
Who likes who?

hello! I graduated and I have a job now hehehe, lots of things changed but I happen to stumble on a certain suju vid on yt and I began listening to them again. As an apology and thank you gift for you guys waiting, here's an update! enjoyyy ~



Why did I even agree to watch movies with them? Kyu and Hae are asleep leaving me and this anchovy awkward as hell. I playfully tapped Hae's cheek to wake him but to no avail-- "let him sleep, he's too loud I can't focus on the movie." -Hyuk said as he held my hand that's on Hae's face. Why is he so touchy these days?!?!?!

"Oh okay then, sorry." -I said as I pulled my hand away and stuffed my face with popcorn. It's so hot in here should I just kick them all out?

"I'm sorry again, hyung." -Hyuk said suddenly. Huh? "What? Again? Why?" -I asked confused. Why is he apologizing all of a sudden? 

"Because I made you worry about something so stupid. I have nothing against you or anything, I'm really just stressed out. You don't have to avoid me, look down when talking to me or get all shy. You can still smack the life outta me just like before." -he said sincerely. That long statement of his is making me blush again, wtf?

"It's nothing, I'm not worried anymore it's just that I don't feel so good too that's why... but thanks, I'll smack you like the usual again, I'll keep that in mind." -I said then smacked his head making him shout.

"HYUNG! WHAT THE HELL?" -he shouted making Hae wake up. I started laughing and Hyuk suddenly pulled me into a tight hug making it harder for me to breathe. THIS RASCAL--


"Hyuk, stop. Yesungie hyung can't breathe." -Hae said softly rubbing his eyes, oh yeah he's awake. Hyuk slowly lets me go as he's looking at the ground, Is he okay?

"Oh sure... sorry." -Hyuk said softly "I'll be right back, we ran out of popcorn." -He said then left. I looked at Hae and slapped his head.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? WHY ARE YOU HITTING ME" -Hae shouted rubbing his head. "So you won't sleep again you moron. You're the one who suggested we watch movies and all you did was eat popcorn and sleep." -I retorted. 

"Sorry, I got tired of Kyu messing with me and ." --Hae said as he slapped the sleeping Kyu. There they go again, gosh they have so much energy.


"Switch places with me, I wanna sit beside Yesung hyung." -Kyu insisted but Hae keeps on clinging onto me, Lord please make them stop--


"Yah, stop messing around. Can't you guys watch a movie in peace???" -Hyuk stated annoyed, looks like he finally had enough with these kids. He sits beside me and passed a bowl of popcorn for the two morons.

"Can I sleep over tonight, hyung?" --Hae suddenly asked and I noticed Hyuk looking at us.

"When will you stop hogging Yesung hyung all to yourself huh?" -Kyu interrupted, I looked at Hae and he seems off all of a sudden.

"Sure, Hae. You can crash here for tonight." -I said smiling at him. Hae looks relieved and began teasing Kyu again. I wonder what's bugging him?

"Then can I sleep in here too?" -Hyuk asked making me choke on my popcorn--

"I'm sorry, what?" -I asked. I MEAN HE NEVER SLEEPS HERE EVER!!! Hae gazed at Hyuk confused. This is getting out of hand and I'm seriously blushing as heck so I said something that I know i'll regret so much.

"You can all sleep here tonight, so keep it down." -I finally said so they can all just shut up.

"WUHOOOO YESUNG HYUNG AND I ARE GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUNNN" -Kyu shouted right at Hae's ears to annoy him, Hae slapped him making me laugh.

"So why the sudden sleepover, buddy?" -Hae asked Hyuk. I was looking at the tv screen while they're talking so it wouldn't look like I care, I mean I really don't. 

"So I can also make fun of your face all night." -Hyuk retorted then threw a few popcorns at Hae's face. 

"The audacity! It's not like you're better looking than me, right Yesungie hyung?" -Hae turned to me.

"Don't ask me, you're both ugly." - I said with a straight face making Kyu laugh while Hae pouted and Hyuk just rolled his eyes. 


This is gonna be one loooong night. 




i sincerely apologize for not updating for a veeery long time. adulthood is all too hard and too much for me to take so uhh here I am, forgive me? hehehe take care everyone! sanitize!

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My chapters are really short. I'm not that good in writing long chapters because I might change the flow and it worries me. I seek for your understanding. Thank you for reading! <3


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402 streak #1
Chapter 7: I miss you!!! T_______T Where are you babe?
K_Chaeri298 #2
Chapter 7: Please continue this author-nim🥺 this is really reallyyyy good
Lunayaa #3
Chapter 7: Plsss writeee agaiiin
402 streak #4
Chapter 7: hei beib~ it's been a while, how are you? hope you are okay~ If you have time, please continue this, I love your story <3
Chapter 2: Authornim....comeback🤧 we really miss this! Ah you got a job? Wow! Adulting is really hard🥺
Chapter 7: Gosh I just read this and it's super fun, I didn't think I would like it as much as I do but I love it! The relationship between them is so fun to read and I like yehyukhae hehe ><
Thank you for writing, I hope you can continue~
And congrats on your job, I hope it's going well for you! :3
myeolchi5424 #7
Chapter 7: Hi dear. Congratz for ur new job. With the current state, hope u take care of urself :)

Although i subs, i dun think i hv read yet... So, I read from the start... this is really an enjoyable fic to read.
Liza_Blessedx2 #8
Chapter 7: I'm enjoying this love triangle, and looking forward to the next update :D
PathxX #9
I'm still here waiting for this fic. I really enjoy reading this. Hope you come back! :D
Alyblankspace_281507 #10
Chapter 6: Omg I just happened to stumble on this and I can't stop mentally face-palming myself of Yesung, Hyukjae and Donghae's stupidity and obliviousness. And I can't stop crackling with Donghae and Kyuhyun XD
Continue this story please authornim ㅠㅠ