Meant to be (Wheesun)

Mamamoo Stories and Adventures

Wheein wasn't startled when she heard the three familiar knocks against her bedroom window. She wasn't even surprised, having expected them long before they came, having longed for them. 

The room around her was basked in the orange light that filtered through that window, the warm rays of the setting Sun touching the messy desk in the corner where papers piled high and pens seemed to constantly lay outside of their designated storage spot, the wooden floor, covered in miscellaneous socks, sweaters and the occasional underwear, the foot of the unmade bed where Wheein currently sat and the powder blue wall whose color was barely visible anymore through all the posters and drawings messily taped onto its surface. The pleasant glow brightened up the space, livened it, and as Wheein double checked that her bedroom door was closed and locked, she quietly rolled out of bed, careful not to knock over the now cold cup of tea forgotten on her nightstand as she rushed to the window.

Her hands fumbled as she clicked the latches open, messily unlocking the heavy contraption in her excitement before heaving to pull it up, suddenly feeling the rush of the cool dusk air over her as it stirred the stale atmosphere of her bedroom. The pleasant scent of the trees and winds assaulted Wheein's previously dulled senses, having her inhale deeply as she sought to fill her lungs with as much of the wonderful cocktail as possible. Underneath it all though, there was one smell she recognized above all else. A smell that had her heart thumping and knees buckling in longing. The smell of jasmine tea and citrus she so adored, intertwined with a hint of cigarette smoke.

Wheein slowly turned her dark head of hair to the side where she knew her visitor waited patiently, observing her with that dimpled smile and adoring expression that never failed to have Wheein's breath hitching. The latter's eyes caught a glimpse of long blonde hair, bleached tresses framing a deceptively round face in wispy locks, smoldering eyes lined in black, long lashes twitching as those sinful lips slowly stretched into that small, familiar smirk. 

Wheein had to remind herself to breathe.

"Hey there, gorgeous," the woman cooed, leaning forward slightly to press a soft kiss onto the dark haired girl's pink cheek, lips lingering on the soft skin for just a fraction too long. She chuckled as she pulled away, Wheein trying mightily not to let the other see just how much that simple touch she'd missed terribly affected her.

"Yongsun," the shaken girl finally managed to squeak out, clearing as she looked away to compose herself. "You know you shouldn't be here."

Of course Yongsun knew. And Wheein knew that Yongsun also knew that those words were coming. They'd been spoken over a dozen times, whispered in the quiet of the night, in the cool air of morning, under soft linen sheets, against moist, feverish skin. They were a constant part of their conversation and yet they held very little weight as neither girl cared to heed the warning behind them, much too young and reckless to fight the painful pull of love for the sake of morals and expectations.

And so, with those familiar words spoken in greeting, Yongsun simply invited herself in, carefully taking a foot off of the stone wall edge she was precariously standing on about 12 feet above the ground and hoped over the windowsill in a practiced motion, turning to Wheein with that grin still on her face. Maybe her pointed lack of answer was an answer in and of itself but either way, Wheein didn't care to know as she pulled the blonde against her with force. She grabbed at the back of Yongsun's slashed band tank top as she buried her face against the softness of her neck, the smell of her all encompassing now, and the older girl wrapped her arms around Wheein's petite frame in response, bringing her even closer.

Wheein enjoyed the rough texture of the other's jeans against the bare skin of her thighs as their bodies pressed flush together, her flimsy shorts riding a little too high on her legs. Maybe she'd chosen those on purpose. She knew Yongsun wasn't about to complain. 

The dark haired girl could feel the blonde's steady breaths hitting the shell of her ear, long fingers weaving in and out of her long, dark strands in a familiar pattern as their embrace lasted, the orange light framing the both of them quickly rolling away to give space to the somber light of the moon and stars. They stood still for a while longer, the both of them simply enjoying the warmth of the other after so long, the weight of their arms, the patern of their breathing.

However, Wheein eventually pulled away, her eyelids heavy as she nearly fell asleep standing in the other woman's arms, taking in her visitor's grin once more, the softness of the blonde's eyes as she looked back at her unguardedly, so open and transparent in her adoration. The dark haired girl could melt right there under such a stare, her heart skipping a beat without fail, just like the countless other times she'd found herself embraced in the older's gaze.

"Not going to invite me to sit down?" Yongsun eventually asked in the stretching silence. Her tone was casual, but the slight, playful tilt of her head clued the younger into the double entendre of her question. She groaned.

"I don't see you in two weeks and this is what you open up with?" Wheein asked exasperatedly, turning her face away in an attempt to hide the amused smile she was trying to keep off of her face. 

"I actually opened up with 'hey there, gorgeous' a while ago, remember?" Yongsun chuckled, hand moving to softly push the younger's bangs away from her eyes before trailing to her cheek, turning Wheein's head back her way. "I'd say that way pretty charming of me, no?"

Wheein couldn't hold her smile this time, breaking out into a soft giggle that had the blonde beaming. It was always so easy to laugh with Yongsun, so easy to be happy. Truly a novelty for Wheein who, until she had met the older girl, rarely ever smiled genuinely. Kind of difficult to when her only company were her maids and a mother who could barely spare her an hour of her time a day. She shook the grim thought out of her head as she focused back on her visitor.

"I guess I'll let you sit on the bed then," Wheein trailed off, enjoying the way the other's playful look intensified at her tease.

"Just the bed?" Yongsun asked unashamedly, boldly stepping into the younger's space, nose suddenly following the lines of her neck teasingly.

"I'd say that's a pretty good start," Wheein huffed, struggling to keep her voice steady, goosebumps suddenly traveling up and down her back at the softness of the other's touch. She could soon feel the blonde's smirk pressing into her neck, lips quickly following up the pale column of it and the dark haired girl decided to put an end to the teasing before it got out of hand.

Wheein somehow managed to disentangle herself from Yongsun's hold, grabbing the blonde's wrist instead and pulling her towards the enormous bed she barely ever used a third of. Although the opulence sometimes made her uncomfortable, that bed being the only thing in her bedroom truly reflecting the wealth of her family, she knew the eldest loved the excessive size of it, claiming it was nice to be able to stretch out and not have a limb hanging off of the mattress. 

Yongsun quickly kicked her tattered shoes off, shaking her hand from Wheein's in order to her jeans, quickly sliding those off too. She simply shrugged when the younger sent her questioning stare, playful grin stretching her lips.

"They're way too uncomfortable for cuddling," the blonde supplied, failing to hold back a snort at the skeptical expression scrunching Wheein's features. "What? It's not like you haven't seen more of me before."

"That's not the point," the dark haired girl mumbled, ignoring the heat crawling up her neck as Yongsun laughed some more, dramatically flopping onto the mattress, sprawled out like a starfish.

Wheein really did try to keep her eyes from wandering, pupils stubbornly watching the creases of the bedsheets as the blonde's weight sank into them, but her resolve quickly crumpled when she somehow caught sight of the smooth skin of her stomach, belly button peaking through the defined dips of a toned midriff as Yongsun's tank top had ridden up in her fall, casually exposing the delicious lines of her physique. The youngest followed those lines up to the steady rise and fall of her chest, shapely mounds slowly moving up and down with every intake of air. Then came that long, slim neck, that defined jaw, those soft features relaxed in a knowing look, all framed by the shining gold of her hair sprawled upon the blue of the sheets.

Wheein really didn't know how to tell the other that she looked way to good to be acting so casually, that even the unflattering angle with which she stared at the younger right then was the iest thing the dark haired girl had seen. She didn't know how to tell her that she shouldn't trust her to keep her cool because she could hardly control herself around the blonde as it was.

Deep down though, Wheein knew she didn't have to say anything. Yongsun was already aware.

"Are you gonna stare all night or are you going to join me?" The blonde's voice was barely barely enough to cut through the haze of admiration Wheein was cloaking her in, the latter shaking her head quickly to try and get her mind out of the gutter. However, the teasing look Yongsun sent her way was indeed enough to set her face ablaze in light embarrassment.

Oh yes, Yongsun was definitely aware. 

Wheein quickly made her way to the blonde, dragging with her the fluffy comforter and blankets she had pushed aside earlier and covered them up as they snuggled close. The feeling of Yongsun's body against her own was divine, one she would never be able to liken to anything else. Everything about the absolute comfort and security washing over her in waves, the delicious curves, the smoothness of her skin against her own, it was all so so good. Sometimes Wheein could barely believe that the woman in her arms was hers.

Even more so considering their polar opposite situations.

"Byulyi says hi, by the way," Yongsun mumbled as she buried her face on the top of Wheein's head, inhaling the subtle smell of her shampoo, arms keeping the younger close.

The dark haired girl hummed in halfhearted acknowledgment, already sleepier than she'd like, laying comfortably in her girl's embrace, body heats mingling and the sure beats of the blonde's heart drumming against her own having her forget about anything and everything outside of them in the moment. The light of the Sun had completely retired for the night, darkness enveloping them comfortably. Wheein felt a single press of lips against her temple. She smiled, kissing the other's neck in return.

They laid there in silence for a while, limbs tangled together in a heap, nothing but their quiet breaths and the occasional footsteps of the maid somewhere downstairs to keep it company. Wheein could feel the heavy tendrils of sleep crawling near so peaceful she was against the other, the usual ache in her chest, her perpetual need for the other appeased by the presence enveloping her right then. She fought to stay awake, not really wanting to fall asleep so soon.

But she was just so comfortable.

"No very chatty tonight," Yongsun eventually whispered amusedly, trying not to disturb the peaceful atmosphere cradling them. The dark haired girl hummed again, burying her face deeper into the other's neck. "I was hoping you'd be a little more excited to see me."

Though Wheein knew the girl was just teasing, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty at her sudden lack of energy. The blonde had been gone for over fourteen days and all she could do was fall asleep in her arms apparently. Yawning loudly, the younger rubbed her eyes in an effort to chase away the heaviness of sleep, pulling back slightly to be able to look at Yongsun through the darkness.

"I'm sorry," Wheein whispered back, hand moving to cup the other's cheek. "I'm really really happy you're here."

"We can sleep if you need it, Wheein," Yongsun assured her, pressing the younger's hand closer against her cheek, turning her head to kiss her palm.

"No, I'm alright," the dark haired girl murmured, leaning the slightest bit closer at the intimate gesture. "It's just been a while since we've laid together like this. It's comforting."

Even through the obscurity draping over them, Wheein could see the brilliant smile Yongsun sent her way at that cut through, a small, rumbly chuckle following suite and the younger's chest fluttered. She couldn't help it when she leaned the rest of the way in with a little more force than she intended to, the oldest catching her readily nonetheless. 

Their lips melded together effortlessly, finding all these familiar angles that had them brushing together just right, that familiar spark running through their bodies in waves. Though the kiss was sweet, it wasn't chaste in the slightest, a hint of passion and want seeping through from both sides as they pressed close, the blonde's hands holding the younger's face steady while Wheein's tangled into blonde locks unashamedly. The dark haired girl didn't hold back a sigh of content at the blissful feeling, a hint of sweetness and cigarette smoke invading teasingly, urging her to ask for more.

Yongsun was never one to shy away from Wheein's eagerness, always answering in full, so when the youngest ran her tongue over the other's bottom lip inquisitively, she felt the blonde smile into the kiss before opening up without any hesitation, allowing for that push and pull the both of them loved to indulge in. Wheein moaned when she felt the way the other invaded without restraint, sinful and inviting, all encompassing in the best way possible.

She'd missed this so much.

It nearly pained Wheein to pull away for air, keeping the other close as she panted, foreheads pressed together and a look of hunger shining through the blonde's eyes, inviting her to go further. The dark haired girl smiled mischeiviously, deciding to stall instead, if only to see how far she could push until Yongsun would break: a game the both of them liked to play.

"How was the trip?" Wheein asked casually, holding back a laugh at the other's accusing look. 

Still, the blonde had no qualms complying to the younger's enquiry with little more than an eye roll, enthusiasm clear in her voice as she recounted the various trials and tribulations of her impromptu get away with Byulyi, a mutual friend from their university's study hall. Well, study for Wheein, chatting for the other two. Wheein and Byulyi knew each other from photography club and the younger had accepted the purple haired girl's invitation to go to study hall together when she'd been trying to avoid going home on a particular evening.

That's where she'd met Yongsun. They had grown close by mistake, had fallen in love by mistake. The blonde's troublemaker tendencies and free spirits contrasting with Wheein's studious nature along with the younger girl's ridiculously conservative upbringing should've kept all of that from happening. But nothing could stop Yongsun when she had her mind set on something and Wheein had never known what it felt like to truly smile until she'd finally given in and opened up to the other's continuous efforts to befriend her.

Love did have a way of bringing even the most unlikely of souls together.

As Wheein listened to the story of how Byulyi had gotten completely soaked trying to catch a frog, she watched the way Yongsun's smile lines never really went away, even when she wasn't smiling. She watched the cute crinkling of her eyes when she laughed, the way she got just a little too loud when she couldn't keep her excitement in check, the dimples digging into her cheeks. All these little things, the little nooks and crannies of the blonde's face and personality, Wheein loved without restraint.

It had taken her a while to open up. Now, all she wanted was to make up for lost time.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Yongsun's sudden question pulled the younger from her bliss, having her realize she was smiling the dumbest of smiles and probably looked like an idiot. She didn't really care, pulling the blonde in for a small kiss instead. 

Yongsun laughed against her lips, fingers moving to gently trace the underside of Wheein's jaw, the latter squirming away from the tickling sensation with a squeal. Just like that, she lost herself into the other again, seeing all the love and adoration in the blonde's eyes that she knew were mirrored in her own. She could feel her heart skipping a beat again, something she knew it'd never really stop doing when it came to Yongsun.

"I love you so much," Wheein whispered, smiling giddily at the bashful smile the other sent her way at that. She allowed the blonde to roll her onto her back, thighs easily slotting between her own as the other pressed closer.

"I love you too."

Yongsun kissed her again then, passion and love crashing into her in shockwaves and Wheein didn't hold her back this time, letting the woman show her exactly how much she meant those words.

And if it truly was love that brought them together despite the odds, then Wheein was sure they were meant to be.






Hello there~

I try to avoid doing the same ship twice in a row, but Susizamy (I hope you don't mind me mentioning you here) commented that all the Wheesun stories were angsty and I decided counter with some fluff because these girls deserve it XD
I really do love Wheesun! I promise :3

Anyway, thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed and please do leave a comment letting me know what you thought if you can! I love reading them ^^

Thanks again and have a good day and Happy Holidays :D



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Chapter 14: seriously why, aaaaaaaaah your story you pay for the therapy (╥﹏╥)
Chapter 5: what I did to you to make me suffer, because it is so sadly beautiful, God why, wow you did well author good job
chickenbbq #3
Chapter 17: this chapter.... how timely haha
chickenbbq #4
Chapter 2: awwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Chapter 18: aaaaa hwasun <3 than you !!
Radishbr97 #6
Chapter 4: I really enjoyed this chapter. Great development of a relationship.
Taitai84 1230 streak #7
Chapter 17: So sad to be resigned to just take whatever little the other can give…
Chapter 18: I love it❤️❤️❤️🥺
Chapter 17: welcome back 😭 thank u for this author-nim 😗
Frozen_J #10
Daaaaaaaaaaamnn....dats hot but i wish u can make soft wheesun & hwabyul too hehehe