My 143th

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In a world where love was blind, Seulgi swears that God created humans with more than the lack of sight.


It’s been seven months since the news came out; the news that brought chaos to the world. 


During the war, soldiers were baffled when an enemy would not die, no matter how many bullets their military sergeant laid into him. However, when someone else shot him, the damage inflicted occurred as expected. Tests after tests, scientists finally came to a conclusion, the conclusion that backfired in the worst way possible. 


Breaking news: Scientists have discovered the mind blowing reason behind the recent incident at war! It is deduced that one cannot inflict any sort of fatal injury to their soulmate, but to anyone else, the damage inflicted occurs as per normal. 


How would they know it was a soulmate occurrence? Seulgi doesn’t know, it may have been a series of lucky strikes to reach that conclusion. But one thing’s for sure, this set of news had caused the biggest uproar in the world, South Korea included. 


After the news was first casted, Seulgi just knew something bad was going to happen, be it due to her gut instinct or her constant overthinking, but Seulgi decided to buy a landed property located at the top of the mountain. True to her expectations, people started wrecking havoc barely a few days after, the government not interfering, claiming that “there were just too many people to hold”. 


What a bunch of bull. They had obviously planned this, be it due to the alarming rise in population, or the high elderly to children ratio. Either way, it was a win-win situation if people started to purge.  


Seulgi clicks her tongue, hearing the same set of announcements being played for the nth time. Looking out of the window, Seulgi watches as the hotel opposite hers get set on fire, people scrambling to escape amidst the smoke. Checking her watch, Seulgi lets out a hum before zipping up her bag. 


It’s been one week here, but it’s time to move. 


Letting out a long sigh, Seulgi shuts the curtains before downing her can of beer. She didn’t want to resort to this, having to fight fire with fire, but Seulgi doesn’t seem to see an end to this. When would it end? When all the murderers find their soulmates? Will that even be possible? Seeing how countless people are dropping like flies left and right. 


Shaking her head, Seulgi lets out another sigh. Do they not realise that by killing to find their soulmate, they are essentially killing other people’s soulmates? 


Seulgi tucks her dagger into her back pocket, before slotting another penknife into the pocket by her calf, zipping up her side pocket. Shrugging on her bulletproof vest, Seulgi clicks it in place before putting on her bomber jacket. 


It’s been four months since she started doing this — going out, putting her life on the line, and killing off the mass murderers. Doesn’t that make her a murderer as well? Yes, yes it does. But Seulgi would rather do what she deem right in this situation. She never liked seeing the innocent get hurt. 


Grabbing her worn out notebook, Seulgi opens it to find most pages already filled, multiple pages threatening to fall off. Flipping through it, Seulgi chuckles to herself when she is left with one measly page. It was a simple book, Seulgi writing a every time she killed someone. 141 down, and she was left with one last page. She’d have to buy another one soon. 


Hearing an ear-piercing shriek, Seulgi curses under her breath before double-checking her items and dashing out of the door. Stuffing the book into her pocket, dashing out of her hotel room and shutting the door for one last time. 


Not bothering to wait for the lift, Seulgi dashes down the stairs, the contents in her bag making clinking noises from all the movement. 


Finally reaching the bottom of the stairs, Seulgi takes in a huge breath of air as she scans the area, smoke already filling the streets. Hearing the siren of the fire truck, Seulgi makes a mad dash for the man who was continuously unloading gasoline onto the hotel with a hose. 


Hearing her footsteps, the man drops the hose and replaces it with the semi-automatic rifle he hung around his shoulders, finger pressing down on the trigger as he starts to spray Seulgi down. Eyes widening, Seulgi opts to slide to the closest car, barely missing the bullets that flew her way. Placing her hands over her head, Seulgi tries to take cover behind the wheel of the car. Barely a minute has passed and Seulgi hears the glorious clicking of an empty gun. 


“Goddamn it!” 


Seulgi hears as the man unloads his magazine, letting it drop to the floor before chucking his bag down and searching for a new round. 


Now’s my chance. 


Grabbing the dagger from her back pocket, Seulgi sprints to the man, watching as his eyes widened in surprise, hands reaching to his bag. Before he could pull out his secondary weapon, Seulgi took the opportunity to throw her dagger, successfully latching it at the side of his neck, before leaping forward to yank it right out. 


Seulgi watches as he presses his palms against his neck, desperately trying to stop the bleeding. When he realised how futile it was, he crawled his way to Seulgi, the flash of murder in his eyes being replaced with one of fear. 


“Please, please save me.” 


Seulgi clicks her tongue in distaste, before watching as his lifeless body slumps down on the floor. 


142th . 


Grabbing his body and dragging him to the nearby bush, I shoved him amongst the dense bushes before emerging back out. 




Seulgi whips her head to the shout, seeing a lady sprint around the road, clothes set on fire. 


Clicking her tongue, Seulgi places her hands around before shouting, “Just get down and roll!!” 


Her words drowned out by the woman’s screams themself, Seulgi groans in frustration as the woman continues running around like a madman. 




Seulgi s her bag, grabbing the aluminium sheets she had brought for the unfortunate day where she had to camp out, before running towards the woman. 


“I’m helping you so stop struggling!” Seulgi shouts as she tosses the sheet over the woman, before stepping on the sides to keep the air out. A few seconds of struggling had passed and the woman finally calmed down, realising that the lack of air had caused the fire to extinguish. Slowly crawling out beneath the sheets, the woman greedily gulps in mouthfuls of air, trying to catch her breath. 


Hearing the familiar ring of the police alarm, Seulgi snatches her sheet before dashing back to her bag, stuffing it in and zipping it up. 


Dang it, I stayed for too long. It’s way past ten minutes already. 


Barely running a few metres, Seulgi hears the screeching of tires, before a warning shot was fired, causing her to stop in her tracks. 


Whatever, just another death of a cop then. 


Seulgi never liked the police, especially in this situation. They arrest the people trying to help, and somehow always let the perpetrators go scott free. 


Absolutely useless. 


“Hands up where I can see them!” 


Seulgi’s eyes widened, hearing the smooth velvety voice instead of the rough husky voice she had expected. 


A girl? 


Turning around with my hands up, Seulgi smirked as her eyes trailed down her body. The police officer fastens her peaked cap, tilting it up so she could get a better look at Seulgi. It was unfair though, because Seulgi could barely see her due to the dull glow from the streetlights. 


“Hands to remain up.” 


Seulgi chuckles, watching as the police officer points her gun at her, taking cautious steps forward. 


“Where’s your partner? I don’t believe they’d send a girl alone.” 


The officer keeps mum, and Seulgi takes that as her cue to continue talking. “Did they finally realise how futile it is to send men my way? Judging from t

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Sinful (seulrene) has ended but don't forget to send in fanfic prompts you would like me to write and ill see what i can do!! thank you all for the support~


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Chapter 13: Please comeback
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 13: Come back soon author nim 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 12: 🤍🤍🤍
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Chapter 12: Bad turned mushy real quick😆
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Chapter 11: Small thing i guess? But you jump between who is taller. And in the previous story within this collection, you jump between who’s the older sister. Sometimes it creates confusion but i guess coz they didn’t do anything significant within that sentence, it doesn’t really matter. Otherwise, another fluffy, cute, and hot story!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 7: Cuteeeee
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Chapter 1: Well that took a turn😆
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Chapter 11: 🐻🧡🐰
919 streak #9
Chapter 2: Irene, what a naughty girl 😳😳😳
Chapter 6: Lol what a cute pair of couples ❤️‍🔥