Growing Up Yerim 3

A Day I Look Forward To


Yerim grew up exactly how her family thought she would - a cheeky little child who just absolutely loved getting into trouble anywhere she could think of. Irene was worried about her when it was time for Yerim to start first grade but as usual, Seulgi was there to calm her down and to reassure her that their daughter was going to be just fine in her new school.

“Here’s to hoping what you say is true, Seulgi ah..” Irene sighed and settled into bed with her wife, still a little worried about Yerim’s first day of school the next day.

“Kindergarten was alright, right? Elementary school is going to be alright, too, Hyun.” Seulgi paused and kissed Irene’s temple. “Yerim will be alright. Plus, our friend Wendy is going to be her teacher so we have nothing to worry about.”

“Oh..goodness I forgot about that!” Irene chuckled and eventually calmed down. “Well, I hope Wendy can handle Yerim.”

“I hope so, too.” Seulgi stretched her arm to turn off the light on the nightstand. “Goodnight, honey.”

“Goodnight, Seulgi” Irene snuggled close and they soon fell asleep.


Yerim behaved herself quite well during her first day of school. Both Seulgi and Irene had anticipated some form of tantrum and grumbling from their daughter about not wanting to go to school, but the child seemed more than happy to wake up early in the morning and get dressed.

Hopefully this attitude lasts.. her parents shared the same thought as they looked at each other while on the drive to school.

Seulgi dropped off both Irene and Yerim at the gate while she went to look for a parking spot. Yerim walked slowly while holding on to her mother’s hand tightly, cautious of the new environment somehow. There were many people around and some kids were either throwing a tantrum about wanting to go home or crying while clinging on to their parents.

Irene quickly steered Yerim away from the commotion, worried that she might get affected and start crying, too. They reached Yerim’s class with little problems and Seulgi appeared a few minutes later.

“Yerim ah you’re doing so well!” Seulgi cooed at their daughter while patting her head.

“It’s just like kindergarten!” Yerim beamed. “I’m gonna make friends and have fun!”

“That’s our girl!”

Irene and Seulgi, along with other parents, stayed for a little while when classes had begun to observe their child from the back of the class and to provide support if needed. A few teary eyed children occasionally turned around to look for their parents but reluctantly turned back again when their parents gave them an encouraging nod.

“Yerim really is doing very well today..” Irene whispered to Seulgi when she noticed their daughter hadn’t once turned her head to look for them.

“She really is. Maybe we can have pizza this weekend as a reward for her.”

“No, you’re going to spoil her.”

“As if you don’t.” Seulgi glanced at her wife and smiled smugly, causing Irene to roll her eyes.

When Wendy announced about half an hour later that it was time for the parents to go home, there was a new wave of tantrums as the children reluctantly parted with their parents. After much reassuring only did they calm down and waved goodbye. Yerim gave both her mothers a peck on their cheeks and told them that she will behave. Irene raised a brow in amusement at her statement. It didn’t go unnoticed by Seulgi, who gave Irene a little nudge and a comical look.

“Let’s just take her word for it.”

“Seulgi...she’s seven years old. She changes her mind so many times in a day.”

“She’ll be fine.” Seulgi grabbed her wife’s shoulders and turned her around. “Let’s go grab breakfast. I’m starving.”

While Yerim was perfectly behaved during classes - listening when needed to and finishing her homework - she was quite the piece of work when she was outdoors during recess and while waiting for her parents to come get her after school ended.

Thanks to Irene and Seulgi exposing her to the great outdoors at a young age, Yerim was not afraid to get her hands and school uniform dirty by running around the school’s compound whenever she had the time. Wendy had texted Irene several times already within the short few weeks since school began that Yerim had fallen and scraped her palms slightly.

Irene could only sigh and thank her friend before relaying the message to her wife.

“At least she’s not getting into fights hahaha”

“What are we going to do with her, Seulgi ah?”

“She’ll be alright, don’t worry. Kids run around and fall all the time.” Seulgi reassured and Irene decided to let the topic rest for the time being.


Yeri was happily running about with her friends while waiting for Irene to pick her up from school one particular day. It was something she always did and Irene would always frown slightly whenever she saw dirt stains on her daughter’s uniform. They were such a joy to clean after all.

Yeri eyed an empty school bus that was parked in the school’s compound and an idea came to her little, mischievous mind. Skipping toward the vehicle, she started to climb the back wheels, trying to enter the bus from one of the windows at the back.

Wendy saw what the little girl was up to and ran towards the bus, fearing she might fall and injure herself. “Yerim! Get down from there right now!”

“No way no way I’m almost at the top!” Yerim carefully reached for the window’s edge and grabbed onto it tightly, trying to hoist herself up to climb over.

“Yerim, you’re going to get into trouble with Irene.”

Irene is not here right now!” Yerim said in a sing-song manner as she was half way through the window.

“She’s not here, is she now?” a familiar voice called out and Yerim froze, falling into the bus with a thud and quickly poked her head out the window to confirm her suspicions.

To her horror she saw her mother standing beside her teacher, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed. It was then Yerim knew, she was going to get her whooped later. She slowly but hastily made her way to where her mother and teacher stood, her eyes looking at every direction but at the two adults.

“What are you guys standing around for?” Seulgi joined the trio a little later and was confused as to why they were all standing in front of a bus.

“Your daughter climbed the wheel and into the bus through the window.”

“She did what??”

“Precisely. Would you mind explaining, Yerim?” Irene bent down to meet her daughter’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Yerim, can you speak up?” she urged when Yerim had mumbled her excuse.

“I saw mom do it that one time and wanted to try it out.”



Sensing a little family tension was starting to build, Wendy quickly excused herself. “Well, I’m just gonna...go. See you tomorrow, Yerim. No more climbing buses, okay?” She held up her pinky and Yerim hooked her pinky with Wendy’s. “You pinky promised so you have to keep it, okay?” She patted the child’s head and left the scene.

“ were saying?” Irene side eyed her wife when she saw that Seulgi was going to whisk Yerim away as though nothing had happened.

“ was nothing..” Seulgi waved it off but continued walking away. “I left my keys in the truck last week so I climbed in through the back window to get it.”

“What?! Seul-”

“Let’s go get a snack, Yerim ah!” Seulgi interrupted before Irene could continue.


“I swear sometimes it’s like I have two children…” Irene shook her head and went after her wife and daughter.

Just another day for the Kangs.




a/n: henlo! long time no see, huh? haha i would like to wish all of you a very happy new year! here's to a better year! and i hope you guys have had a good xmas holiday! see you guys soon.

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1060 streak #1
Chapter 7: kang family🤧 hope you continue this fic.. waiting with respect authornim!!
Chapter 7: Hope you update this soon, I already miss the Kang Family :(((
Aaaahh. I miss kang family ●︿●
Chapter 5: THIS WAS SO CUTE HELP. journey is one of my favorite games ever and the multiplayer aspect of it is one of my favorite things about it Y_Y so i loved reading seulrene sharing this little happiness together. thank you so much for this Y_Y
akrr1997 #5
Chapter 7: Cute!
Chapter 7: Oooh Irene being smooth af during that last scene. I didn't know she had it in her xD
22 streak #7
Chapter 7: A second date!!
Osnapitzkat #8
This is so cute, I love reading stories were yeri is their kid
14 streak #9
Chapter 6: We'll be waiting for that next office au author-nim :)
Chapter 6: This one is sooo sweet and the kang family is surely the cutest