04. Rose Quartz (Namjoon; Thursday)

Of Contact Lenses and Forearm Messages (BTS Version)

I arrived at the office at around 7 am reluctantly. I was sleeping peacefully but it got interrupted by a very hyper Jimin barging in my room with a reluctant and groggy Yoongi  following at six in the friggin morning.

“Wake up hyung!” Jimin chirped, jumping and landing on me.

I groaned. "Oh my god Chim get off me."

"I don't want to."

I buried my head under the pillows so my voice came out muffled. "Yoongi hyung help."

I felt the bed dip and assumed Yoongi hyung laid down as well. "Nuh uh Namjoonie. You of all people should know that I love me my sleep so get up."

I plopped down on the couch and yawned. I put my blazer on the backrest of the couch and rolled up my sleeves. It was still early and there are no meetings this morning so maybe I could just…

I took off my glasses and as I put my left forearm above my eyes I noticed something written on it.

Jin hyung?

I moved my hand away and put my glasses back on to see what was written on my forearm.

‘You slept so early last night and yet you’re still sleepy?’

I could practically hear him chuckling. I took a pen out of my pocket –yes I keep one with me now to save trouble- and wrote:

How did you know?’

I was slowly starting to lose my sleepiness now that I was talking to Jin hyung. I sat up properly and waited for his reply.

Someone knocked on the door. “Come in!” I yelled. I turned around in time to see the door opening and Jungkook entering. “Morning, Jungkookie,” I greeted.

“Morning hyung,” he greeted back. He went over to me and handed me a mug of hot coffee. ‘You seemed like you needed one when you came in.”

“I do actually,” I agreed, taking a sip of the hot liquid. “Thank you.”

I guess Jungkook noticed my forearm because he pointed it out. “What’s that written on your forearm, hyung?”

I looked at it and saw that Jin hyung had replied.

I don’t know. Gut feeling? Anyways, wake up sleepy head. :D’

I smiled unconsciously.

‘I am awake. Have you eaten?”

 I looked up and saw Jungkook looking at me with a knowing smirk. “What?” I asked as I took another sip of coffee.

“Nothing,” he chuckled teasingly. I glared at him. “So when are you gonna introduce me to ‘soulmate’ hyung?”  He asked, teasing smile still in place.

Putting the mug down, I went over to him and grabbed the back of his shirt upward loosely, playfully dragging him outside. “Hush kid. How do you even know he’s a hyung?” He just laughed. “And don’t you have work to do?”

I dropped him on his chair, laughing lightly. “I didn’t. I think I do now. And it’s seven in the morning hyung; even you don’t have work yet.”

“Homework then?” He shook his head. “What time are your classes today anyway?” From what I knew his classes differed in schedule everyday and I was amazed at how he was able to manage going to classes and working here at the same time.

“12 noon to 3pm, hyung. And I only have one subject today so I will be back as soon as I finish.”

I shook my head. “Nah take your time kid. Now go get breakfast if you haven’t yet and thanks again for the coffee.”

“Sure hyung,” he chirped. “Oh don’t keep Soulmate hyung waiting!” He pointed to his forearm.

I pretended to hit him and he snickered. I went back to my office sat on the couch. Jin hyung’s reply read:

Yeah I ate already before I opened the shop. Have you?’

Grabbing the discarded pen on the couch I wrote my answer.

Well I drank coffee. That’s enough.’

A few minutes passed before his reply appeared.

Coffee isn’t enough though? You should eat something.’

Awww was he worried?

Wait what whoa Namjoon ah stop acting like some high school girl.

It’s fine hyung, don’t worry. I’m not that hungry.’

I started feeling sleepy again. Damn Jimin for waking me up so early.

If you say so. I still think you should eat something.’

I smiled at his concern.

“Namjoon hyung.”

I heard someone call my name but I didn’t know who. I think they were shaking me as well. As they continued, I began to open my eyes and try to take in what was happening. Looking at my left I saw that it was Jungkook trying to wake me up. Apparently I fell asleep.

“What is it Kook?” I asked. He stopped shaking me and I rubbed my eyes under my glasses to get rid of the sleep.

“Yoongi hyung called and said that he and Jimin hyung are on their way here. They said they had paperwork for you to do,” he explained.

“Thanks Kook.” I stood up and headed for my desk. “Give me five minutes to fix myself up, alright?”

“Sure hyung.” He nodded then left.

I removed my glasses – I fell asleep wearing them – and opened a drawer under my desk that housed my new collection of contact lenses. I randomly picked one and gingerly put them on. I stood up and headed for the mirror on my wall to look at myself. I fixed my hair a bit- thankfully it wasn’t that messed up from when I slept. Even though my vision was monochrome, I couldn’t help but feel like the contacts I was wearing looked weird on me. I went back to my desk and was about to change contacts when writing on my forearm caught my attention.

‘Did you change contacts again? What’s the color of this one? I really like it. It’s pretty.’

I paused. Jin hyung thinks the color is pretty. If I were to change lenses then he might become disappointed. But I really had this feeling that it looked weird on me, especially if people that see in color saw me. Rummaging through the drawer I found my sunglasses and decided to wear them so that I didn’t have to change lenses and Jin hyung could continue seeing the world in this color.

’Yeah I did hyung. It’s called Rose Quartz, or so I was told. I’m glad you like them.’

Right after that the door opened and Yoongi hyung and Jimin entered. They headed over to my desk and Yoongi hyung dropped a stack of papers in front of me. “What?” I asked them.

“You’re supposed to accomplish these by today,” Yoongi hyung instructed.

“Preferably before three,” Jimin added. “I have to send them back so… hyung why are you wearing sunglasses inside your office? It’s not like the sun’s shining so bright it’s blinding you.”

So they noticed. “Eye infection. Wait you’re not gonna help me?”

The two shook their heads. “CEO only,” Yoongi hyung pointed out. “And don’t even think we believe that eye infection thing. Why are you really wearing them, Joon?”

“I’m serious! My eyes are all red and-“ They didn’t let me finish. Yoongi hyung yanked the sunglasses off of my face. I immediately closed my eyes but they were faster.

“Were those pink lenses I saw, hyung?” Jimin asked, his voice teasing.

“No,” I lied, still keeping my eyes closed.

“You are such a terrible liar,” Yoongi hyung accused, chuckling as if he was right. And he was.

I groaned. “Fine.” I opened my eyes. “I know they look weird. I don’t even need to see in color to notice that.”

“N-no they don’t look weird,” Jimin tried but he was a worse liar than me.

I stared at him with an eyebrow raised and a disbelieving look. “Really?” I turned to Yoongi hyung and extended my hand. “Give ‘em back hyung.”

He snickered before handing me back my sunglasses. “Why don’t you just remove them or change them?”

“Because,” I said, wearing them. “Jin hyung said he liked the color so I didn’t remove them.”

Jimin and Yoongi hyung shared a look. “’Jin hyung’?” The younger asked.

“Yeah, my soulmate. Did I not mention that he told me to call him ‘Jin’?”

“Do you know his full name?” Yoongi hyung asked.

I shook my head. “No, he only gave me ‘Jin’. Why?”

“No reason,” both of them said at the same time. I looked at them weirdly.

“Anyway, I’ll accomplish these immediately and then- oww!” Pain shot through my leg as if it hit something hard.

“Are you okay, hyung?” Jimin asked. I nodded as I held my right leg.It was like I fell and landed on its side. Which was weird since I had been sitting the whole time. That meant-

I grabbed my pen and started writing on my forearm, ignoring the confused look the two were giving me.

Jin hyung! Are you okay?’

I looked up and saw one pair of eyes looking at me with concern while another sending me a knowing look. “What?”

“Oh nothing,” Yoongi hyung hummed. “I hope nothing bad happened to Soulmate hyung.”

I frowned just as Jimin showed realization on his face and was now smirking as well. “How do you even know if he’s your hyung?”

The older shrugged. “I don’t. Come on Chim Chim.”

They left just as I received a reply from Jin hyung.

‘Yeah I’m fine. Just fell off my bike, that’s all.’

‘What? Why? What happened? Can you walk? No of course not you’re hurt! Where are you hyung I’ll come help-‘

‘Rapmon ah calm down. I’m fine. I can walk. I just scraped my knee. Don’t worry.’

If he was trying to be reassuring then it was kind of working. Hopefully he wasn’t lying. Wait, he had a pen with him. Was I the reason he brought a pen with him? Nah Namjoon you’re just overthinking. I decided to point it out anyway.

Why do you have a pen when you’re riding your bike?’

I have a habit of bringing writing materials with me.’

See Namjoon? Not everything was about-

‘And maybe I was hoping you’d write to me.’

I grinned. I wiped my forearm with a handkerchief before writing.

Be careful this time.’

‘I will.’

That night I was reading a book when they decided to bother me.

“So hyung,” Taehyung began, plopping down on the couch beside me. I spared him a glance before going back to my book. “Hyuuuung.” He started shaking me, trying to get my attention.

“What do you want, Taehyung?” I sighed, closing my book and turning to my younger cousin. “What are you even doing here anyway? Where’s Hoseok?”

“He’s with our boss. We sometimes like to hang out at his flat.” Taehyung shrugged. “So,” he began, standing up and then sitting on the floor cross legged facing me with his chin resting on his hand, elbows on his knees. “A little bird told me that you’ve discovered your soulmate.”

“I’m not small,” Jimin grumbled, entering the living room and sitting down next to me.

Taehyung ignored the other and continued, “And that you’ve been talking to him.”

How do you even know it’s a he?” I nodded my head to Jimin’s direction. “Did he tell that to you too?”

“So it’s true?” Taehyung accused, eyes widening dramatically. “And you didn’t tell your favorite cousin? How could you?”

I snorted. “Don’t be so dramatic Tae. And yeah I’ve sort of discovered my soulmate though I haven’t exactly met him.”

“Which brings us to my next question,” Yoongi hyung joined in, sitting down next to Jimin. “When are you gonna meet him? Are you even looking for him?”

“I don’t know,” I groaned. “I don’t know how. I only have his name and I don’t even know if it’s his real name. I tried asking for his number but he doesn’t want to give it to me yet.”

“If you don’t know his number then how are you talking to him?” Taehyung asked.

“He talks to him using the forearm thing,” Jimin answered for me.

“Oh Hoseokie hyung and I used to do that too,” Taehyung chirped. Then he looked like he remembered something. “Our boss too. I often find him writing on his forearm recently.”

“I guess I’m not the only doing that.” I yawned. “I’ll go to bed first. Night guys.” I stood up with my book and left the room but not before catching the look of realization Yoongi and Jimin had shared.

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[180910;22:06] [PH Time] This really is the same with the Shinhwa one but i tried to fix the inconsistencies I found in this version and YAAAS thank you to one of my closest friends for telling me to post this version here hahaha


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Ugotnojams300 #1
Chapter 7: Waaahhhh this story is so cute?