Chapter 3


Yoongi was writing some lyrics down while listening to his two best friends argue.

“All I’m saying is that 80’s music is and will always be the god tier music genre, just admit that you are wrong.”

“Oh, please have you listened to 2000’s R&B? Nothing can compare to that beauty,” sighed Namjoon dreamily.

“Are you honestly ting on the best bops of the universe for some guys in fedoras dancing to sad songs?” retorted Hyojin.

“How dare you!,” replied Namjoon mock offended, “The fedoras shaped the music as we know it.”

“How can I be friends with a fedora-apologist? I want my friendship card revoked!” said Hyojin stretching her hand out.

“Over my dead body!” said Namjoon sticking his tongue out.

“Hey 4-year-olds, have you forgotten that we have an album to work on? Can you be quiet for 2 goddamn minutes?” grumbled Yoongi not looking up from his notebook.

”We are just getting rid of the stress while simultaneously trying to come up with the title song. Pull that stick off your for once.”

“Hyojin, you are so damn lucky you are older than me,” said Yoongi shaking his head.

“Or what? Square up , I aint afraid of you. You are skinnier than my left thigh,” retorted Hyojin waiving her fist around.

Yoongi just shook his head again.

“Why did I even agree to have a shared work-space?” nearly whined Yoongi.

“You didn’t agree, Jin made you,” replied Namjoon from his seat.

“No one asked you, you overgrown giraffe.”

“Since I’m male, an overgrown giraffe would indicate that I’m nearly 6m tall which would be impossible, since I’m in this building and the standard room in this building is…”

“ANYWAYS, I think plain and simple pop songs would go better with the whole prince charming thing,” said Yoongi effectively shutting up Namjoon.

“What about the title track?” asked Hyojin.

“Ballad? What else would suit a lovesick prince more? What you guys think?” asked Yoongi looking between Namjoon and Hyojin.



“I have some stuff written down. Wanna see?” asked Yoongi.

“Min “Genious” Suga, please grace as with your talent.”

“And please let it be as cringy and cheesy as it can possibly be,” added Namjoon.

“I got you guys don’t worry.”

It was interesting how quickly they went from playful children to being  the 3 most valued producers in the industry. They worked together amazingly well.

“Oh, I really like the shoulder thing, it’s cheesy and cute,” noted Hyojin.

“Yeah, I’ll say it’s a bit too cute for you. Do you have some news for us?” asked Namjoon wiggling his eyebrows.

Screw him and his attentiveness.

Namjoon was always good at reading Yoongi, especially through his lyrics. He was the first to realize that Yoongi was in love with Hoseok, the first to realize how broken he was after him. Yoongi always poured his emotions I his lyrics and Namjoon always caught them. Sometimes he didn’t comment on it and just subtly tried to look after Yoongi, other times he just teased Yoongi. Sadly, this time it was the second.

“Oh, who? When?” Hyojin didn’t even bother to hide the excitement in her voice.

“No one, never. Chill guys. It’s just a song.”

“Yeah right, “The last” was just a song too and yet you saw a therapist 3 months after its release. You haven’t dated anyone, like. ever. We are happy for our friend.”

“Don’t be so selfish, I want to meet the cutie that stole our grandpa’s icy heart,” supplied Hyojin.

“Why are you so sure they are cute?”

Namjoon and Hyojin just looked at him like “are you for real”.

“You have a type.”

“I don’t.”




“I’m so glad I’m paying you all 6 digit numbers  just so you guys would spend your time fighting like kindergarteners,” said Jin, who apparently had entered their room and caught his workers fighting like kids.

The trio turned to look at their boss.

“At least pretend to be ashamed,” nearly whined Seokjin.

“Can’t be bothered. What’s up?” asked Yoongi.

Seokjin sighed like the drama queen he was.

“You know one of these days I’d just fire you all,” said Jin fully knowing he’d never do that, “Anyways, we made some changes to the original plan for the album, so we’ll have a meeting in 10 minutes with Jungkook and Jimin to discuss it. I’d would be highly flattered if you guys would join,” added he sarcastically.

“Anything for you, boss. Right, Namjoon?” asked Hyojin wiggling her eyebrows at Namjoon.

Namjoon just blushed and quickly stood up muttering ‘nosy ’ under his breath. Hyojin just chuckled and followed them. Yoongi couldn’t hide his smile; he’d see Jimin soon.




Jimin looking sad was the first thing Yoongi noticed upon entering the room.

He wanted to catch his eyes and maybe subtly ask him if he was ok, but Jimin kept his eyes downcast even during the greetings. He sat right across Jimin, not bothering to look at anyone else in the room.

“So as we know, originally we were supposed to have 10 songs and 1 instrumental for this album, but our sponsors and J&J’s manager decided to add another song- Jungkook’s solo.”

“What about Jimin?” asked Yoongi surprising everyone in the room, even the boy in front him.

Seokjin raised his eyebrows.

“Didn’t know you guys were close?”

Oh crap.

Everyone in the room was staring at him. Crap, did Yoongi dig his grave.

“I mean, they are a duo, if one gets a solo, the other should as well, don’t you think?”

This could fool some people in that room, but definitely not Jin or his coworkers who were having conversation with their looks so obviously that Yoongi wanted to smack them both on their heads. They wouldn’t let him live it down.

“Oh, well,” started duo’s manager, “We don’t want to have 13 songs, since our international audience is huge and having an unlucky number would damage the sales. Plus Jimin is the main dancer rather than the singer. Jungkook would sing the solo and he would dance to it. No offence, but a lot of our fans and managers agree that Jungkook’s voice is suited for any kind of song so he can pull off a solo. What about Jimin, he can have a solo on the other album, if he works more on his voice.”

With every word Jimin tightened his grip on his sleeves. It was pretty subtle, but for Yoongi it was obvious the boy was sad. Yoongi’s blood started boiling.

“What do you mean ‘work on his voice’? He is one of the best singers I ever worked with,” retorted Yoongi anger lacing his every word.

He was glaring so hard at the manager, that if the looks could kill, he would long be in the 7th circle of hell.

“I’m not saying that his voice is bad,” hurriedly replied the manager not expecting such an outburst from the producer, “It’s just Jungkook has more fans and he is naturally gifted. Jungkook is pretty quick on learning the songs. Although Jimin is also very talented, but he takes longer time which we don’t have now.”

Yoongi was seconds away from punching the guy. He abruptly stood up.

“Are you implying Jimin is less talented?!” Yoongi was nearly shouting.

Before the manager could get over the initial shock of being yelled at by Yoongi, Jimin suddenly spoke up.

“I’m very thankful for worrying about me, Yoongi-ssi, but it’s fine. I expected this to happen and I’m okay with just dancing.”

To the others Jimin sounded a bit stern, but Yoongi knew that voice; Jimin was barely managing to control his tears.

Jimin was staring at Yoongi begging him with his eyes to drop it. Sparing the boy, Yoongi sat down and tried to pretend to be listening to the meeting, while in fact he was closely watching every move Jimin made across him.


 When the meeting was over, Jimin was the first to leave. Yoongi didn’t care how un-subtle it was. He rushed after him.

Jimin was gripping the cup in his hand so tightly Yoongi was worried it’d break. He quickly took the cup from Jimin’s hand and put it on the table next to them.

“Are you okay?” asked he worriedly.


Jimin was still refusing to look at Yoongi.

“Jimin, don’t lie. No one can be ‘okay’ after that. Do you want to talk about it?”

Jimin was still not looking at him. He was nervously pulling his sleeves and biting his bottom lip.

Yoongi gently put his fingers on the boys chin and lifted the boy’s head.

“At least look at me,” he said softly.

Jimin’s eyes were glistering with unshed tears. He looked like he was on the brick of losing it, a second more and he’d break.

Yoongi wanted to do something, anything to console the boy. The slowly came closer wanting to hug him. Jimin’s eyes closely watched his every move. When Yoongi was inches away from Jimin’s face, the sound of the shattering glass made Yoongi flinch and pull away from Jimin as if he got burnt.

He turned around to see Namjoon staring at him as if he had grown a third head.

“Hyung, what happened to your cup? Oh, Jimin hyung, I was just looking for you. Manager hyung needs us now,” quickly spoke Jungkook who just came to stand beside a frozen Namjoon.


On his way out Jimin gently squeezed Yoongi bicep and threw him one last look as if trying to tell him something. Yoongi knew exactly what - see you soon.




“Joonie, you look like you’ve seen a ghost. Are you okay? Did you suddenly find one of the old photoshoots Jin had before becoming our CEO?” asked Hyojin amusedly.

“I-I… he… um…” replied Namjoon intelligently.

Yoongi just rubbed his temples fully knowing that these are the last seconds of peace he’d have tonight. Why were his friends the nosiest on the earth?

“Yoongi, any idea why is Namjoon malfunctioning?” asked Hyojin.

“Hell if I know,” casually laid Yoongi.

Namjoon, on the other hand, seemed to have come to his senses.

“Yoongi…Jimin…kissing…kitchen…” mumbled Namjoon.

“THE WHAT THE WHO?” all but shouted Hyojin.

Here it came. Rip Yoongi’s years  1993-2018. Gone but not forgotten.

“Yoongi! Kissing Jimin! In the kitchen!” shouted back Namjoon.

“IS THIS TRUE?” asked Hyojin still in shock.

“Calm your Hyojin. We weren’t kissing,” replied Yoongi calmly.

“Firstly, my won’t calm down until I understand how you went from barely talking to Jimin to defending him and then kissing. Secondly, Namjoon, you better tell me all the details before I kill you both.”

“I went to the kitchen to get my coffee, but when I opened the door I saw Yoongi and Jimin standing very close to each other, with Yoongi’s head titled and all. Although, Jimin’s eyes were open, what’s up with that?” finally Namjoon calmed down enough to be able to talk again.

“Repeating again for bastards like you two, we weren’t kissing. Jimin was sad so I went to check up on him. He didn’t raise his eyes so I tried to make him to look at me. It may seem that we were kissing, but we weren’t really. I was just checking up on him, happy?”

Yoongi didn’t even finish his sentence when he heard both of his friends squeal at the same time.

“Idiots,” muttered Yoongi already feeling the headache.


Yoongi didn’t even reply to her. He turned around trying to pretend they didn’t exist.


Hyojin gasped dramatically. Yoongi just sighed, equally dramatically.

“Wait, but you are always with us, how do you guys manage to meet up? You basically don’t leave this building even at ni… , DON’T TELL ME YOU STAYED HERE TO ?” asked Hyojin loud enough to kill Yoongi’s eardrums.

Namjoon dramatically gasped and clutched his heart.


Hyojin looked just as scared.

“You know what, yeah we did. Twice on your desk, Namjoon,” at that words Namjoon looked like he didn’t know whether to cry or puke, “And thrice on yours, Hyojin. We even used your scarf as a .”

Hyojin shouted and threw her scarf off her neck. Yoongi smirked triumphaly.

“, Yoongi, I nearly believed that,” sighed Namjoon as he caught Yoongi’s smirk.

“But seriously, when did it all happen? And more importantly how?” asked Hyojin as she lifted her scarf of the ground.

Yoongi knew there was no way he’d avoid telling them the truth. Knowing them they would go ask Jimin himself if he kept quiet, so he sighed and told them the whole story trying to miss out as many details as possible.

After he finished, the duo was silent. Hyojin was the one to break the silence.

“That’s really cute.”

Namjoon nodded.

The duo was uncharacteristically quiet. They were both at loss of words. Yoongi just turned around on his desk and started working again.




 Yoongi was dozing off on his desk. Jimin quietly entered the room and sat on Namjoon chair not before rolling it next to Yoongi’s.

Yoongi was cute asleep. His permanent scowl was gone and replaced with a serene expression. His face was resting on his hand and his cheek was smashed cutely.

Avoiding beeing creepy was the only thing keeping Jimin from taking a photo of him. He leaned on the table mimicking Yoongi’s position and looked at him. He was gorgeous.

As Jimin was staring at Yoongi dreamily, when he noticed Yoongi stirring; he was waking up. He stretched himself like a cat and Jimin all but closed his mouth with his hands not to squeal at the sight.

Yoongi slowly opened his eyes.

“Jimin~” he whispered longingly with a small smile on his face before he suddenly jolted awake realizing that it was in fact Jimin a few centimeters away from his face.

He quickly rubbed his eyes.

“What are you doing here?”

“Came to see you obviously. Had a lot of free time,” replied Jimin still sprawled on the table.

Yoongi quickly checked his phone afraid he had overslept again.

“But it’s only 12:30?”


“We were supposed to meet at 3am?” asked Yoongi as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Do you want me to go?” asked Jimin amusedly.

“No! Of course not, I just mean it’s earlier than usual,” replied Yoongi rubbing his neck.

“Well, everyone left 2 hours ago and sitting in a room alone for 5 hours wasn’t all that appealing, especially today, so I decided to go look for you myself.”


Honestly, Yoongi was too sleepy to function at the moment especially if a cute Park Jimin was staring at him like that. He blushed and didn’t know what to say.

“You seem sleepy. Do you need coffee? I’m gonna dump all my emotional baggage on you today so I’d appreciate if you were conscious when I did it.”

Oh, so that’s why he came here.

“Sure, I’ll go get some. Wait, here.”

“No, I’ll do it. You stay here and try to wake up,” Jimin smiled sweetly and went out of the room.

It was going to be a long night for Yoongi’s heart.

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KwonEunMinchim #1
Chapter 7: I love it!!! it was awesome hehehe please make an epilogue :D
Forlanathegreat #2
Chapter 7: Giirrlllll i almost cried
YoonSeokLovers77 #3
please continue~ I love it XD