Begin Again
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(Author’s POV)


“Stop moping already and hook up with someone or whatever. Anything’s better that being a dobby in your own ing house, Rosie!” A black haired girl barged in without any warn, looking obviously unhappy (read: pissed).


The another girl in the room just tried her best to ignore the intruder and go back to her sleep. And it only annoys the intruder even more. She forcefully shook the sleeping girl’s body who’s hiding under the blanket.


“Ugh, Jen! Please stop being so annoyingly loud early in the morning for God’s sake!” The poor red-head girl jolted on her bed because of the disturbance. She groaned and slapped away the intruder’s hand that’s still trying to shake her up from her slumber.


“It’s not even morning anymore, missy! It’s afternoon already! See? You lost track of time because you never went out of your dark chamber. You better do it soon before i drag you out by myself. And you know i’m not bluffing.”


“Gosh, you’re lucky that you’re my one and only cousin. And i hate the thought of killing someone. Hiding the body and stuff will be too troublesome.” The red-head let out a big yawn and lazily stretched out her limp body. Finally giving up the thought of having some more sleep.


“I will kill you before you can even lay a finger on me. Now get up and let’s grab a lunch or something. I’m freaking hungry right now.”


“Where’s Jisoo? You should ask your girlfriend to accompany you. And spare me so i can die in peace.”


“PARK CHAEYOUNG!” Jennie’s voice roared in the room.


The younger girl knows she’s in a serious trouble when her older cousin addressed her with her full name.


“Sorry, Jen.” She whispered out.


“Don’t say things like that so easily. Dying should not even be a joke. Ugh! Just because of one stupid boy. A moron that doesn’t even deserve a piece of your heart. Consider yourself lucky that you’re not with him anymore. Just ing forget him already!”


“*sigh* I tried, Jen. I really tried. But it’s just not so easy to mend my broken heart. I’ve been with him for almost 3 years. I—i loved him.”


“And he left you. For another girl. A it is. Like a thousand years ago. So move on will ya?”


“It’s not a thousand years ago.” Chaeyoung has to rolled her eyes at her cousin’s hyperbole. “It has been only 8 months. Give me some more time will ya?”


“Only 8 months you said? Add one more month and a newborn baby will crawling out of their mother’s womb. 8 months is not ONLY to me. I think that’s more than enough time for you to mend your broken heart and move on with your life.”


“Like i said.. it’s not so easy, Jen. It’s not like i don’t want to move on or forgetting him. I just can’t! Yet. But i believe eventually i will.”


“Of course you will. You have to. And i’m here to help you.” Jennie’s now smiling creepily at her cousin. And Chaeyoung knows that smile too well. She knows something’s wicked is running inside Jennie’s head right now. She just pray to God that the crazy idea, whatever it is, won’t be really.... crazy.


“Oh no, not finding a random hook up in a club again, Jen. Once is more than enough for that crazy idead of yours. That’s just a temporary painkiller y’know. And besides i’m too young to die in your girlfriend’s hand if Jisoo ever find out that you go to club again just for ‘helping’ me. I’m so done for.” Chaeyoung involuntarily shuddered at the thought. Jisoo is such an angel. She’s sweet and funny and all. But the jealous Jisoo is the total opposite. Even her own girlfriend, Kim Jennie can’t do anything to protect herself once the green-eyed monster get released out.


“Nah.. i don’t want to die in Jisoo’s hand either no matter how much i love her. I mean i want to have a long long life so i can grow old with her. Until we become grannies. And see our grandchildren grow up well and happy. And w—“


“Ahem!” Chaeyoung faked a cough.


“O-oh right sorry. It’s supposedly about you. Not me. Hehe.. so i was saying, i’ll help you. But it will not involving club and random hookups again. I’ll introduce you to one of my good-trusted friends. I think you two will make a cute pair.” Jennie smiles, warmly this time.


“A good friend of yours? Now i’m even more worried after knowing that fact. I mean.. look at you!” Chaeyoung teased.


“Yah! I’m still older than you. Show some respects! And besides i only meant good. Please trust me on this, Rosie. I just want to help my dear cousin. I hate to see you looking all gloomy and broken-hearted. I’ve seen that enough for 8 freaking months. I got to put an end for that. So please do this for me? I promise it’ll be my last attempt to help you to cure your broken heart.” Jennie pleaded with her puppy eyes. She even clasped her hands together and put them in front of her face, looking so desperate begging at the younger girl.


Now how can Chaeyoung say no to that and hurt her cousin’s feeling? She knows Jennie rarely beg. She hates to beg. So if she do beg, it means she decided to put aside her big pride and put everything on the line.


“Aish fine! Okay! I’ll meet your friend. FOR YOU.”


Jennie 1, Chaeyoung 0.

Jennie didn’t waste anymore time to literally jump on her cousin to give her a big hug.


“Thank you, Rosie!” Jennie beamed, showing her adorable gummy smile. “Yo—“ But Chaeyoung quickly cut her off.


“BUT!  After i met him, in return, if it’s not working out between us, you have to promise me that you’ll leave me alone and stop pushing me out. Deal, Jen?” Chaeyoung open up her palm and ask for a handshake to seal their deal.


“Deal. “ Jennie gladly took her hand and give it a light yet firm shook. “But wait.. did i ever mention anything about my friend’s gender? I didn’t remember i ever said it’s a he.” Now Jennie gets her mischievous smile back on her face.


Chaeyoung starts to feel uneasy again.


“Huh? W-what do you mean?” 


“My friend’s name is Lalisa. And she’s a girl.”


“What??! Are you nuts? Jen, you know i’m not even swing that way!” Chaeyoung looks panic now.


“I know. But no harm in trying something new, right? Besides you promised me you’ll meet my friend. We have our deal. I believe you will not back out now. Right, Rosie?” Jennie smirked.


“Ugh!! So when should i meet her?!”





(Chaeyoung’s POV)


It’s been 3 days since i made that stupid deal with Jennie on what supposedly my calm-peaceful Sunday. Until she barged in, literally speaking, and changed everything.

I feel like i’ve been framed by her. Yeah you heard me right. I’ve been framed by my own freaking cousin. Oh the irony.

So after i asked her when should i meet her friend, for supposedly a date, Jennie just smiles and said that all i have to do is wait. Because her friend will contact me soon. Damn, she already gave her friend my phone number even before i agreed to her crazy plan.


And so i waited.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s not like i’m really waiting as in anticipating my phone to ring and get a text or a call from her friend. What’s her name again? Lalalisa? No. Doesn’t seems right. Ah Lalisa! Don’t blame me. It’s just her name is rather uncommon in my ears. From what i hear from Jen, her friend is from abroad. From Thailand to be exact.


And yesterday i finally received a text from her.


Hi, Chae. I’m Lisa, J’s friend. ☺️

That was her first text. Seems she likes to shortened everyone’s name. What a weird kid.


Are you busy right now?


Came in her second text shortly after the first.


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mybruna96 #1
Chapter 1: so cute, I want more!
Ilychaeng #2
Chapter 1: THIS WAS GREAT PLEASE CONTINUE IT! I'm giddy from how cute it is! I love how you incorporated "Begin Again," Chae's favorite Taylor Swift song :)