Into the darkness (Wheesa)

Mamamoo Stories and Adventures

The air was dense, heavy, smelling of humility, dust and old pages. Everything was still, the room bathed in the deepest of darkness, Wheein's slow footsteps resonating like a thousand drums in the silence so thick it felt oppressive. The small slither of light intruding from the open doorway she had come from cut through the shadows, forcing the high wooden shelves, stacked with thousand upon thousands of books, out of hiding. 

She inched her way into the gargantuan library, its depth seemingly infinite as rows and rows of bookshelves went on and on in a never ending maze of knowledge. Wheein swore she could've heard her own heartbeat as she stood there, at the edge of the world itself, not a single sound disturbing the deep rest of the room.

Suddenly something moved in the darkness, calm footsteps breaking the silence as a dark figure seemed to part from the shadows themselves. Eyes, dark and piercing, caught the orange light filtering through the door, locking with Wheein's as a smile, cold and empty, spread on glossy, blood red lip.

"Are you the one they said I should fear?" Wheein asked, voice calm, curious. It made the figure chuckle as it walked into the light, revealing itself to the newcomer. A woman with long, midnight tresses stood before Wheein, cloaked in a mess of clothes so dark they seemed to merge with the room around her, the corset cinching her waist accentuating her curves through the looseness of the fabric.

"Yes." the woman rasped, the single word sending a shiver down Wheein's spine.


Wheein was walking around, guiding herself through the darkness with the warm, vacillating light of a candle, admiring the spines of books seemingly as old as time, printed and bound by hands that were, now, no more than ashes. She read the golden titles embedded in leather, ran featherlight fingers along the smooth surfaces of the material as she kept walking, moving deeper and deeper into the maze of shelves.

She was aware of the presence following her through the shadows, never leaving her side as she explored the room. Her palm itched to take hold of one of the many volumes, to open it, read the stories laid in black ink onto the parchment, but the watchful gaze she constantly felt on her was enough to remind her of the guardian's warning.

I'll allow you access, but only under one condition. You will not read a single word out of these pages, understood?

Wheein did understand. This place was sacred after all. A legend known only to those who cared enough to hear it. The Heart of the World it was called by some, The All-Knowing, by others. Some people even called it God, for this single room was said to contain everything there was to know of the world, the universe itself even. It was also said to be guarded by the darkest and most ferocious of creatures.

Wheein would have never expected this guardian to be a single woman.

"Have you ever read them all? The books?" Wheein asked, curious, knowing the other was watching her closely. Speaking seemed like an offense in this place, the solemn silence breaking painfully as her voice bounced against invisible walls, resonating louder than the words she had uttered, almost deafening to her ears.

An amused chuckle came from the darkness surrounding her, deep, sinister, filling the room's silence rather than disturbing it like her own.

"I may be the guardian of this place, but to read all those books would take more than a hundred men's lifespan." The deep raspy voice of the woman answered, seemingly coming from nowhere in particular as if it was one with the room itself.

Wheein looked around, brandishing the candlelight in all directions before it finally caught the form of the woman, much closer than she would've expected. An ominous smile parted her red stained lips, white teeth catching the orange glow of the candle, unconsciously bringing Wheein's attention down to .

The guardian is damned, they all said. Forget the legends and you'll be safe.

"But you have the time, you are said to be immortal. Why don't you use it?" Wheein asked as her eyes drifted back up to lock with the other woman's dark gaze, the smile the latter had been wearing disappearing as she did.

"To know everything about the world is God's domain. I have not the right nor the desire to hold such knowledge." Her tone was brusque, leaving no opening for Wheein to continue the conversation. As silence settled back between them, the guardian started to walk back out of the light, regaining her rightful place in the darkness.

"Wait, what's your name?" Wheein asked before she could disappear completely, not wanting the other to leave her side just yet.

A sad smile stretched the woman's lips before she faded into the shadows, voice low and resigned as she said, "I don't remember."


"You're back." Wheein couldn't help but chuckle at the guardian's tone, a mixture of surprise and amusement, as she looked around, fruitlessly trying to find the woman through the darkness of the room.

"What, you thought I wouldn't?" she asked teasingly as she lit one of her candles, the soft, familiar glow spreading it's orange light onto the polished surface of the marble floors and wooden shelves, bringing warmth to the cold atmosphere around her.

"On the contrary," Wheein saw something in the corner of her eye. She turned towards the movement, only to come face to face with the guardian, standing barely a foot away from her. "From the moment you set foot in this place, I knew you'd be a woman full of surprises."

Wheein smiled, not even bothering to take a step back and they just stood there, basking in the orange glow of the candlelight. Wheein stared into the other's deep, dark eyes, noticing how the coldness of her gaze seemed to be washing away, melted by the light's warmth and the thought made her chuckle.

"You're not afraid of me." It wasn't a question. It was a statement, devoid of frustration or anger you'd expect of a guardian who was supposed to be intimidating. Instead, it came as simple curiosity, maybe even wonder and Wheein thought that in that moment, the woman looked much more innocent.

"Why should I be?" The guardian frowned at the question, as if the answer should've been obvious.

"They said you should be." Her answer almost came as a question in and of itself.

"And why should I listen?" Wheein countered, a playful glint in her eyes as she leaned closer to the other challengingly, almost as if to prove a point. It made the guardian laugh. For once however, it wasn't one of her typical chuckles. It was a true laugh, amazed and amused as it echoed loudly throughout the room. The woman started backing away, a large smile stretching her blood red lips as she faded into the darkness once more.

"I knew it," she said as she disappeared, amusement making her low voice that much lighter, "full of surprises."


"Were you waiting for me?" Wheein asked as she laughed, noticing the guardian standing in front of the doors just as she opened them. She wouldn't have to seek her out for once.

"I heard you coming," the woman answered with a small smile as she walked closer, observing Wheein closely as she moved to light one of her candles.

"That doesn't change the fact you were expecting me." Wheein countered teasingly, unable to hold back a laugh when she saw the other's confident eyes look away for the briefest moment, slight embarrassment the guardian would never admit to coloring her cheeks ever so slightly.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." The woman regained her composure as quickly as she'd lost it and her reply came as calm as any other, but Wheein still saw what she saw and she laughed again as she started walking towards the bookshelves, the other following soon after.

As the months rolled past in the the outside world, Wheein found herself coming back to the library more and more. And as her presence became somewhat of a regularity, she found that her relationship with the woman guarding it grew deeper. They talked almost casually now and the guardian had taken the habit of following Wheein around in the light of her candle instead of tailing her from the shadows like she used to.

Sometimes, they would forget about the room, about the world itself, and just sat down on the marble floor and talked. Like friends would. The thought made Wheein smile and she turned to look at the woman walking besides her, the two of them sharing the silence of the room.

"What?" The guardian asked without even looking at her, instead choosing to keep her eyes locked with the darkness in front of her. She could feel the warmth in Wheein's stare. It scared her.

"I was thinking I should call you by name." The girl said as they kept walking, noticing how the other seemed to tense slightly at that last word. She stopped, the guardian doing the same barely a step in front of her, just enough for Wheein to loose sight of her face.

"Why? I don't have one." The woman's tone was slightly defensive. No, more like hesitant. Wheein walked closer to the other, noticing how her shoulders seemed to square at her approach.

"Because friends usually call each other by name." The girl's voice was soft, comforting almost, trying to ease some of the tension in the guardian's body.


"What? What's wrong?" Wheein put a hand on the other's shoulder, gently turning her around so they would face each other, but the woman's stare was locked on the floor, her dark tresses obscuring her features. Wheein felt a strange weight settle at the pit of her stomach, unfamiliar, unpleasant. "Are we not friends?", she asked hesitantly, nervous, as if she was afraid of the answer.

"I can't even remember the time I used to have friends. It was so long ago..." The guardian finally looked up and something in her eyes shook Wheein to the core. Something raw, something deep. Something new.

Vulnerability. That's what it was.

The girl smiled softly, the weight in her guts disappearing with her worries and replaced by a strange feeling of protectiveness as she squeezed the other woman's shoulder comfortingly, feeling how her tense body relaxed slightly underneath her touch. 

"So I was thinking," Wheein started carefully, "maybe I could give you a nickname? Something I can call you by?" She didn't want to make the guardian uncomfortable. She felt as though this topic may have been one the woman didn't particularly enjoy if her unease was anything to go by and seeing as she simply stared at her unflinchingly, not giving any kind of answer to her question, she was about to drop the subject.

"Okay." Wheein was almost startled by the guardian's answer breaking the stretching silence, but the smile she sent the woman didn't hide her joy. Still, she searched the other's eyes for any sing that she wasn't entirely okay with it, but she found nothing more than slight nervousness.

 "How about Hwasa?" Wheein asked almost carefully, not wanting to pressure the other into anything, "Would it be okay if I called you that?"

"Hwasa..." The name rolled off of the guardian's tongue mysteriously, sounding almost sultry to Wheein's ears as the woman seemed to ponder for a few seconds, finally opening to say, "Sounds cool. I like it."

"I'm glad to hear it." Wheein said in a breath, an unfamiliar feeling bubbling in her chest.


When Wheein came to stand in front of the double doors leading to the room that day, she could tell something didn't feel right. She stood there, staring at the way they swayed, slightly ajar, a single drop of deep red staining their polished surface. A familiar metallic scent she could place wafted through the air, making her stomach turn slightly and she briefly considered just turning around and coming back another day.

Wheein sighed, wondering why she felt so uneasy and decided it must've been the doors being open as they were usually tightly sealed. She took a deep breath, lighting one of her candles and pushing the wooden panels open to enter, but the sight before her made her stay where she was.

The first thing she noticed was the pool of deep red staining the floor, it's darkness contrasting with the white marble making it look like a monster eating away at it, ominous and all consuming in its greed. Then, the bodies, or what she assumed to be bodies, dark masses littered about, limp and drowned by the blood they were resting into, armor plating catching the light of Wheein's candle and basking them in a frightening orange glow.

Finally, in the middle of the massacre, stood Hwasa, covered in blood, standing tall above the mass of corpses as if they were nothing more than mere insects. There was a cruel glint in her gaze as her eyes moved to meet Wheein's own, bloodlust and anger melting away at the sight of the girl standing still as a statue in the doorway.

"Wheein-ah..." the guardian started, barely taking a step forward before she stopped dead in her tracks, seeing the way Wheein tensed as she moved. Hwasa searched the other's eyes and for the first time since they met, she found fear staring back at her and it was like a punch to her guts. 

The girl was terrified and the woman knew that in that moment, she was terrified of her.

A sad smile spread across the guardian's lips, stretching them painfully as she started to take a few steps back, lengthening the distance separating her and the shaking girl standing before her. 

"I'm sorry." she said in a breath before disappearing into the shadows, leaving Wheein alone for the first time in months.

"Wait, Hwasa!" Wheein finally broke out of her frightened trance as the other disappeared, nothing but the cold dead silence of the room answering her. She waited for a few minutes, hoping the other would come back to her, but nothing moved in the room, not her, nor the dark and she sighed, tears stinging her eyes as she felt she had messed up somehow.

She sent another prying look to the shadows, foolishly trying to find the guardian's eyes staring back at her before she turned around, exiting the room and closing the doors behind her, leaving the guardian and her victims to the darkness of their tomb.


It took a few weeks before Wheein mustered up the courage to go back to the room, taking time for herself to try and make sense of her feelings. She had known the guardian was there for a reason. She had know she was ruthless, dangerous. But never before had she realized what that meant somehow.

Wheein had never been afraid of Hwasa, not even when they first met. She never would've thought the other capable of massacring an entire unit of soldiers and yet, she felt as though she should've known. Seeing the aftermath with her own eyes really brought the reality of what the other was to the forefront of her mind and a part of herself couldn't help but wonder if the guardian would do the same to her, should she do something wrong.

In the moment, her fear had been greater than her rational thought, but now that she'd had time to reflect, she realized that her fears meant nothing in the end.

Wheein cared for the guardian. She cared for her a lot, actually. Never before had she had a friend so attentive, nice and fun to be around, even if all they did was talk in the darkness of the room. And yes, she may be a little aloof sometimes, but Wheein would sometimes catch a spark in her eyes or a discrete smile pulling at her lips as Wheein talked, and that was all the girl needed to know that Hwasa cared for her too.

Even if she was worried because of what she saw, Wheein was ready to forget it, because the guardian had become too important to her to give in to her fear and never go back to see her again. Even just thinking of that possibility made the girls heart ache and so, there she was, standing in front of those doors once again.

She took a deep breath, pushing them open carefully and peeking inside. Hwasa wasn't anywhere to be seen. Wheein wasn't really surprised even though she felt a pang of disappointment, opening the doors fully and walking into the room. She moved carefully, her eyes searching the darkness surrounding her as she lit her candle, slowly starting her usual stroll down the bookshelves. 

As the minutes rolled past with Wheein walking deeper and deeper into the maze, distractedly running her fingers along the spines of the books she had gotten so familiar with, she began to worry slightly as the guardian still hadn't approached her. Minutes turned into hours and still, no sign of the other. Wheein gritted her teeth, determination keeping her going, even as her legs began to ache from standing for so long. She would not leave. Not before she saw Hwasa again.

Still, exhaustion was quickly getting the better of her and as sleep desperately tried to get her within its grasp, Wheein decided to rest for a few minutes. She sat down on the floor, hissing as the coldness of the marble made contact with her skin, and set the candle next to her, leaning her back against the bookshelves and closing her eyes, barely realizing it as sleep finally claimed her.


Wheein woke up to the soft sound of a voice, humming lowly somewhere close to her, gently pulling her from the tendrils of sleep. She felt a hand slowly tuck an unruly strand of hair behind her ear, careful, as if she was the most fragile thing in the world and might break at the slightest contact.

Wheein slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times to try and chase away the fogginess obstructing her vision. The first thing she noticed was how the candle she had lit was almost completely melted, a testament to how long she'd let herself doze off, it's light struggling to cut through the shadows as it flickered slightly, reaching the bottom of the candlestick. The voice that had been humming earlier went quiet, prompting Wheein to look up, her eyes meeting familiar, dark ones.

The guardian was sitting in front of her, the same sad smile pulling at her lips as she stared back at her, her hand still gently playing with the strand of hair she'd tucked behind her ear.

"Hey," Wheein said, smiling, her sleepy voice making the other chuckle slightly.

"Hey," the guardian answered, moving to retract her hand from the girls head of hair, but the latter caught it, interlacing their fingers before resting them on her lap. Hwasa's eyes stared at their joint hands for a few seconds before she looked up slowly, an emotion Wheein couldn't quite decipher flashing through her eyes as she said, "I thought you wouldn't come back."

Wheein sighed, guilt briefly gripping at her chest as she brought her free hand up, mimicking the guardian's gesture earlier and tucking a strand of deep dark hair behind the other's ear, cupping her cheek gently for a second before letting go, feeling the way Hwasa flinched away from her touch slightly.

"I just needed some time to think." Wheein said softly, sending the guardian a small smile, the latter smiling back briefly before looking away, her steely gaze wavering for just a second before she locked eyes with Wheein again, clearing .

"And?" To anyone, Hwasa sounded perfectly calm as she asked that question, but Wheein knew better. Nervousness gave her usually calm voice a slight edge, one she would never let show except in moments of vulnerability. Wheein brought their joined hands up, giving the guardian's a small squeeze, bringing the latter's attention to them.

"I'm never letting you go Hwasa. That's a promise."


"Can I ask you a question?" They had been walking around aimlessly once again, enjoying each other's company through the comfortable silence surrounding them before Wheein's voice spoke up, breaking it and making the guardian chuckle slightly.

"Sure." Hwasa answered, amusement lacing in her voice.

"I'm sorry if this is intrusive," Wheein paused, hesitating slightly before she took a deep breath, continuing carefully, "But how did you become the guardian of this place?"

The smile on Hwasa's lips dropped instantly as she suddenly stopped walking, a dark expression briefly darkening her features before a blank stare quickly steeled her gaze. She became unreadable, even to Wheein.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to," the girl quickly added, feeling as though she might have offended the guardian, "I was just curious."

"It's okay." Hwasa's deep voice gently cut her off, a small smile cracking through her features once again, but Wheein could tell it wasn't as genuine as the previous ones. "I've been meaning to tell you this sooner or later anyways."

"Hwasa, you don't have to force it out of you." Wheein said gently, stepping closer to the other woman and carefully taking hold of one of her hands, squeezing it comfortingly. The last thing she wanted was to make her uncomfortable, but the guardian simply shook her head gently.

"I want to tell you, it's okay." Hwasa said, her tone determined and Wheein nodded, watching as the guardian took a deep breath, releasing it in a sigh as she began, "Before I was the guardian of this place, I had a lover. She was my everything."

A small smile split Hwasa's features as she remembered her past self, goofing around with her lover and turning the most ridiculous of things into the most beautiful of wonders. Wheein watched the guardian closely, a fond smile stretching her own lips until the other's expression darkened once more as she continued.

"We lived a happy life together, perfect in every sense of the word. But one day, she fell ill and the sickness took her from the world. I never got over it. I searched for a way to make it right. To take her back. I eventually found this place." Hwasa lifted her hand, gesturing to the room around them, "The one place where I might find a way to get reunited with my beloved. I was foolish. As I delved deeply into the knowledge these pages could offer I had forgotten one important thing. This is God's domain, no one else's and he is unforgiving. He cursed me to guard this room for eternity and out of pure spite, I obeyed. I wouldn't allow him to see me suffer." Anger laced her tone as the guardian spat these words, eyes shining with a fury Wheein had never seen on her before. It was short lived however as Hwasa continued, anger melting into regret and sorrow. "But the more time I spent isolated in the depth of this place, the more I realized I forgot. I forgot the warmth of the sun on a nice summer day, the rustling of the leaves as the wind swept by and the feel of rain drizzling down my skin. I forgot the cold of my body, the emptiness of my heart, the happiness I used to have, the love I used to harbor. I forgot how to hurt. I forgot who I was. The only one I can't seem to forget is her."

Hwasa fell silent, the sound of her voice dying in the cold air of the infinite space. Wheein didn't speak. She didn't have to. Didn't want to. She didn't even know what she truly felt in this moment as a whirlwind of emotions seemed to twist and knot her stomach mercilessly. The only thing she was certain about is that it didn't feel good.

As she started into the pitch black darkness displayed in front of her, trying to make sense of her mismatched emotions, Wheein suddenly heard the guardian's breathing as it hitched and wavered, the soft noise tearing her away from her contemplation and back into reality. Whatever Wheein was feeling right now, Hwasa must be having it ten times worse and through the confusion of it all, the girl felt the overwhelming urge to protect the other, to take all the hurt away if only to be sure that the guardian was okay.

Wheein took a breath, calming the furious beating of her heart as she gathered her courage, slowly, carefully, inching closer to the black haired woman, moving until their shoulders brushed against one another's. She stayed like this for a few moments, feeling the warmth of the other's body bleed into her own, before she wrapped her arm around the guardian's shoulders, gently guiding her into a comforting embrace. 

To her surprise the other didn't fight it. Instead, she returned the hug, wrapping her arms around Wheein's waist. She buried her face in the crook of the girl's neck as the latter's hand started combing through her midnight tresses comfortingly, soothing, affectionate. Wheein felt the forming wetness on the skin of her neck, the trembling frame of Hwasa's crying body and she dared to press a small kiss on the other's temple, short and barely there, yet it spoke louder that any words ever could.

"You're bringing it all back you know. The memories." Hwasa's voice was as calm and steady as usual, but Wheein knew better than to be fooled by the facade. She tightened her hold on the other woman, scratching the back of her head soothingly. The guardian continued, "It hurts a lot, but I am thankful. You allow me to feel real again."

Silence fell upon them once more after Hwasa's confession, wrapping them in a thick blanket of nothingness, shielding them from the world. Wheein could feel the guardian's short irregular breaths against her neck, her heartbeat against her chest, pounding onto her ribcage as if it were her own and in that moment, the girl swore she would've died if it meant letting the other go. Wheein couldn't figure out what, but something compelled her to hold the other impossibly closer, even if it meant fusing their bodies together.

And maybe it was her imagination, but she would've sworn she felt Hwasa's lips pressing a soft kiss against the moist skin of her neck in response.

Wheein decided to ignore the sudden feeling gripping at her chest and instead started to hum softly, voice low at the back of as she gently began to rock the both of them back and forth, the silence stepping out of the way of her song. She felt Hwasa slowly relaxing into her embrace, a tension neither of them had realized was still present leaving her body for good, lulled away by the soft melody of Wheein's voice.

The girl didn't stop, starting the song over when she reached the end of it and eventually, Hwasa joined in, layering the raspy tone of her voice onto Wheein's smooth humming, harmonizing slightly and creating a masterpiece only two of them could enjoy together. Wheein smiled, enjoying the way their voices seemed to interlace with one another, so different and yet so complimentary. She felt it when the other smiled as well, pressing her lips onto her neck ever so slightly as she continued to sing along, their melody stretching into the infinity of the room and filling it's silence with beauty. 

After a few minutes they tried to stretch into hours, not wanting this moment to end, the song eventually reached its end once more and neither of them tried to start from the beginning again. Instead, they carefully, reluctantly almost, loosened their hold on each other, separating just enough to be able to see the other's eyes clearly. Even through the darkness, Hwasa could catch the warmth of Wheein's chocolate gaze, making her remember feelings she'd long thought dead and buried.

"I was supposed to kill you the moment you set foot in this place, you know." the guardian whispered, leaning forward ever so slight and Wheein's breath caught in . When Hwasa simply pressed their foreheads together, the girl felt a tiny pang of disappointment in her chest but quickly brushed it off, instead focusing on the other's deep, dark and entrancing eye.

Wheein thought she'd find the cold glint that she'd gotten so used to staring back at her, but instead she found herself looking into a warmth she had never seen before, and as she shook herself from the initial surprise, she thought she might have even seen affection flashing through the darkness of the guardian's eyes for the briefest of moment. But that must've been her imagination.

"Why didn't you?" Wheein asked in a breath after a few seconds of silence, the feeling in her stomach teasing her once again.

"I don't know. Something inside me just begged me not to and I listened." The guardian's answer made Wheein's smile, the slight unease she'd felt seconds before easing off slightly as she looked at the small frown now creasing Hwasa's face, her look bordering on cute. The girl had to bite her lip not to laugh at the thought.

"Are you lonely in here, all by yourself?" The question tore itself out of Wheein's mouth before she could even notice it forming at the back of her mind. She watched as Hwasa's eyebrows now shot upwards in surprise, a puzzled look replacing her previous pout, obviously caught off guard by the unexpected inquiry. Wheein didn't know the guardian could be this expressive.

"Why?" A single word and yet Wheein felt the way it came out of Hwasa's mouth, heavy and powerful, hitting her straight through the chest and she finally recognized this feeling clawing away at her stomach. Strangely enough, it didn't scare her. Instead, she embraced it, taking a step forward, daringly closing the distance between the guardian and herself, feeling as the other on a breath.

"Because, maybe you just wanted company." Wheein whispered against Hwasa's lips, gently sliding a hand behind the latter's neck, careful not to be pressuring, but insisting enough to be inviting. She stumbled backwards slightly when she felt the guardian press their mouths together fully, lips locking and hands gripping as they brought their entire bodies into each other's embrace, something neither of them had realized was building between them finally snapping.

And it felt wonderful.

Wheein felt how the guardian's lips became more and more insistent, their slow kiss, quickly turning into a passionate lip lock and she decided she didn't mind. She was the happiest she's ever been right now and judging by the way the other was clinging to her, keeping her as close as physically possible, she could tell the woman was too.

Suddenly, Hwasa parted with a breath, looking startled, almost frantic, and the look in her eyes was enough to send Wheein into a bit of a panic.

"What's wrong?" she asked carefully, gently cupping the guardian's face and guiding her gaze to fall into her own, watching as Hwasa's eyes slowly lit up with pure, unfiltered happiness, a toothy grin stretching her lips giddily, shining bright through the darkness of the room.

"I know my name." The guardian's voice was awed, soft and innocent in a way that Wheein had never heard it before, "My name is Hyejin."

Wheein smiled as she started laughing giddily, bringing their foreheads together. She stared into the other's eyes, watching in awe as a happiness she never thought she'd see in her shone brighter than any flame through the darkness of her eyes, lighting them up to be as bright as torches.

"That's a pretty name." Wheein whispers, leaning closer once again as her thumb gently the guardian's cheek, comforting and warm. "It suits you."

Hyejin smiled, tilting her head to the side and their lips met again with passion, the both of them smiling through the kiss.


"I want to be with you, forever."

"Wheein-ah, we've talked about this."

"And I told you, I don't care about the consequences, not if it means being with you."

"You know I can't take you from the world like this..."

"There is nothing for me out there, nothing that could ever compare to you."


"I've listened, Hyejin. I've listened and waited and thought about this every waking hour I spend longing for your touch and nothing in the outside world has ever felt like how I feel when I'm with you."


"Please Hyejin, let me come home. Let me come home to you..."

"... On one condition."


"Promise you'll love me to the end of the world."

"I promise."





Hey, hey, hey!
Thank you so much for reading (if you made it this far XD), I hope you enjoyed this very long second chapter :D
I hope that last, dialogue only part wasn't too weird. I wanted to try something and I'm not sure how it turned out to be honest...
Anyways, don't hesitate to tell me what you thought by leaving a comment and I plan to make the third chapter a little more steamy so stay tuned for that ;3
Thanks again and have a wonderful day~

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Chapter 14: seriously why, aaaaaaaaah your story you pay for the therapy (╥﹏╥)
Chapter 5: what I did to you to make me suffer, because it is so sadly beautiful, God why, wow you did well author good job
chickenbbq #3
Chapter 17: this chapter.... how timely haha
chickenbbq #4
Chapter 2: awwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Chapter 18: aaaaa hwasun <3 than you !!
Radishbr97 #6
Chapter 4: I really enjoyed this chapter. Great development of a relationship.
Taitai84 1229 streak #7
Chapter 17: So sad to be resigned to just take whatever little the other can give…
Chapter 18: I love it❤️❤️❤️🥺
Chapter 17: welcome back 😭 thank u for this author-nim 😗
Frozen_J #10
Daaaaaaaaaaamnn....dats hot but i wish u can make soft wheesun & hwabyul too hehehe