CHAPTER 5 — (Cute...)

I Don't Wanna Love You



Chapter 5


"So? Flyday huh?" The scene earlier got me all sulking in the corner. Wonyoung was just so happy being with Nako today. I didn't even thought that she can be like that to anybody else other than me.

I texted Yena and Chaeyeon eonni earlier to meet me at our usual place at pubs. Thank goodness both of them were free. If not? I don't know what to do today. 

"Eonni?" I went to Chaeyeon eonnis' side and ask for a hug. Gladly she welcomed me on her side, patting my back. 

"Your hopeless" 

"Cut it out eonni. This baby doesn't need that you know." 

"Alright, what does she needs Chaeyeon? You tell me?"  

"Eonni? I just wanted to enjoy this day. Tomorrow's Saturday that means, NO SCHOOL! Let's just enjoy and get wild tonight!" After thinking a lot? I decided to just shrugged the sadness I felt inside. I realized that I was being so childish acting that way earlier. Wonyoung was giving Nako a sight tour and missed our night out, yes. But, this just happened today. Wonyoung was just being friendly to the new student. I shouldn't sulk and get mad at her.

"I really don't get you Yujin. I mean, you and Wonyoung are always together, you have all the opportunities in the world to tell her." Yena eonni said, drinking the can of flavored beer that she had. Chaeyeon eonni did the same too. I eyed the both of them and glanced at their cans of beer. 

"What? I'm already 19. I'm allowed to drink" Yena eonni defended I turned to Chaeyeon eonni and she just continued on chugging her beer. 

"I'm 18. So drinking is allowed for me." But-

"You just turned 16 so basically, your still a baby. So no beer for you" All I can do was slump my shoulders and sighed frustratingly. They both were enjoying those beers while me here was drinking a can of Soda? They should drink soda too. I mean they're still in high school!

"So, why haven't you confessed yet?" What? Chaeyeon's question got me snapped back.

"Confess what?" 

"She's playing it again Chaeyeon" 

"Playing what?" 

"Innocent. We all know that you have feelings for your bestfriend. You just can't admit it." 

"Seriously? It's not that easy okay? There are a lot of factors that will be affected if ever" We're friends and not just ordinary friends. We're BESTFRIENDS! If I confess? I'm taking our precious friendship at a very high risk. 

"How hard will it be? Just tell her how you feel and get over it." 

"Easy for you to say eonni." Sighed. What Yena eonni said a while ago was true I guess. I have all the opportunities in the world to confess but I'm too chicken to do so. I just don't want to ruin the wonderful friendship that we have you know? Wonyoung, I can say is much more straight than a ruler. Even more straight than a pole. She'll just freak out if I tell her. So no! and how hard will it be? It's like trying to stand in the middle of an open field with lots and lots of thunder striking the ground and you trying to catch one of 'em. See my point? Confessing to her means putting our friendship at stake and putting our friendship at stake means, putting my life at the edge of a cliff. It's too dangerous. 

"Yeah, yeah. You're always like that. What are you so chicken about?" 

"I'm not chicken okay? You guys just don't understand." 

"You should help us understand you know? We're always here for you no matter what." 

"Thanks Yena eonni" I flashed a smile to her and to Chaeyeon eonni too. They have always been with me since day one. Whether I'm sad or happy. They were always there to comfort me. I'm glad that I've found a friend like them aside from Wonyoung. 

"Ya~ we're supposed to have fun tonight right? Why do you look sad Yujin~ah!? This is your idea so you shouldn't act like that!" Yena eonni smacked me in the head that made me flinched but at the same time, it made me laugh too. That cause the others to laugh as well. 

"Hey, I've got a text from my cousin said she wants to hang-out with me. I  don't want to left you guys so I asked her to join us here instead. Would that be alright with you guys?" 

"Of course Chaeyeon eonni. It's fine! Let her come here. The more the merrier." 

"Nice they'll be here in a few." We high-fived each other but then, a sudden smirk crept through Chaeyeon eonnis' lips when she turned her gaze to Yena eonni. "She's with a friend" Chaeyeon eonni said and Yena just nodded while finishing her first can of beer. She might be oblivious of the smirk that was plastered on Chaeyeon eonnis' face but I'm not. Hmm, I'm sensing danger on Yena eonni later. This will be a lot of fun tonight! 








I felt very terrible to myself. It's like I ditched Yujin eonni tonight. I should've told her earlier that it was a task givin by the school head. She must be very upset with me thinking that I forgot about today. I mean hello? We ALWAYS do hanging-out on a Friday evening. I'll just make it up to her later. 

"Wonyoung? What is that?" Nako eonni tapped my shoulder and pointed on something. I completely forgot that I am still on tour with her. Aish.

"That's Namsan Tower. The tallest tower here in Seoul" I explained. 

"Waaaah~ Sugoi" Nako eonni said while admiring the tower from below. She's so cute. That made me smile though. Yujin eonni and I always planned a trip to Namsan tower however, it'll always be cancelled. If not because of the weather? Because of something that happened. Seriously, we're both living in the same pad but we haven't really have gone here. Nako eonni was the first person I had brought here. Sigh, maybe I'm gonna take Yujin eonni here next time. 

"Eonni? Let's go to the Han river? You wanted to see what it looks like right?" Nako eonni gave me a smiling nod. So we went our way to the Han river. 

So we reached the river in approximately, 2 hours of walking. Can you imagine? Nako eonni has a very small legs compared to mine so she had little steps plus, she's always stopping at something "sugoi" to her. It's so cute I tell you. So even if I want to be angry since it's tiring, I just can't. Cause she's sooo kawaiiiiiii~ 

"Nako eonni, this is the great Han river" As soon as I point it out, eonni immediately run towards the river. She got down the steps and went near the water. I swear it was really a cute sight of her running with those short legs. 

"Ya eonni, careful!" 

"Waaaaa~ So beautiful" I looked at eonni's side profile and she's really cute but, of course my bestfriend's cuter. I mean, beautiful yeah. Nako eonni's the cute one. Yujin eonni's the beautiful one. Waaaaa~ It's great right? I have two magnificent friends. 

"Young-chan? Thank you for showing me around the city, it really means a lot." 

"Ehh? No problem eonni. The teacher asked me to do it. If it was another student, I won't be here" I swayed my arms a no and shook my head side to side. Nako eonni giggled.

"You're so cute Wonyoung-ah. I wish Sakura-chan was seeing all the magnificent things I saw today. Especially this view" Nako eonni said while staring at me. Eh? What does she mean by "this view"? And why was she looking at me while saying that? I then turned away from her that made her giggled again. Fanning myself, I just realized that I was sweating. Why am I sweating? It's so windy here and why did I suddenly got nervous? Aish. 

"It's a very fun afternoon and evening for me Wonyoung-ah. Hope this won't be the last." I turned to her and observed her side profile again. She was smiling while staring at the wonderful view of the Han river at night. A smile crept on my face and nodded at her.

"Definitely won't be the last one eonni" She turned her head to me and flashed her smile. Ahhhh kiyeowo!!!!! 




So back to pubs, the three buddies were chit-chatting. Making fun of each other and laughing none-stop when suddenly the door chimes and came in two cuties. They all turned towards the direction. Chaeyeon flashed a big smile and waved her hand sensing that it's the people they were waiting for. The taller person first noticed Chaeyeon waving at them and excitedly hopped her way there. The other person just followed.


"Chaeyeon eonni" Minjoo and Chaeyeon enveloped each other in a tight hug. Yuri followed after Minjoo. Chaeyeon then introduce them and they made some greetings before finally took a seat. 

"Daebak! Kim Minjoo is your cousin? Why didn't you tell us!" Yena half shoutingly said to Chaeyeon which made Chaeyeon rolled her eyes.

"You didn't asked and besides, why would I tell you?"

"Because we're your buddies? And buddies don't keep secrets from each other?" 

"Is that so Yena?" Yena's frustration had went downhill upon hearing a very cold tone coming from her right. A drop of temperature suddenly enveloped her system. Yena slowly turned around and found a smirking Jo Yuri staring at her with those deadly spiking eyes. Yena's tension grew wild and was sweating none-stop. Nervously laughing at Yuri, she slowly grabbed the hands of the girl and said

"Yuri~ah? Ja-jaljenaeseo?" 

"Eung. I'm doing good. It seems that you are too" Yuri continued her smirking eyeing the very nervous Yena in front of her. Chaeyeon and Minjoo who has already the knowledge on what's exactly going on just stared at them with teasing smile showing on their faces. Yujin on the other hand was the only one who doesn't have any single idea on what's happening. She was confused on why her eonnis were acting so strange and creepy. 

"A-aniya! I'm really lonely you know. And really really sad" Yena defended. Gently squeezing Yuri's hand. Yuri could only nod. She surely is dying of happiness hearing that from Yena but she just needs to confirm something and she needs Yena to say it and thankfully, Yujin has to ask the thing she'd been wishing someone that's a part of their group today should ask. 

"Hold up people. I think I'm the only person here who doesn't have the slightest idea on what's happening. You know her?" While Chaeyeon was laughing hysterically to the face Yujin was showing and Yena's nervousness exceeding beyond the limit, Minjoo just had to pinch her cousin's side to stop her. It's so rude of her to laugh like that in Minjoo's view but, she can't deny the fact that it really is funny though. 

"N-ne. She-she's my g-girlfrurydye" 

"Your what?" Yujin was so confused as hell. The fact that Yena was blabbering the words like literally eating them and Chaeyeon laughing so damn hard beside her was adding more fire to her curiousity. 

"Something's up in here"  Was the thought that was currently running through her mind and she's dying to find out. 

"I'm your what Yena-ya?" Yuri slowly asked to Yena. The evil smirk was very visible to her face. 

"YEOJACHINGU!" Everyone was silent, including the other customers at Pubs. Yena who didn't thought that she'll kinda yell it, lowered down her head but, upon realizing that she should be proud that Jo Yuri was her girlfriend, she stood up with courage building in her system and holding tightly the hands of her beloved.
"THIS GIRL RIGHT HERE IS MY GIRLFRIEND! YOU HEAR ME PUBS? SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND!" Everyone clapped at her sudden outburst, laughing, smiling and cheering for them. Yelling out "congratulations" , "hoorays" and "yeah" some said "you go girl" others went for "You own her", including Chaeyeon who has the very influencial laugh out of everybody and Minjoo who clapped nonestop while plastering a very big smile on her face. Yuri, who was the center of that outburst now was the one who got her head tilted down because of embarassement. She didn't thought Yena will do that. She didn't thought Yena could actually do something like that. As you know, she's too shy to reveal things and publicized her life. Especially her relationship with Yuri but today just showed a different side of Yena and Yuri surely LOOOOOOOOOOVED this side of her. 

Yujin on the other hand was still processing the information that was just revealed. With jaws dropped and eyes that were like about to pop out? She just couldn't believe that very CLUMSY Yena eonni of her can actually have a girlfriend!

"Ya! Yujin-ah, gwaenchana?" 

"You and Yena eonni, Your both in a relationship?" Yujin slowly asked, still trying to figure if all of the information she just heard were true and putting all of the pieces together. Yena raised both Yuri and her hands with pride which were holding unto one another tightly while happily nodding to her. The news was so sudden and that her reaction were a bit late. Now she was the one who was laughing hysterically while the others were very oblivious and confused why? She immediately followed it with "Really?" And Yena nodded again which made Yujin laughed even more clapping her hands together. Sensing the weird stares she got from the people around and confused look that she got from her eonnis and glares from Yena, her laugh slowly died down and let out a small sorry. "I just can't believe that Yena eonni have a girlfriend. I mean she hadn't mentioned it before and, when did you guys became a couple? I mean how did it happen? Was it Yena eonni who confessed first? What was it like?" And Yujin's none-stop question started. 

"Okay, just one question at a time okay? For your first question, we became a couple 2 years ago-" 

"2 YEARS AGO? And we've been buddies for like what? Since pre-k! And you just told us this thing?" 

"Okay. First Chaeyeon already knew about this-" 


"Ahm? A week after we became offi-" 

"A WEEK!? Ya~~~ How did she knew?" Everyone sighed frustratingly at Yujin. She just had to cut Yena everytime! While one person just observed the situation calmly and admiringly smiling at the other. 

"Aish, Jinjja? Yujin-ah? Stop over-reacting okay? Do you really have to cut me off everytime? Do you want to hear it or not?" Yena glared at her and Chaeyeon heaved another tiring sigh again and face palmed herself. Yujin laughed and muttered a soft sorry and positioned herself ready to listen. 

"Cute"  Someone softly uttered. Smiling while trying to roam her eyes in the sorounding. Chaeyeon who was beside the girl nudged her. She looked at the one who was responsible and found Chaeyeon eyeing suspiciously at her.

"I heard that, who's cute?" Minjoo just gave her famous innocent smile to her eonni which made Chayeon became more suspicious. 

"The couple over there, they're so cute" Thankfully Minjoo escaped from the suspicious look her Chaeyeon eonni gave her and bought her excuse. Chaeyeon went back to listening happily as the couple tell how their loving story bloomed in December. Minjoo was attentively listening to the couple too while sneakily stealing some glance at a certain dimpled crescent-moon like smiling girl. The description that she had just formulated made her cringe inside. She can't believe she came up with that. She had to thank her Chaeyeon eonni later though for inviting them today. 



Wonyoung arrived at their shared pad with Yujin and was wondering why the lights were still off. Turning on the lights she immediately searched the area. The living room, Kitchen, toilet even went to their bedroom but there's no sign of a certain Ahn Yujin in sight. She took a peak at the clock which said 9:30PM. 

"Where could eonni be?"  She asked herself. "She might be buying something outside" She said. She then went to the kitchen hoping to have something to eat prepared by her wonderful eonni but was dissapointed since there was none. A sigh escaped as she's very hungry. Her and Nako didn't eat earlier since she wanted to eat nothing else but her eonni's cooking. She sighed again and decided to just open a cup of Ramyeon, poured a boiling water inside it and waited for the noodles to be cooked. 

While waiting, she decided to went to the balcony and check if there's a sign of her eonni but again there was none. Now she's starting to get worried so she grabbed her phone and texted her. 

Puppy Wonyoung ---> Dimpled Yujin : [ "Eonni? Where are you? I'm already here at the pad :) ." ] 

She went back to the kitchen and checked her Ramyeon. Now that the noodles were already soft, she added the powder and other ingredients. Mixing everything, now she had something to eat. 

She ate her Ramyeon smoothly. She was enjoying the Ramyeon at first since she was really hungry. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until the taste of food came to meet with her taste buds. But as the time goes by, she kinda wasn't enjoying it anymore. Checking her phone again, it was still empty. Yujin hadn't replied to her text yet. So, she decided to call her. After 5 times of attepmts she quit and decided to re-send a text again.

Wonyoung puppy ---> Dimpled Yujin : [ "Eonni? It's already 10:30, where are you?" ]. 

Finishing the last noodle of her Ramyeon, she stood up, cleaned the kitchen island and went to the living room with her phone in hand. 

She the TV and watched the series that she's been following on and emerged herself on that. Successfully, she had a good time watching it. The show didn't really failed to make Wonyoung laughed again. 

However, as it finished came the thought of where could her bestfriend be. It's already half past 12 and Yujin's still not around. She was literally very worried of her bestfriend and she didn't even text back and replied Wonyoung's message. 

She called Yujin again, 10x this time but all was left unanswered. She went for sending another text again.

Puppy Wonyoung ---> Dimpled Yujin : [ "Eonni? Please text back. I'm very worried now. Where are you? It's getting really really late and it's scary here alone eonni" ] 

"Maybe she'll be here after I've taken my shower" She thought. So she went to the bathroom and took her shower. Soon after 15 or so she's done with her bathroom evening routine and fully changed by the time she went out. Immediately she looked and opened her phone hoping to see a message from Yujin but again she was dissapointed since there was no reply coming from her. 

She can only heaved a heavy and long sigh. Toss her phone and threw her tired body on her bed. 

"Okay. I get it already. She's mad at me." 


"So much for saying "it's okay" " She sighed in frustration this time and finally closed her eyes. disregarding the fact that she was as hell scared being all alone in their pad, she can only hope she can be able to sleep as  quickly as possible.  


Later by dawn, Yujin arrived at the pad quiet tired and half asleep while walking her way to their shared bedroom. Soon as she saw her Wonyoung sleeping soundly, her sleepiness went away. Observing the very peaceful sleeping Wonyoung made her smile and her tiredness disappeared. Since she was on low battery the first thing she did after she was done admiring the angel was to charged her phone and oh boy she was shocked when a series of texts and missed calls coming from the person who was like an angel sleeping on the other bed. After reading the texts that was sent to her and counted how many missed calls she recieved, she can only hope Wonyoung won't put her into the "ignore zone" again. 





Chapter 5 is up!


I'm sorry if the chapter was boring. I really tried my best to write a very good chapter everytime because I want to give you readers the best but, I'm really not successful of it. 

Anyways, please leave a comment below about how was this chapter for you. Bad or good comments will be accepted . Also, upvote if you like it and subscribe to be updated. 







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Chapter 33: Reading this in 2024, good fanfic authornim
Chapter 32: my favorite fic afterall~ read this over and over again
uyannn #3
Chapter 4: what does "access" mean in the sentence explains why jupiter still called a planet although it has no land or surface?
Chapter 32: This is really good :) uwu
Chapter 27: It took Yujin 22 chapters for that confession! And it was really worth the wait huhuhu but minjoo- nah, this is an annyeongz fic :(
Chapter 26: Aw. I’ve started reading this ‘cause of annyeongz but damn, jinjoo :(((

Minjoo being selfless :((( this fic is giving me second lead syndrome :(((
Chapter 32: I want to say that I'm grateful for this wonderful story X'D
You're doing a great job in making me as the reader get so frustrated over how long it takes for yujin to confess and claim wonyoung the giant baby as hers X'D
And thank you for all the wonderful things you put here XD
Chapter 32: Wow..... It's my first time reading an annyeongz story by chap.... And I admit.... It was really great!....
I think I'm so late that I didn't notice this..... Can't blame the vlive of Yujin and Minjoo did last time that made me a die-hard fan of their ship.....
Anyways, I better be ready for.... I don't know....

But I had to say that this fic is great.....
Chapter 23: Yujin BRUH! WHAT THE HELL???!!!
Chapter 20: Now mend my heart please.....