they decided to finally proceed to the amusement park and Hitomi took the time they are strolling to properly introduce Miru to Yujin and Minjoo who have heard of the girl but they have not seen her. They are intrigue to say the least. She seems to have history with both Hyewon and Chaewon.


They learned some quick basic information about the girl. That she is as rich if not more than Hyewon, that her reason for being here today despite being able to fly to a more glamorous place is that she is bored and just really looking for something else and found it nice change of pace to hang out with a different crowd than usual.


Miru will not admit though upfront that she enjoys chatting with Hitomi online and that is why she invited her today. She found her sassiness, savageness and directness to be almost the same as hers. Atleast that is what her impression is, the girls ability to mastermind moves impresses her and she would gladly offer the girl a spot in her company if the girls dream of being an idol falter – regardless of any other qualification. What she sees in Hitomi is potential and also Miru is just kinda lonely right now and she thinks Hitomi will be a good companion to banter around.


After a while the conversation shifted from Miru’s close relationship with Hyewon to the topic that Minjoo is most curious about but Miru dreads to talk about. That topic is nothing else but Kim Chaewon, a name that even now Miru still hates to hear.


“Unnie are you close to Chaewon-unnie too?” Minjoo innocently asked.  


“I don’t think they are.” Hitomi chimed in and smirked. “It’s more… You dislike her right.”       


Minjoo was shocked nonetheless, she stop at her track and look at the woman who invited them today. She could not think of any reason someone could hate Chaewon especially if that someone is considered a close friend to Hyewon. Minjoo could not think of any possibility that her Hyewon-unnie would allow someone who dislike the love of her life be close to them.


Miru left out an awkward laugh and is looking for words to explain her situation. She is the other side of the coin to this girl. If Minjoo is to Chaewon, Miru is to Hyewon. She is itching to throwback a question to the girl something along the line of Don’t you ever hated Hyewon too?




She was about to try to explain herself too bad for her someone is possess by something.


“Ah it’s because she likes Hyewon-unnie.” The mochi cheeked girl blurted.


Miru does indeed like Hitomi’s way. She is cheeky, quite self-assured and observant. Way too observant for her liking though. Hitomi is a more innocent and pure version of herself, if something like that is even possible to exist. Hitomi glance to her direction still sporting a smirk that is burying Miru to the ground she is standing.


“She is the reason they fought.” Hitomi nonchalantly told Minjoo. “That’s why I made her help.” She continued looking directly to Minjoo’s eyes with a proud smile.


“oh.” is the only reaction that Minjoo can mutter.


Hitomi tapped her fingers to her chin as if thinking of something. She glance back to Miru who is fidgeting and somewhat regretting her decision to invite the squad. Hitomi or should we say the eensy weensy monster knows she can push this thing a bit further and so she does. “Also Minjoo-yah, remember Chaewon’s slight bruise on her wrist. She’s responsible for that too.”


Ofcourse such information will result in shock and Minjoo is indeed shock. Why is Hitomi even in friendly terms with this girl if she has hurt Chaewon…physically? Why are they even here? She looks at the girl’s direction who right now is smiling awkwardly to them then back to Hitomi who has her lips pursed that made her smile a lot more adorable despite whatever she had just spilled.  


All Minjoo want is an explanation from them, from Miru, from Hitomi and maybe even from Hyewon.    


Miru sense what the girl wanted and tried to explain her side, she took a deep breath and mumbled “uhmm… I did not mean to. I kinda went overboard -- I’m… I was trying to make her – realize something.”


Remembering that day is quite painful to her, and she so wanna curse this mischievous fluffy cheek girl right now. She will later at their private chat for now she can only glare at the said cheeks.    


“You know she… Hyewon have not forgiven me about that yet.” She said apologetically.    


“Not surprise.” Hitomi chuckled.


She then took Minjoo’s hands holding it near the palm and squeezing it gently. “Don’t worry.”  Hitomi took a deep breath and lifted Minjoo’s hand to her cheeks, knowing the girl seems to be fond of then. “She is just like us.” She tilted her head and that made everything better for Minjoo.


Minjoo does not know why even with all the things she know that Hitomi has hands on she still trust her words so much. She is just so cute despite her occasional burst of savageness and penchant for pranks. Minjoo believes that despite all of that Hitomi’s heart is pure. It is probably the Hitomi effect. Minjoo is no exception and sometimes it seems the effect is double on her.


They are inside the park now all paid and accounted for by Miru. These are peanuts for her and she is somewhat enjoying the company. With how the conversations earlier went they split in to two groups, the schoolmates and them. Miru called the attention of the two kids she invited. She can’t help call them that.


“Have you asks your parent’s permission?” Kinda too late to ask that now Miru, isn’t it.


“We are good.” Erii replied, gesturing a thumbs up.


Miru is quite suspicious of the two as they just agreed to go with her as soon as she asks them. They do know each other as they have been introduce together by Kang-chan. She looks at the other two questioningly even though she knows there is no backing out now.


“Don’t worry, Mom and Aunt are with Kang-chan and we already message Kang-chan too.” Erii re-assured Miru that everything is good to go.


Miru is not really worried with their guardians but is more worried about Kang-chan. She is already on thin ice with the girl because of the incident what more if something happened to this two she will be doomed, for sure. She probably should try and message Kang-chan herself just to be sure.   


Yujin is listening to their conversation and could not help but to join in telling them that she did not expect that they are close to her Hyung.  She is fascinated at the gap between how people perceive Hyewon as someone who is shy and will have hard time making friends to how she actually is someone who can make friends in five seconds if she likes you. Funnily enough the other two just looks at her curiously at first unsure of what or who she is talking about, they figured it out eventually.


“Minami loves Kang-chan.” The girl with cheeks rivaling that of Hitomi shyly said, cutely mentioning her own name. 


“Yeah because she is pretty much your Mom” Erii, the girl with the lollipop snickered.


“No no no.” Minami tried to counter her but she ended up blushing instead. It’s complicated you see. She indeed really loves Kang-chan but it’s in between liking her as on older sister and abit of having a crush at the same time.  


Erii chuckled “Kang-chang eomma. eomma. teeheheh.” She some more, Erii knows her friend or family or whatever complicated jumble relationship their parents and guardians have is definitely tethering that line between I admire you and I like you with regards to their kind Unnie. 


Minami puffed her cheeks that are starting to get as red as tomatoes and glared to her friend who is having the time of her life teasing her. “But you’re no different. You stick to Chowon-unnie like a lost puppy.” 


“I don’t!” Erii retorted – her cheeks are heating up and starting to be of similar shade as that of her strawberry lollipop. “You do. Hahaha. I know why.” that shut up Erii quickly, she averted her eyes and just up her lollipop, by the way that is the second one.  


Yes tales of young love something these two middle schooler shares and something Yujin, also a middle schooler , can relate. The three of them are united in this sentiment. Erii offered her last lollipop to Yujin ignoring Minami who was asking for it resulting to a cute Minami pout that made them chuckle. They walk and talk. Yujin occasional glances to the girl in rose pink blouse did not escape her two schoolmates. They just smiled and elbow her from time to time, they are all in this together.


They quickly paired up, Erii and Minami made sure Yujin get paired up to Minjoo. While Miru and Hitomi eventually paired up as spares.


This is a gift day to Yujin if she can count it as one. Maybe she should her birthday is not that far off, it’s the gift from above maybe. Currently she is the more responsible version of herself; she can’t help it somehow in the presence of her classmates it just comes off. Deep inside she also want to be the puppy Yujin, she just want to be spoiled.


They went to several rides, the spinning swing, the new VR booth and someone suggested the repeated 360 – 720 loop roller coaster that made all their knees weak, for Erii and Minami to question their life, for the calm Hitomi to get rattled, Yujin to pretend she did not get scared despite being visibly shaken and well Minjoo to cry, Miru is the only sane one left. Laughter ensues helping them get back to their feet.


Their interaction so far is fun, Erii and Minami had fun teasing each other and Yujin while occasionally while throwing shades to Miru. Yujin was having the time of her life slowly, slowly returning to her puppy mode self. She love being pampered so much by Minjoo, and she is taking every opportunity to do so.  But when Minjoo cried after the hellish roller coaster ride that she was drag into, Yujin teased and comforts her at the same time.


Hitomi and Miru observe all of this very much. Miru have acted as their baby sister, a detail that Hitomi duly noted. She asks the girl who she first thought as intimidating if it’s worth it, if she is having fun. Which the older girl responded yes and she threw that question back to Hitomi which Hitomi just answered maybe. Miru sense that Hitomi is just not really there today.


Miru invited everyone to rest and grab some food. While the three middle schoolers are having fun talking to each other at this point Yujin is full hyper puppy mode, the two Japanese does not mind, they actually like it.  Minjoo walk beside Hitomi and jokingly poked her cheeks, Hitomi just stared at her and smiled ambiguously. Minjoo’s eyes drop but Hitomi quickly dispense that saying she was just rattled by the last ride, this time she tried to smile a little brighter for her.  Yujin then snatched Minjoo from her side to show her the artworks that her schoolmates just showed her. Yujin is amazed at their ability, Erii is a talented illustrator while Minami is dabbing in 3d modeling.  


That action made Hitomi’s heart to ache. She can’t understand why – could it be, mayhaps? She erased that thought and quietly observes the group walking just ahead of her. Unfortunately for her the fates seem hell-bent in making her suffer. She bumps to someone and apologize to them quickly but that was enough time for her to lose sight of her group.  


The place is huge – she tried to see if she can contact them by her phone, she quickly messages them and patiently waits for their reply. Her head is spinning maybe a result of the roller hell coaster ride. She crouches for a bit to regain her footing when a gentle voice concernedly asks if she was ok. She looks up, a girl who is probably about her height, with wavy black hair and looks really cute wearing a flannel shirt over white t-shirt and denim shorts is asking her if she is ok. She nods but the girl insists on taking her to a nearby bench and giving her something to drink for relief.  


Stranger things have happened, and right now she is with a stranger. She once again asks if she is ok and she once again affirmed even though she is not. She threw one more glance to her admiring her profile. Yah Hitomi told herself that she needs to admit that she has weakness against cute, angelic, kind girls helping her. Her crushes all seem to fit that certain criteria and maybe that is why they are all doomed to crash.


Sensing that her breathing was heavy the other girl asks her. “Something is bothering you right?”


“It’s probably the roller coaster. I tried to be calm but the turns are too much.” She replied, her face turning pale. Whoever suggested riding that, cue it’s the kid in white hoodie who have a weird sense humor, should be sent to hell.


“I don’t think it is just that.” the girl beside her hum while she sips her boba tea.  


Hitomi does not know if she have enough to entertain this bull but she did. Honestly what is this stranger talking about? She is not gonna lie being read by a complete stranger is creepy but then the said stranger help her and gave her a drink and she is pretty, ok Hitomi enough of being weak against pretty girls.


“Have you… feel like there is a little devil living in your heart.” She casually said – looking up to the sky hoping those words won’t make any sense to the other.


“Ah what?”


“Something like… nothing just forget it.” Hitomi tried to explain, true she was hoping that it won’t make sense but the reaction is quite offending. She tried again to make her point seem clear and for her to not look freaky “It is like a part of you that does things you don’t want. Ahhh hmmm. Where things you try to suppress reside.”


“ah maybe..” the girl beside her hummed “hmm yeah I think so. Sometimes I have urge to prank people or say random things to get a rise out of them just because…”She recounted her face suddenly turned dark when she realize something “now that I think of it – maybe I am just getting influence by a... nevermind.”


There is a bit of silence between them and Hitomi played with the bottle of green grape drink that the girl gave to her.


“but.. I feel mine. Whatever it is gives me strength sometimes, but I don’t want it –whenever I let it I ended up hurting someone. ” She said rather regretfully.


The girl beside her crossed her leg and look at her before saying. “Does it or maybe you are not being true...uhm to yourself. It’s part of you.”


That thought was always playing on the back of Hitomi’s mind. True maybe she is not being true to herself she wants to believe that her heart is all made up of pure intention but maybe she is fooling herself. Maybe the savage, sassy and sometimes quick tempered Hitomi is all her and not a little demon she pretends it to be.


Sensing her tentativeness the girl beside her softly and muttered “Maybe you should trust it a bit more. I don’t think it is evil – looking at you I don’t sense any malice in your bone. She ruffled her hair like she is a Mom, though Hitomi’s other senses is telling her the girl is younger than her.


The girl paused for a second and then continued “Especially if I compare you to…”


“Nayoung!!! ”


Her face darkens when she heard a voice that is annoyingly confident and a tad bit arrogant calling her name. “Argg.. Doah.” She muttered.


“I’m going…” She quickly bid her goodbye and run towards her friend who is waving to her direction, before she gets to her she turned around and faces Hitomi once more.


“Oh by the way, What’s your name!?” She shouted.


With how the world works Hitomi feels she will meet this girl again so she answered her with all honesty. “Hitomi… It’s Honda Hitomi!!!”


The girl’s face lit up in a bright smile. “Allright! I’m Kim Nayoung. Hitomi-ssi, maybe you should learn to accept it instead of suppressing it.” She told her. “See you again if ever!”


Hitomi smiled, yeah maybe she should. She looks up to the sky and lifts up the bottle of green grape juice in her hand, smile in her face. The world threw her another curve ball but somehow it is a good one, another turn in her still short stay in Korea.


Her friends eventually found her in the bench where she is resting.  


“Hitomi!!! Are you allright!? ” Minjoo called to her very worried. She runs to her and hug her like they are old friends and not a mere two weeks acquaintance that happen to live in the same apartment building.   


Hitomi told them how she got lost and that someone help her when she got dizzy. They are all worried about her. Miru took responsibility of what happened and paid extra attention to Hitomi for the rest of the day. They eat, played and end their day playing in the bumper cars.


Hitomi would occasionally throw glances to that girl who looks like goddess who walks on earth. Why is her heart fickle that is what she wants to ask herself.


She watches her enjoy her time playing with Yujin. Holding hands – bopping each other’s nose. Occasional glances that let her see how Yujin enjoys teasing Minjoo at the same time comforting her. Of how the younger girls hugs are full of affection. How she notices that Yujin is crossing that line between having a crush and falling in love. It’s her a few years ago, almost and maybe her aswell today.


Teenage love, young love, should she continue her original plan of being the cupid for these two? Should she throw her card and play the game even though like the other time she is again on the losing end of the bargain? She does not know she is conflicted and that little monster is telling her to go for it.  


Sensing her dilemma, Miru hug her telling her sometimes it is just that. It is just that. Will Hitomi take more turns in her life, like how the roller coaster went from 180, 360 to 720 over and over again.  Maybe she should stay still and observe first, would it be wise to let time pass by? Who knows? Hitomi does not know.


Another turn and all Miru can advise her before they parted is to go for it maybe. Why is that thought making her feel better than the thought of just letting this go just like before? It’s a path where she can hurt someone in the process but why does it feel better? Maybe the little devil and her is one and the same… maybe… yeah maybe – go for it – finally go for it.



First I am sorry - this took so long to post. I'm trying to finish it but I get distracted (MMM CB) and what not with me reformatting my PC last weekend.

When a character got away from you and Hitomi did that to me. lol. ^-^. I like savage cute Hitomi. Either way this is long: TLDR - Hitomi gay panic. That is all. Theme is about accepting a part of yourself. ^-^

Introducing - 2/6 Team Snack ;) there is a hint for some other story tied to them [not Hyewon's]. Also their family is weird and funny. I did not forget Yuka :3

Jinjoo: Nation don;t hunt me :] I have not really decide yet lol. Maybe I just roll a dice and see. N(ayoung) - person made a cameo too [long time hint].

I just lowkey torturing Hitomi in my story - why am I doing this I don't know. [in case someone take this wrong - I love Hiichan who can say no to those cheeks]

Sorry the chapter is not as funny as I would hope it to be. It probably don't flow well as I cant seem to sit down and just write in one go. T^T this is quite sloppy.

I realize if you put enough effort - everything can work as a ship. 

Next one is probably: Annyeongz Birthday ^-^. Cameo of some of our friends from the school chapter probably. I forgot if you have some question ask. Ill collate them and answer them in a break chapter.

I change my signature lol.

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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1758 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??