Lazy Sunday (Hwasun)

Mamamoo Stories and Adventures

It was just another lazy Sunday. Nothing to get done and nothing to do. Mindless, mind numbing and absolutely what Yongsun had been waiting for the entire week.


The room was perfectly quiet, a few bird chipper and the occasional car honk in the distance of the streets the only sounds the brunette could hear. The soft light of the morning sun filtered shyly through the curtains, basking the room in its warmth, having Yongsun push the plush duvet of the comforter off of her as the heat was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable. She cracked one eye open, raising her head off of the pillow slightly as she trailed her gaze across the walls, various posters and some of Wheein’s drawings breaking up the strange lavender color. Hyejin always hung Wheein’s drawings up in her room whenever their friend would offer her one, no matter what the subject was, which sometimes led to some very… interesting additions to the decor. Still, the calm and quiet of the familiar scene had Yongsun relaxing even further, eyes blinking away the sleepiness as she kept observing the room. 


Everything about this Sunday morning was perfect… or it would be if Hyejin was actually in bed with her as she had planned. 


The brunette caught a glimpse of the younger girl’s back as she sat hunched over the computer on her desk, long, dark hair tied messily atop her head in a silly looking bun as her brows furrowed in concentration, long nails clicking against the keys of her keyboard, writing their piece quickly. Yongsun sighed dejectedly, burying her face back into the pillow as she grunted. Hyejin hadn’t moved at all for the better part of an hour, abandoning the brunette in bed during the whee hours of the morning with a mumble about a paper she had to finish before midday.


The impromptu assignment was foiling Yongsun’s plans of cuddles and kisses and that was mildly annoying to say the least.


“Hyejin,” Yongsun whined for what must be the hundredth time that morning, hoping her pleas would eventually get through to her girlfriend. She heard the latter sigh exasperatedly, her chair creaking slightly as she adjusted her position.


“Sorry unnie, just a little longer,” Hyejin mumbled, barely even sparring Yongsun a glance as she continued to type away at her laptop. 


The younger did feel bad for having to leave her girlfriend unattended like this when they were supposed to be having a good time, but the brunette was being an unreasonable pain in her neck at the moment. She should’ve seen it coming though. Yongsun was never the patient one. Hyejin loved her for it of course, but not when she was desperately trying not to get a late submission on an assignment she had completely forgotten about. Thank the sky for Wheein and her incessant reminders.


“If you’d let me help, you could’ve been done by now,” Yongsun countered the other’s previous statement with the same argument she’d been using all morning, slowly sitting up in bed to stretch out her numbing limbs a bit.


“This isn’t your work,” Hyejin sighed, reading and rereading the same line gain and again as she tried to make it make sense while also dealing with the overgrown child whining at her.


“No, but this was supposed to be my time with you and it’s being stolen,” the brunette pouted, earning herself and exasperated glance from Hyejin. It was true that they rarely had any real time to spare for each other as they were both in very demanding academic programs, but this was getting ridiculous.


“I’m trying, Yongsun,” the youngest insisted, the smallest bit of annoyance shining through as she stared the other down. Yongsun seemed to sense she was starting to lay it on a little too think, a defeated sigh blowing past her chapped lips as she ruffled her hair lightly in embarrassment.


“I know, I’m sorry,” the brunette said flopping back onto the mattress with an exaggerated groan. “I’m just frustrated.”


“I should be done soon,” Hyejin tried to reassure her, her tone softening slightly as she was unable to stay annoyed at the other for long when she was pouting like a child on time out.


“You’ve said that three times already,” Yongsun sighed, staring at the ceiling intently as her eyes followed a small crack in the paint.


“I actually mean it this time,” Hyejin insisted, turning back towards her screen as she quickly scanned her work. “I just gotta review and submit it.”


“Oh thank god,” Yongsun groaned, fist bumping the air as she turned her head back toward Hyejin, a pained expression darkening her usually bright features. “You’re making me suffer a great deal.”


“I know, I’m the worst,” the younger answered behind a fond smile, watching as the brunette grinned back at her playfully.


“You are.”


Hyejin laughed at that, going back to work to try and give credence to her words about being close to done as Yongsun turned away again, eyes briefly flickering to that crack on the ceiling before her lids slipped shut. She listened to the soft clicking sounds of the keyboard, the occasional huff and puff as the youngest went about editing her text. She didn’t even realize she was slowly falling back asleep, lulled away by the soft sounds and warm light of this mildly frustrating Sunday morning.


Yongsun wasn’t sure when she had dozed off, but she was eventually ripped from the comfortable tendrils of her slumber as she felt a weight shifting the mattress next to her, a familiar warmth pressing onto her back as a pair of arms s around her hips, pulling her back tighter against the newcomer. The brunette whined slightly, turning around in the other’s hold and burying her face into the crook of a long, slim neck before sighing contently.


“So you bug me for an entire hour and then fall asleep, like, ten minutes before I’m done?” Hyejin says softly behind a bewildered chuckle, long fingers coming up to comb through Yongsun’s hair, pressing her head tighter against her. “How does that work?”


“It’s your punishment,” the brunette mumbled against her skin, inhaling the calming scent of spring flowers deeply as she relaxed further into the younger’s hold.


“I was hoping for something a little ier than that,” Hyejin countered playfully, one of her hands trailing down Yongsun’s back to pinch one of the latter’s cheeks, earning herself a small yelp and a swatting hand.


“Sleep is very y,” the eldest insisted, pulling away from Hyejin’s neck to send her a playful glare.


“Lack of consciousness is never y,” the younger answered matter of factly. “Can’t give consent.”


“Well I give my consent for you to stop being a smartass,” Yongsun said, rolling her eyes as Hyejin’s grin broadened.


“Never gonna happen.”


“Why do I even put up with you?” the eldest chuckled, the soft sound abruptly turning into a strangled yelp as she suddenly found herself on her back, a very smug Hyejin peering over her as she straddled her hips.


“Cause you can’t even begin to imagine living without my fabulous self around,” the youngest purred, face inching closer to the brunette’s flushed one as her hands trailed up Yongsun’s ribs, feeling how her breathing stuttered slightly.


“And your big ego,” the eldest huffed as she tried to grasp for a meagre amount of control, trying and failing to keep her eyes from flickering to the other’s lips as they kept coming closer and closer to her own.


“You love me,” Hyejin stated smugly, whispering the words against Yongsun’s lips but pulling away teasingly when the latter tried to kiss her back. 


This seemed to ignite something in the brunette, brown eyes glinting mischievously before the youngest suddenly felt herself getting flipped off of the other, landing square on her back as Yongsun pined her down in a reversal of position. A bright smirk pulled at the elder’s features as she took in Hyejin’s surprised expression, fingers teasingly tracing the girl’s jaw as she countered, “Keep telling yourself that.”


Hyejin chuckled at her girlfriend’s stubbornness, bringing her hands to slowly glide up the brunette’s thighs as they framed her hips.


“You do,” the youngest insisted, teasing grin faltering slightly as Yongsun started nuzzling the underside of her jaw, long, brown hair tickling bronzed skin as she moved along the familiar lines.


“Not,” the eldest punctuated the single word with a playful bite, Hyejin’s hands tightening their hold in response.






“Okay, unnie,” Hyejin huffed with a soft shake of the head, finally relenting. “Whatever you say.”


The brunette pulled away slightly at that, the brightest of smiles brightening her features as she chuckled victoriously, teasing and happy and absolutely adorable. Hyejin couldn’t help but join in the other’s laughter, arms coming up to tighten around Yongsun, bringing the still laughing girl flush against her again. The brunette hummed contently as she nestled herself comfortably on top of Hyejin, looping her arms under the younger’s shoulder to bring her even closer.


They both settled like this, a tangle of limbs on the disheveled sheets, as the clock on the wall ticked without either of them caring, content to just bask in each other’s warmth. a considerable amount of time was spent like this, cuddled up and drifting in and out of sleep as the light in the room continued to shift. They sometimes whispered about everything and nothing, sometimes kissed, sometimes played with each other’s hair. 


This is exactly what Yongsun had wanted: a lazy Sunday of cuddles with her girlfriend. The day may still be a success yet.


“Hyejin,” the eldest eventually whispered, earning herself a half asleep moan as an answer. She chuckled, poking the younger’s cheek with her nose as she added, “I do love you.”


A lazy smile slowly tugged at Hyejin’s lips at the words, the latter opening one eye to peer down at Yongsun as she brought a hand to cup the brunette’s rounded cheek, slowly guiding their mouths together. The kiss was slow, patient, yet it spoke of passion and love and everything in between, having both girls sigh into it, understanding right then and there just how much they truly cared for one another. 


“I love you too,” Hyejin whispered against Yongsun’s lips as they pulled away slightly, leaving one last lingering peck on the corner of the elder’s lips before pulling the girl close against her again, head tucked beneath her chin.


Yongsun smiled, kissing the skin there as she allowed herself to drift back to sleep for the hundredth time that lazy Sunday, hanging onto the three words they’d shared and tucking them preciously where she would never forget them. 








Another update?? What?!


I found this laying in my drafts and I decided to finish and post it :D

A little bonus to make up for the months between my last two updates XD

Besides, soft Hwasun is soft *^*


I hope you enjoyed this little chapter and please leave a comment if you can as I enjoy them very much!


Thank you so so much for reading and have a great continuation~








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Chapter 14: seriously why, aaaaaaaaah your story you pay for the therapy (╥﹏╥)
Chapter 5: what I did to you to make me suffer, because it is so sadly beautiful, God why, wow you did well author good job
chickenbbq #3
Chapter 17: this chapter.... how timely haha
chickenbbq #4
Chapter 2: awwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Chapter 18: aaaaa hwasun <3 than you !!
Radishbr97 #6
Chapter 4: I really enjoyed this chapter. Great development of a relationship.
Taitai84 1237 streak #7
Chapter 17: So sad to be resigned to just take whatever little the other can give…
Chapter 18: I love it❤️❤️❤️🥺
Chapter 17: welcome back 😭 thank u for this author-nim 😗
Frozen_J #10
Daaaaaaaaaaamnn....dats hot but i wish u can make soft wheesun & hwabyul too hehehe