
Never Be Alone



here's a little something for the mean time. enjoooooy >.<




"I can't believe your already leaving tomorrow. Can time please stop?" the blonde girl pouts at her girlfriend who was finishing packing her stuff. She then cling and hug the girl after she finished setting aside her luggage.  

"Babe. You kn-"

"Yeah I know...You need to…..I know...." *sigh*




They just looked at each other.

Communicating telepathically.

Exchanging silent words with one another.

Like they always do.

No need for words.

Just being in each other’s arms.


They’ve been together for more than 7 years already.

and they’ve never been away from each other within those years.

Always together.


Dahyun can’t believe it.

She can’t believe that her girlfriend is leaving.

Her penguin is leaving her.

Mina is leaving her.

The blonde shakes her thoughts away. She was still hugging her while mina stare at her, knowing what she was thinking. She then gives Mina her own gummy smile, reassuring her that she’s okay. Giving her penguin a kiss on the forehead.

"Since we still have exactly 12 hours 37 minutes and 9 seconds before your flight, do wanna go somewhere with me?"

"I'd go anywhere with you babe, so take me away my tofu-chan." Mina replied giving her a quick peck.





Dahyun reserved them a dinner at her and Mina's favorite place. Nothing fancy, just a restaurant on the top of the hill with an open area where you can get an overview of the whole city. She found this when she and Mina started dating.


Upon entering the waiters immediately recognize them and leads them to their usual spot in the open area. They ordered their usual adding some red wine.

“That would be all. Thank you Irene-unnie.” Dahyun said beaming at the girl.

“Okay. I’ll bring it to you in a minute.” Irene replied giving Dahyun okay sign while mouthing “It’s all set.” then winking at her.

Dahyun smiled thankfully.

Mina missed this. She was busy looking at the view.

“Babe I’ll just use the rest room.” Dahyun informed giving Mina a kiss on her temple before standing up.

While Mina was busy admiring the view, Dahyun went on the stage and sat in front of the piano.


“Hello. Mic check. One, two. One, two.” Mina snap her head in front, now finally seeing that her girlfriend was on stage. She looks at her questionably.

“Good evening everybody.” Dahyun started.

“I’m Dahyun. Sorry if I’m disturbing your dinner, but this won’t take long I promise.”

The other costumers stopped eating and looks on the stage.

“So I just want to sing this song to my beautiful girlfriend.” Dahyun said looking at Mina. The latter smiled forming a blush on her cheek.

“I know I don’t say much but you know what I feel right?” Mina nods

“This song is for you.”



Right now it's pretty crazy

And I don't know how to stop

Or slow it down



I know there are some things we need to talk about

And I can't stay

Just let me hold you for a little longer now


Take a piece of my heart

And make it all your own

So when we are apart

You'll never be alone

You'll never be alone


You'll never be alone

When you miss me close your eyes

I may be far but never gone


When you fall asleep tonight

Just remember that we lay under the same stars


And hey

I know there are some things we need to talk about

And I can't stay

Just let me hold you for a little longer now


And take a piece of my heart

And make it all your own

So when we are apart

You'll never be alone

You'll never be alone

You'll never be alone

You'll never be alone

You'll never be alone

You'll never be alone


And take a piece of my heart

And make it all your own

So when we are apart

You'll never be alone

You'll never be alone


Dahyun sang looking at Mina the whole time. She smiled at her pressing the last key as the song ends.

She bowed down after finishing her song thanking the other costumers for giving her their attention. She then walked back to Mina who was staring intently at her while smiling brightly.


“Surprise?” Dahyun said with hesitation giving Mina a bouquet of red roses.

“So you planned this whole thing?” Mina ask still smiling.

Dahyun gulp “Uhhh…Yes? Did you like it?” she ask nervously.



Dahyun sighed. “It’s the song right? It’s too upbeat? It’s not romantic at all? I knew it. I should have chosen a calmer song. Argh. This is all-”

Mina cuts Dahyun’s rambling with a kiss.

“I love it silly.” Mina said giggling at the now blushing tofu.

“I don’t deserve you.” Mina said staring lovingly at Dahyun.

“But I’m nothing without you.” Dahyun replied sweetly giving Mina another kiss.

The dinner went through with them talking about random stuff.





The two decided to walk back to their apartment.

Walking side by side

Their hands fits perfectly with each other.




Mina thought with a smile.

“Babe you still have that Dr. Strange eye of agamotto right?” Dahyun who was quite the whole time suddenly ask out of nowhere.

“huh? Yeah? I think it’s in our apartment? Why suddenly?” Mina ask.

“I’m gonna use it to stop the time.” Dahyun said seriously.



Mina looks at her unimpressed

"Babe~ I only have you for like 8 hours or so! Why is time so damn fast?!" Dahyun whines.

Mina stopped walking and face her girlfriend.

"Babe you know why I have to do this right?" Mina ask sadly.

"Yeah I know. I just- I-I'm missing you so badly already." Dahyun said preventing herself from crying.

Mina hugs her and her back.

"Babe stop this please......"











".......youre being unnecessarily too extra dramatic....." Dahyun pouts at her.

"I'll be gone for like 4 days. I'll be back before you know it." Mina said hugging the girl again, giving her forehead a gentle kiss.

"B-but thats like years for me!" Dahyun whine muffled in Mina's embrace.

"How can I survive 4 days without you?? Your like my air! I can't survive that long without my air! I'm-" Mina once again cuts Dahyun with a kiss.

Pouring all what she was feeling right now into the kiss.

They stopped once they were out of breathe but still stayed close, nose to nose, eyes closed feeling each others breath in their face.

"I love you." Mina whispered breathless.

"I love you more." Dahyun replied, a sweet smile forming on their lips as they once again close the gap between them.











Song: Never be alone by Shawn Mendes


been busy lately. Adult life is so hard -__-   H E L P.

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scrpn1109 #1
Chapter 1: uwu
dkdldb #2
Chapter 1: Uwu
Chapter 1: *dies from happiness*
soonov #4
Chapter 1: Awww ?
Kk16ir #5
Chapter 1: i melted uwu
Chapter 1: ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ
11 streak #7
Chapter 1: Cute af
hazelhaze02 #8
Chapter 1: waahhh!!! i want something like this!!!! i totally love it!!! omygod its so cute
Chapter 1: This is so cute! Mihyun being all soft has got me uwu