My new friend

Maybe, it's been you all along

A/N: Hi readers, this fic will start off taking Seulrene from kids all the way up until adulthood, with everyone around them noticing how perfect they would be for one another, and the only two people who don’t seem to understand that will be them of course. So, yeah we’re looking at a multi chapter fic here, and I hope you all like it, and enjoy the journey with me, Moonlight’s :)


7 year old Bae Joohyun is preparing for her very first day of school, and is nervous about it. This is her first time being in Seoul, having spent most of her time in Daegu.She has no idea if she’ll be able to make friends, or if anyone will even like her. Not when she was so used to the quiet life in Daegu and the friends she had back home. Joohyun stands in the living room of her house, holding her bright purple backpack, and matching purple lunch box with tiny bunnies all over it, waiting for her mother to take her to school. Mrs. Bae appears soon enough, and knows her daughter has to be feeling anxious regarding her first day of her brand new school. It wasn’t an easy decision moving from Daegu for their family. Her husband had been offered a much better job and the money would certainly help in regards to the family’s future. The couple did discuss thoroughly how the move would ultimately affect their daughter. The parents came to the decision that the move to Seoul would most likely also benefit Joohyun as well. In the meantime, they would help their daughter adjust.


“Honey, are you feeling nervous?” She questions and kisses her cheeks.


“Yes, momma. What if I don’t make any friends, or if no one likes me?”


“You’ll make friends, baby, don’t worry. Who’s not going to like my sweet and beautiful, Hyun-ah.” Her mom smiles and assures her warmly. “Now, let’s get you going. I don’t want you to be late on your very first day.”


The walk to school was nice as she chatted away with her mother. They talked about all the possible fun things she would get to do today. Activities, like coloring and playing games sounded nice, so maybe today wouldn’t be so bad. Her new teacher greets her, and her mother at the door.


“Hi, Mrs. Bae, welcome, and this must be Joohyun. Hi. I’m Ms. Song.” The nice dark-haired woman smiles.


“Hi, Ms. Song. It’s nice to meet you?” She tells her politely, and hopes that her Daegu accent isn’t as strong right now.


The teacher nods. “It’s nice to meet you too, dear. Don’t worry, Mrs. Bae we will take good care of your Joohyun here.”


The teacher’s kind tone makes Joohyun’s mom feel even more at ease. She and her husband did enough research on potential schools, and not only did they find one close enough to their house, but one that also came with high recommendations. “Thank you, Ms. Song. Hyun is feeling a bit nervous, so I’m glad she will be in. I want you to have a good day at school okay, sweetie. I love you.”


“I love you too, mama.” Joohyun hugs her goodbye then takes Ms. Song’s offered hand. They enter the classroom together. She immediately sees some kids playing with toys or coloring. Some are in a circle having story time with a second teacher in the room.


“Class. May I please have your attention. We have a new student with us today. Introduce yourself to everyone okay, sweetie."


“Hi. I’m Bae Joohyun and I’m new here, so please take care of me.”


“Hi, Joohyun.” There is a chorus of voices around the room.


“You can sit anywhere you’d like, okay Joohyun.  Do anything you wish, some children are coloring, or playing games. Have fun today, alright.”


Joohyun has choices, but she doesn’t know what to do. There are a group of boys on the playmats using trucks, cars, and other toy automobiles. She also sees another group of girls playing with a pretend kitchen set. She has one at home, so she is very familiar with said toy.


“Hi, may I play with you.” She asks politely.


“Not now, newbie.” One of them tells her. “We don’t know if you’ll mess it up.


Joohyuny nods, and leaves while one of the girls hits the rude one. “Hey, that was mean, Jennie. You know that she’s new here.”


The boys that she saw playing with cars look way too involved to notice her, and are arguing with each other. She doesn’t really want any part of their fight. She sits down at an empty table, and is so anxious on what to do next. There are other kids hanging around with each other. She could try talking to them, but notices there is a girl in a white shirt and orange shorts. She looks like she’s heading her way. Joohyun really hopes she’s about to make a new friend right now.


“Hi...oh…" The girl in the shorts trips right away.


“Oh no.” Joohyun gets up and hurries over to help her up. “Are you okay?”


The girl looks up and smiles at her, eyes forming crescent shapes. Joohyun can’t help but notice how very teddy bear like the girl looks. She has sharp monolids, cute round-shaped ears, button nose, and…. Joohyun can feel her cheeks burn for some reason, that she doesn’t know why.


“Teddy bear.”


“Yes, I’m okay. Thank you for helping me.” The cute girl then offers her hand. “Hi. I’m Kang Seulgi. You’re new here, right?”


“Y-Yes, I am.” She smiles. “I’m Joohyun.”


Seulgi nods. “Hi, Joohyun. It’s nice to meet you.”


“It’s nice to meet you too, Seulgi.”


Seulgi remembers being the new kid too, and it’s not the best feeling. It’s why the minute she saw her new classmate sitting on her own, it took Seulgi no time to introduce herself. The girl is really pretty too, and Seulgi thinks she has a cute accent in her voice.


“Don’t sit alone, okay. I’ll sit with you. We can draw something together, is that okay?”


It was more than okay. She thought for sure she’d be alone today. But now that Seulgi is here. It already doesn’t feel so lonely. There is something really bright and warm about Seulgi that makes Joohyun feel really comfortable already.


“Sure, I’d love to Seulgi.”


Joohyun gets handed some paper and they share a box of crayons between them. Joohyun isn’t much of an artist but she does like to color things. She tries her best to draw the bunny from her bag. But it doesn’t quite look right. She looks to see Seulgi is drawing a bear, and it’s pretty perfect looking. Little Joohyun’s mouth drops.


“Wow you’re really good, Seulgi.”


“Thanks!” She warmly smiles. “I like to draw. What did you draw?”


“Oh, um…” She looks embarrassed, and tries to turn her paper over. Seulgi takes a hold of it, and tries to figure out what it is.


“Is it a person?”


“No, not really. I tried to draw the bunny from my bag.”


“Oh, that’s okay. No one’s good the first time they draw, and bunnies can be hard.” Seulgi kindly offers.Maybe so, but Joohyun has the feeling that Seulgi could probably draw a bunny with no issue.


“You’re really good at coloring, Joohyun.”


“T-Thanks.” She smiles, and already feels better from her not so good drawing. Since, Seulgi likes how she colors.



Snack time rolls around, and Seulgi offers to share some of her cookies and apple slices with her. In turn, Joohyun offers some of her brownie, as well as orange slices her mother packed for her.


“Thanks, Joohyun. This brownie is really good.”


“These cookies too. Did your mommy make them for you?”


“Yea.” Seulgi nods. “I couldn’t help without eating most of the cookie dough, so she told me to just watch cartoons.”


The shorter of the two laughs at how cute of an image that sounds like. Seulgi with her hands in cookie dough, and her mother banishing her to watch tv.


“I helped my mommy make these brownies.”


“Wow.” Seulgi sounds amazed. “You must be really good. If you’re mommy lets you help her.”


“I like to help her in the kitchen, it's fun. Maybe, I can help you one day Seulgi.”


“Yeah!” The monolid girl sounds excited. “I’d really like that, Joohyun.”


Joohyun finds that she really would like that too. Maybe Seulgi could come over, and the two of them can help make desserts with her mom.


“Thank you for sharing your snacks with me.” She politely tells her.


“Thank you for sharing with me too, Joohyun.”


They spend the rest of the day in a circle, singing songs with their classmates, and learning basic counting numbers. Joohyun is honestly having so much fun singing along with Seulgi, and playing games together. They also spend some time building a lego block tower. That they both happily knock down when it’s finished. She is having so much fun. That she isn’t even aware it’s time to go, until parents are showing up to get their kids.


She sees her mom. “Oh, it’s my mommy. I have to go now.”


“Okay.” Seulgi nods. “It was nice meeting you, Hyunnie.” The monolid girl says a nickname for her, and it makes the shorter girl smile brightly. “I hope you had a good first day here."



She definitely had, and it was all thanks to this cute bear-like girl named Seulgi.


“I did. Thank you, Seulgi.” She launches herself into hug Seulgi. It startles the slightly taller girl. Joohyun notices right away, and hopes she didn’t do anything wrong.


“Oh. I’m sorry, Seulgi. I didn’t mean to upset you.


“No, no you didn’t.” She assures. “I’m just not used to hugs like this.”


“Oh, well. I really like hugs. Maybe you’ll like them if I hug you.”


Seulgi stands dumbfounded for a moment. Then she also feels her own face heat up, for reasons she doesn’t quite understand.


“Uh, okay.” She smiles. “I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”


“Yeah, of course you will. I’ll see you tomorrow Seulgi, bye.” She waves goodbye, and Seulgi waves back. Then she heads to her mother, who scoops her up into a hug.


“Hi. Baby did you have a nice day?” She asks while walking away hand in hand.


“I did Mama. I had a lot of fun today.”


Joohyun goes into details about her fun day, coloring, making lego towers, and singing silly songs with her classmates. Her mom is glad to hear that her daughter isn’t mentioning anything about her earlier nerves. In fact, she sounds like she’s had a really good day.


“Did you make any friends, sweetie?”


“Yes.” Joohyun smiles. “I made a new friend. She’s really nice mommy.”


Mrs. Bae gives a smile back. She is glad that her daughter made a new friend today. She knew that her little girl was particularly worried about making new friends.


“I’m so happy for you. I knew you’d be okay today. What’s your new friend's name?”


“Seulgi, mom. Her name is, Kang Seulgi!”


“Oh, the cute little girl in the white shirt, I saw you talking with earlier.”


“Yes. She looks like a teddy bear, mommy.”


“Hm.” Her daughter sounds very excited about her new friend.


“I hope that we’ll be friends for a really long time.”


“I’m sure that you will, Joohyun-ah. I’m sure that you will sweetie.”



A/N: ah, fluff overload lol. But it’s a decent start I think, let me know if you think it should be continued or not. Thanks for reading ^^

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 1: A proactive bear and a hugging bunny makes for a good start of a story. When you plan to continue this, I hope you don't fastfoward too fast as kids Seulrene are definitely just as cute as their grown up selves.
sphere1803 #3
Chapter 1: the UWU JUMPED OUT!!! ㅠ____ㅠ so beautiful uwaaa
Chapter 1: ooh my.. im super excited for this! i love kiddies seulrene! they're even more fluffier than adult seulrene xD
Chapter 1: YES PLSSSS
Majopa22 #6
Chapter 1: This is so sweet and innocent. Please continue this bear of fluffiness!
Chapter 1: Please continue, i would like to know they journey until they edult.
cutey111 147 streak #8
Chapter 1: No doubt that this will the fluffiest fix of seulrene! I'm already in love with kid seulrene, I have a weakness for them and can't resist their cuteness! This should be continuedand we get to see them bloom !
Yujurgini #9