Part 3: The Reality

Insanely Rich and a Little Crazy
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Jisoo walks inside one of her favorite jewelry stores, a last self-indulgent spree before traveling home tomorrow.


She still hasn’t sorted out the big changes happening in her life. On her way to the airport, she met up with her husband’s lawyer and received an envelope of paperwork she has yet to read and sign. She knows what it contains and it’s still left untouched in her hotel room desk.


Thailand is a safe haven for now although this isn’t her first overseas trip since Maldives. She’s kept herself busy the past weeks, travelling and finding solace in places away from her homes – both the house she shares with her husband and her childhood home. Of course, she also perfectly plans and times her trips with her scheduled engagements. For instance, she didn’t want to be seen in Hong Kong with too many acquaintances she has no energy to talk to. Besides, she didn’t want her parents to know she wasn’t actually in Taiwan last week, supposedly attending a tech conference with her husband.


She leisurely paces the store before a lovely young woman leads her through several doors to see the newest collection.


There’s a very pretty pair of amethyst and diamond dropper earrings that begs her attention but she decides she’s not here to shop for herself.


The young lady from earlier is now joined by an older woman, Eliza, she introduces, all smiles as she bows to greet her.


“It’s a pleasure to have you here again, Ms. Jisoo.”


As they exchange greetings, another piece catches her eye. Even in her peripheral, she can see the beautiful gem – an egg-shaped pierced gold locket with an array of rubies sitting right in the middle.


“This 14k yellow gold aromatic locket with rubies is not just pretty, but functional too. Its carved pattern…”


Eliza explains its grandeur but Jisoo is already captivated. The locket feels light in her hands. She looks at it from every angle, before deciding to get it. But just as Ms. Eliza motions to process her purchase, Jisoo catches sight of something else.


A floral ring is prettily perched on a sculpted hand.


“Can I take a look at that?”


Jisoo is delighted to see that the ring is much better up close.


It’s a white gold wrap ring, with two daisies meeting on both ends. Its petals are beautifully sculpted with two yellow diamonds perched in the middle of each flower.


“I’ll get this instead.”


“Great choice, Miss. This is a special one of a kind piece. Are you buying this for yourself?”


Jisoo shakes her head, smiling at the thought of someone.


“This would make a perfect gift, don't you think?”




Back in her hotel room, Jisoo sighs as she packs her things. Seeing her recent purchase, she sits by the desk and thumbs the daisies daintily. It brings back pleasant memories.



Jisoo was 12 when she visited Jennie’s home for the first time. Jennie’s mother, a bubbly woman then in her late 30s had welcomed them from school. Jisoo never understood why Jennie was adamant on inviting her. Some of Jisoo’s old friends had talked about Jennie and her upbringing as unusual and out of the ordinary. But Jisoo couldn’t care less. She thinks her family and their circle of so-called old rich are the unusual and weird ones.


Jennie shyly followed as her mom gave Jisoo a tour around the house. Jisoo described it as quite eccentric but it was homey. Right as they exited the back door, she was in awe at the flower garden her friend’s mother tended by herself.


An area was dedicated for daisies, and Jisoo unconsciously walked closer towards it. Jennie, quiet as a mouse since they’ve arrived, followed close behind and kneeled towards the flowers.


“These are my favorites, too.”


The next day, a bundle of daisies wrapped in blue ribbon awaited Jisoo on her desk. A series of oohs and whispers can be heard around her as she grinned ear-to-ear at the sight. Her classmates of having a secret admirer but she ignored them. Instead, she went over to Jennie in her little corner and hugged her tight.



Her thoughts are interrupted when she realizes that her phone is ringing. She immediately gestures to turn it off but decides against it upon seeing the caller ID.


“When are you flying home?”


She leaves pleasantries aside knowing her brother won’t mind it. He knows she loves him, nonetheless.


“I’ve missed you too, sis!” Minhyuk is the most normal out of the siblings, and the most untroubled too. “I heard you're in Bangkok. Vacationing again?”


Jisoo playfully rolls her eyes.

“Please. It’s a work trip… for our foundation.” Jisoo is more than glad to be appointed executive director of Oh Foundation. She has never been that interested in the business side and despite her quiet and reserved demeanor, she’s actually good in connecting with people.


“I know that. Your speech moved the audience again. I read articles.” Minhyuk chuckles again before he continues, teasingly, “I also know that event was two days ago.“


“Fine.” Jisoo smiles even though he can’t see her through the call. “I’m just enjoying my stay here. You know… a change of scenery. My flight is scheduled tomorrow.”


Minhyuk never buys her excuses and she can almost hear him laugh again. However, he just coughs before stating the real purpose of this call.


“I can’t believe Yeri is getting married.” His voice is more serious this time and Jisoo can totally empathize with him.


“I told her she didn’t have to worry. But mom and dad agreed now, surprisingly so. It’s final.”


Yeri’s hasty decision frustrated Jisoo more than it should. Her younger sister was convinced the family would tear her relationship apart if she didn’t insist.


A younger Jisoo would have totally agreed with Yeri and present Jisoo is stressed mainly because of this fact. She turns her attention back to her brother.


“You know what to expect, right?”


Minhyuk affirms with a hum in an instant but Jisoo doesn’t miss the heavy sigh right after. Being the only son and fated heir to the company, he has his own burdens too.


Not to mention that he’s the most eligible bachelor in the country. His younger sister is getting married ahead of him. The two can already imagine the question everyone will be asking after this wedding.


“Do you think I should bring a date? Or can I just third wheel with you and Jinyoung?”


Jisoo swallows at her brother’s question. She’s lucky he couldn’t see her.


As far as she knows, Minhyuk is currently single. His previous relationship barely lasted a year after the woman’s failed attempt at digging on their family secrets. Speaking of secrets, Jisoo still hasn’t told anyone but Jennie. But, she thinks her brother would catch on even with the slightest slip of her tongue.


“Of course, you can come with us. He’s still fixing his schedule and we’re not sure if he could attend. You know… busy traveling to Hong Kong and Taiwan for the business.”


She’s really good at lying by now.


“Great. Thanks. I was considering fake-dating someone.”


Jisoo chuckles.


“Why? Only family and friends would be invited anyway.”


“And yet we would fill the whole Church,” Minhyuk remarks. Jisoo can practically hear his smirk.


“You know what I mean!”


“Yes. No media. Got it.”


Jisoo get lost in her thoughts again. She feels bad for herself, and often for her siblings too. But, it’s nice to hear that Minhyuk isn’t as affected as she thought he’d be.


“Thanks. See you soon, sis.”


“See you.”


Jisoo actually looks forward to that.






New York



It’s 10AM on a Tuesday. It also happens to be Jennie’s off day.


The past month has been crazy hectic but Jennie is far from complaining. It took her years to get to where she is now. But of course, she greatly appreciates a good rest.


The only reason she has a few days off now is in preparation for the Milan Fashion Week. It’s not her first time at all but she doesn’t know why she’s quite nervous.


Jennie gets up and continues the task she started a few hours ago. Staring at the pile of… mess, scattered all over her high-rise apartment, she picks up a box at a time. Cleaning has always been a stress-reliever for her.


She picks up a box of makeup to sort out before putting it back down and deciding to work on it later. Instead, she focuses on the box beside it, filled with personal things of a woman she now detests.


This one was easy to sort as everything went into a trash bag. Jennie was once fooling around with a pretty woman – as p

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I know I said this is CRA inspired but if you need a visual, Jisoo here is kinda like Jisoo in the Flower MV teaser 😭
(at least in the upcoming chapters)


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Aaaaaaah jensoo
sapphicjns #2
Chapter 5: i love this story
1124 streak #3
Chapter 5: oh Jisoo Mina is right you have to figure it out and fast before its too late for you...
stankimsojung #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for the update! Was nice to see OT4 together. Now I hope Jisoo will make a move soon and choose happiness over moral.
may_bee #5
Chapter 5: Jennie deserves to get Jisoo 😽
AnDEUSAgrega #6
Chapter 4: Yeah he is right
AnDEUSAgrega #7
Chapter 3: Jennie you fool, i want to hug you
Jisoo you are a warrior i would never be able to do that
AnDEUSAgrega #8
Chapter 2: Jennie your whipped baby
She sounds like Astrid from Crazy Rich Asians for sure
sweetaswholes #9
Chapter 4: Ahhhh so happy you updated this! Jisoo definitely reminds me of Astrid from Crazy Rich Asians, but with this wonderful backstory of memories with Jennie interlaced. I can't wait for your next update =]
1124 streak #10
Chapter 2: So shes married but her husband left her? and probably the reason why Jennie went abroad is because Jisso rejected her confession in the past?