Teach Me How To Confess by littlefantasies

Neverland Review Pick-Ups


Title of the Story [4/5 points]
- I reallylike it. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. But it's a little cliche so one point gone there.
Poster and Background [3/5 points]
- The poster caught my eye BIG TIME. It's adorable, cute and relates to the story ALOT. But the only thing that I didn't like was the background. I don't think you should've used a different poster as your background. You should've asked the artist for a background. Even if you they don't take requests for backgrounds, you could've searched for a plain blue background that looks similar to the poster. Example
And you forgot to credit your artists. Please remember to credit them in the future. ^_^
Foreword [3/10 points]


Any similarities or resemblances with other stories, its CO-INCIDENCE. Kk? :)


reviewed by :: KYUholic @  Choco Carnival Review Shop



All that should be at the Description. Not the foreword. And you should remove the Characters part down there since you already have the character's names on top. Since it's a typical description, I'll give you a three.


Description [4/10 points]
- The description should be at the foreword. The description is used for an author's note. I know that English isn't your first language, but i'll tell you your mistakes so you can edit them. Proper English always captures readers eyes more.
Wrong; "Uhm. Ae Yeon?"


"I want to say something"

"What is it?"

"I think..."

"You think what Baro?"

"I think.. Im starting to love you" 


Correct; "Uhm. Ae Yeon?"


"I want to tell you something..."

"What is it?"

"I think..."

"What do you think, Baro?"

"I think... I'm starting to like you..."

Originality [8/10 points]
- I don't think this part should be judged yet since your story just started. You shouldn't have asked for a review yet. There's not much progress but if I had to rate its originality I would give it a seven. It's cliche, yes. But somehow a little different than the normal clicheness. Good job. (:
Plot, How your story goes [15/25 points]
-  You should only ask for a review when your story has reached to an interesting point that will make the reviewer go "OOH!". I'll give you fifteen points since I found the plot so-so. Like I said before, you shouldn't have asked for a review yet. But you can always request for another review again.
Spelling, Grammar and Vocabulary 15pts.
- English isn't your first language right? So I'll give you a ten. It's pretty good with the exception of a few small mistakes. I'll tell you a few common mistakes that you make so you can edit them -and hopefully not repeat them again-
Wrong; Im studying at Shinwa University
Correct; I'm studying at Shinwa University.
NEVER forget your aphostrophe. Since you make this mistake alot, I'll tell you the common mistakes you make/might make.
I'm = I am
It's = It is
Should've = Should've
Haven't = Have not
Can't = Can not
Would've = Would have
Couldn't = Could not
Wrong; all the students are rich, pretty && handsome, and most of all, the students here are excelling academically.
Correct; all the students are rich, pretty and handsome, and most of all, the students here  excel academically.
Do not use &. Use and. I hope you aware that & means and, so putting && would mean all the students are rich, pretty and and hansome.
You have quite a few other mistakes. You can PM me if you want me to help beta your story.
Characterization [9/10 points]
- I love the characters! Especially Sandeul <3
He has his usual cute and friendly personality. So, kudos to that. I wish Ae Yeon would have a more unique personality, though. Her character is really common and what not. I recommend you to read this character tutorial to make Ae Yeon a little bit more different and unique.
- No ending yet so I can judge this. Also, keep up the good work! I subscribed to your story ^_^
Total: 61/100 - A good writer and can improve his/her writing skills.
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