Chapter 3

The Girl Behind the Mask

Next Morning..

Jennie was now awake on the sun rays on her face and she checked the watch and it's now 7am in the morning. She quickly panicked because she didn't cook for breakfast to his son and also she will be late on her business meeting which would be start on exactly 8am in the morning.

She quickly heading outside and she check on Ryan's room and he wasn't there.

Then she heard that their front door started to closing sound. She quickly heading downstairs and follow the footsteps.

After she open the door, he saw that Ryan's heading to the someone car.

"Ryan!" Jennie shouted.

Ryan didn't hear anything because he shut the door. Jennie quickly goes to the car and the shotgun door started to slide down and the driver was finally relieved.

"Good morning Jennie unnie, you better clean and refreshing yourself because we have a meeting to Manoban's Industry later. There CEO is really strict on that kind of time" Rosé said.

"Thank you Rosé your really my guardian angel" Jennie said and she started to open the back seat of the door.

"Baby, good luck on your school! I'll fetch you later" Jennie said.

"Uhm..okay mom" Ryan coldly said.

"Give me mommy a kiss in the cheeks" Jennie said.

Ryan started to go at Jennie position and she kissed on Jennie's cheek.

"We should go now Jennie. Please don't late at your work" Rosé said as she wear her shades.

"Okay, Miss Mother Secretary" Jennie said as she closed the back seat door.

Then Rosé started to drive going to Ryan's school.

Now, Jennie started to go back on her house and she check the dining table. She saw that there's a waffle and bacon's and a small ginger. Then there's a little notes.

Jennie read those notes.

Please eat those ginger to get rid your hungover. You made a really bad incident yesterday. Please be prepared Jennie! And drink more water.

xoxo, Roseanne

Jennie then started to eat her breakfast. Minutes later, she started to eat the ginger and damn it's really spicy and the taste is really strong.

Her hangover started to get disappeared and she felt good.

She wash the dishes and started to go at the bathroom and take a bath.

30 minutes later..

After she finished done her make up and wearing her business clothes she realized that it was now 7:45am.

". I'm late" Jennie cursed then she weared her mask.

She started to get her car and started the engines.

Going to her company there has to be 10 minute of waiting before the line of yours would started to go.

She quickly check her time and it was now 7:55am. Then she started to panicked but good thing her line started to go sign.

She drive quickly and now she arrived at her company. Then the security guard started to go at Jennie's car and Jennie started to get off on her car and she presented the car keys to the security guard.

"Good morning ma'am" The security guard bowed in 90° degrees.

Jennie then nodded and she quickly heading to the elevator.

The employees started to greet at her but then she didn't respond or anything.

She tried to fix herself while the elevator was going up.

Employees didn't dare to look at Jennie and they literally were mute.

After few floors, the employees started to go at their destination workplace while Jennie is last where their meeting place is in the last in the uppest floor of the building.

She quickly check her watch and it was now 8am. The elevator started to open her destination floor and she fast walk going to the meeting.



I started to panick because Jennie hasn't arrived in our meeting room. Because of her secretary of hers is now arrived but their boss hasn't arrive yet.

I heard a fast foot steps upcoming to our room and I know that kind of footsteps.


The door was now opened and it was my boss!

"Good morning. I'm sorry, I'm late" Jennie quickly said then she realized that her client hasn't arrived.

"Oh, hello Miss Jennie Kim! Your client hasn't arrived yet but I'm Minnie, I'm her secretary" Minnie said.

"Oh is that so? I thought, I'm late. Nice to meet you Minnie!" Jennie said as she take a seat.

"Roseanne-ya, I thought we would start the meeting exactly 8am?" Jennie asked.

"I'm sorry boss, but I just advanced the number of hours because I know your gonna be late if I told you the exactly time because.." I said as I started to speaked english so that Minnie would understand.

"Minnie isn't your boss is really a short-patient person when it comes to time right?"

"Oh yes, Miss Roseanne. If your late, she would have a bad mood and she won't be easy to talk at" Minnie said.

"I think you misunderstood Roseanne" Jennie said.

"What do you mean by that boss?" Rosé said.

"I think you refer to the employees of Miss Manoban" Jennie said.

"I know. But Miss Lisa is really a busy and impatient boss based on what Minnie said to me. So that's why, I don't want YOU to get embarassed about something later when she would open up in your incident" I explained.

"And, what's all about the incident?"Jennie asked.

"I feel sorry to Miss Jennie" Minnie said and I was shocked that she could speak Korean.

"You know how to speak Korean?" I asked.

"Yes, I've live in South Korea for 5 years after me and boss started to move in here to handle this branch on South Korea!" Minnie said.

"What? I have many questions about you Minnie!" Jennie said with a flat tone.

"But you know if we could start a meeting later. Miss Manoban.." Minnie cutted her words as her phone rings.

"It's boss!" Minnie said as she heading outside on the meeting room.


"Good morning boss!" Minnie said.

"Minnie, I'll be there for a minute. Tell our clients that they would prepare their proposal and also we should prepare ours too. Understand?" Lisa said.

"Yes boss, I will!" Minnie said.

"Good. I should hung up" Lisa said as she now hunged up the phone.

Minnie started to heading inside of the meeting room and she started to inform Rosé and Jennie about her boss.

After an minute later, they heard a footsteps and they know that is Miss Manoban.

Jennie quickly fix herself and she started to sit on her chair.

Then someone knocked the door and isn't a regular knock but it's really womanly knock? Like itsreally very special knock.

Minnie stood up and she open the door for her boss.

Then Lisa now showed up to the meeting room.

Jennie was never felt some nervousness about her clients. But when Lisa started to show up she really was a coward person.

"Good morning, I'm Miss Lisa Manoban the CEO of Manoban's Industry and could we speak english? Since it's our business proposal and with a meeting?" Lisa said.

"Good morning Miss Manoban, I'm Miss Jennie Kim and yes we could speak English in here. So shall we start our meeting and some proposal?" Jennie said.

"Nice to meet you Miss Jennie Kim, I heard a lot from you since your the biggest and well-known female CEO in the whole Asia" Lisa said.

"Well not really Miss Manoban, and I also heard about you for being a wealthiest company in the whole asia too" Jennie said.

"Yes and well maybe we are the known company in the whole Asia" Lisa said as she smiled and started to sit on her chair.

"Oh by the way, I'll introduce my trustful and helpful secretary, Roseanne" Jennie said.

"We have met before Miss Roseanne. Are you still the same Roseanne that I met yesterday evening with your friend around?" Lisa asked.

Jennie makes really widened her eyes that Lisa and Rosé met before them..

"Yes, Miss Manoban. I'm still the Roseanne you've known since yesterday. In behalf of my friend, I am sorry that she hug at you and puke at you in your blouse" Rosé said.

"I'm mad at her because it's really the best blouse, I've ever wore from the time I met my favorite author and she just randomly puke at me" Lisa said.

"Once again, I'm really very sorry at the behalf of my friend! She didn't mean too.." Rosé said as she stood up and bowed 90° degrees to Lisa.

Jennie is really co fused but at the same she might know the hint from what Lisa and Rosé said.

Lisa nodded. "Anyways, shall we start our meeting? and also the proposals?"

"Yes w-we will begin Miss Manoban" Jennie said.

"Oh, before we should start to our meeting. I forgot to introduced my kindful and helpful secretary. Her name is Minnie. I know that she was first who'd come to this meeting room" Lisa said.

"Yes, and nice to meet you Minnie" Jennie said.

"Nice to meet you too, Minnie" Minnie said.

"Shall we begin our meeting now?" Lisa asked.

"Yes" Jennie said.


Jennie and Lisa started to exchange their ideas about how their company works while their secretaries started to write their notes on what their bosses telling each other about.

Lisa seemed to agreed about what Jennie's advice to her company once they started to be signing their contract to each other while Jennie likes the idea on how Lisa explained on how they woud be like to be partnership each other.

Both of the parties seemed to agreed each other plans. Then Jennie started to present their proposal to Lisa.

Their proposal were really organized and it was really convincing to agreed on what they propose.

"Miss Kim, mayhaps that I should sign your contract today and should come to our business company to sign our exclusive contract" Lisa said as she play a playful smirk.

"What, really Miss Manoban? I didn't expect that you would really sign our contract as soon as possible" Jennie said with a shocked tone.

"Not a problem Miss Kim. To be honest, I really like your company and I just rathered to partnership with your company rather than else" Lisa said.

"Wow, sure thing Miss Manoban. Roseanne, please get our contract to Miss Manoban" Jennie said.

"Right away, boss" Rosé said as she stood up and heading to her boss room which is 2 floors away.

"Minnie, could you leave us for a minute" Lisa said as she do a understandable eye contact to her secretary.

"Yes boss" Minnie said.

Minnie started to get out on the meeting and it was now only Jennie and Lisa.

"You know Miss Jennie. Your really very mysterious and you know I wanted to know you more!" Lisa said.

"Business is just only a business Miss Manoban" Jennie said.

"You will know in the near future, Miss Kim from what I mean. But for the meantime, let's enjoy our business partnership to each other" Lisa said.

"O-okay?" Jennie said.

Someone knocked on the door and Lisa started to stood up and it was revealed that it was the 2 secretary.

"Boss. I have the contract!" Rosé said.

"Good. Please present to us" Jennie said.

Rosé started to go at the center and she started to stated their contract and Lisa started to smile while Rosé was reading.

"So Miss Jennie Kim, would sign now the contract as the Chairman and the CEO of the Kim's Corporation" Rosé said.

While Jennie was signing the contract. Lisa said. "Roseanne your voice is so sweet and nice to hear when you talk. I like it"

"I didn't know that you know how to speak Korean. Miss Manoban?" Rosé said.

"When it's business, I always speak English but when it comes to personal life here in this place I know how to speak Korean fluently" Lisa explained.

"Oh that's why" Rosé said.

Jennie finished signing.

"Now to Miss Lisa Manoban, would sign the 2 years of contract...Minnie you should say this word" Rosé said.

"Miss Lisa Manoban, would sign the contract as the Chairman and CEO of the Manoban's Industry" Minnie said.

Lisa signed the contract.

"Now we may announce that the Kim's Corporation is now officially business partners to Manoban's Industry. Congratulations Miss Jennie Kim" Lisa said as she offered an handshake.

"Thank you Miss Manoban for trusting us" Jennie said as she accept the handshake.

"No problem but please don't hesitate me to call at my phone number if you any financial help. A business partner could really be a business partner to help each other" Lisa said as she offer her call card.

"Thank you Miss Manoban!" Jennie said as she get the call card.

"Miss Jennie Kim. You should come to Miss Manoban office for signing also to our contract too" Minnie said.

"I'm in my busiest week. But maybe next week? Are you okay with Friday in the afternoon? Am I right Roseanne do I have any schedule from what I said?" Jennie said.

Rosé check the schedule for her boss and she just shook her head.

"Then okay. Friday in the afternoon! What time Miss Kim?" Lisa said.

"5pm in the afternoon! Is that okay for you Miss Manoban?" Jennie asked.

"Minnie do I have any schedule for next week, Friday in 5pm?" Lisa asked.

"You have a clear schedule for next week, Friday. Miss Manoban" Minnie said.

"Then it's a okay for me, Miss Kim. See you next week at my room" Lisa said.


Hello everyone, for those you wonder why the hell I used Italic Font and a normal font in the conversation.

Well basically, Italic font means that their speaking an english meanwhile normal font is like their speaking korean!


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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 56: Bravo!