
My World, My Love
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Lua picked up two glasses of champagne and handed one to Rina. "Come on," she said, "we've got to go congratulate the members of Twice about their new fragrance."

"Certainly!" Rina said as she stood up and started leading the way across the room. Their progress was slow, because every couple of steps they'd run into someone else they'd have to stop and greet. Eventually, when Rina was starting to fear they wouldn't ever get there, they found themselves standing in front of Jihyo, the leader of Twice. They bowed deeply, then Rina said "Congratulations on launching your new fragrance! It really smells wonderful."

"Thank you," Jihyo said with a big smile. "You might want to go talk to Jeongyeon about it - she's the one who worked closest with the perfumers." She pointed out to them where Jeongyeon was standing, then turned to greet the next well-wishers.

"So. . . does Jihyo know about you and Jeongyeon?" Lua quietly asked Rina.

"Oh yes," Rina said with a nod. "The members of Twice are all very close."

They reached Jeongyeon and Rina greeted her with a hug. The profusion of flashes from cameras at the event made it obvious that this hug was going to be online within the hour. Rina whispered something in Jeongyeon's ear.

"Do you two know Jennie from Blackpink?" Jeongyeon asked Lua and Rina with her best air of innocence. "I think you'd really like her - let me introduce you."

Jeongyeon led them over to where Jennie was standing talking to Mamamo's Moonbyul. She waited patiently for the conversation to end, then tapped Jennie on the shoulder. "Jennie," she said, "do you know Rina and Lua from Weki Meki?"

"I've met them before," Jennie said, "but it's been far to long since the last time I talked to them. How are you doing, Lua?"

"Very well," Lua said, "And you?"

"Oh, I'm doing fine," Jennie said. "Have you been to the buffet? I think I've given all the interviews a girl can be expected to give in one night, so I want to go get something to eat. Want to come with me?"

"Sure," Lua said. She waved good-bye to Jeongyeon and Rina, then followed Jennie to the buffet. They each grabbed an assortment of snacks and sat down at a table in the corner.

"Wouldn't it be nice," Lua said, "if someday we didn't have to play these little games?"

"That would be wonderful," Jennie said, "but I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon."

"You're probably right," Lua said. She took a bite of spicy meatball and chewed it thoughtfully. "So. . . is there going to be a Blackpink fragrance soon?"

Jennie shook her head. "Probably not - we work with so many fashion companies that have their own fragrances, so we wouldn't want to be in competition with our sponsors."

Lua nodded. "That makes sense. We don't have any fashion company sponsors, but we don't have anyone beating down our door to make a Weki Meki fragrance, either."

"I wish they would," Jennie said. "I'd wear it."

"That's sweet of you," Lua said.

Just then a couple of members of Aespa came up and asked if they could take a selfie with Jennie. Lua offered to take their camera and take the picture, which they gladly accepted.

"You're so lucky," Jennie said. "You're still unknown enough that you can go out in public without being mobbed."

Lua nodded, though inside she didn't feel fortunate - she thought that she'd gladly give up the ability to go out without being mobbed if it meant Weki Meki could have Blackpink-like levels of success.

"Did any of your other members come with you?" Lua asked.

Jennie nodded. "Lisa was my plus-one. She's right over there with Nancy from Momoland."

"Are they. . . ?" Lua asked quietly, raising her eyebrows for emphasis.

Jennie shook her head. "No. But they should be - they both want it, but neither one wants to be the one to make the first move."

"Maybe we could help out," Lua said, "just give things a little nudge."

Jennie shook her head. "They'll figure it out eventually."

After a moment's silence, Lua asked "Do you know any good guys we could try introducing Suyeon to? She's kind of lacking in confidence after her breakup with K-Will-" (Lua had to remember that Jennie didn't know the full story behind Suyeon "dating" K-Will.) - "so I was wondering if there was someone we could fix her up on a blind date with."

"I'm not thinking of anyone off the top of my head," Jennie said. "All the guys I know at YG are too old for her. I'll think it over and let you know if I come up with anybody."

Lua nodded her thanks. "We should probably get back to circulating - I probably shouldn't monopolize you all night."

"Probably not," Jennie reluctantly agreed. "If your manager is anything like mine, she'll want you to talk to everyone in the room."

"Pretty much," Lua agreed.

"Maybe we can get together soon for a longer visit."

Lua agreed that this sounded like a great idea. She surreptitiously kissed her finger, then touched Jennie's hand. Jennie smiled at her, then they nodded and separated, looking for the next person they were supposed to talk to, when what

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I'm going to be trying to update this fic plus "I Don't Like Your Girlfriend," and "Second Winter at Fire Lodge" simultaneously - I've never successfully updated 3 ongoing fics at once before, but I feel like I've got a handle on it this time.


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1200 streak #1
Chapter 43: Not the effect being hard enough to make someone turn in their straight card 🤣
sinb-fan-01 #2
Chapter 23: dateing is so hard for them. i was hope that suyeons idea was going to wrok, but it sounds liek its bad. 17 weeks is long!
poor elly has such hrad time talkng with kwill
sinb-fan-01 #3
Chapter 22: poor suyeon, five months such long tiem for fake dateing, and poor elly havng to see it
so diffcult for group now!
sinb-fan-01 #4
Chapter 21: that was soem drama there, i didnt know suyeon wuld get that mad. i hav to see how media if they give porblem to sei and lucy now