
the you in me
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Changkyun wasn't really sure of what he was expecting, but that interview was nothing like the 0nes he was used to attend. Despite the environment being so over the top, the atmosphere inside the room suddenly felt lighter on his shoulders. The knot in his tie didn't feel much tight anymore, and he was given the time to actually think about his answers to their questions.

Then, why was he so worried?

«To be fairly honest, Mr. Im,» Choi Sang Il was looking down at a pile of papers he had right in front of him while speaking. He took one of them out, and started reading through it thoughtfully. Changkyun noticed Wonho stretching backwards on his chair trying to get a glimpse of it. «Yours is what we can refer as a "special case".» The CEO smiled.

«Special case, sir?» Changkyun asked.

Choi Sang Il nodded and placed the paper back on the table, flattening it with both hands in a very gentle and slow manner.
«Yes,» he replied. «One of our artists... Lee Jooheon, he was the one who provided us your resume. He seemed pretty sure you'd fit the role of the manager and we welcomed his proposal since, as you may know, we take very good care of our artists' opinions.»

Wonho smiled as he looked at the older man, and that's when Changkyun got distracted.

«Oh, I... I'm,» he stuttered. Don't look at him.

«Don't worry, Mr. Im. We don't see it as a bad thing,» the General Manager, Kang Seok Won, was waving his right hand in mid air as if to brush off Changkyun's concern. «You having some kind of connections with people inside our agency is not going to affect our decision in any way, so please feel comfortable about it.»

«About that, sir...» Changkyun's voice was low but at least he wasn't staring at his knuckles anymore. «I don't know Jooheon-hyung on a personal level. Lee Minhyuk, a model you've just recently hired, is a very close friend of mine. He heard about you searching for a manager from Jooheon-hyung and eventually proposed my resume to him since he knows I've been searching for an occupation for quite a long time now.»

The only worry he had was for the CEO to be annoyed by him at that point, but nothing like that happened. Choi Sang Il nodded, calm and collected, and glanced over the resume once again.

«So you say you've been unemployed for a long time, but in your resume I see that you've been hired in numerous companies for very short periods of time througout the year,» he turned to the second page. «Your qualifications are pretty significant, such an high degree in one of the most renowned colleges in Boston... I wonder how, and why are you here, Mr. Im?»

There was no rush in his voice, and his smile started to assume a fatherly taste that Changkyun had started to enjoy. That person, was not like every other CEO he had the misfortune of meeting. He seemed curious, interested, and willing to listen.

«The reason I'm here, sir, is that for once I'm choosing my own path,» what if he was being too resolute? Maybe such words were too deep, too personal. But it was the truth. «I've worked for so many companies I lost count of them, and it's true that I have high degrees, but...»

«But it doesn't mean that it was making you happy, right?» someone interrupted him. It was Wonho.

The red haired idol had his arms crossed on the table's surface and his chin resting on the palms of his hands. That cheshire smile became softer, and he was squinting his eyes as if he was trying to see through Changkyun's skin. And Changkyun felt , for a brief, nauseating moment.

«Right,» Changkyun replied, voice hushed and low toned. He looked back at the directors. «I'm here because I want to do something different, maybe useful. Sitting, lagging behind a desk... it's not what I want and it's something I don't see myself doing anymore.»

«And being a manager, taking care of an artist, of Wonho in this case... Is it something you see yourself doing?» Kim Tae Gil asked, he looked kind of amused.

Wonho lifted his head from his hands, Changkyun glanced at him.

«I'm not saying that it's not going to be challenging, but yes,» he said while still looking over the idol. Wonho seemed surprised and, for once, at a loss of words. «I see myself doing it, if you'll give me the opportunity to try.» Changkyun continued.

«Being a manager is way harder than it may seem, Mr. Im,» Choi Sang Il stretched his back against his chair. His eyes were full of interest but not severe as they were focused on Changkyun. «It's nothing like any other job. Your schedule can be more stressful than the actual idol's. For example, if Wonho has to wake up at 6 in the morning, you'll have to be up way earlier to review his daily duties and pick him up from his dorm room. You'll have to keep contacts with every partner, hosting program, agencies and make sure that Wonho is always focused and in his best shape. This is a competitive industry, but we're not like the other companies. Our artists aren't just a source of income to us. With time, they become as precious as family members. That's why I, we, want our managers to take proper care of them.»

Changkyun wasn't expecting nothing like that. Little did he know that the CEO of an Entertainment company could be so intimidating, yet so human. And he would be lying if he said that his words didn't worry him a little. But no one told him it was going to be easy, therefore he was prepared. All those tasks Choi Sang Il just mentioned, he could afford them, and much more. He had brain, consistency, and desire to change and learn.

«I perfectly understand,» Changkyun replied. «Being a manager would be something new for me, and I know that maybe it would be the best for you to hire someone with much more experience, especially for an artist of this level...»

Wonho hummed soundly and pulled out a smirk, Changkyun kept talking.

«But managing is what I'm good at, you have the proof right in front of your eyes. I can learn to be a good manager to this artist, and also apply all my knowledge in business so that everything Wonho does, you, and him too, are going to get the best income out of it,» he paused for a second to look at the three directors. They were all smiling, Kang Seok Won was writing on his notebook no stop. Wonho, on the contrary, looked like a marble statue holding an unreadable expression. «I probably sound like I'm praising my own capabilities right now but I assure you that it's nothing like that. What I'm good at... I want to apply it to something new, something I can see myself getting passionate about.»

That felt like a proper closure and so Changkyun kept quiet, hands resting on his laps and eyes shaking from the residues of his excitement, in expectation of any possible reaction. He didn't know what kind of overwhelming force went through him to make him speak with such a fierce and self-assured behaviour but he knew he was, for once, being himself, and it felt great.

Choi Sang Il was being just as quiet as him, but while he seemed to have the same smiled plastered on his face, he was also turning his head to look at his sides. Both Kang Seok Won and Kim Tae Gil didn't say a word but they both nodded, and straight away went back to their papers, scribbling down god knows what. It's been a while since Changkyun stopped believing in super humans with great powers and aliens coming from outer spaces, yet in that moment he wished he had the ability to see through things. That was the hardest part of interviews: unreadable expressions, never ending and fast scribbling down papers and you not having a single clue of what is going on in those directors' minds.

«I see that you have a driving license,» Choi Sang Il said out of the blue, Changkyun nodded and so Choi Sang Il continued: «That's good. Our vans are provided with a driver most of the times but the manager should be able to drive if needed. That happens especially during unofficial schedules or in the exceptional case in which all our drivers are busy.»

«That's not a problem, sir. I can... drive, pretty well,» Changkyun replied with a frown, not really sure of how his answer may have sounded.

But he didn't have to wait that much, because just a few seconds have passed when his ears caught the hushed sound of a soft giggle.

«Cute,» Wonho whispered. Yes, Wonho again.

He was half covering his mouth with his fingers and for once Changkyun wished he could use both of his palms instead and keep quiet for at least five minutes straight.

And it actually took Changkyun every ounce of his self control and firmness to just ignore the idol for the third?, maybe fourth time since the beginning of the interview. It's not that he was annoyed by him, that would've been a problem since he was supposed to be there because he wanted to become his manager. But he felt awkward. Wonho was an handsome guy indeed and Changkyun just wasn't used to that kind of approach. Indeed he had Minhyuk calling him every kind of pet names and Minhyuk was a gorgeous looking fella, but it still felt different for some reason.

Aiming for a distraction, Changkyun started massaging his own thighs which have inevitably gotten sore. His body was starting to release the tension.

«Now, Mr. Im. I understand you've never been introduced to the job, but I'd like to ask you a couple of practical questions. Just to get a glimpse of your visions about the manager's role,» Choi Sang Il said as he ended Changkyun's resume to Kim Tae Gil, who put it inside an envelope. Changkyun stretched his back against the chair.

«It's no problem, sir,» he replied, biting onto his own lower lip from the inside with too much strength and so he flinched a bit.

Choi Sang Il tightened his eyebrows and showed a reassuring smile, then he said: «As a first example, let's talk about the fans. I presume you know how they can get over excited sometimes. In places such as airports, cafes, or even when Wonho walks around on his own and gets noticed, the situation can get out of hand. Managers are allowed to be strict with fans but we don't want to hurt their feelings since that can cause a loss of interest. In this case, what would you do?»

Changkyun knew that a question like that was to be expected, especially after what the big guy in the waiting room told him. But Changkyun wasn't the kind of person to solve things with violence, nor he wanted to be rude to people who just didn't know how to behave. He was doomed, and with that thought in mind he got back to pinch his own knuckles.

«I don't think being too strict or physically pushing them away is necessary. I'm personally against it and I think it'd be the best thing to do for me to clarify that,» Changkyun started explaining, wishing for all the thoughts in his head to get properly distributed in line and in chronological order on the way to his mouth. Then he continued:
«Fans are called "fans" for a reason, that's why I believe that every manager should start with being tolerant at first. However, I do know it's not right for the fans to be disrespectful and I've heard about many cases in which they've crossed the line. In such situations, more than violence which is never the answer, a legal action is what I'd aim for. That obviously would involve the closest relatives of the person concerned if the fan is under age, but in the case of an adult fan... they should be able to respond to their own responsibilities. Paying for Wonho's albums and merch does not allow them to hurt him in any way, and I'd prevent it from happening right on the spot. More than for me being his manager, this is about my personal beliefs. Nothing good is going to come out from the rumor of Wonho's rude manager hitting and shouting at young girls and boys. Not for the manager himself, nor for Wonho or the agency. That's my answer.»

Then Changkyun looked around, waiting and dreading any possible reaction. Was he going to be sent back with a "thank you for coming" and a pat on the shoulder? At least his words were honest. That barely happened during past interviews.

«Very well,» Choi Sang Il said.

«Very well, indeed,» Kim Tae Gil added, lifting his head from the papers with an encouraging smile. Choi Sang Il nodded.

«I think Wonho should have the honour and ask the last question, what do you think? We still have many candidates for the interview so we should hurry,» Kang Seok Won proposed as he threw an apologizing glance at Changkyun who, to be honest, was more than willing to end it there.

He was so calm the second he entered that room, but now he felt like he could have ruined everything if he said anything more. It could be a single word, an expression, a gesture, a sneeze. He was more than sure that his was not only a "special case", but also a delicate one. 'So far so good', but a castle of cards was too easy to break down.

«That's right,» Choi Sang Il put his left hand on Wonho's shoulder and squeezed it softly. «Do you have any question for him, Hoseok?»

Wonho's face lit up as if he just got asked the question of his life and that's when Changkyun wished he could vanish. That guy, that idol, was way more into the role than anyone could have ever guessed.

«So, it's Changkyun right?» Wonho asked, crossing his arms very close to the chest as he leaned forward. Changkyun frowned when he noticed his feet swaying under the table. He thought he was quite childish.

«Right,» Changkyun replied.

«Okay then, Changkyun-ssi...» Wonho pursed his lips and looked thoughtful for a second. Was he thinking about which question to ask? That couldn't be. He should've at least prepared something. Right?

Wonho smiled before asking: «Do you, perhaps, listen to my music?»

Damn it.

Of all the things he could have asked, he went there. Changkyun gulped and started sweating cold as he was sure that was a trick question. Could it be that Wonho had some kind of sixth sense? Otherwise there couldn't be any explanation to why he decided to ask that to Changkyun. Was it the outfit he was wearing? Too formal? Was it something he said? Wonho was doubting Changkyun's knowledge on his music and it wasn't that stupid of him to do so. Mostly because Changkyun didn't know about Wonho despite the fact that he was an idol, a very well-known one, and that his good-looking face could be found all over South Korea. It was so stupid of Changkyun to think that he could attent an interview to become Wonho's manager when he didn't even listen to his music. And there was no point in lying, Changkyun wasn't the type to do that.

«To be honest...» Changkyun started. He felt so awkward and the floor appeared to be the only safe place to lay his eyes on. He scratched his brow and coughed a couple of times. «To be honest, I don't. I know you're very famous and I might have heard some of your songs playing inside random stores, but... I don't want to lie. I don't listen to your music, hyung.»

«I see,» Wonho nodded at the answer but he didn't look that influenced from it. He was still smiling, unexpectedly, and stretched his legs under the table.

«What do you think, Hoseok?» Choi Sang Il asked, shifting his eyes from Wonho to Changkyun with curiosity.

«He called me "hyung". That's cute,» Wonho replied and winked at Changkyun who, on the opposite, pulled out the deepest frown.

Hold on. What was that just now?

«I guess we'll have to say goodbye for now, Mr. Im,» Kim Tae Gil said and piled all the papers back together in front of him.

«Do you have any questions for us before we let the next candidate in?» Kang Seok Won asked.

Changkyun shook his head.
«No, sir. It's been a pleasure and an honour to meet you all. Thank you for having me,» he got up from his chair and bowed.

As he did so, his eyes inevitably landed on Wonho. The idol was standing, right next to the CEO, and the two bowed together but Wonho's eyes never met the floor. Besides, he much preferred to look at Changkyun. He smirked, winking at the young man for the second time and enjoying the reaction painted on his face. Changkyun was all stiff, mouth shut and eyes still focused on Wonho but blinking at a nervous speed. Oh, he was so easy to play with. Wonho liked it.

«The pleasure was all ours, Mr. Im,» Choi Sang Il said in a warm voice, gesturing the lady who in fact never moved from the door to open it for Changkyun. And the boy almost tripped on his own feet as he made his way out of the room. He blamed it on Wonho. That guy was distracting as hell.

«We'll let you know as soon as we get together and discuss the overall results of the interviews,» Kim Tae Gil added, getting up together with Kang Seok Won to do one last bow. «Thank you for your time.»

«Thank you very much, sir. Have a nice evening,» Changkyun excused himself with that and finally made his exit.

As soon as Changkyun stepped out, the room became quiet and everyone went back to their places. Kim Tae Gil was searching for the next resume and with that, for the next candidate to call out, while the CEO had his eyes pointed at Wonho. The idol was still staring at the door, squinting his eyes as if he was trying to see through it.

«So, what do you think?» Choi Sang Il asked.

«What do I think...» Wonho murmured as he rested his chin on the palm of his left hand. «I like him.» He said with a smile of excitement growing on his lips.

«You were listening when he said that he doesn't listen to your music, weren't you?» Kang Seok Won stepped in, quite confused but not that much surprised by the idol's unpredictable behavior. They have been knowing Wonho since he was a trainee, after all. And Wonho was one of a kind, with so much talent, but also so hard to deal with sometimes.

«I was, that's why I like him: he's honest,» Wonho replied, relaxed and soon stretched out his arm to reach for his backpack placed two chairs away from him. «He could've just lied like the others did. They all said that they're such huge fans of me and my music but as soon as I asked them which song was their favorite they had no idea what to say. I don't need a liar at my side, and he didn't lie.»He was busy rooting his hand around in his backpack when he added:
«Besides, if he listens to my music or not is not important. I asked that question because I knew I would've caught them off guard.»

«He gave me a good impression... but I wonder if he'd fit the role,» Kim Tae Gil said, looking perplexed to which Choi Sang Il hummed and nodded in agreement.

«He's young, smart, and he doesn't look like he completely ignores the risks and difficulties of the job,» he uttered, quite thoughtful. «Maybe a fresh change is what we need?»
The CEO looked around, waiting for any kind of reaction. But before anyone could speak their mind once again, Wonho got up from his chair and put earphones on before walking round the table. That was it for that day. He was tired.

«A fresh change is what I need, for sure,» he muttered and immediately hinted a bow to his superiors before making his way to the door.
Wonho had many flaws, and impatience was one of them. To make matters worse, he'd find any kind of anecdotes to justify it.

«Aren't you going to stay to listen to the other candidates?» Choi Sang Il called him out before he could step out of the second door.

«Don't wanna,» Wonho replied, shrugging and then bowing before exiting the room. He knew the CEO wouldn't complain: they've known each other for too long for that old man to be surprised by Wonho's behaviors.

«I'm so tired,» he muttered to himself as he walked out the company building, music blasting at high volume into his ears. He took a cap from inside his backpack and wore it, he then took a mask and placed it over his mouth and nose. At that point, even his eyes could barely be seen.

That was how he'd walk around everyday: hiding and hoping not to be spotted. Because there was nothing more dangerous doing his job but to show his true self.








Changkyun was pretty damn sure he ruined everything and wouldn't stop blaming himself during the whole way back to the apartment. What was he thinking? Telling the truth was indeed the best thing to do, but could that rule really be applied to all kind of occasions?
He decided to attend that interview with the best intention to become Wonho's new manager, and ended up telling the same Wonho that he's never listenend to one of his songs. Terrific. There was no way they would have called him back. No way he was going to get the job, and now he had to tell both Kihyun and Minhyuk. The latter, especially, who put so much effort in introducing Changkyun to the company.

As he was rumbling the keys at the door of the apartment, Changkyun was hoping with his entire being not to find Kihyun inside. The older was most probably going to yell at him for failing another interview and the last thing Changkyun needed was one of his lectures.

But obviously, his prayers didn't get an answer. Oh, not at all.


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Naomiie18 #1
Chapter 1: Helloooo! I'm coming here after finishing Stray Dog. I fell in love with you characterization and your writing, so I immediately rushed here! I already know I will be following this story, I'm looking forward to the next chapters. I wonder how this will all turn out!