Some amusement... (Hwasun)

Mamamoo Stories and Adventures

Yongsun doesn't know what she's doing here. No clue whatsoever. Zero.

No, really. How in the world did she ever end up in front of the graveyard lawn, church entrance and crapy mannequin man hanging from a branch a few feet ahead of the amusement park's haunted house? Because she sure as hell didn't agree to any of this!

The smoke machines were working hard to try and give the mediocre decor an eerie feel in broad daylight, the staticky sound of some old hidden speaker delivering cheesy screams and zombie screeches, adding to the kitschiness of the place tenfolds. There was a vague plasticky smell hovering around them, betraying the poorly painted polystyrene props, and the children in pink tutus and suspenders running around the front without even batting an eyelash was the last thing this place should've needed to feel even less threatening than a Candy store. But somehow, even with all of that in mind, Yongsun was still feeling like she was about to throw up.

"I swear Hyejin, if we come out of this alive, I'm going to kill you," the brunette muttered as they took another step forward into the shortening queue in front of the attraction, slowly but surely moving closer and closer to the inevitable point of no return. Contrary to her supposedly threatening words, however, Yongsun shuffled just a bit closer to her amused girlfriend, ignoring the small mocking smile pulling at the raven haired beauty's lips as she sought the strong presence of the other's body against her own, a desperate attempt at easing her growing nerves.

"Don't be ridiculous, unnie," Hyejin chuckled, taking some pity on her trembling girlfriend and looped an arm around her shoulders, mockingly cradling her head to her chest, "We both know you'd die from a heart attack in there before you could do that."

"How dare you say that so nonchalantly!" Yongsun squeaked, violently pushing herself away from a now laughing Hyejin. "I'm seriously ting my pants over here!"

"I know! And it is greatly amusing."

"ing !"

"The one and only," Hyejin offered cockily with a wink, enjoying the way the other seemed physically offended.

"Shut up," Yongsun pouted, turning away from her and hugging her own body as if she was trying to comfort herself. She really did look miserable and the black haired girl soften slightly at that, easing off on the teasing slightly and pulling the protesting brunette against her in a proper hug.

"Oh, don't worry, babe," Hyejin crooned in the crown of the other's head before pressing her lips there in a gentle kiss. "I'll protect you from the scary monsters."

Yongsun mumbled something about her being mean, all that grumbling and silent cussing clashing with her actions as she slowly reciprocated the hug, easing into the dark haired girl's embrace with a small, content sigh. Hyejin smiled fondly, softly threading her fingers through brown locks, feeling the way her girlfriend slowly relaxed as they kept waiting.

The moment was peaceful, sweet almost, and as they kept waiting for their turn, Yongsun almost forgot why she was so nervous in the first place. Until she realized they were now second in line. All of the sudden, her previous anxiety spiked tenfolds, nearly knocking her knees from under her and making her stomach twist and turn in directions she was sure weren't healthy.

"Remind me why we're here again..." Yongsun trailed off as she slowly straightened her back, feeling as though any excessive motions would have her heaving in seconds.

"Because you agreed to come with me?" Hyejin offered with a raised eyebrow, the statement almost sounding like a question.

"Nuh uh, I never agreed to anything of the sort," the brunette quickly shut her down, trying to ignore the wobble in her knees as the people in front of them were ushered forward, leaving them facing the entrance, nobody left between them and the horrors that lay inside.

"Yeah you did," Hyejin chuckled, trying to ease her girlfriend's nerves by caressing her back soothingly, her eyebrows raising slightly in surprise when the other flinched away.

"Really? Because all I remember is you strutting up to me with a pair of tickets I had no means of identifying, asking me to come with you to this really cool attraction!"

"Exactly, you agreed," Hyejin insisted, her cocky grin suddenly grinding on Yongsun's nerve.

"You practically dragged me by the ear!"

Hyejin had the decency to look embarrassed at that. "Okay, maybe I got a little excited, but-"

"And then threatened to not have with me for an entire week if I didn't stay in line with you!" Yongsun cut her off, the pitch of her voice raising an octave with every syllable, turning into a nervous squeak by the end, her flailing limbs adding to the ridiculousness of her statement.

"A week without isn't that bad, unnie," the raven haired woman said as she desperately tried to repress a chuckle, not really fancying the idea of agitating her girlfriend any further.

"Says the one who comes onto me nearly every day of said week," Yongsun spat in retaliation, turning her back to the other once again.

"Come on Yongsun," Hyejin whined, tugging at Yongsun's arm like an overgrown child, "Wheein-ie said this haunted house was fun!"

"Wheein is a damn masochist when it comes to these things!" Yongsun exclaimed with a dramatic wave of her hand. "I refuse to trust her judgement with this!" Hyejin really wasn't able to hold her laugh in this time.

"You're exaggerating, unnie," she said between her cackling, nearly doubling over at the face Yongsun sported as she said that.

"Barely," the brunette mumbled, biting her cheek in vain as she couldn't hold a reluctant chuckle of her own at Hyejin's infectious laughter, the both of them soon caught up in their own hilarity. They barely even registered the poor boy working the door until he cleared his throat, motioning that it was their turn to go. 

That sobered them up abruptly, Yongsun looking like she was about to piss herself all over again with her wide eyes and her gaping mouth. She looked like some clueless fish, staring at the door like that, and Hyejin let out one last laugh before she asked softly, "Do you really not want to go in?"

The brunette turned to look at her, seemingly torn for a few moments, but something seemed to get her resolve to falter. She rolled her eyes dramatically, ignoring the way her heart threatened to burst out of her ribcage, before taking one last calming breath, a small frown darkening her features as she mumbled defeatedly, "I don't think I could survive a full week without , so..."

And Hyejin grinned from ear to ear, dragging her girlfriend to the door and enjoying the way she seemed to suddenly change her mind, halfheartedly trying to resist her and crawl back out to the exit. The black haired girl pulled her forward quickly, giving her a small grateful kiss on the lips, stunning her motionless before pulling back an inch.

"You ready?" she whispered against the brunette's lips, teasing and comforting all at once and Yongsun suddenly felt as though she could conquer the entire world if it meant having Hyejin by her side. She nodded dumbly, blinded by the smile that spread on the other's lips when she did, feeling that stupid kind of dopey warmth she'd get when she managed to make her girlfriend happy, slowly spreading from her chest all the way to the very tip of her finger.

She really had to learn to say no to Hyejin's stupid endeavors.

They both pushed the door open, allowing the darkness and smoke to engulf them, leaving the light of day outside the building without any regrets. The employee there took a few minutes to explain a few rules: no running, no touching the decor and no punching.

"The actors won't have any reason to touch you if you don't touch them so if you're prone to flailing limbs, keep your hands in your pockets," he said with a quirky smile, both girls chuckling and nodding along with the instructions. Yongsun was still nervous, the pit of her stomach hurting slightly when the guy finally had them walk head on into the attraction, but she somehow felt braver now, Hyejin's hand clasped tightly into her own as they started walking forward, grounding her into reality.

She could end up actually enjoying this. She just had to allow herself to.

And so she did, finding the rush of adrenaline she felt every time some haphazardly painted guy jumped into her face not entirely unpleasant. She screamed and laughed as she used a protesting Hyejin as a human shield, her girlfriend actually having to put her hands in her pockets at some point when she reflexively started to throw punches around, almost hitting a scowling actor square in the jaw as she did to Yongsun's great amusement. They held on to each other, giggling like teenagers as they traversed the maze of cheesy props and cardboard walls in an attempt to ease the fear and that was probably the most enjoyable part of the whole experience.

When they finally reached the exit, squinting slightly as the sudden resurgence of light blinded them both, it felt like no time had passed at all, the both of them riding this euphoric high they would struggle to explain if anybody asked them what they were feeling in that moment. Wide smiles split both their faces, a mix of relief and residual adrenaline having them doubled over with laughter as they struggled to walk away, still clinging to each other as they had inside.

"So," Hyejin stated with that cocky grin of hers, hotdogs in both her hands as she walked back from the counter they had spotted a little earlier once they'd calmed down, finally realizing the horrid emptiness of their stomach. "Are you still mad that I sort of but not really forced your hand with this?"

"No," Yongsun giggled as she accepted the food her girlfriend was offering, taking one huge bite before she continued, "Wheein was right about this for once."

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Hyejin chastised as she pushed her girlfriend's shoulder lightly, a quiet laugh bubbling out of her when the latter did anything but, making a show of taking another bite before babbling about complete nonsense as she chewed.

After a while of harmless teasing and mindless chatter, the couple soon found themselves glancing at the clock, both of them deciding it was time to call it a day. As they exited the amusement park, joining the line of people waiting for the bus to arrive, Yongsun turned to her girlfriend, gently cupping her cheek before leaning in for a sweet kiss, feeling Hyejin's lips widen into a grin against her own as she kissed her back lovingly. The intimacy of the moment made her head spin and she pulled back, squinting her eyes accusingly at the tan girl's cocked eyebrow.

"I had a lot of fun today," Yongsun said behind a small laugh, breaking the moment of tension before tucking a long strand of dark hair behind Hyejin's ear, caressing her cheekbone sweetly. "Thanks."

"Anytime, love," Hyejin whispered as she leaned in again, capturing the brunette's lips once again. This time however, the kiss was a lot more passionate, open mouthed and warm and Yongsun swore she felt a hint of tongue in there.

"Let's not give a show..." she warned weakly, feeling the way her body started to respond to her girlfriend's inappropriate advances.

"Why not?" the dark haired girl inquired as she pressed forward again, her hands starting to roam around the curves of the other's hips slightly.

"Hyejin," Yongsun warned, but a playful smile stretched her lips, obvious in the fact that she wasn't completely against this. Still there were a lot of people around and it wouldn't be very fun anymore if someone started paying more attention to them than they should.

"Fine," Hyejin relented with an exaggerated eye roll, stepping away to a more conservative distance. She didn't let go of the other's hand though, grazing her knuckles with her thumb in a sweet caress. "At home," she then added quietly, the brunette unable to hold a small snort at that.

"Thank God I didn't get that week without penalty," Yongsun couldn't help but tease, enjoying the offended look suddenly morphing her girlfriend's features. "That would've been a disaster!"

And Hyejin laughed, low and sultry, Yongsun's cocky grin suddenly faltering when the dark haired girl leaned forward, just enough to have her breath caressing the shell of the other's ear as she whispered, "Thank God indeed..."

A shiver and an inhale.

Yongsun was really glad she'd let Hyejin have her way today...




It's been a while since I updated so quickly XD 
Guess quarantine's good for writer's block unclogging

Hope you enjoyed this tiny chapter :3
Not that big an update, but I might write a follow up
We'll see...

Thank you so much for reading! Don't hesitate to let me know what you thought, I always love reading your comments :3

Stay safe and wash your hands!

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Chapter 14: seriously why, aaaaaaaaah your story you pay for the therapy (╥﹏╥)
Chapter 5: what I did to you to make me suffer, because it is so sadly beautiful, God why, wow you did well author good job
chickenbbq #3
Chapter 17: this chapter.... how timely haha
chickenbbq #4
Chapter 2: awwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Chapter 18: aaaaa hwasun <3 than you !!
Radishbr97 #6
Chapter 4: I really enjoyed this chapter. Great development of a relationship.
Taitai84 1236 streak #7
Chapter 17: So sad to be resigned to just take whatever little the other can give…
Chapter 18: I love it❤️❤️❤️🥺
Chapter 17: welcome back 😭 thank u for this author-nim 😗
Frozen_J #10
Daaaaaaaaaaamnn....dats hot but i wish u can make soft wheesun & hwabyul too hehehe