Chapter One

Why do we kiss?
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When did Mina start studying philematology? She isn't actually studying it, she is interested in it, and she wants to make her own theories and proves them right. It all started when she was in university, being welcomed by the sight of couples kissing at every single corner of the campus. She thought it was okay at first. However, she started to feel annoyed after a month. Maybe it was because of she was single so she felt lonely? But no she didn't feel lonely. So why did she hate it so much? That she got suspended for a week from punching a boy for kissing a girl in front of her until his left eye was barely opened.


She didn't feel guilty for beating his up. She didn't reflect on her wrongdoing in that week. Mina was determined to be a doctor, so she studied on her own with her intelligent brain. Sometimes she would think that guy deserves that, or maybe every couple does. They had been distracting her, even in class, they would sneak some kisses from their partner and never failed to make Mina rolled her eyes and cursed them. 


Graceful girls could be violent if you trigger them, she thought. After some counseling session, she got rid of the hatred a bit, still better than nothing, she smiled faintly. But somehow, the hatred was replaced with curiosity. She started to get curious why do couples kiss. She started to want to know why do we kiss our family. So here she is. Thinking about kissing is included in her daily schedule now. It is like a part time job after going home from hospital. And a hobby to kill time and an activity that she does when there is no patients. She smiles everytime when she haves her own theories. She squeals when her internal light bulb lights up. Her coworkers always look at her with strange looks but she doesn't really care, only her best friends don't judge her, Sana and Momo are their names.  


Mina has her theories, but she used to concern about how to prove them. She had never dated someone before so she didn't have the chance to do her "experiment". She dated a girl two months ago but that girl was more introvert than herself, she was shy when Mina only interlaced her hands with hers, leave alone kissing her. She huffed at that thought everytime, what a boring girl. After that incident, Mina has never dated someone officially. She has overcomed her shyness somehow so she is kinda extrovert now. She now has the gut to flirt with other girls and usually makes the first move. She does that is not because of she wants a girlfriend or she is lonely, it's because of she wants to get a kiss or more, to do her own research. How does a kiss feel like? Why are there many types of kisses? The most important question is why do we have to kiss? She does kiss her family but she thinks that the feelings might be different. 


She has succeeded in kissing some girls, she pretends to be their lover. Then she abandones them after getting enough of their smooches. She still finds it funny today how they kiss her because of love, because she doesn't feel any love or feelings at all. She calls it a

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Jesus, writer's block is hard and busy life is making it harder


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for_minayeon #1
Chapter 1: This looks really interesting, I hope you continue to update this story :D
Wivern #2
Chapter 1: How's the research going? :)
Kristy060399 #3
Chapter 1: I really like the plot...I hope you would continue to update this story
Chapter 1: Hi authornim! I love your story ^^
Chapter 1: Please do continue this story. This honestly deserve more views! And I liked how you gave the character a back-up story before introducing the composition of it. I got curious so I subscribed :) it's a good first chapter. I hope you'll write more. Keep up the good work!
aglaonema #6
Chapter 1: Yass minayeon
dsylm3 #7
Update when you can please
Memejas #8
Chapter 1: I'll wait for you author-nim
Chapter 1: Interesting!
mamurayamaken #10
Chapter 1: I'm curious