9 ninth

The Suicidal Angel



The reception is full of the that word.

People are still wondering about what happened earlier at the wedding which involves Jeonghan.

"Hyung.. Are you sure you ok?"

Mingyu asked.

Jeonghan is not talking since earlier and he know something is off.

"Im sorry Gyu.. Im just.. Just.."

"It's ok. Don't need to tell me if you can't or you don't want to."

He truely understand.
He might not know the real reason but he also know the word 'privacy'.

"I'll just go to the comfort room..
Wait here ok?"

Mingyu nodded.


Jeonghan left the younger on thier table and immediately enter one of the cubicle at that comfort room.

There.. All the tears he's been holding back poured like rain.

He prepared himself so much for this day..

He thought he already can endure it. He thought it was already ok.

But he's still not.

He cried hard.. And even harder.

It hurts.. It hurts like hell.

He can't refuse the girl's favour but he can't also refuse to get hurt.

If only all of these are nightmare.. He would really love to wake up.

If only.. But it's not.


He stared at his own on the mirror in font of him.. he smiled.

He already calmed down and that was when he heared the door clicked.


That voice. He knew it.. Jeonghan was just looking at his reflection on the mirror and the moment another image pictured in.. His breath hitched.




The singer smiled and lean to hug him. While jeonghan is surprised.

"What are you doing here?"

"Nahh.. I invited you last time to be my plus one but you refused because of this wedding which turned out that we are both attending.."

Joshua giggled..

He pulled away from the angel.
He missed him. His eyes.. His warm.. His presence..

Jeonghan smiled.. but it didn't reached his eyes and Joshua took notice of it.

"I saw it earlier.. Im standing at the last row since we're late. Bumzu hyung is with me.."

"Oh.. That.. With Shin Ah."

"What's wrong Han? What happened?"

Concern voice out from Joshua.

"I saw you tracking your way here as quickly as possible.. So I followed you ending up hearing you crying.."

Jeonghan don't know what to answer..
He don't want Joshua to be bothered about it.

"Nothing.. Let's go. Mingyu is waiting for me.. He'll be wondering where I am now."

Jeonghan held Joshua's hand until they're already outside.

"Han.. Let's go out after this ok?"

Jeonghan looked back at Joshua because of the sudden invitation.

He knew it. The latter want to know something and won't let Jeonghan get away with it. He learned it from the those prior months they spent.


He answered. Joshua held his hands this time.

"Let's enjoy for now.."

And he lead the way back to the crowd.




Someone called.

Jeonghan turned around to see Shin Ah on her casual dress smiling..

"Hey.. Mind if I borrow him for a while?"

Mingyu nodded.

They were about to get out when Joshua came and ask politely..

"Shin Ah-ssi Where are you taking him?"

"You know each other?"

She asked.. Both male nod as an answer.

"Oh.. What a small world anyway.. Josh I would like to have a private talk with this angel.. Is it ok?"

Joshua.. Look at the said angel and when Jeonghan nod.. He said yes.

"I'll wait here.."


Shin Ah lead him to a room.

"Here.. "

She tapped the bed instructing Jeonghan to sit down beside her..

The male obliged. Though still wondering why Shin Ah called him and what is it that she wanted to talk about.




"Jeonghan.. I.. I want to say sorry.."

A lump on didn't let her deliver her words casually that's why Jeonghan knew she's near crying.

"Why are you apologizing?"

The girl let out sobs as tears finally escaped from her eyes.

"Im- we... Seungcheol and I.. --

Jeonghan can't seem to understand her because of her crying so he let her calm down first.

"What is it?"

He asked when the girl calmed down already.

"I always tell other people that we've been a couple for a long time.. But it's not true.. Jeonghan.. He.. He didn't cheat on you. He really love you. Seungcheol really love you."

Confused. Jeonghan open his mouth to speak but no words came out.. He don't understand.. If the guy truely love him then why?

"Arranged marriage.. Thier company is slowly failing and his dad decided to do the last option he got. My dad knew I love him since highschool.."

Jeonghan didn't dare talk so Shin Ah continued.

"We've been arranged already even before you met him Han.. But he beg me to let you two be together.."

"I tried.. Really.. We succeeded at first that's why he's still with you the last two years.. But they arranged us again because it's really necessary."

"His dad is sick.. He has a heart complication.. Seungcheol was scared not to comply with his father. So he was forced to marry me even though he really love you. These are the reasons why he can't ask you to marry him.. Why he can't introduce you to his family.."

"They know you're a special friend of Seungcheol but of course they don't know that you're together.. I.. Im sorry.. Yoon Jeonghan Im sorry. I love him too.. I swear."


Seconds later both of them are crying..



"Let's go?"

Joshua asked as he look at the angel sitting beside him at the shot gun of his car.

The pretty male nod..

Still silent from what happened earlier. He understands them. Seungcheol can't face him that's why it's only Shin Ah who told him.

"He's hurting too Jeonghan.. And so am I. Both of us don't want this to happen.. but we can't do anything to prevent it."

Remembering what Shin Ah said before he doze off to sleep.


His eyes flutters as they open to be met with an unfamiliar surrounding.

He instantly woke up and sit down.
He's on a bed. The room is very different from his. It was cream in color. With the lamp beside him that gives light to half of the room..

His eyes wonder and looked at the wide glass window covered by wide curtains he saw that it's already dark outside.. And the rain is invading the place outside.



He abruptly look back and saw Joshua on his V neck sweater and homewear pants.

"You slept earlier.. So I brought you here Since the rain is so hard."

His eyebrows narrowed.

He took a look at the place outside and he can tell that they're on a very high floor.

"Y-you carried me all the way here?"

"Yeah.. I don't want to disturbed you because you look so sound asleep."

Flustered. Jeonghan apologized.

While Joshua replied with a chuckle.

"I cooked soup since it's cold because of the rain.. Join me there but first change your clothes.. I prepared something in the bathroom."


"Yeah. So you can move comfortably.
I also have extras there.. Use them if you want."

Jeonghan nodded..

"I'll just checked the soup. Move now.."


After washing his face and brushing his teeth using the unused extra Joshua was saying earlier.. He look at his reflection on the mirror..

It fit them perfectly..

He smiled at the thought that they have the almost the same size..

He went outside the bedroom and head to the kitchen.

"Woah.. You look cute on those.
Here.. I bought bands earlier. You might need this."

He handed Jeonghan the bands he have in hand and Jeonghan thanked him.

"I really need this.. It hard to eat when my hair is disturbing my sight."

He said as he tied his hair loosely.

He seated himself in front of Joshua..

The soup was great so he compliment the latter.

"Wow. Aside from being a celebrity.. Are you somehow working as a cook?"

Jeonghan teased.

"Unfortunately no. Why? Are you hiring me Mr. Yoon?"

"Ooohh.. Sorry I would love to but I don't have enough money for your salary."

Jeonghan answered giggling.

"Im not asking for money though.."

Joshua said while looking at the angel intently.

"Really? What is it then?"

Jeonghan asked as he sip down from the broth on his bowl.


"Seeing you smile is enough.."


Silence of awkwardness crept in because Jeonghan stop from eating the moment he heared it.


"You're weird.. Jisoo."


"I know.. Because Im so handsome that's why.."

Joshu said smiling to lift the mood up.

"Dream on.."

Both of them chuckled because of thier amusing conversation.

When they finished.. Jeonghan helped Joshua washing the plates they used.

After the dish washing session they both settled on the couch..

Watching movie..

"We're supposed to do this tomorrow right?"

Jeonghan asked as he leaned his head on the other's shoulder..

While Joshua on the other hand replied a simple 'mmmh' while focusing in the movie being played in front of them.

They are intently watching the movie when Jeonghan felt Joshua's hands sneak on his waist and pulled him closer..

He obliged since he know that Joshua is just doing that to give him comfortable position.. His head on the crook of the latter's neck.. Pillowing his upper chest.

They stay like that until the movie is already finished.

Joshua turn the Tv off..

"Han?" he called.


"Let's talk.. I want you to answer me honestly.. Please be honest this time Jeonghan.. Please don't hide it.."


They stay silent with their position.
Joshua felt Jeonghan's breathing on his neck heavily..


And sobs came after.. His Angel is crying and all he can do is caress his hand while holding him in his arms whispering things to hush Jeonghan down.

He felt warm tears on the crook of his neck and felt heavier than ever.

"Han.. Let it all out on me this time.. Tell me everything.. What is it?"


"Jisoo... It.. ing hurts so much."


Joshua hand Jeonghan a glass of water as he sat down again on his spot earlier.

Jeonghan told him everything..

From his own family to his mother's death.. And last is about the newlywed couple who are bound to each other because of their parents.

"You've been crying for almost two hours now.. You're getting uglier.."

Joshua teased.. On the other hand Jeonghan gave a smile to Joshua..

"Much better.. You should always be smiling.. "

"Han? It's not that I want to -in in your own life.. But for me.. Maybe you should try to open your heart to others.. "

"What do you mean?"

"For sure.. Your mom is not happy seeing how devastated her angel is right now.. Of course she wants you to be happy.. All you have to do is let go Jeonghan.."


"Easy to say eh?"

The latter giggled painfully..

"Jeonghan.. Try looking on other things you have right now. There's so much you must be thankful for. I may not know how painful you are feeling right now.. but I know you deserve to be happy.. to be happier or even be the happiest on earth.."


"You're exaggerating Mr.."


"I know.. but my point is you should be happy and that would only happen if you open your heart completely to let other people in.."

Joshua said looking straightly and focused on Jeonghan's hazel orbs.



"Han.. Let me take your pain away.. "

He said holding his angel's cold hands..

"Jisoo.. I.. "

"It hurts me like hell seeing you crying.. I know you're still in a state of devastation because of what happened on your past.. but please.. Let me.. Let me help you forget it Han.. "


"Jisoo.. I don't want to end up hurting you.. You just met me three months ago and you've been such a very kind person to me.. You.. You helped me stand back on my feet again. I can't afford to hurt you and lose you too."

He felt a sqeeze on his hand which is on Joshua's grasp.

"Trust me on this Han.. I'll help you and if it won't work out on us.. Nothing will change. I promise."


Eager. Joshua answered as he leaned closer to Jeonghan.

"Promises are meant to be broken Jisoo.. believe me they are.."

Jeonghan said as tears stream down from his eyes as he felt Joshua's warm breath on his face leaning closer..

Joshua wipe his tears using his thumb as he caress the the angelic face he's facing right now..


"Not this time Yoon Jeonghan.. Trust me.. Not this time."


Joshua said as he locked his lips on the pretty male's plum lips..

Jeonghan hitched even though he's expecting it.. Feeling Joshua's warm kiss on his lip's seam he let him in.

Joshua deepened the kiss as he felt the  latter gave in.. Held his nape pulling him closer as ever..

They let thier selves savor the sweetness of thier cherry lips.. And pulled back to gasp air.. Only to lock it again..


More passionate and deeper.. More dominance for the other..






They spent minute just to focus on each other's eyes.. When Jeonghan speak.


"Make me forget.. "


Joshua's heart leaped the moment he heared it. That's all he has to hear so he initiated the next move he made.




The place where two unite and become one.. The two Adams did forget everything..

Yet all they know is not needing wings to fly toward heaven's door because being in each other's warm is more than enough.




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This is a rushed one. Thank you guys.


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Chapter 11: Cute
Chapter 10: That's sweet. <3 every JiHan scene was BEAUTIFUL.
btw love the poster.
Chapter 10: Aw~
This ending was sweet ^^
Jeonghan’s dream had me worried tho
Salttt #4
angge17 #5
Chapter 10: And they lived happily ever after...
789 streak #6
Chapter 11: And that's when I die at the poster XD
UshCookie #7
Chapter 9: *smiling crazily when seeing they kissed*
UshCookie #8
Chapter 2: Wow Seungcheol :( tut tut
Chapter 10: I almost had a heart attack!!! I though jisoo rly left jeonghan!!!! TT___TT
And i cant help but still feel bitter abt jeongcheol... actually i have a mixed feeling abt their relationship.. one moment i wanted to punch cheol, but the next i pitied him. Uugh...
Anyways thanks for sharing this beautiful story!!!
Phoepe #10
Chapter 10: My heart almost stopped when jisoo died.... I'm sooo happy they ended up together