It had been a while since Younghyun felt the warmth in his heart from making other people happy. This Happiness Project by Kang Younghyun mattered to him and luckily it went smoothly for its first 'event' at amusement park with Hwari. Younghyun got to see Hwari full of smile and laughter, and even hysterical screaming when they went on rides like rollercoaster or viking.

Now he wasn't interested at all in her previous love life. He was more focused on keeping her smile that he just realized it was as fresh as his favorite iced americano. He could sense the bitter taste, but still he found it quite addictive.

"Hey, let's go to indie music festival next week." Younghyun said in the middle of their early dinner.

"Indie music festival?" Hwari paused her hands from stirring her pasta.

Younghyun nodded, showing a little bit of excitement. He was now more confidence in engaging conversation with Hwari.

Hwari who was originally not so into music got flustered. She had no idea about indie music, and what genre indie is actually. All she knew about music festival was the crazy crowd. Not to mention summer was right in front of their eyes. The weather was going to be hot.

Younghyun noticed the hesitant look on Hwari's face. He didn't want to push her. "Or we could go somewhere else. Beach?"

Hwari quickly shook her head. "Oh, no, no. The music festival is fine."

Younghyun's smile bloomed. "Really?"

"Yeah. A festival should be exciting, right?" She smiled back.


Hwari had been standing for 10 minutes before her wide-open closet, thinking about a comfortable outfit to wear to a music festival. It was summer already and the sun was being too friendly with its ray. She quite regretted wearing skinny jeans and long-sleeved shirt which fabric was not good for a sweaty day when she went to amusement park the other day. Her outfit collection was mostly considered smart-conservative with less than 10 T-shirts, jeans, and shorts. She barely dressed in revealing clothes even in summer. There were like a dozen of midi dress with sheer and cotton fabric to wear in hot sunny days.

Going to a music festival wearing her favorite plaid maroon knee-length dress? She actually liked that idea, until she found a pair of shorts which probably she had just bought few days ago. Technically, she was forced to buy it when she accompanied Hayoon shopping and she blurted out a question about what to wear to a music festival. Hayoon got excited that she forgot she was the one shopping; she took many clothes for Hwari to try on. Hayoon's pick was mostly shorts and crop-top, which got Hwari's eyes almost popped out since she never wore that kind of clothes.

After trying on some clothes, Hwari only purchased a pair of shorts and some T-shirts. Perhaps this pants would be as convenience as Hayoon said, she thought as she took it along with an oversized thin sweater. Hwari checked her own reflection in the mirror. She tilted her head. Her reflection didn't look like her usual style. It was like the brand new Hwari. She shrugged and tied her hair into a messy bun. There will always be a first time for everything, right?

Younghyun was already at the venue queuing for the entrance pass and free drink voucher. Last night he offered Hwari a ride to the venue but she rejected. She preferred to take bus since it wasn't too far away from her place. Younghyun had his heart beating quite rapidly because this was his first time as well going to a music festival with a girl. More specifically, a girl who was not into a band and music, or even indie music.

What if she doesn't like it? What if she gets bored? What if after this she won't go out again with him? Should he just cancel today's agenda? Should he just take her to a casual lunch in a more private area? All these concerns haunted Younghyun's mind once he got the tickets. Younghyun then looked at his watch only to find out it was only 10 AM. He restlessly tapped his right foot against the floor as he scanned all over the place. That was when Hwari was sighted that got Younghyun blown away with her new appearance.

"You're here early," Hwari greeted with a smile. A smile that magically made him feel at ease. Somehow he now was sure today was going to be okay.

"Yeah. I already got us the tickets and drink vouchers."

Hwari slightly gasped. "Really? Wow, thanks."

"No biggy." Younghyun handed her a leaflet that provided the whole day schedule along with a list of the performers.

"You know I'm not aware of all these names." She gave him an unsure look, and still maintained her smile. "I'll just go with anything you like."

What makes Younghyun happy was, at least, she was willing to try something new. Other than her willing to try to get into something he likes, he could also tell from the way she dressed. Month after month getting to know her, it was always skirt or dress or culottes no shorter than her knees, or ankle-length smart pants. It wasn't that he didn't like her usual style. In fact, Younghyun quite fancied it. That was probably why Dowoon was sure that Hwari was his type. Now she showed up in white shorts jeans, it felt like he just got to know the other side of Hwari. Therefore, he might be able to be more open.

"You can trust my taste of music," he said with great confidence in his eyes and also his smile.

Apparently indie music festival was quite acceptable for someone who was not into music and had no much knowledge about it. Hwari couldn't help but enjoy all the stages Younghyun took her to. She didn't really talk much during watching all the performances. While Younghyun had to ask her 'how was it?' every time one song ended. Just in case the music didn't suit her taste. Younghyun had been stayed alert just in case she felt uncomfortable, he could immediately take her to other places he had in mind.

Hwari threw a sincere smile every time Younghyun asked her is everything okay, or how the performance was, or how she liked the song, and et cetera. Her smile was enough to comfort him so he felt relieved. He didn't realize he was smiling to himself.

"Isn't that Woosung and Jaehyung?" Hwari suddenly said.

Younghyun's smile disappeared instantly. He turnes his head to look for the guys Hwari just mentioned. Before he found them, his eyes realized that Hwari was not around him and it turned out she made her way to approach them. "Hwari!" He ran after her, who was already with Woosung and Jaehyung.

"We're about to get our lunch. Come together with us?" Woosung offered.

Jaehyung and Younghyun silently switched glances. Jaehyung perfectly understood that Younghyun obviously wanted to spend all his time alone with Hwari only. Yet they just heard an enthusiastic yes from Hwari who brightly having a chit-chat with Woosung. Jaehyung and Younghyun once again exchanged glanced that followed by short conversation in whisper.

"I didn't know you come here with Woosung."

"I didn't know you come here with Hwari." Jaehyung slightly cocked his head.

Both of them smiled with their teeth gritted when Hwari turned back to them. "It's okay, right?" Hwari asked Younghyun and Jaehyung, just making sure things were okay.

"Of course!" Jaehyung exclaimed with awkward laughter.

"The more, the merrier. Right?" Younghyun added. His teeth were still gritted when he smiled.


The main reason why Hwari got excited for the lunch time was because of the picnic concept. A bit far from the main stage, there was a large space that used as a picnic land. There were colorful bean bags and carpets to use along with a basket for carrying food they bought.

"I always love to go for a picnic!" Hwari excitedly stomped her steps while strolling around the food stalls. The basket in Younghyun's hand was already half full but it didn't seem they were finished buying more food.

Jaehyung already reserved a blue carpet and rented a red bean bag. Once they finished setting up the carpet, food and everything, Jaehyung dropped his slander body on the bean bag. "Wah, this is very comfortable. I should get one for myself," he commented.

Before everyone sat down, Younghyun quickly took off his shirt that was his outerwear and gave it to Hwari who was already on her knees. "You can use this," he spoke quietly.

She was actually confused how to sit comfortably with shorts. And this lunch under the sun on a carpet was definitely not on her agenda. To have something to cover her legs was so relieving. How she was so thankful towards Younghyun. "Thank you." With a little smile, she covered her thighs with Younghyun's shirt.

This caught the others' attention and Jaehyung just couldn't keep his mouth shut. "You really are amazing. Such a nice, well-mannered man." Jaehyung clapped slowly, then received a killing stare from Younghyun.

"I should have worn an outerwear too," Woosung added, chuckling, pointing at his outfit of the day: T-shirt and ripped jeans.

Hwari just chuckled to their jokes. Meanwhile Younghyun said nothing, faking a cool smile. Sometimes he would have his hawk eyes back and forth on Woosung and Hwari. They seemed... close. Even closer than he thought.

Out of the blue, Jaehyung threw a cola can towards Younghyun. His head turned to the culprit. Jaehyung only looked at him, as if his eyes could talk. 'You got this,' he mouthed to Younghyun.



Picture made with Unfold // photo credit to owner

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963 streak #1
Chapter 9: This is the 2nd Youngk fic I read.
I liked the complications and misunderstanding that you threw their way.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 8: Awee! Her confession and little shy YoungK T_T thanks for the update~
Chapter 7: What?! Woosung also liked her? What?! That makes me feel a bit bitter. It's alright, I hope he has a girl throughout the story T_T
Thanks for the update!
Thank you everyone for the good feedback :'''''))
Chapter 7: Another great update! Thank you authornim! ^_^
More please....
Chapter 6: I just found this, and it's so beautiful~ I normally don't like reading from the male's point of view but this is an exception
Waiting for the next chapter T_T
Chapter 6: Can't wait for the next Chap! ^_^
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 2: This is sooo good! ^_^
I really enjoy reading this story. Nice work Authornim!
anniedrei #9
Chapter 5: Awwwwww. Younghyun. This is so sad.

I'm looking forward on the next chapter. There's something you have to reveal. :)