Chapter 2 - The Day Before

To Meet, Perchance to Love?
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The stars were shining brightly, decorating the majestic beauty of the night sky. Although the city of Seoul was rendered with different colorful lights materializing from the city itself, the resonating radiance of the starlights won't definitely lose its eminence. Walking further to the city, lies the neighborhood of the Kim brothers, Heechul and Jongwoon. It was a peaceful evening or so what it seems to appear now. However, the tranquility of the night was disturbed by a loud horrifying cry of death threats.




The raging voice can be heard resounding throughout the alleyway of a seemingly deserted streets of Seoul, probably because most of the people were already asleep or resting inside the comfort of their own homes, yet with the sudden bursts of uproar earlier, they might have been alarmed by now. Donghae just hoped that they won't call the police because of the commotion. He knew that he messed up big time. But instead of looking back to where the enraged scream came from, he dashed into the corner of the alleyway with all his might, sprinting as fast as he could just to evade his impending death sentence namely, Lee Hyukjae a.k.a. Eunhyuk. They have the same surname but they were totally not related by blood.

He was panting too hard even the cool breeze of the evening wind can't prevent him from having beads of sweat forming on his forehead. If he knew that this would happen, he shouldn't have told Eunhyuk earlier the guilty crimes he himself commited towards the blond haired man. He should have waited till they arrived at the perfect place before confessing but it's too late now. They were planning to sleep over at the Kim's household tonight, mainly the reason why they are still out this late. They were uninvited of course. It was actually on a whim, perhaps they're just too excited for the things that will conclude tomorrow. 

Literally, tomorrow is a new beginning and a major part of their lives might have made a sudden turning point at any given moment. College is a whole new world after all and it changes everything. The only certain thing he knew that will never change no matter what would be the strong friendship he built along with Eunhyuk and Jongwoon, they were practically bestfriends since birth and they have been together since forever, thanks to their parents who had a very close relationship with each other.

Just a few more long strides and he will be there, his only place of salvation. But don't get the wrong idea, it's not the place that could save him but the people living there rather. Today is different, indeed it's not the usual case where he can make Eunhyuk's anger to simply go away, it's just that the anger is actually directed to him at the moment and he's too aware that it's his entire fault. He needed the help of the two brothers to make Eunhyuk's anger subside. Finally arriving at the porch, Donghae started to bombard the pitiful surface of the wooden door with his forceful banging surprising the inhabitants of the said residence.

"Jongwoonie, Heechul hyung please open the door I'm about to die! Pleaseeee!!!" Desperate times call for desperate measures. He was in a complete rush forgetting how to use the doorbell. He knew it was a matter of minutes now before death could catch up with him. He was lucky he let Eunhyuk carry the heavy bags containing all the things needed for the sleep over, half-way on their way here, making it hard for the other man to hasten his pace. Donghae was no match for Eunhyuk's speed if the said guy was in his usual great condition, he would be probably having his wake by now. He was the fastest among them after all.

Heechul opened the door with the familiar whimpers coming from the man behind the sturdy wooden door. He cursed to himself.

"Yah you brat! Stop assaulting my do-"

Just before Heechul could finished his words, Donghae immediately bolted forward running for his life. 

"Well that was fast. I didn't know a fish could run." Laughing at his own inside joke, he closed the abused door and followed the younger man who basically went for his younger brother's embrace for some unknown reason.

"Yesungie you need to save me! Hyuk is going to kill me and he said he's serious this time." Donghae pleaded as he slump his face on Jongwoon's back, forming a back hug on the startled man. 

They're in the kitchen, Jongwoon was actually cooking this time. Living only with a diva brother who only knows how to cook simple dishes for almost 12 years now since their parents died from a car accident, he decided years ago to learn how, he needs to. Why? Simply because until now he's still blaming himself for that tragic incident and the least he can do to forgive himself was to always make sure to prepare a proper meal on the table for his dearest brother to eat, never mind himself. But with this kind of thinking, Heechul would always reprimand him.

He was only 7 years old at that time, he knew his parents were busy but he still went his way and had his tantrums, demanding for his parent's attention to take him to a toy store. Their parents trully love them though, it's just their schedule got busier from expanding their business. He was too young to understand those things. The only thing he remembered after was the sound of crashing metals colliding to each other and something breaking into pieces of shards. He was confused, something or someone rather, enveloped him into a warm protective embrace. Then he was engulfed with a seemingly familiar color. Is it red? Unaware of what's happening, he sought solace by tightening his hug on the newly bought turtle stuffed toy. Before he knew it, he was already wearing a black suit slightly larger from his own body frame, beside him was his brother als

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I'm sorry for being away o(╥﹏╥)o
I'm happy to read all your comments, thank you for reading this and for waiting patiently. You guys are the best!


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392 streak #1
Chapter 9: you're still not here? I'm sad T^T
392 streak #2
Chapter 9: still waiting, take your time, and please make sure to come back <3
Liza_Blessedx2 #3
Chapter 9: You must come back authornim, this fic is desperately waiting to be updated....your readers are too !!!
Liza_Blessedx2 #4
Chapter 9: Loving this, continue......please!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Just read this all again because I forgot the story.
I love this chapter! Will you keep updating?
Chapter 9: Welcome backkk!!!!!! I swear I'm missing all this fluffy heesung so bad!!!
392 streak #7
Chapter 9: Welcome baaaaaaack <3333333

I'm so happy! Finally~ Heechul knew about his younger brother's relationship~

Can't wait to know what will Heechul do to Kyuhyun >___<

PS : Be safe to beib~ <3
Chapter 9: I'm sorry for being away o(╥﹏╥)o
I'm happy to read all your comments, thank you for reading this and for waiting patiently. You guys are the best!
PathxX #9
This is one of the many fics that I really wish would continue T . T

Fighting, autornim! <3
392 streak #10
Chapter 8: I'm still waiting for you author-nim~