06. Brown (Namjoon; Saturday)

Of Contact Lenses and Forearm Messages (BTS Version)

One of the weirdest things one could possibly see first thing in the morning was five pairs of eyes looking at him or her like they knew something s/he didn’t.

“What the hell are you all doing here so early in the damn morning?” I groaned, trying to rub the sleep off my eyes. They were all there in my living room (well technically I shared it with Yoongi hyung and Jimin) some sitting on the floor while the others on the couch. I didn’t care how my hair was probably sticking out in all directions I just wanted to know why they were here.

“Well good morning to you too, sunshine,” Yoongi hyung greeted teasingly. I glared at him.

“So this is what Namjoon hyung looks like behind the scenes,” Jungkook was grinning. Wait, why was he even here?

“Just answer the question.” I headed to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. I heard them follow me and when I turned around they were all settled on the dining table. I figured I’d make them breakfast since we were already here. “Are pancakes okay?”

“Yup!” They all chimed. I went over to the fridge to get an egg and butter. Then I opened an overhead cabinet and took out a pancake mix.

“And to answer your question,” Yoongi hyung began. I took a sip of my coffee. “I invited my dear brother, Hoseok  and Kookie here because we all know who your soulmate is.”

I almost choked on my coffee. “I’m sorry what?”

“We know who he is,” Jimin repeated. “And we’re actually friends with him. You’re lucky.”

“W-wait you know him?” I asked, cracking the egg and pouring the pancake mix on a bowl. “And you decided to just tell me now?”

Yoongi hyung shrugged. “We just confirmed it yesterday.”

“Okay, how do you know him?” I poured two spoonfuls batter on the pan that I pre-heated.

“He’s our boss,” Hoseok answered.

“Wait - how are you so sure? I don’t even know his real name.”

“Well, Seokjin hyung told us the color of contact lenses his soulmate used. It matched the colors you used the whole week,” Jimin explained. By now I was on my second pancake.

“Plus,” Taehyung added. “He told us that his soulmate’s name was Rapmon-"

"Oh and why would you tell him that your name was 'Rapmon'?" Jimin interrupted.

"It was the first name that popped into my head," I defended. "Besides, you guys used to call me that."

"-You’re the only one we know who went by that name that changed contact lenses so we put two and two together and voilà!” Taehyung finished.

“Okay but why is Jungkook here?”

The kid beamed. “Because I wanted to help! You’re lucky hyung to be soulmates with Jinnie hyung you know.”

 “Right, and you couldn’t tell this to me via phone or maybe later today because?”

Because,” Yoongi hyung said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “We’re gonna plan how you guys are going to meet.”

I was tired.

We had spent the whole day planning for tomorrow. It seemed to me that Yoongi hyung- yes Yoongi hyung- and the others were more excited for me than me myself. All of them had a lot of creative ideas but we eventually settled on Jungkook’s which required me buying stuff to give to Jin hyung tomorrow.

Speaking of Jin hyung, he had texted me earlier complaining about Taehyung and Hoseok ditching him. I had to stifle a laugh because the two ditched him for me.

It was now around eight in the evening and I couldn’t sleep. It was as if the excitement for what was going to happen tomorrow just sank in.

I decided to text Jin hyung and see if he was awake.

‘Jin hyung?’

A few moments later my phone dinged.


I then tapped his number and called him. I was feeling too lazy to type.


“Hi Jin hyung.”

“Well well, look who’s not asleep yet.” His voice was teasing.

“Hey that was one time!” I defended.

He chuckled. “Actually it was two.”

“Whatever. So how was your day?”

“Well it was boring. I decided to stay at home and rest since I couldn’t really open the bakery with only me working.”

“Ah I see. Your two friends were still nowhere to be seen?”

Yeah. They said they had something important to do so they couldn’t go to work.”

“I see. Jin hyungie, when do you think we’ll be able to meet?”

“I don’t know, but I hope we will soon.”

If everything went according to plan, we would be able to meet in a few hours. I grinned. “I can’t wait to meet you, Seokjin hyung.”

“W-what how did you know my real name?”

I chuckled. “Good night Jin hyung.”


I hung up and stared at the ceiling, grinning.

Let’s hope everything goes according to plan.

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[180910;22:06] [PH Time] This really is the same with the Shinhwa one but i tried to fix the inconsistencies I found in this version and YAAAS thank you to one of my closest friends for telling me to post this version here hahaha


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Ugotnojams300 #1
Chapter 7: Waaahhhh this story is so cute?