
Can I Stay...
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"So what's been going on?" Heechul asked, placing two coffee mugs down on the coffee table. He slowly lowered himself to sit on the couch opposite his friend, a concerned look evident in his eyes.

Heechul had been Hyukjae's friend since the first week he and Donghae moved to Japan. Living in the same apartment building as the young couple, it wasn't hard for them to cross paths almost immediately, and thus a friendship was formed.

Heechul, although he can be extremely immature -- not to mention sarcastic -- somewhat acted as a fatherly figure for Hyukjae. Often the raven headed male would visit Heechul in his apartment when he was in need of some advice.

"It's me and Donghae," Hyukjae revealed, staring at his coffee mug with a frown on his face. "I... we aren't doing very well."

Heechul furrowed his eyebrows. This sounded nothing like the always-happy Hyukjae and Donghae that he was friends with. As far as he knew, the couple had never, not once had an issue, big or small, through their entire marriage, in the nine years they had known each other. They were made for each other, that was obvious. They always got along, never had a single argument over anything at all.

Something seriously must be wrong if Hyukjae came to talk with Heechul about their relationship.

Heechul pressed his lips into a straight line and prepared for the worst. "Did you two have a fight?"

He could see the hesitation in the raven head's eyes. "One fight?" he asked instead of answering.

"How many was it?" Heechul asked sympathetically. He knew that this was bothering Hyukjae more than he would let on.

"I don't even know... too many to count. I think we've fought every day since my birthday," Hyukjae explained.

"What happened?"

"It was... so out of the ordinary," Hyukjae muttered. "Donghae was drinking at work and got fired."

"Donghae drank alcohol?" Heechul asked in disbelief, eyes wide.

Hyukjae nodded. "It was his first glass of wine in his life, and it cost him his job."

"Wow," Heechul mumbled, and Hyukjae could hear the surprise in his older friend's voice. "What does this have to do with the both of you?"

Hyukjae pushed his coffee mug away, despite not having drank any of it. He didn't want it anymore. "It's just... all we do is fight now, and I just want it to stop."

"Would you say that you were mad at Donghae?" Heechul inquired.

"I love him so much. But we just can't get along," Hyukjae said.

"Can you explain what you mean?" Heechul pressed further. With every question he asked, Heechul seemed more like Hyukjae's therapist than a friend trying to help him out. 

"I don't really know," Hyukjae mumbled in a defeated tone. "I could never be mad at him for anything. He's the love of my life, what can I say? But all we do is fight now, I hardly ever see him smiling anymore and I just want everything back to the way it was before. I don't want us to keep fighting like this."

"Tell me what your fights are like," Heechul requested.

"They've never gotten physical, not since the day he got fired. But--"

"What do you mean?" Heechul asked again. 

Hyukjae bit his lip and tried to force back the tears that were welling in his eyes as he remembered that day. "I -- I hit him that day. I slapped his face and I don't... I don't know why I did it, and I can't believe that I did. I never even apologized to him and I just can't forgive myself for doing that... he didn't deserve it."

"I'm sure you didn't mean it," Heechul said.

"I didn't. But ever since that day, I haven't laid a hand on him like that. Our fights now though, they're still really bad, I think. We just argue with each other, sometimes over really stupid things. Sometimes we'll actually yell at each other. And on the worst days, we'll just yell back and forth, getting louder and louder until --" Hyukjae stopped and allowed the first tears to fall.

"Until what?" Heechul asked quietly, leaning forward and gently placing his hand on the younger's knee to comfort him. "It's okay, Hyukjae."

"We'll get louder and louder until I would say something so hurtful and so, so loud that it -- it scares him." Hyuk

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SO excited to be sharing this new fic with everyone! This one will be a bit short, only four chapters in addition to the prologue. I hope you all enjoy it! Don't forget to vote and comment! I love reading everyone's thoughts on my stories, so please take a minute to leave a comment! Thank you all ♥


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hananiazman #1
Chapter 5: this is such a beautiful story...
i love this a lot ㅠㅠ
Chapter 5: Nice story.....
Achichi #3
Chapter 5: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1368952/5'>four</a></span>
sometimes quarrels in a relationship are necessary, we learned how to fix when things goes wrong, get to know each other better, to test how strong their relationship is, if in the end they stay by each other's sides. means they can show how strong their love is..

Good job for this story ;D

this story is the most real story that I have read..
1641 streak #4
Chapter 1: This was a really emotional running of story. It was sad, scary, but thank god with a lot beautiful love.
I was really frightening that this will end with the death of one of them, emotionally or physically. Glad that they worked things out. In the end it was very realistic and beautiful to read.
Thank you for writing and sharing❤️
Gosh Hyuk!
I like how this is not so lovey-dovey buy I really think Hyuk needs anger management
eunhaetrash101 #6
Is this Haehyuk or Hyukhae? Please say Haehyuk hehe
Chapter 5: Aah that was beautiful thank you so much ❤️
Chapter 4: Ah.. A something that makes me little puzzled was that I think Donghae didn't act like police officer...
965 streak #9
Chapter 4: This was a real roller-coaster of emotions. I'm sure Donghae wasn't asleep and heard everything that Hyukjae said. And Donghae didn't turn him away. If I were Donghae, I wouldn't want him near me. Hyukjae probably needs professional help at this point. He could have killed Donghae.
Thank you so much for the update. Kindly update.
Chapter 4: Thank god heechul was there! Hyuk shouldn't have left the apartment in the first place huhu and everything was going so well but they needed the fight i guess to let everything out :( but poor hae, hyuk lost his control and became violent huhu he really should learn to handle his emotions :(( thank you so much for the update! ❤️