
Love Can't Be Wrong
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Her heels click loudly against the floor. It's a snapping sound that makes an average working employee hunch over his computer and start typing up a storm. Her authoritarian glare sends shivers up her subordinate’s spines and has them racing back to their cubicles, abandoning all forms of idleness they were previously absorbed in.


The President is unpleasantly strict that way.


She sighs softly at her co-workers' antics, choosing not to mind how they always whisper gossip, or send text messages to each other about her and her dictatorial tendencies. She reaches for the door knob to her office slowly, almost hesitantly, because she wants to reproach them first. She wants to lecture them about good working habits and how they should treat their superiors.

But Minju figures, smart as she is, that they already hate her enough, and she doesn't even want to think about how they could hate her even more.

"Oi, Pres!"

She turns her head sharply at the direction of the voice, and all she can see at that moment is a pair of viridian eyes, twinkling with mirth and amusement. It was something foreign to her. So different from all the cold looks she was receiving just minutes before. Minju scowls when she realizes that it's that Yujin kid again and she considers firing the latter for addressing her disrespectfully.


"What is it?" She says, eyeing her.


Yujin attempts not to chuckle, but finds herself doing so anyway when she sees the serious woman's face scrunch up in thought. But she establishes that she really likes the way her eyes widen when she says the next few words.


"You look beautiful as always."




She's a nuisance, but Minju tolerates her anyway because she is efficient and does her office work properly. This is further emphasized when her hands stack of reports she had her organize only an hour before.


She stares at Yujin as she explains how the latter filed this and that and how she is supposed to go through them without getting one file confused with the other. Minju finds her too bright and too lively, and she wonders why she decided to work in such a dreary place like Kim Corp. She looks like someone who would qualify for any job and as much as Minju hates to admit it, she's pretty enough to get herself into the modeling business.


Isn't that what everyone wants these days?


"Something wrong?"


Minju blinks at the smiling face looking down on her and mentally berates herself for being caught staring. She looks away from Yujin and starts typing mechanically on her laptop, dismissing her with a careless wave of her hand.


She glares hard when Yujin starts to laugh.


"I knew it." Yujin chuckles, turning on her heel slowly. Deliberately. The dark-haired woman's hands are itching to reach for the stapler.


"Knew what?" She knows she's going to regret this later, but her curiosity is not something she can really suppress, so she gives in and attempts to prepare for any possible repercussions in the few short moments the younger girl pauses to answer.

Yujin tilts head to the side and a small, mischievous grin plays on her lips. "You're in love with me, aren't you?"



It is then decided that Ahn Yujin is a stupid, erted little alien from outer space.


"You really think that? I'm hurt, Pres."


She loses her dignity every time she thinks out loud, but that doesn't mean she can't throw the stapler at her face.




Kim Hanbin is a powerful man, she thinks, when he pins her hands above her head and starts pressing his mouth hard on hers. His kisses aren't pleasant and the grip on her wrists are starting to hurt, but it isn't like she can do anything about it. She is his wife, after all. And married couples are supposed to have nights like this one. Nights of love and passion and se-


"How were things at work?" Hanbin asks in some vague attempt to make conversation. Minju can feel his lips move against her neck and she finds herself cringing at the sensation. It's awkward, talking about work while they're in a position like this. Actually, it seems kind of funny.


"Fine." She says, simple and short because that how she wants their nights to be. A tears slides down her cheek when he only grunts a reply and starts ing his shirt.


This isn't love. This isn't passion. This isn't what she wants.

So Minju finds herself imagining how it would be if it were someone else lying with her on the bed and not Hanbin. Oddly enough, the first person she thinks of is Ahn Yujin.


Her lips twitch when she realizes that she would rather spend evenings with a stupid, erted alien from outer space than with the man she married.





"I like you."

Yujin face is blank when she says this and she can't help but choke on her soda. Yujin reaches out to her and starts rubbing circles on her back while she lets out a 'what?' in between harsh coughs.  Yujin can only hope that once she recovers, she can talk to her properly. She was never really good with confessions…



Come to think of it, this is actually as her first one.



Yujin didn't really think things over when she walked up to her that day in the park. Her decision was a spur-of-the-moment-thing, to be honest. But then again, when did she even try to mull over the important things? Being impulsive is only typical. For her, at least.



That afternoon, she had seen her sitting quietly on a stone bench, looking at the kids playing amongst fallen maple leaves. Minju was wearing a rather pensive expression on her face, the one Yujin always saw when she was in deep thought. She loved that look. Actually, she loved all of her despite everyone else feeling the exact opposite.



Yujin secretly wants to shove their freaking billing reports up their asses because they don't understand. They don't see. They don't know that she's just a fragile little thing behind that tough iron mask she's trying so hard to put up.


"Y-Yujin," Minju coughs because feels like it's closed up and she knows it isn't because of the soda. She swats Yujin's hand away and gives her a very weird look. She only smiles at this. "Stop saying stupid things like-"



"Well, it's true."


"It isn't."


"It is, so you'll just have to deal with it."


She is being incredulous. Minju stands up, her knees shaky and her cheeks flushed. She glares at the young woman like she's never glared at her before, but the latter only sits there looking at the far distance, eyes a sea of calm and expression nonchalant. Like she hasn't said anything remotely life-changing a few minutes ago.


"I'm married and I am older than you by five years, did you forget that?."


At least I think I am. I have a gold band around my finger, don't I?


I know. I don't care.

"You are being stupid. And ridiculous."

I'm the stupid one. I don't love her. I don't even want to look at her.

"I'm only being honest."


You should be too. I know you're not happy.


Minju shakes her head weakly, lashes lowering to cover her eyes. She doesn't say anything for a while. She just stands there, legs barely able to hold her up, thoughts jumbled and irritably incoherent.


It's almost sad that she can't decide what to say. That she can't give her a flat-out refusal. That she can't be entirely faithful to her unfaithful husband. And to think, she has always deemed herself a model wife. Ever loyal and enduring and caring despite the bruises and suspected adultery.

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Chapter 1: Thankyou for this. This is really amazing although its sad.
Both suits Jinjoo but I prefer fluff more
Itsme27 #2
Chapter 1: I cant believe im reading it again for a countless time
This is too good!
And yes angst suits jinjoo lately with all the 2kim moments and the pretend-minjoo-isn't-there-act by the one and only ahn yujin happening lately
Chapter 1: Wow.... Indeed, this is one of my favorites niw author-nim! Wow... Just wow....

Btw, both suits JinJoo! Hahaah but I like fluff more... Hehe
PenguBearSoshi #4
why is it tear jerking again
522 streak #5
Chapter 1: This is sooo sad but sooo amazing .. I love it!! :)
Chapter 1: T_T too many angsty jinjoo..... TTT__TTT its making me cry but thank you for giving that amazing emotional jinjoo au story to us. Really like your a god sent just for sharing that anyway kudos to you author-nim may your story captivate others and turn them into jinjoo trash.
Chapter 1: FLUFF OFC.... omaigad this is so saaadd :((((( I feel bad for both of them... it's always not the owner who can cherish and appreciate what they don't have... while the owner... aigoo

Thanks for this! So angsssssttty.. lol
Chapter 1: Before i was reading ay fanfic i said to myself i would read a oneshot and not care wo ever know its angst or fluff but then when i saw this i didnt expect that this would make me unable to sleep bug thank u for creating such a beautiful fanfic author nim and jinjoo suites with anything but I STILL PREFER FLUFF
Chapter 1: Hngggg that angst. Boiiii. I breathe for this kind of angst. I love it so much